Error Codes 15000 - 19999

Symptom / ErrorFRU / Action
0152 01XX
Card found problems when running the VGA tests against itself.
1. XGA Display Adapter /A
2. System Board
0152 02XX
Card found problems testing the advanced function of XGA.
Likely to be memory past the first 256K or the Sprite.
0152 03XX
Card can generate this error from the final set of tests.
0152 XXXX
0153 02XX 1. S/370 Channel Emulator/A Adapter
0153 04XX 1. S/370 Channel Emulator/A Adapter
2. S/370 Emulator/A Channel Cable
0161 XXXX 1. FaxConcentrator Adapter /A
0164 XXXX 1. 120MB Internal Tape Drive
2. Diskette Cable
3. System Board
0165 00XX 1. 6157 Tape Attachment Adapter
0165 20XX / 0165 40XX 1. 6157 Streaming Tape Drive
2. 6157 Tape Attachment Adapter
0166 XXXX / 0167 XXXX
Primary / Secondary Adapter.
See 'Network Service Procedures'
1. Token-Ring Network Adapter /A
2. System Board
3. Bus Adapter
0180 01XX
(18001 to 18029)
1. Wizard Adapter
2. Wizard Adapter Memory
0180 31XX
(18031 to 18039)
1. Wizard Adapter Cable
0184 41XX
Unsupported memory module on 80386 Memory adapter
Information only
0184 51XX
Need to reconfigure. Module changed on 80386 adapter.
Information only
0184 XXXX 1. Enhanced 80386 Memory Adapter /A
0185 XXXX 1. DBCS Japanese Display Adapter /A
2 System Board
0194 XXXX 1. Memory Module Package on the 2-8MB 80286 Memory Adapter
2. Memory adapter
3. System Board

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
Last update: 21 Jan 2025 - Changelog | About | Legal & Contact