615x Common Devices

186-006 IBM 6150 RT PC Models 020, 025, and A25 IBM 6151 RT PC Model 010
186-174 IBM 6151 RT PC Model 015 Additional RT PC Features
187-020 RT PC New Models and Addtl RT PC Features, Software
187-021 RT PC New Models and Addtl RT PC Features (115,125, B25)
188-029 IBM 6150 RT PC Model T25 (TEMPEST)
188-120 IBM RT System New Models (130, 135 and B35)

6150 RT Tower
6151 RT Desktop

Battery is P/N 6299201
 The RT battery (IBM P/N 6299201) for the RT is 6.8 volts!

Matt "C P." Rush
   Just in case anyone out there needs to replace the battery in their RT, they can be Special Ordered through your local Radio Shack. Amazingly, the IBM-RT is actually listed in their battery cross- reference, but in case YOUR Radio Shack is lame, the part no. is:   CLB-5293/W

RT Adapter Shapes, System

Slot A cards-
Two Tabs, Offset, No Bracket

   RT PC Processor and Memory Management
   RT PC Advanced Processor Card (APC)
   RT PC Enhanced Advanced Processor Card (EPC)

Slot B cards
One Tab, Centered, No Bracket

   RT PC Floating-Point Accelerator
   RT PC Advanced Floating-Point Accelerator

Slot C cards
   Should contain the first memory option
      Note: Except the RT PC 8MB Fast Memory Expansion!

Slot D
   Second memory option
      Note: The RT PC 8MB Fast Memory Expansion is ALWAYS installed in Slot D!

RT Card Shapes, Expansion

Keyboard and Mouse Ports
  Pinouts stolen from Mark Whetzel's RT FAQ
"IBM RT PC Hardware Technical Reference" Volume 1 P/N 75X2032,  Chapter 9  pages 9-3 thru 9-23, and from Chapter 5, pages 5-85 thru 5-114.

 Ed. I have a different illustration of the keyboard connector, it seems. What the User Setup Guide and Operations Installation shows is a DIN-like port, while the case illustrations clearly show a rectangular port. YMMV.

Mouse Connector
     (view is looking into the connector (male receptacle) socket on the back of the RT system unit.

+--------------+       1 = Ground
|    1  3  5   |       2 = Transmit to device
|              |       3 = +12 Volts
 -   2  4  6  -        4 = -12 Volts
  |          |         5 =  +5 Volts
  +----------+         6 = Receive from device

Keyboard Connector
   (view is looking INTO the female connector socket on the cable attached to the keyboard)

+--------------+       1 = +5 Volts
|    5  3  1   |       2 = Keyboard Data
|              |       3 = Speaker Signal
 -   6  4  2  -        4 = Speaker Return (+5V)
  |          |         5 = Ground
  +----------+         6 = Clock  (diagrams in the book seem to indicate 
                                 that clock is generated BY the keyboard)

Data Flow


Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
Last update: 29 Sep 2024 - Changelog | About | Legal & Contact