Error Codes 12000 - 14999

Symptom / ErrorFRU / Action
0121 XXXX 1. 300/1200/2400 Modem /A
2. Any serial device
3. System Board
0129 0001 / 0129 0002
0129 0003 / 0129 0004
0129 0007 / 0129 0008
(Possibly a recoverable processor board error)
1. Run Advanced Diagnostics
0129 0050 / 0129 0051
0129 0052 / 0129 0053
0129 0054 / 0129 0055
0129 0056
(Possible fatal error)
1. Processor Board
2. System Board
0129 0100 / 0129 02XX
0129 0400 / 0129 0700
0129 0807
(Cache error)
1. Processor Board
2. System Board Cache
3. System Board
0129 03XX
(Math Coprocessor error)
1. Math Coprocessor
2. System Board
0129 090X
(L2 Cache Module not supported, see HERE)
1. L2 Cache Module
2. System Board
0129 0XXX
(Not listed above)
1. Processor Cache (90/95)
2. Processor Board
3. System Board
0129 1200 / 0129 1300 (see below)
0129 1400 / 0129 15XX
0129 16XX / 0129 1800
0129 1900 / 0129 4040
0129 4041
(Possibly processor board error)
1. Run Advanced Diagnostic
0129 1300 (see 0129 X300 below)
(Bus Master Arbitration Error)
HMM error? see H096046. False error? YMMD
1. Busmaster Adapter (90/95)
2. Processor Board
0129 1700
(SX-Jumper error / processor board error)
1. Processor Board (90/95)
For 20MHz board with 487SX installed, J2 must be on 1-2.
0129 3000
(EEPROM jumper error)
J4 on T1 92F0145, JMP5 all Type 4
1. Processor Board (90/95)
90/95 - Processor board EEPROM selection jumper is currently selecting Stage 2 POST. To begin POST execution, switch the jumper
0129 4042
(POST/BIOS EEPROM error. Update diskette is required)
1. Processor Board (90/95)
0129 4400
(Hardware default interrupt occurred)
1. Restart system, run Advanced Diagnostics
0129 5050 / 0129 5056
0129 5060 / 0129 5061
0129 5070 / 0129 5071
0129 5072 / 0129 5073
0129 5074 / 0129 5075
0129 5076 / 0129 5077
0129 5078 / 0129 5079
0129 5080 / 0129 5081
0129 5082 / 0129 5083
0129 5085 / 0129 5086
0129 5087 / 0129 5088
0129 5090 / 0129 5091
0129 5094 / 0129 5095
0129 5096 / 0129 5097
(Processor board errors)
1. Restart system, run Advanced Diagnostics
0129 X300
(Busmaster arbitration error. If more than one is installed, remove one at a time to isolate the failure)
1. Busmaster Adapter (90/95)
2. Processor Board
0129 9900
(VPD error, processor board replaced ? Processor board S/N does not match S/N stored)
1. Run Automatic Configuration
0130 8200
90/95 - Characters on info panel are in error
1. Op Panel?
0136 XXXX 1. ISDN Primary Rate Adapter
2. System Board
0137 XXXX 1. System Board
0141 XXXX 1. ARTIC Portmaster Adapter
0143 XXXX 1. Japanese Display Adapter
2. System Board
0147 10XX / 0147 11XX 1. System Board Display Adapter (Any type)
2. Adapter Video Memory
0148 XXXX 1. Display Adapter (Any type)
0149 01XX / 0149 02XX
0149 1XXX / 0149 22XX 
1. Display Adapter (Any type)
2. System Board
3. Display (Any type)
0149 32XX 1. External Display (Any type)
2. Display Adapter (Any type)

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
Last update: 21 Jan 2025 - Changelog | About | Legal & Contact