rf955657.exe 9556/9557 Reference Disk v1.10 (zipped image)
rd955657.exe 9556/9557 Diagnostic Disk v2.04 (or v1.10?) (zipped image)
42g2213.zip 9556/9557 Reference Disk v1.0 (zipped image only)
42g2216.zip 9556/9557 Diagnostic Disk v1.0 (zipped image only)
192-222 PS/2 56, 57 486SLC2 (0B6, 0BA); Ultimedia M57 (1BA), DV M57 486SLC2 (2BA)
194-032 PS/2 56, 57 (DEx) 56, 57LS (xEX), M57 PCDOS (SEx) Win (7Ex) 486SLC3 Units
XGA Drivers & Utilities
SPOCK206 IBM SCSI Driver for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT by Unal Z
SLC2/3 Planar
System Firmware
ROM Images
Parallel Port Trivia (DMA Arbitration)
Background speaker noise
Misleading error-Code 0002 11CZ
Prevent System Hangs (ECA - 001)
486SLC2 Planar (early?) (-xBx) FRU P/N 39G2676, P/N 39G3304
486SLC2 Planar (-xBx) FRU P/N 39G6410, P/N 8125918
486SLC3 Planar (-xEx) FRU P/N 65G9714, P/N 65G9713
(photo thx Carsten Lyng)
J1 Mouse port
J2 Keyboard port
J3 Parallel port
J4,5 DE9 serial port
J6 C60 SCSI connector
J7 HD15 video connector
J8 Pads for 3-pin jumper
J9,11,12 72-pin SIMM socket
J10 EEPROM prog. pads (solder side)
J13 MCA riser slot
J14 Password override (JMP1)
J15 Privileged-access password (JMP2)
J16 50-pin SCSI connector
J17 Pads for 3-pin jumper
J18 Power-supply connector P1
J19 12-pin Front Panel Connector
J20 Power-supply connector P2
J21 44-pin floppy connector
J22 Pads for 4-pin SCSI diag. header
J23 Cover-interlock (JMP3)
L11 Pulse PE-65074 filter (video)
OS1 40.0000 MHz osc
OS2 22.1184 MHz osc (UART)
OS3 14.3181 MHz osc (adapters)
OS4 50.0000 MHz osc (CPU)
OS5 24.0000 MHz osc (FDC)
R14 PTC fuse (KB/Mouse 5 V)
R60 PTC fuse (SCSI)
R224 PTC fuse (Floppy 12 V)
R228 PTC fuse (Floppy 5 V)
ST1,2 SCSI Termpacks for SCSI "T-Res"
U13 Dallas DS1285Q RTC/CMOS
U16 32Kx8 SRAM (XGA-2 sprite)
U17 ST93C46A 1kbit Serial EEPROM
U21 33G0329 RAMDAC
U22 SCSI microcode ROM 39G6419
U24 10G4672 I/O controller
U28 91F9906 SCSI ctrl. "Monarch" (local bus)
U33 02G1397 XGA-2 controller
U34 Dallas DS1210S NVRAM controller
U35 121-pin upgrade/387SX socket
U36 50G6950 486SLC2 / ? 486SLC3/BL
U37-44 256Kx4 DRAM (XGA-2)
U52 CXK58267AM-10L 32Kx8 SRAM (NVRAM)
U59 N80C32-20 MCU (SCSI)
U64 Am27C2048-150JC BIOS OTP ROM
U65,74 "Spare"
U71 96F7690 System controller?
U72 82077xx Floppy controller
VR1 LT1084CT Voltage reg. (CPU)
Y1 32.768 KHz xtal (RTC)
Y2 4.0 MHz xtal (XGA-2)
Sony CXK58257AM-10L (09G9877),
Epson SRM20257LM-12, or compatible
32Kx8 SRAM
U35 The 121-pin PGA socket can be used
to install either a CPU upgrade module or 68-pin PLCC socket for 387SX or
compatible math coprocessor.
U36 50G6950 486SLC2 or unknown P/N 486SLC3/BL
486SLC2: PQFP-100 package (386SX-compatible*), 16/24-bit address/data bus
486SLC3: PQFP-132 package (386DX-compatible*), 32/32-bit address/data bus available,
here running in the 16/24-bit address/data mode
*Both chips use Vcc = 3.45 V instead of the 5 V supply typical for 386SX/DX.
The PCB is NOT universal. There are two variants - one for the SLC2 and one for
the SLC3 CPU.
U37-44 256Kx4 Multiport DRAM. Either
OKI MSM514262-80Z or
Toshiba TC524256BZ-10
(XGA-2 video memory).
U64 Am27C2048-150JC BIOS OTP ROM -
39G2151 (SLC2) / 65G8608 (SLC3). The ROM is socketed on some (early?) samples
but soldered in on most.
U72 Intel
82077AA (SLC2) or
82077SL (SLC3) floppy
Some (early?) boards have a rework concerning U24, U33, U36 (pin 38 - NMI?),
U63 (+5 V), U69, U75, RN7 (ground?) and two added SMD resistors.
J22 - SCSI Diagnostic Port
Pin | Description |
1 | RXD (U59 pin 11) |
2 | Ground |
3 | N/C (key) |
4 | TXD (U59 pin 13) |
Not populated. The port can be used to access the
Serial Console.
System Firmware (POST & BIOS)
Firmware stored in EPROM.
ROM Images
39G2151 - unknown date/revision, SLC2?, 1x Am27C2048-150JC (U64)
65G8608 - 29 Jul 1993, rev. 4, SLC3 only?, 1x Am27C2048-150JC (U64)
50/25 MHz 486SLC2, 16 KB L1, three SIMM sockets 70 ns parity checked 2, 4 and
8 MB SIMMs supported.
> How should I fill the memory? One 8 and two 4MB or 2 8MB SIMMs?
8MB, so you can use interleaved memory access. Use MEM1 and MEM2.
Ed. Aron Eisenpress reported this really
applies to the 8556/57 models, he tried the 9556/57, and saw no improvement.
Bordshtles asks:
Does anyone know of a card to increase the memory on a 9556, I know
its a 386 based machine with a 486 upgrade, Will the 386 memory boards (from
Kingston or IBM) work in these machines
Peter fields it:
Yes. Highly recommended is the Kingston KTM-609 II - since it supports
XMS memory - what the IBM 1-2 and the 0-8 XMA don't.
SCSI drive limits: Max size for SLC2 IML drive is 3.94GB. SLC3 is SurePath,
supports drive to 8GB.
NEC CDR-222 and IBM model 9556
Andrew Acton wrote:
Installing CD-ROM Drive Support under DOS running on a PS/2 Micro
Channel Machine with NEC SCSI CD-ROM Drives (MultiSpin 6X, External Drive):
Obtain a copy of the following file from NEC tech support.
I obtained the following file from my local NEC BBS service in Sydney Australia:
PS2.ZIP 101,052 22/09/93 | DOS Drivers for PS/2 SCSI machines
Unzip the file, run the install program (creates a directory
on the dos boot drive called SCSI), reboot and you now have CD-ROM access!
The installation program updates (in my case):
CONFIG.SYS -> Device=c:\scsi\neccdr.sys /d:NECCD -> Lastdrive=E
AUTOEXEC.BAT -> C:\scsi\mscdex /d:NECCD /m:10
The PS2.ZIP package is great because it supplies the the device driver
(neccdr.sys), the Microsoft CD-ROM extensions (mscdex) and installs the lot
without and problems.
Floppy Support
The SLC2 uses a 82077AA FDC, which supports the 2.88MB floppy. The SLC3
uses the 82077SL, which supports the Electronic Eject floppy.
Parallel Port DMA Arbitration Trivia
Peter said:
The PS/2 machines use a slightly different implementation of
the parallel port that is neither ECP nor EPP but "Arbitrated DMA". This
is a (antique) method to boost up parallel data throughput up to 1MB/s -
with the disadvantage of an non-contiguous data stream
(Ed. the IEEE 1284 standard is only 1.2MB/s!).
The data is always transported with DMA transfers. Therefore many EPP / ECP
port drivers cannot handle that and choke - the IOMEGA is one of these, most
parallel-port CD-drives as well and some HP bidirectional printer drivers
cannot handle this too.
Workaround: enter machines configuration and set the Parallel port DMA to
"Disabled". This causes the parallel port to work in "compatible bidirectional"
mode - and the ZIP works fine. A little slower maybe, but works. I run a ZIP on
all of my PS/2 with the PP-DMA disabled.
Ian Brown chimes in with:
Good tip that one Peter. It is also relevant to Ditto drives,
certain versions of Lap Link, and just about anything that is connected to the
parallel port for bi-directional data transfer.
George Jefferson says:
Funny thing, i use a parallel zip on my ps2 77 with no problem at
all. Matter of fact it is far and away faster than any other machine, including
ones that clam to be EPP.
Peter cuts in with:
Depends on. IBM changed the specification a little -or the BIOS
support on that respectively- on the 95xx-machines as it seems. The 9556 / 9557
still suffer some problems with the DMA enabled, the later 9576 / 9577 (all
planars) seem to be a lot better. The *85*90 / 95 are known for having problems
with various parallel devices (even printers) when leaving the PP-DMA enabled.
My 8595-AKD refuses to handle the Iomega ZIP-drive properly until I switched
the parallel port DMA to "disabled".
Basically it is a good idea to disable the DMA if one might
experience problems with parallel CD-drives or scanners on all PS/2 (which
use DMA printer port) to test whether the device is working at all or if
there is a cabling problem at all.
Christian A. Roberts says:
*SHRUG* My Iomega Ditto2Gb didn't get along with my 9556 slc3-75's
parallel port, so I found a Boca Research MCA Parallel adapter...it worked
for awhile, then went belly-up, too.
Peter finishes up with:
A: try the Ditto directly on the parallel-port with the DMA disabled B: there
is a lot trouble reported with BOCA cards (Hi Allen !) which I can
sort only under "strange incidents". I had some Boca cards installed in various
servers and *none* of them caused any trouble - unlike to similar AMS-cards,
which scrambled the arrangement of LPT-ports (LPT1 becomes 2, LPT3 becomes
1 and LPT2 becomes inactive ... or such). This "sudden death" of Boca PP-cards
is more than myterious. I probably could understand if that happened on very
fast PS/2 (like "Lacuna"-77i, Server 95A, 8595 with Type 3 DX-50 or all Type
4 platforms)... but not with a Mod. 80 or a 9556... !
Background speaker noise
> My Model 57 ps/2 SLC3 75 MHz emits a loud groan when I shut it down!
It never use to do this. Is an impending power supply failure?
Peter has another flashback:
It's not a PSU failure. It's simply a serial manufacturing issue
that occurred during the assembly of the speaker/front panel cable. The "cold"
speaker wire is tied to +5V (of the HD-LED AFAIK) instead of being tied to GND.
There was (once) an "adapter cable kit" available that was plugged between the
board and the cable plug and fixes this misbehaviour. There was an ECA on IBM
about it:
Some 8556/57 and 9556/57 systems may exhibit low volume background
speaker noise that alters during screen refresh or mouse movement.
Problem Isolation Aids:
Problem is specific to 85xx and 95xx 56/57 models. Symptoms will
probably be most noticeable when switching from one application session to
Two cable jumpers have been released to modify the speaker cable
wiring. The jumper should be plugged between the speaker cable socket on the
planar and the speaker cable connector.
Details are as follows:
FRU P/N 8130978 (8 pin jumper for i386 8556/8557 systems)
FRU P/N 8130979 (12 pin jumper for i486 9556/9557 systems)
To fix it by yourself:
You could unsolder the speaker wires and measure the voltages on
the wires against GND (power supply case) with the machine running. Use the
one which has *not* +5V for the speaker and another wire directly attached to
I fixed my 9556 with that trick. If I find the time I try checking
out the wiring on my machine and make a diagram of the proper wiring then...
but that will take time.
Misleading error-Code 0002 11CZ
From Peter Wendt:
Sometimes problems are reported with the appearance of the Error
code 0002 11CZ on the PS/2 Models 9556 and 9557. The 2xx-codes basically point
in the direction of defective memory. In fact this failure is mostly caused by
a missing / invalid memory module installed in the machine.
Remind that this machines accept Parity memory only (suffix
-P- or -36- on the module sticker), which must match the
IBM Presence Detection
scheme and should have 70 ns access-speed. In case there is a memory module
installed, which does not supply presence detection the error 0002 11CZ
shows up - like as if there were no module installed at all.
The 211-error (0002 11xx is only the extended 8-digit output on the later
Premium Line machines) means basically:
211 Check Memory, with the device path to track:
- processor board (Model 90 / 95)
- planar memory
- memory riser cards (Model 90 only)
- system board
SurePath - 486SLC3 System
This product also features IBM SurePath* BIOS that serves as the interface
and ensures compatibility between hardware and the operating system and applications.
(Ed. Is this another IBM goof?)
56 Model Summary Matrix
Model CPU Memory Disk Floppy Software
DBA SLC2 8-16MB 208 2.88MB OS/2 or DOS/Win
DB6 SLC2 8-16MB 104 2.88MB OS/2 or DOS/Win
DE9 SLC3 8-16MB 170 2.88MB Choice
DEB SLC3 8-16MB 245 2.88MB Choice
DED SLC3 8-16MB 340 2.88MB Choice
KBA SLC2 8-16MB 208 2.88MB OS/2 2.1
KB6 SLC2 8-16MB 104 2.88MB OS/2 2.1
QBA SLC2 8-16MB 208 2.88MB DOS/Windows
QB6 SLC2 8-16MB 104 2.88MB DOS/Windows
0BA SLC2 8-16MB 208 2.88MB OS/2 2.0
0B6 SLC2 8-16MB 104 2.88MB OS/2 2.0
1EX SLC3 4-16MB None None N/A (Ethernet)
2EX SLC3 4-16MB None None N/A (TokenRng)
Prevent System Hangs, OS/2 SYS and TRAP Errors
(ECA - 001)
Machine Type: 9556 and 9557 486SLC3 Systems
Serial Numbers Affected:
M/T Mod Serial # Range
9556 DE9 23GNGA0 - 23GNXE9
9557 DE9 23NVTMO - 23NWKR4
IBM has determined that some 9556 and 9557 486SLC3 Systems manufactured and
shipped prior to February 16, 1994 may fail to load large software applications
from diskettes.
The failures encountered may be system hangs, OS/2 system errors (SYS0049,
SYS3175, SYS0318) and Trap Errors 0004,0006, 0008 or 000D.
If any of the above errors are encountered and the system board has a FRU
P/N of 71G3599 or 65G8615, replace the system board with new FRU P/N 65G9714.
If the system board FRU P/N is 65G9714 further problem determination should be
utilized to isolate the failing FRU. This system board is not affected by this
problem and is not to be replaced under this ECA.
Note: IBM recommends that all affected system
boards be replaced before a customer experiences a potential problem.
All orders for FRU P/N 71G3599 and 65G8615 will be substituted to FRU P/N