SMC/WD 3016MC & 3016TP/MC

@6016.ADF SMC3016/MC Ethernet Card

3016 Configuration Guide

Drivers & Software
Application Notes
3016MC and 3016TP/MC Ethernet
ADF Sections

SMC acquired Western Digital's network cards.

Drivers & Software (source)

3016.exe 3016 Driver and utility disk
3016wtcp.exe Compatible Platforms for 3000 Series adapters
3sd311.exe Latest Superdisk for 3000 Series adapters
conftst.exe Confidence Test for 3000 Series adapters
ftp230.exe FTP Packet driver NetBIOS driver v2.11
newndis.exe NDIS driver
wfw311.exe Windows for Workgroup drivers
nad602.exe Node Address Utility for ISA/EISA/MCA ethernet and token ring adapters

Application Notes

These are examples of configuration files for different environments and protocols.

2250.txt 3016/3008: Windows for Worksgroups
2251.txt 3016/3008: Lantastic AI
2252.txt 3016/3008: Banyan Vines
2253.txt 3016/3008: LSP
2254.txt 3016/3008: Pathworks (DECNET)
2255.txt 3016/3008: PCNFS
2256.txt 3016/3008: Netware DOS Odi
2257.txt 3016/3008: Packet Driver
2258.txt 3016/3008: IBM LanSupport with IPX
2325.txt 3016/3008: IBM LanSupport with Novell LANSUP ODI
2376.txt 3016/3008: NT Client

3016MC and 3016TP/MC Ethernet

3016TP (AUI and RJ45 Connector)

JP1 & T1 Cable select
JP2 Not installed

3016MC (AUI and BNC Connector)

JP1 Unknown
JP2 Unknown
P1 BNC Connector (10base2)
P2 AUI Connector
RX,TX Green LEDs
T1 Valor Transformer LT6032
U5 Signetics 130.1040 Rev 1.0
U6 Signetics 130.1041 Rev 1.0
U8 Boot ROM socket
U10 Fujitsu MB86950B
U12,13 Hyundai HY6264ALJ-10
U107 Valor 12V to 9V
Y1 20.000000 MHz osc

U10 Fujitsu MB86950B EtherStar Ethernet Controller datasheet
U15 AMD AM7992BPC Serial Interface Adapter (SIA) datasheet

JP1 Unknown, open on my adapter - possibly for AUI/Coaxial selection.
JP2 Unknown, open on my adapter - said to be "not installed" on the Ardent Tools
RX,TX Green LEDs visible through exterior card bracket

Selecting Cable Connector

Jumper J1 and the pulse transformer T1 are used to select the cable type used.

Board Connector Cable J1 T1
3016MC BNC Thin OUT IN


TX Transmit
RX Receive
COL Collision (3016TP only) 
LNK Link integrity (3016TP only)

AdapterID 06016 SMC3016/MC

I/O Address Range
   Selects a 32 byte IO address range for the SMC3016/MC registers
     <0300-031F>, 0340-035F, 0360-037F, 1980-199F, 2000-201F, 5680-569F, 5900-591F

Boot PROM Address Range
   Selects an 8K byte memory address range for the Boot PROM. If there is no PROM installed, or you want to disable its operation, then select <PROM not used>
     <PROM not used>, 0C2000-0C3FFF, 0C4000-0C5FFF, 0C6000-0C7FFF, 0C8000-0C9FFF, 0CA000-0CBFFF, 0CC000-0CDFFF, 0CE000-0CFFFF, 0D0000-0D1FFF, 0D2000-0D3FFF, 0D4000-0D5FFF, 0D6000-0D7FFF, 0D8000-0D9FFF, 0DA000-0DBFFF, 0DC000-0DDFFF, 0DE000-0DFFFF

Interrupt Level Selection
     <IRQ3>, 9 (2), 10, 11, 15, 5, 4, 12
Note: These options are currently not supported: test only, IRQ6, IRQ7, IRQ14

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
Last update: 16 Feb 2025 - Changelog | About | Legal & Contact