QBMCA Version 6.1 Rev. A 720K Multi-Lingual Version
QBMCA Version 6.1 Rev. A 1.44MB Universal Version, integrated DOS
MCA Data File 1352 adapters in database (release 20000117)

Content by Peter H. Wendt (original HERE). Edited by Major Tom.


Anyone dealing with MCA will sometimes have trouble identifying an unknown adapter in a MCA system. Here you find Peter's QBMCA utility which will help you solve this problem.

Also check Bob Eager's IDMCA utility (smaller and faster version of QBMCA).

Let us know if you find adapter missing from the list. We are also collecting ADFs or entire option disks.

Unpacking QBMCA - 720KB Multi-Lingual Version

All you need is an empty 3.5" DD disk (720 K) and a disk-drive.
Click on the link above to transfer the packed image onto your system.
Start a new DOS window, change into your download directory, insert a free 720K disk into drive A: and type:

Continue on 'Handling and Precautions' further below

Unpacking QBMCA - Universal Version

Download the file to your machine.

If you use Win95: finish Windows 95 and restart the machine with only the DOS prompt (Press [F8] when "Starting Windows 95..." appears on the screen). Unpacking and modification will not work properly when you are only in a DOS shell under Win95. The program will work - but the boot function as a reference disk will not!

Make a fresh bootdable DOS disk using the following command:

FORMAT A: /U /S [/F:720 or /F:1.44 may be used optional]
After finish formatting put the two files DEBUG and MODE from your DOS directory on the disk. They are required for the modification.
Then change into your download directory and start the unpacking of the QBMCA image to your disk by:


Change to A: and start the MODIFY.BAT file. Some modifications on the disk will be carried out and QBMCA is ready for use.

If you use a 1.44MB disk and the disk drive on your machine is not fully functional, drive type is lost or drive is accidentally disabled, QBMCA will probably not load. That was the reason I put it on a 720K disk, because there are better chances that a 720K format will still be recognized.

In case the boot sector of this disk is accidentally read by DIR from Win95 and disk will not boot properly afterwards, just start the MODIFY.BAT on A: once again to fix this. Better leave the disk write protected unless you wish to write a report file on it (with modified QBMCA.PAR).

Handling and Precautions

Remove the disk from your disk drive and write protect it.

Do not perform a DIR on this disk from Win95!
Windows 95 overwrites parts of the disk header with its own informations. Reference disks, Flash BIOS updates and this QBMCA disk may become unusable after that !

Insert the QBMCA disk into your PS/2 system and restart it. Even if you already experiencing any kind of setup/configuration or IML Error the disk loads and -after a while- displays the installed MCA adapters and their 4-byte ADF strings.

Even if an adapter is not in the information file - its 4-byte header will be displayed!

The QBMCA disk will be recognized as a reference disk and will boot under any known circumstance. That's the reason why it is put on a 720K disk: most IBM PS/2 will boot a 720K disk even if the disk drive is defective or disabled in the setup during a misconfiguration or battery error.

On newer PS/2 machines with IML track and hidden reference partition on fixed disk the QBMCA disk opens the reference partition as drive C: after booting. The reference partition can then been serviced very easy.

A report file or output redirection to a printer can also been activated. Use any editor on QBMCA.PAR and change settings in the parameter file. The result looks something like this:

     DATUM : 17-01-2000    UHRZEIT : 17:01:00    REVISION : A

           M C A - R E A D E R   V E R S I O N  6 . 1
         (C) 1994  by  Peter H. Wendt / PW-Software Prod.

   SLOT 2 = FFFF   -- Freier Slot --
   SLOT 3 = FFFF   -- Freier Slot --
   SLOT 5 = E001   IBM TR-ADAPTER 16/4 OR TR-ADAPTER 16/4 TRACE & P.

             Die Liste MCA.DAT enthält 1352 Einträge

Useful Tips

If you modify the QBMCA.PAR that you have the lines:


Activated, you can use the QBMCA disk on a machine without a monitor or keyboard attached. Just plug in a printer and all results will be automatically printed. The program terminates after running and needs no further input from the user.

The QBMCA.PAR file contains some parameters, which enable the user to create a very individual version of QBMCA.


foreground=n {0 - 15} - main foreground color (0 = black)
background=n {0 - 15}  - main background color (7 = white)
textzone1=n {0 - 15} - text1 color (15 = br.white)
textzone2=n {0 - 15} - text2 color (14 = br.yellow)
textzone3=n {0 - 15} - text3 color (15 = br.white)
background1=n {0 - 15} - background behind text1 (1 = blue)
background2=n {0 - 15} - background behind text2 (4 = red)
background3=n {0 - 15} - background behind text3 (3 = cyan)
attntext1=n  {0 - 15} - text prompt1 color (15 = br.white)
attntext2=n  {0 - 15} - text prompt2 color (14 = br.yellow)
attnback1=n  {0 - 15} - backgr. behind prompt1 (4 = red)
attnback2=n  {0 - 15} - backgr. behind prompt2 (4 = red)

result=x$ {x$=PRN, CON, LPTn x$=[drive:\path\filename.ext]}

batchmode=n {0 = prompted mode, 1 = no user prompt to finish}

language=nnn {001 = English, 049 = German}

Advantages of QBMCA

  • Recognizes 1352 Adapters by name
  • Displays any ID string even from unknown adapters
  • Boots even on unconfigured systems
  • Adapters don't need to be enabled/configured to be recognized
  • Hidden reference partition on newer PS/2 available as C:
  • Some options can be change via ASCII parameter file
  • Reports can be generated or printed directly
  • 720KB format runs even on somewhat defective disk drives
  • Adapter list in a separate, easily updatable, ASCII file
  • QBMCA.EXE runs in a DOS box under Win 3.x, 95, and OS/2

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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