PDF Documents

This is an archive of documentation for the PS/2 and PC Server machines, the MCA architecture, and other related hardware and software.

Hardware Maintenance Manual (HMM)
Technical Reference (TR)
Hardware Interface Technical Reference (HITR)
BIOS Interface Technical Reference
Video Subsystem Technical Reference Manual (VGA, XGA)
Adapters - Technical Reference Manuals
Disk Drives - Technical Reference Manuals
BASIC Manuals
Other IBM Publications
SCB Architecture
Token-Ring Network - Introduction and Planning Guide
IBM Product Books - Withdrawn

Collected by Peter Wendt (original), Louis Ohland and Tomáš Slavotínek. Last update: 06 Jan 2024

Hardware Maintenance Manual (HMM)

IBM Personal System/2 HMM, 3rd Ed. (Oct 1994) (484 pages) (alt version)
IBM PC Servers HMM, 2nd Ed. (Mar 1996) (557 pages)
   PC Server 300, 310, 320, 500, 520, 720, SCSI Enclosure, Expansion Enclosure
IBM Personal Computer HMM, 300 Series, 700 Series, IntelliStation (Jun 1998) (472 pages)
IBM Personal Computer HMM, 300 Series, 700 Series, IntelliStation (Mar 1999) (610 pages)
IBM Mobile Systems HMM, Vol. 1: Laptop, Notebook, Portable and ThinkPad Computers (503 pages)
   Laptop L40SX, CL57, Notebook N45SL, N51XX, Portable P70/P75
IBM Mobile Systems HMM, Vol. 2: ThinkPad Computers (508 pages)
   ThinkPad 3xxx, 7xxx
IBM PS/note Model N45SL (2614) HMM (77 pages)
IBM Personal System/2 HM Library Supplement XGA-2 Display Adapter (Sep 1992) (10 pages)
IBM Personal System/2 8517 and 9517 Color Displays HMR (Jul 1992) (47 pages)

Technical Reference (TR)

Model 25 (8525), 1st Ed. (Jun 1987) (349 pages)
Model 30 (8530), 1st Ed. (Jan 1987) (348 pages) (original scan by David Beem)
Model 50 (8550), 1st Ed. (May 1988) (62 pages)
Model 50 (8550), 3rd Ed. (Oct 1990) (66 pages) (scan by Peter Wendt)
Model 55 (8555), 1st Ed. (Feb 1989) (68 pages) (Internet Archive)
Model 55 (8555), 2nd Ed. (Oct 1990) (64 pages) (scan by Peter Wendt)
Model 60 (8560), 1st Ed. (May 1988) (56 pages)
Model 60 (8560), 2nd Ed. (Oct 1990) (60 pages) (scan by Peter Wendt)
Model 65 SX (8565), 2nd Ed. (Oct 1990) (66 pages) (scan by Peter Wendt)
Model 70 (8570), 1st Ed. (May 1988) (74 pages)
Model 70 (8570), 4th Ed. (Oct 1990) (96 pages) (scan by Peter Wendt)
Model P70 (8573), 1st Ed. (Apr 1989) (98 pages)
Model 80 (8580), 1st Ed. (Apr 1987) (612 pages)
Model 80 (8580), 1st Ed. (May 1988) (88 pages)
Model 80 (8580), 3rd Ed. (Oct 1990) (96 pages) (scan by Peter Wendt)
Model 90 XP 486 (8590), 1st Ed. (Oct 1990) (96 pages) (scan by Peter Wendt)
Model 95 XP 486 (8595), 1st Ed. (Oct 1990) (92 pages) (scan by Peter Wendt)

Models 50 and 60, 1st Ed. (Apr 1987)

Chpt. 1, System Description
Chpt. 2, Micro Channel Architecture
Chpt. 3, System Board
Chpt. 4, System Board I/O Controllers Index and Keyboard/Mouse
Chpt. 4, System Board I/O Controllers, Video Controller
Chpt. 4, System Board I/O Controllers Diskette, Serial, Parallel and NVRAM
Chpt. 5, Power
Chpt. 6, Keyboard
Chpt. 7, 80286/287 Microprocessor Instruction Sets
Chpt. 8, Characters and Keystrokes
Chpt. 9, Compatibility


Scanned and released by Matthew D'Asaro. Link to Matthew's blog HERE.

Model 30 (8530) (6/9/91) (8 Sheets)
Model 30-286 (8530) (11/1/91) (6 Sheets)
Model 50 (8550) (5/23/91) (16 Sheets)
Model 80 (8580) (10/16/91) (20 Sheets)

IBM Type 3179 Monitor (6/27/91) (1 Sheet)
IBM Type 3179A Monitor (9/16/91) (2 Sheets)

Note: These are not official IBM documents. Instead, the schematics seem to have been created through reverse-engineering by a 3rd party. As such, the diagrams contain numerous errors and inaccuracies.

Hardware Interface Technical Reference (HITR)

HITR, 1st Ed. (May 1988) (625 pages)

HITR - Architectures, 1st Ed. (Oct 1990)

Preface (6 pages)
Micro Channel Architecture (166 pages)
Micro Channel Adapter Design (32 pages)
Setup (58 pages)
Connector Definition (cutout) (9 pages)

HITR - Common Interfaces, 1st Ed. (Oct 1990) (950 pages)

HITR - Common Interfaces, 1st Ed. (Oct 1990), partially updated

Preface (6 pages)
Microprocessor and Instruction Set (106 pages)
Direct Memory Access Controller Type 1 (15 pages)
DMA Controller Architecture (Jul 1992) (98 pages)
Extended and detailed section about the Type 1 and 2 Controllers with their features and programming.
The original 1990-section covers only the base (Type 1) DMA controller.
Interrupt Controller (18 pages)
System Timers Type 1 (20 pages)
Diskette Drive Controller (46 pages)
Keyboard and Auxiliary Device Controller (20 pages)
Revised version with correct page count and order but with genuine IBM spelling-error.
Serial Port Controller (48 pages)
Parallel Port Controller (26 pages)
Video Subsystem (126 pages)
Keyboard 101- and 102-Key (54 pages)
Characters and Keystrokes (12 pages)
Compatibility (32 pages)

HITR - Video Subsystems, 1st Ed. (Sep 1992) (444 pages)

BIOS Interface Technical Reference

BIOS Interface Technical Reference, 1st Ed. (Apr 1987) (218 pages)
BIOS Interface Technical Reference, 2nd Ed. (May 1988) (466 pages)

1st Ed. (Sep 1991)

Preface (6 pages)
Sections 1 & 2 (Pages 1-1 to 2-IN70-2) (188 pages)
Sections 3 to 7 (Pages 3-1 to 7-14) (68 pages)
ABIOS Sections 1 to 6 (Pages 3 to 6-ID04-10) (144 pages)
ABIOS Section 6 cont. (Pages 6-ID05-1 to 6-ID18-12) (150 pages)

55SX Supplement for the Hardware Interface and BIOS Interface Technical Reference
65SX Supplement for the Hardware Interface and BIOS Interface Technical Reference
P70 Supplement for the Hardware Interface and BIOS Interface Technical Reference
XGA Adapter Interface, 1st Ed. (Sep 1990) (173 pages)

Video Subsystem Technical Reference Manual

Preliminary Draft (May 1992)

Content / Preface (18 pages)
VGA Function (Pages 2-1 to 2-111) (112 pages)
XGA Function (Pages 3-1 to 3-190) (191 pages)
XGA Function (Pages 3-191 to 3-280) (90 pages)
Display Connector (Page 4-1 to 4-12) (14 pages)

Adapters - Technical Reference Manuals

Dual Asynchronous Adapter/A (30 pages)
Multi Protocol Adapter/A (94 pages)
SCSI Adapter/A (96 pages)
SCSI Adapter with Cache/A (96 pages)
ESDI Fixed Disk Drive Adapter/A (60 pages)
XGA Adapter, 1st Ed. (Sep 1990) (19 pages)

Disk Drives - Technical Reference Manuals

IBM PS/2 3.5 Inch Floppy Disk Drives TR (S42G-2914-00) (24 pages)
IBM PS/2 CD-ROM Drive Technical Reference (38 pages)
IBM 3363 Optical Disk Drive (WORM) TRM (130 pages)

BASIC Manuals

IBM PC BASIC (May 1982) (544 pages)
IBM PCjr BASIC (Jun 1983) (682 pages)
IBM PC BASIC Reference (May 1984) (497 pages)
IBM PC BASIC Quick Reference (May 1984) (34 pages)
IBM PC BASIC Handbook General Programming Information (May 1984) (130 pages)
IBM 3270 PC Supplement to BASIC (Apr 1985) (51 pages)

Other IBM Publications

DASD Storage Interface Specification Micro Channel (REV 2.2) (82 pages)
PS/2 Model 30 286 Guide to Operations, 1st Ed. (Sep 1988) (69 pages)
PS/2 Model P75 486 Quick Reference, 1st Ed. (Oct 1990) (130 pages)
PS/2 Models 95 XP 486, 90 XP 486, 55LS and P75 486 Fundamentals, 1st Ed. (Oct 1990) (200 pages)
PS/2 and PS/ValuePoint Subsystems, 1st Ed. (Dec 1992) (174 pages)
PS/2 Installation Planning and Beyond!, 1st Ed. (Feb 1992) (106 pages)
PC Server 720 User's Reference, 1st Ed. (Jul 1995) (146 pages)
Understanding Performance Tuning Theory for IBM OS/2 LAN Server, 1st Ed. (Nov 1994) (250 pages)
IBM PC Server and Novell NetWare Integration Guide, 1st Ed. (Dec 1995) (235 pages)
Local Area Network Concepts and Products: Adapters, Hubs and ATM (May 1996) (326 pages)
Token-Ring Network - Architecture Reference (Sep 1989) (482 pages)
Token-Ring Network - Problem Determination Guide (Nov 1988) (390 pages) (thx to Ray Zeisz)
Installation Guidelines for IBM Token-Ring Network Products (Sep 1988) (470 pages)
IBM PC Network Bridge Program - User's Guide (Jun 1990) (239 pages) (original scan)
International Catalog of Micro Channel Adapter Cards (Jun 1992) (224 pages)
PS/2 Micro Channel OEM Hardware Product Guide (1988) (174 pages)

Personal Computer Family Service Information Manual (Jan 1989) (384 pages)
A Guide to IBM Personal Computers (Apr 1985) (427 pages)
Products Development Planning Guide (IBM Confidential), 1st Ed. (Jun 1987) (197 pages)

IBM PS/2 and PC Publication and Education References (Jan 1989) (72 pages)
IBM PS/2 and PC Product Reference, Version 4.0 (Apr 1987) (326 pages)
IBM PS/2 and PC Product Reference, Version 4.0 (Sep 1988) (244 pages)
IBM Technical Directory (Jan 1988) (16 pages)
IBM Technical Directory (Jun 1988) (15 pages)
IBM Technical Directory, Tenth Edition (Jun 1992) (48 pages)

IBM 8573 Service Summary
IBM 8580 Service Summary

IBM 7785 Hardware Maintenance Reference/Service, 1st Ed. (Apr 1993) (249 pages)
   For IBM 7785 Service Bay System (SBS) (based on PS/2 Model 80 Type 2?)

SCB Architecture (Subsystem Control Block)

1st Ed. (Jan 1991)

Introduction, Overview, and Capabilities
Locate Mode Overview, Physical, Delivery, and Processing Levels, Design Considerations
Move Mode Physical, Delivery, and Processing Levels, Design Considerations, Architectural Compliance

Token-Ring Network - Introduction and Planning Guide

4th Ed. (Sep 1990) (GA27-3677-3)

Chapter 1 - Understanding the Token-Ring Network
Chapter 2 - Planning a Network Using Permanently Installed Cable
Chapter 3 - Filling Out the Planning Documents
Chapter 4 - Connecting to the Established Network
Chapter 5 - Installing Your Token-Ring Network
Chapter 6 - Changing Configurations
Appendix A - Additional Considerations for Determining Ring Size Limits
Appendix B - Planning Forms
Appendix C - A Sample Program for Filling Out the Planning Charts
Appendix D - Specifications for 62.5-Micron Optical Fiber Cables
Glossary - Abbreviations and Glossary

IBM Product Books - Withdrawn

IBM PS/2 1992 to 1995 - withdrawn
IBM PC Servers 1992 to 1998 - withdrawn (Dec 1998 - Ver. 172)
IBM PC 1994 to 2000 - withdrawn (Nov 2000 - Ver. 212)
IBM ThinkPad Notebooks 1992 to 2001 - withdrawn (Jan 2001 - Ver. 214)
IBM ValuePoint 1992 to 1995 - withdrawn
IBM SCSI Disks and Controllers 1992 to 1999 - withdrawn (Jun 2001 - Ver. 224)
IBM Monitors April 1987 to 2005 - withdrawn (May 2005 - Ver. 291)


(sourced from 1000bit.it)


PS/2 Model 30
PS/2 Model 30 286
PS/2 Model 35 SX and 35 LS
PS/2 Models 35 SX with PS/2 Color Display
PS/2 Model 40 SX
PS/2 Model 50
PS/2 Model 50 Z
PS/2 Model 55 SX
PS/2 Models 55 SX and 55 LS
PS/2 Models 56 SLC and 56 SLC LS, Models 56 SX and 56 LS
PS/2 Model 57 SX
PS/2 Model 60 (alt)
PS/2 Model 65 SX
PS/2 Model 70 386
PS/2 Model 80 (alt)
PS/2 Model 80 386
PS/2 Model 90 XP 486 series (alt)
PS/2 Model 95 XP 486 series (alt)
PS/2 Model P70 386
PS/2 Model CL57 SX
PS/2 Model L40 SX (alt)
PS/2 Models N51 SLC and N51 SX

PS/note N45 SL

6152 Academic System

ThinkPad 700 & 700C PS/2

PS/2 Facts and Features (G360-2832-08) (PS/2 model comparisons)
IBM ThinkPad Facts and Features (G326-0255-00) (thx to Jelte)


PS/2 Monochrome Display 8503 (alt)
PS/2 Monochrome Display 8507
PS/2 Monochrome Display family
PS/2 Color Display 8511
PS/2 Color Display 8512
PS/2 Color Display 8513
PS/2 Color Display 8514
PS/2 Color Display 8515 (alt)
PS/2 Color Display 8518
Color Display 9515


Storage Options for Personal System/2 (1992)
Large Storage Options for Personal System/2 (1992)
Tape Storage Options for Personal Systems (1993)

3510 SCSI Storage Enclosure and 3511 External Enclosure for SCSI Devices

3.5" External and Internal Diskette Drive
PS/2 3.5" Rewritable Optical Drive
3.5-Inch Enhanced Rewritable Optical Drive
3363 Optical Disk Drive and Cartridge
PS/2 Internal Tape Backup Convenience Kit
6157 Streaming Tape Drive
PS/2 CD-ROM Drive and External CD-ROM Drive

3.5-Inch Diskettes


3270 Communications Family for PS/2 and PC
3270 Workstation Program Versions 1.0 and 1.1


[Fact Sheet] [Connectivity]
[Fact Sheet] [Processors] PS/2 Model 30
[Fact Sheet] [Displays] Monochrome Display Model 8503
[Fact Sheet] [Operating Systems]
[Fact Sheet] [Options]
[Fact Sheet] [Prices] IBM unit prices and availability of new products
The next generation in personal computing (PS/2 Family)
Compact and versatile (alt) (PS/2 Model 30)
More powerful solutions in smaller packages (PS/2 Model 50)
Enhanced performance, sharper graphics (PS/2 Model 80)
Increase storage dramatically
[News Release] [Dealers] IBM establishes advanced products dealers to market systems solutions
[News Release] [Connectivity] IBM enhances LAN capabilities, extends connectivity to PS/2
[News Release] [Music] Music feature orchestrates 336 different sounds
[News Release] [Processors/Displays] PS/2 family features four high-performance systems
[News Release] [SolutionPacs] Wide Range of Solutions Available
[News Release] [SolutionPacs] SolutionPac Personal Publishing System
[News Release] Advanced technology, new operating systems, compatibility, powerful graphics, new options highlight system
[Technology Release] Advanced technology built into new PS/2
ACISNET Notice - 6152 Academic System


PS/2 The next generation in personal computing Models 30, 50, 60, 80 (06/1987)
PS/2 The next generation in personal computing Models 30, 50, 60, 80
PS/2 The next generation in personal computing (alt) Models 25, 30, 50, 60, 80
PS/2 Connectivity Products The next generation in personal computing
10th Anniversary Special

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
Last update: 16 Feb 2025 - Changelog | About | Legal & Contact