Processor Complex Identification

Type 0 | Type 1 | Type 2 | Type 3 | Type 4

Base 0 / Type 0 Refdisk + Diags

"Type 0 Minus" 386DX 20 MHz, FRU P/N 64F0782, FCC ID ANO386201A [P]
No L2 cache
1 or 2 MB 85 ns (80 ns?), 4 SIMMs max
8 MB parity max (+8 MB on channel)
24-bit DMA

"Type 0 Plus" 386DX 20 MHz, FRU P/N 04G3884, FCC ID ANO38620C1A [P]
64 KB 25 ns L2 cache
1 or 2 MB 85 ns (80 ns?), 4 SIMMs max
8 MB parity max (+8 MB on channel)
24-bit DMA

Base 1 / Type 1 Refdisk | Diags | BIOS

-xGx 486SX 20 MHz, FRU P/N 92F0049, FCC ID ANOIBM486A20 [P]
No L2 cache connector
2, 4, 8 MB 70 ns parity matched pairs
64 MB parity max, 24-bit DMA
Some with bad DMA controller

-xJx 486DX 25 MHz, FRU P/N 64F0201, 84F8036, FCC ID ANOIBM486A25
-xKx 486DX 33 MHz, FRU P/N 64F0198, 84F9356, FCC ID ANOIBM486A33 [P] [P]
2, 4, 8 MB parity matched pairs
64 MB parity max, 24-bit DMA
Some with bad DMA controller
Optional 256 KB 17 ns WT L2 cache
(L2 board FRU P/N 6451095, 64F0199)

Upgrade DX-50 486DX 50 MHz, FRU P/N 92F0048, FCC ID ANOIBM486A50
2, 4, 8 MB parity matched pairs
64 MB parity max, 24-bit DMA
Some with bad DMA controller
Standard 256 KB 15 ns WT L2 cache
(L2 board FRU P/N 92F0050)

Upgrade DX2-66 486DX2 66 MHz, FRU P/N 92F0145, FCC ID ANOIBM486B33
2, 4, 8 MB parity matched pairs
64 MB parity max
Optional 256 KB 17 ns WT L2 cache
(L2 board FRU P/N 6451095, 64F0199)
Flash based, supports >1 GB IML

Base 2 / Type 2 Refdisk | Diags | BIOS

-xHx 486SX 25 MHz, FRU P/N 92F0079, FCC ID ANOIBM486SXB25 (same as xLx) [P] [P]
No L2 cache
2, 4, 8 MB 70 ns parity SIMMs
parity single, matched, mixed pairs
64 MB parity max, 24-bit DMA
Some with bad DMA controller

-xLx 486DX2 50 MHz, FRU P/N 92F0161, FCC ID ANOIBM486SXB25 (same as xHx) [P]
No L2 cache
2, 4, 8 MB 70 ns parity SIMMs
parity single, matched, mixed pairs
64 MB parity max, 24-bit DMA
Some with bad DMA controller

Base 3 / Type 3 Refdisk | Diags | BIOS

-xMx 486DX 50 MHz, FRU P/N 82G2484, 57F1597, FCC ID ANOIBM486B50 [P]
Two board construction
256 KB L2 WT cache
SIMMs in matched pairs
64 MB ECC -or- 64 MB parity max
32-bit DMA
Some with bad streamer support

Base 4 / Type 4 Refdisk | Diags | BIOS

-xNx 486DX2 66 MHz, FRU P/N 61G2343, FCC ID ANOIBM486C33 [P] [P]
128 KB L2 WB cache
169-pin Socket (LIF, 5 V)
SIMMs matched pairs
64 MB parity -or- 256 MB ECC max
32-bit DMA
SynchroStream Controller

-xPx Pentium 60 MHz, FRU P/N 52G9362, 06H7324, FCC ID ANOIBM586A60 [P] [P]
-xQx Pentium 66 MHz, FRU P/N 92F0120, 06H7317, FCC ID ANOIBM586A66 [P] [P] | [P] [P]

256 KB L2 WB cache
Socket 4 (LIF, 5 V)
SIMMs in matched pairs
64 MB parity -or- 256 MB ECC max
32-bit DMA
SynchroStream Controller
Two different PCB layouts

-xYx Pentium 90 MHz, FRU P/N 06H3739, 06H7095, FCC ID ANO6H3729 [P] [P]
256 KB L2 WB cache
Socket 5 (LIF, 3.3 V)
SIMMs in matched pairs
64 MB parity -or- 256 MB ECC max
32-bit DMA
SynchroStream Controller

None of the above? Also see Japanese PS/55 Processor Complexes.

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
Last update: 16 Feb 2025 - Changelog | About | Legal & Contact