U436295 Release Notes



IX45817 Changes made to /etc/ddi/options.

IX45823  Changes  made  to  /etc/predefined.at  and  /etc/master  for   the busmaster  token  ring  on ISA machines.   Add stanza to /etc/predefined.at
     * Bus-Master Token Ring Device Driver
             name = bmtoken
             driver = bmtoken
             minor = c
             kaf_file = /etc/ddi/bmtoken.kaf.at
             kaf_use = kbmtoken
             file = /etc/ddi/bmtoken.at
             use = bmtoken
             noddi = false
             noduplicate = false
             dtype = lan
     * Local Area Network
             pflag = false
     * Token Ring Device Driver
             modes = rw-rw-rw-
             dname = bmtoken
             slot = ---
             nospecial = true
             specproc = /etc/lanspecial

    Change major number in /etc/master from 56 to 82.

IX46229 Add "mantaray = 1" to the sysparms stanza in /etc/system.

IX45818      Changes     made     to     /etc/master,     /etc/ddi/options, /etc/ddi/descriptions and /etc/predefined.at for 3COM 3C509 Etherlink III.
      elisa: type = dev
          routines = init,ioctl,intr
          softcfg = TRUE
          nocount = TRUE
          prefix = elisa
          major = 81
          character = TRUE
          maxminor = 2

      irqelisa            3,5,7,9,10,11,12,15
      iobaseelisa         200 to 3f0 by 10
      transelisa          0 = BNC, 1 = AUI

      trans     Transceiver Type

            elisa1 = 0
      * 3Com EtherLink III Ethernet Device Driver
            elisa2 = 1
      * 3Com EtherLink III Ethernet Device Driver
      * 3com EtherLink III Ethernet Device Driver
            name = elisa
            driver = elisa
            minor = c
            kaf_file = /etc/ddi/el3.kaf.isa
            kaf_use = kelisa
            file = /etc/ddi/el3.isa
            use = elisa
            noddi = false
            noduplicate = false
            dtype = lan
      * Local Area Network
            pflag = false
      * Ethernet Device Driver
            noshow = false
            dname = elisa
            slot = ---
            nospecial = true
             specproc = /etc/lanspecial

IX45921 Changes in /etc/system to allow user to add more than one SCSI tape device.


IX30193 src.i386/cmd/cfg/dev/cfg/predefined When  the  small  kernel  boot  diskettes are used to install AIX an error about no usable ports is given when trying to add the 16/4 token ring card.

IX33112 Install on model 80 with 1 ESDI drive,  2  SCSI  drives,  fails  to recognize ESDI drive if SCSI boot diskettes are used.

IX36582  When  devices  is used to add a SCSI tape device, it shows that an 8mm tape drive is being added.  This should say any SCSI tape drive such as 8mm, 1/4", data tech. etc.  The /etc/predefined file will need to be merged with the /etc/predefined.new.oskern to get this change.

IX36894 src.i386/cmd/cfg/dev/cfg/predefined The script adds the following stanza to the /etc/predefined file for serial mouse support:
              * Serial Mouse
                   name = smouse
                   driver = sa
                   minor = c
                   kaf_file = /etc/ddi/smouse
                   kaf_use = ksmouse
                   file = /etc/ddi/smouse
                   use = dsmouse
                   noddi = true
                   noduplicate = true
                   dtype = mouse
              * Mouse
                   specproc = cfgaport
                   noshow = false
                   dname = tty
                   pflag = true
              * Serial port 1
                   noipl = false
                   port = s1-8
                   slot = 0

IX36538 src.i386/cmd/cfg/dev/cfg/predefined The /etc/predefined file will need to be merged with the /etc/predefined.new.oskern to get this change.

IX36915 src.i386/cmd/cfg/dev/cfg/predefined.at The /etc/predefined file will need to be merged with the /etc/predefined.at to get this change.

IX30077 kernel/cf/master.i386 The script adds the following stanzas to the /etc/master file:

     * Foreground color
     fgcolor: type = parm
     symbol = FGCOLOR
     patchaddr = default_fg_color
     default = 2

     * background color
     bgcolor: type = parm
     symbol = BGCOLOR
     patchaddr = default_bg_color
     default = 0


IX46197  Add  support  for memory above 64MB.   This will allow the user to access up to 256MB of RAM with AIX/PS2.

    Care needs to be taken when installing this APAR on  systems  with  greater than  80  megabytes  of  memory.   If there is greater than 80 megabytes of memory on the machine being installed, it is possible that  memory  can  be corrupted by the memory usage settings that ship with this PTF.

    The  solution  for  this  problem is as follows:  Install AIX BASE code and U436295 on a machine with less than  80  megabytes  of  memory  (between  8 megabytes and 64 megabytes is recommended).

    After  installation,  edit  /usr/sys/cf/i386.ifile  and  find the following section:

    MEMORY {
            valid : org = 0xE0230000, len = 0xBF0000 }

      Modify it to change the virtual load address of the kernel:

    MEMORY {
            valid : org = 0xE0300000, len = 0xBF0000 }

      Execute: newkernel -install
      Reboot to ensure no problems occurred with building the new kernel.
      Execute: shutdown -F
      Power off the machine.
      Add additional memory.

Note: If  you have more than 80 megabytes of memory in a machine it will not log any error messages if you install without following the  directions above.

    You should not install with more than 80 megabytes of memory.  Extra memory needs  to  be  added after changing the values and rebuilding the kernel as documented above.

    Failure to follow these instructions  could  cause  memory  corruption  and other problems where a re-install would be necessary. We have tested configurations of up to 128 megabytes of memory.

IX44820 X11R5 multi-head support and S3 SVGA 1024x768x256 color support.

                   Multi-Head Support For X-Server

    The  new AIX PS/2 X Windows and Motif supports multiple display adapters (multi-head) with seamless movement of mouse across  displays. Currently the  X-server  can  support  up to 8 display adapters, though more than one instance of the same adapter is possible for XGA only (by hardware design). All other adapters (VGA, 8514/A, Image Adapter) can only have one  instance in  the  system. It  is possible to have up to 8 instances of XGA in the system.

    The multi-head support is only supported on the PS/2 (MC bus) only, and  is not available on the ISA bus. This is because of the lack of multiple video card support on the ISA bus.

    The following options were added to the X-server for multi-head support

           -all            Runs the Xserver on all available displays. (This does not include the planar VGA, if available.)

                     e.g xinit -all

           -allp           Runs the Xserver on all available displays, and the planar VGA port on systems like model 80.

                    e.g xinit -allp

           -P<r><c>   <display no> {/vga}   | <display name> {/vga}
              (where words enclosed by {} are optional)

        This option is used for specific placement of displays.  The utility (see defect 531) lsdisp, displays the displays cards attached to the system with a display number and the name of the display. The numbers <r> and <c> denotes the element in the placement matrix where the display will be placed for the sake of cursor movement.  for example a matrix of 4 displays can be specified with the following row and column numbers.

                          |       |       |
                          |  11   |  12   |
                          |       |       |
                          |       |       |
                          |  21   |  22   |
                          |       |       |

                   This means the cursor can have a seamless movement from

                        11 to 12, 11 to 21,
                        12 to 11, 12 to 22,
                        21 to 11, 21 to 22,
                        22 to 12, 22 to 21 .

                   Of course, the movement can be four-directional without any bound using

                                   -wrap           option,

                            or vertically/horizontally without any bound using

                                   -wrapy / -wrapx  options.

                   When using the /vga option with the display number or the display name, the display can be run in 640x480 16-color VGA mode.


                   For instance, if there are two display cards installed, an XGA and a 8514/A, with XGA as display number 1 and the 8514 as display number 2, X can be run as follows:

                           xinit -P11 1 -P12 2
                           xinit -P11 xga -P12 8514
                           xinit -P11 xga -P12 8514/vga

                   This will run the 8514 in VGA mode and the XGA in XGA mode.

Note: only one instance of VGA can be specified.

Note: To get multiple XGA adapters to work, the last XGA adapter on the system should have its 1 MB VRAM aperture disabled. This  can  be  done using  the  reference diskette.    If the 1 MB VRAM aperture is disabled to run X in XGA mode, the system will try to  use  the  4  MB  VRAM  aperture. Using  the  4 MB VRAM aperture is only possible when the adapter is plugged into the 32 bit slot.   There are only  3  such  slots  on  the  model  80. Therefore,  it  is possible to have a VGA and up to 3 XGA or XGA-2 adapters on a model 80.  (The last card is determined by the adapter slot number and the adapter order shown when the configuration is viewed with the reference diskette.)

S3 SVGA Support

    APAR IX44820 was used to add support the S3  SVGA support  for  ISA  based machines. The mode supported is 1024x768 by 256 colors. Currently, S3 SVGA has only been tested on ISA based machines. Though it has not  been tested on  PS/2s,  it  is  believed  that  S3  SVGA  should  run  without modifications on PS/2s as the default display on the  planar. An option specific to S3 SVGA was added to the X-server:

           -waitstates  {0|1|2|3}     default is 1.

        There were some problems with 0 waitstates. For better performance try 0 waitstates.

            Monitors Supported
            Compaq SVGA monitor
            DELL Ultrascan 17 inch non interlaced mode
            IBM  8514 8515 8516 monitors for interlaced mode
            IBM  8517 monitor for interlaced mode

IX46013 Add support for Dual Store ITBU.

    Problem 1:  Uneven head wear causing CRC errors.

    The  old  ITBU  driver  numbered the tracks on a tape from 0 to 31 starting rom the bottom.  Because of this, the ITBU's heads were  wearing  unevenly causing CRC errors.  The new driver writes tapes from the middle track out, alternating  tracks.  In this way, the heads wear evenly.  The only fix for this once the problem has occurred is to replace the ITBU Unit.   For  this reason,  AIX/PS2  Support  STRONGLY  RECOMMENDS that the old ITBU driver be replaced with the new ITBU driver.

    Problem  2: ITBU timeout on a PS/2 Model 9577 with a National Semiconductor Floppy Controller.

    On systems with the National Semiconductor floppy controller and the old ITBU driver,  the following error message was seen when using the backup command: 
   uprf(cmd:backup) 911-160 Internal Tape: tape header invalid
   BACKUP MEDIUM I/O ERROR: write: unformatted or incompatable media

MCART    New command added:

              mcart -- irwin minicartridge tape utility
            mcart command <specialfile>  # <> indicates optional

MCART  Commands:

drive            Shows driver's version and drive type information
info             Gives cartridge information
capacity         Shows cartridge capacity in 512-byte blocks
kapacity         Shows cartridge capacity in 1024-byte blocks
format           Servo writes and formats a cartridge
formatunused     Sets cartridge to the "unused" state
getdefects <-p>  Shows defect lists (-p for brief display)
rewind           Rewinds cartridge
reten            Retensions cartridge
erase            Writes end-of-data mark at beginning-of-tape
wfm              Writes a filemark at the current logical position
rfm              Positions tape just past the next filemark
eod              Positions tape to end-of-data for appending
verify           Shows current read-after-write verify setting
verify_off       Disables read-after-write verify
verify_checksum  Sets read-after-write verify with checksum comparison
verify_byteforbyte   Sets read-after-write verify with byte-for-byte compare
pattern              Shows current track write pattern setting
pattern_diverge_all    Sets divergent track write pattern for all tapes
pattern_diverge_unused   Sets divergent track write pattern for "unused" tapes
pattern_zigzag_all       Sets zigzag track write pattern for all tapes
pattern_zigzag_unused    Sets zigzag track write pattern for "unused" tapes
Specialfile:             When not given, defaults to /dev/rst4

    Mcart   gives  access  to  device  specific  status  and  control functions of the Irwin minicartridge driver, MC.  The operation performed depends on the command: drive   Displays information about the MC  driver  and  the  tape drive.
                   An example display is:

    Special file:       /dev/rst4
    Driver version:     3.3.0d
    Drive type:         285XL
    Drive firmware:     Revision A0
    Controller type:    SYSFDC
    Unit select (0-3):  3
    Port address:       3F0
    Interrupt request:  6
    DMA channel:        2
    Track pattern written: Divergent on all tapes
    Read-after-write verification: Compare all data blocks byte-for-byte

       Special file:      gives the name of the special file used to access the driver.

        Driver  version:  has  the version of the driver linked with the  kernel.

        Drive type: gives an "equivalent" tape drive model number as determined by the MC driver.  Since the exact model number of the tape drive depends on the drive's form factor and whether the drive is mounted in its own cabinet, the equivalent model number  may  not  be  the exact model of the installed tape drive.  The following is a  list of equivalent drives:

           110:      110, 310, 410
           120<XL>:  120, 220, 320, 420, 720, 2020
           125:      125, 225, 325, 425, 725
           145<XL>:  145, 245, 345, 445, 745, 2040, A120
           165:      165, 265, 465, 765
           285XL:    285, 485, 785, 2080
           287XL:    287, 487, 787, 2120, A250

          The  brackets  in  the  120<XL>  and  145<XL>  mean the letters "XL" may or may not be present.  When the letters "XL" appear, the drive is capable  of  servo  writing  extra  long (i.e., 307.5 foot DC2120) tapes.

Note: When this field displays "125/145", either a 125 drive or an early model 145 drive with a DC1000 is present,  the driver can't distinguish between the two.
    A 125 drive will only accept a DC1000 cartridge (a DC2000 or DC2120 will not fit).  A 145 drive will accommodate DC1000, DC2000, or DC2120 cartridges.

      Drive firmware: has the firmware type number and revision level.   This line is present  only  for  drives  which report this information.

      Controller type: has a mnemonic for the floppy controller to which the tape drive is attached:

                        Mnemonic  Description
           SYSFDC    System floppy controller.
           ALTFDC    Alternate floppy controller.
           4100MC    Irwin 4100MC Micro Channel controller.
           4100MCB   Second 4100MC Micro Channel controller.
           4100      Irwin 4100 PC Bus controller.
           4100B     Second 4100 PC Bus controller.

                  Unit  select  (0-3):  gives the controller's unit select, in the range 0 through 3.  The unit select selects the drive.

                  Port address: has the floppy controller's base I/O port.

                  Interrupt request: has the system bus's interrupt line.

                  DMA channel: tells the DMA controller's channel.

                  Track pattern written:  tells the track pattern written (see Track Write Pattern below).

                  Read-after-write verification: gives the read-after-write verification method (see Read-After-Write Verification below).

             info  Displays cartridge information.  For example:

       Cartridge state:  Formatted and has a divergent block relocation table

        Cartridge format:   145
        Capacity:            78080 512-byte blocks :  39040 KB
        Used:                 5500 512-byte blocks :   2750 KB
        Remaining:           72580 512-byte blocks :  36290 KB
        Filemarks used:          0
        Write protect slider position: RECORD

                  Cartridge state:  gives the current state of the cartridge's format.

                  Cartridge format:  indicates the format on the cartridge's tape.   The format is given in a code which is the same as the drive model on which the cartridge was originally formatted (see mcart drive and the section on MINICARTRIDGES for details).  When the cartridge is blank, the code has the format which would  be  applied by the command: "mcart format".

                  Capacity:  tells the total cartridge capacity in 512-byte blocks and Kilobytes.

                  Used:  has the number of blocks written from beginning-of-tape.  This message is displayed only after writing the tape with sequential access device special files.

                  Remaining:  gives the remaining space on a cartridge, from end-of-data to end-of-tape.  This message is displayed only after writing the tape with sequential access device special files.

                  Write   protect  slider  position:  says  either  RECORD  or PROTECT.

             capacity  Shows cartridge capacity in 512-byte blocks.
             kapacity  Shows cartridge capacity in 1024-byte blocks.
                   These two  commands  give  the  total  usable  data  storage capacity of a formatted tape cartridge.  Variations in cartridge capacity are due to differing numbers of bad blocks.

             format  Either formats or reformats a cartridge.
                   Formatting should be performed only when necessary.  The use of  factory  preformatted  cartridges is preferable to using this command.

                     The formatting procedure is subdivided into phases:
                        Servo write
                        Sector write
                        Tape header block initialization
                        Tape header reload

                   The  servo  phase  is  only  performed when the cartridge is blank (bulk erased).   After  servo  tracks  are  written,  sector fields are written.  After writing sector fields the tape is certified.    Certification  involves  activating  a  margin circuit in the tape drive and reading each tape block.  Tape blocks  found marginal during certification are remembered.  After certification, the tape header block  (first  block  on  the  tape) is written.  The tape header is written with multiple copies of  tape  parameter  information  and  the  list of marginal blocks. Finally the tape header is read and verified.

                   If formatting fails the  cartridge  should  be  bulk  erased before trying again.  If formatting fails repeatedly, discard the cartridge.  The best bulk eraser for minicartridges is a 5-Amp at 120 VAC, or greater, AC bulk tape eraser (a possible source is Radio Shack).  To bulk erase a tape:

   Turn the bulk eraser on.  Place the eraser's erasing (flat) surface against the top (plastic) side of the cartridge.  Move the eraser in a slow circular motion (about 3 circles per second) over the surface of the cartridge as though you were hand mixing a can of thick house paint.  Continue the motion for at least 10 seconds.  Then, while circling, slowly separate (very slowly for the first few inches) the cartridge and eraser.  When separation is three feet, turn the eraser off.

             formatunused   Sets cartridge to the "unused" state An "unused" cartridge is similar to a factory pre-formatted cartridge (fresh out of the box).

                   When a cartridge is formatted and has a valid header block, formatunused  simply updates the header to set the cartridge to the "unused" state.  Update time is about a minute.

                   When a cartridge is not formatted or the header block is invalid, formatunused behaves  like  the  "format"  command. All operations  necessary  to  format the tape are performed and the cartridge is in the "unused" state.

             getdefects <-p>  Shows defect lists (-p for brief display)
                   Getdefects shows the list of bad  blocks  (primary  defects) for a  cartridge.   If a relocation table is present, its blocks are also shown.  The relocation table consists of three lists of blocks:  The working defect list (usually equivalent to the primary defect list) a grown defect list, and a relocation list.   The grown defect list has  blocks  which  have  been found defective during a write or read-after-write operation.  The relocation   list   contains   blocks   which  are  the  new assignments for corresponding blocks in the grown defect list.  The relocation list is parallel to and possibly shorter than the grown defect list.  Normally, both linear and physical block numbers are shown.    (The  driver  writes  tape  in  linear order.)
                   When  used  with  the -p option, parsable output, containing only linear block numbers, is generated.  Get defects also shows the pending relocation list (not currently used) and the filemark list.

             rewind  Rewinds the tape in a cartridge. The rewind command sets the logical read/write tape  pointer to  beginning-of-tape.  This is useful when using the no-rewind driver  as it positions the tape for either overwriting from or scanning for filemarks from beginning-of-tape. Note  that the driver  always physically rewinds the tape on the completion of a tape backup or restore operation whether or not the no-rewind special file is used.

             reten  Retensions the tape in a cartridge. Retensioning first  winds  the  tape  to  end-of-tape,  then rewinds  the tape to the load-point hole at the beginning-of-tape. Retensioning ensures even tension between the tape and tape head through the entire length of tape.  Retensioning should be performed for cartridges which have been stored for a period of months.  Like the rewind command, reten resets the logical tape pointer to beginning-of-tape.

              erase  Writes end-of-data mark at beginning-of-tape Erase clears any previously written archives by writing an end-of-data mark at the beginning-of-tape.  This logical minicartridge operation takes less than a minute.

                  Warning!  If the erase command is used in conjunction with a minicartridge driver version 2.x.x with an older 145 tape drive   attached,   the  tape  is  physically  erased.    If physically erased, the tape must be re-formatted.

              wfm  Writes a filemark at the current logical position. Filemarks are optionally used to separate tape backups.  The wfm command is accepted only by sequential access special files and are typically used only with the no-rewind device special file (e.g., /dev/nrctmini) with tar or cpio.  In addition, filemarks can be written only on factory formatted tapes or tapes formatted by the MC driver.  An error is displayed when these conditions are not met.  The driver stores a filemarks list at the beginning-of-tape.

              rfm  Positions tape just past the next filemark. Starting from the current logical tape position,  rfm  reads and positions  just  past  the  next  filemark.    When  no more filemarks are present, tape is logically positioned to the end-of-data append point and the message "At end-of-data" is displayed. When no filemark list  is  present  on  the  tape  an  error message is  displayed.    This command is only useful when using the no-rewind device special file (e.g, /dev/nrctmini) for tar and cpio.

              eod  Positions tape to end-of-data for appending Eod logically positions tape  just  past  the  last  archive and/or filemarks written on the tape.  This command is only useful when using the no-rewind device special file (e.g., /dev/nrctmini) with tar or cpio.

              Read-After-Write Data Verification

              During the write operation, the drive has no way of telling the quality of data written.  Thus, to improve reliability of data recovery, the tape driver supports an optional read-after-write verification feature.

              Read-after-write  verification  can  be performed using either of two techniques: checksum or byte-for-byte.
             The checksum technique saves a  simple  checksum  for  each  tape block written.  Then, during read-after-write verification, tape blocks are   read   and  their  checksums  are  compared  against  saved checksums.

              The byte-for-byte technique saves both  checksums  and  data  for each tape block written.  Tape block data is saved in disk storage called the "hold".  During read-after-write verification, tape blocks are read back and compared against data saved in the hold. The hold data is validated using saved checksums.

              Read-after-write per block hard error tolerance is stricter than normal  read  operations  in  that  1)  the  number of retries is reduced and 2) only a single CRC error is allowed.  Blocks with one CRC error are recovered with ECC.  While blocks with  more  than  one CRC error are deemed unrecoverable even if recoverable using ECC.

              For checksum verify:  Any recovered block whose checksum matches the  saved  checksum  is  a  successfully  verified  block.   Any recovered block whose checksum does not match the saved checksum reports an error.   Likewise, any  block,  deemed  unrecoverable,  which  is either not recoverable using ECC or whose checksum, after ECC recovery, does not match the saved checksum reports an error.  Any block deemed unrecoverable, which is both recovered by ECC and has a checksum which matches the saved checksum is a candidate for rewriting using the recovered data.

              For  byte-for-byte  verify:    Any recovered block which compares with data saved in the hold is a successfully verified block.  Any recovered block which fails to compare with  data  saved  in  the hold, and  any  unrecoverable  block is a candidate for rewriting using data retrieved from the hold.

              A candidate for rewriting is first rewritten in place, then re-verified.  If, after re-verification, the block is still a candidate for rewriting, the block is reassigned to a spare block area  on  tape,  written  to  the  new  assignment,   and   again re-verified. If after re-verification the block is still a candidate, an error is reported.

              Because read-after-write verification takes an additional pass, backup time is approximately double that of a backup without verification.

              The following are mcart commands used to show or set the read-after-write-verification control:

              verify shows the current read-after-write verify setting: verify_off, verify_checksum, or verify_byteforbyte.

              verify_off  disables  read-after-write verification.  (Except for the checksum verification of a single block during the first "device open" in which a tape block is written after system boot.)

              verify_checksum tells  the  driver  to  perform  read-after-write verify using checksum comparison.

              verify_byteforbyte tells the driver to perform read-after-write verification using byte-for-byte comparison with data saved, during write, in disk holding storage.  If there is insufficient disk space storage, checksum verification is used.  This is noted by a console message.

              Track Write Pattern

              There are two track patterns called "zigzag" and "divergent". Using the zigzag (from bottom to top of tape) pattern gives interchange compatibility with sites using older versions of the minicartridge (mc) driver.  Using the divergent (from center of tape outward) pattern promotes even head wear and improves reliability, but lacks interchange compatibility with earlier versions of the minicartridge driver.

              The following are mcart commands used to show or set the track write pattern control:

              pattern shows the current track write pattern:
                   pattern_diverge_all, pattern_diverge_unused,
                   pattern_zigzag_all, or pattern_zigzag_unused.

             pattern_diverge_all tells the driver to write all tapes with the divergent track pattern.

              pattern_diverge_unused causes the driver to write "unused" tapes with the (more reliable) divergent track pattern.  If a tape has previously been "used" with the zigzag pattern, it will continue to be written with that pattern until set to the "unused" state using the command: "mcart formatunused".

              pattern_zigzag_all tells the driver to write all tapes with the zigzag track pattern.

              pattern_zigzag_unused  tells  the  driver to write "unused" tapes with the zigzag pattern (for compatibility with earlier  versions of the driver).  If a tape has previously been "used" with the divergent pattern, it will continue to be written with that pattern until set to the "unused" state with the command:  "mcart formatunused"

                        Table of Minicartridge Format Parameters
      |       | AccuTrak |        |        |      |        |   Sectors  |
Dens- |Cart-  | Reorder  | Cart-  | Total  |      | Blocks |   per      |
ity   |       |          |        |        |      |        |            |
      |ridge  | Number   | ridge  | Tape   | Trks |   per  |   Block    |
FTPI  |       |          |        |        |      |        |            |
      |Format |          |        | Blocks |      | Track  | Data | ECC |
 6400 | 110   | 1000-10  | DC1000 |  1264  |   8  |  158   |   8  |  0  |
 6400 | 120   | 2000-20  | DC2000 |  1190  |  14  |   85   |  16  |  2  |
 6400 | 120XL | 2000-30  | DC2120 |  1792  |  14  |  128   |  16  |  2  |
10000 | 125   | 1000-20  | DC1000 |  1320  |  12  |  110   |  16  |  2  |
10000 | 145   | 2000-40  | DC2000 |  2480  |  20  |  124   |  16  |  2  |
10000 | 145XL | 2000-60  | DC2120 |  3720  |  20  |  186   |  16  |  2  |
13200 | 165   | 2000-64  | DC2000 |  3936  |  24  |  164   |  16  |  2  |
11600 | 285   | 2000-80  | DC2000 |  2752  |  32  |   86   |  29  |  3  |
11600 | 285XL | 2000-120 | DC2120 |  4160  |  32  |  130   |  29  |  3  |
         Notes:     The suffix part of the AccuTrak Reorder Number is an approximate cartridge capacity in Megabytes. All formats use 1024 byte MFM encoded sectors.

            Table of Drive Read/Write Compatibility for Cartridge Formats
       |             Drive Model (See Note)             |
       |      |      |      | A120 |      |      | A250 |
       |      | 2020 |      | 2040 |      | 2080 | 2120 |
       |      |  720 |  725 |  745 |  765 |  785 |  787 |
       |  410 |  420 |  425 |  445 |  465 |  485 |  487 |
Cart-  |  310 |  320 |  325 |  345 |      |      |      |
ridge  |      |  220 |  225 |  245 |  265 |  285 |  287 | Cart-
Format |  110 |  120 |  125 |  145 |  165 |      |      | ridge
 110   |  rw  |  rw  |  r-  |  r-  |  r-  |  r-  |  r-  | DC1000
 120   |  --  |  rw  |  --  |  r-  |  r-  |  r-  |  r-  | DC2000
 120XL |  --  |  rw  |  --  |  r-  |  r-  |  r-  |  r-  | DC2120
 125   |  --  |  --  |  rw  |  rw  |  r-  |  r-  |  r-  | DC1000
 145   |  --  |  --  |  --  |  rw  |  r-  |  r-  |  r-  | DC2000
 145XL |  --  |  --  |  --  |  rw  |  r-  |  r-  |  r-  | DC2120
 165   |  --  |  --  |  --  |  --  |  rw  |  r-  |  r-  | DC2000
 285   |  --  |  --  |  --  |  --  |  --  |  rw  |  rw  | DC2000
 285XL |  --  |  --  |  --  |  --  |  --  |  rw  |  rw  | DC2120
         Key: r  Drive reads cartridge format
              w  Drive writes cartridge format
              -    Incompatible: When a cartridge is formatted but incompatible for reading  or  writing,  the  driver  reports  that   the cartridge is either incompatible or erased.


              Extra long (i.e., DC2120) cartridges are incompatible with the following drives as the drive will not physically accommodate the cartridge:  110, 310, 410, 125, 225, 325, 425, and 725

              Even though DC2120 cartridges are physically accepted in the following drives, they may not be formatable: 120, 220, 320, 420, 720, 2020, 145, 245, 345, 445, 745, 2040

              Drives manufactured previous to about 1989 don't recognize the longer   tape.  Although,  the  MC  driver  reads  and  writes preformated xtra long tapes in these  drives,  it  is  unable  to  correctly ormat hem.    Formatting  will  start,  but  terminate  in error.   To determine whether a drive supports formatting of DC2120 cartridges, use the mcart utility.  If the command "mcart drive" reports a drive type with  the  suffix  "XL",  formatting  of  DC2120  cartridges   is supported.

IX44807/IX44850/IX45731 ThinkPAD Support The  following  three APARs provide support for additional ThinkPAD models.
    Also see IX36900 in the "SMALL PROGRAMMING ENHANCEMENTS (U400005)"  section below.

IX44807 Support has been added for the ThinkPAD Model 720/720c.

IX44850 Kernel enhancements for ThinkPAD 700 support.

IX45731 Add support for ThinkPAD 750/750c.

IX41980  Changes  for  PS/2 Model 80 mother-board upgrade.  Add support for Model 80 mother upgrade changes in kernel and IDE driver.  This system is a 486 and has planar IDE.

IX41997 Need support for non-default attributes on tape drives.  Added code so that users can now use tctl to change the settings for the tape  drives. For  instance,  if  a drive supports compression, it can be turned on using tctl.

IX44814 Support has been added for Adaptec SCSI adapter on ISA bus.

IX44841 Added support for ISA  based  3COM  3C509  Etherlink  III  ethernet adapter.

IX45072 Support added for PS/2 9577 - Models 76i, 76s, 77i, and 77s.

IX45073  SCSI  tape does not work with Future Domain SCSI adapter.  Support added for 4mm Tape.

    The Hewlett-Packard 4mm tape drive cannot use some  brands  of  4mm  tapes. Please  check  the information shipped with your 4mm drive type to find out which brands of 4mm tapes can be used by your 4mm drive.

    When a 4mm tape drive has problems with a particular brand of 4mm tape, the following error messages may be seen:

           tar: write error: Write-Protected media
           tar: write error

IX45088 Support added for PS/2 Micro-Channel Future Domain SCSI adapter.

IX45535 Add support for new Future Domain SCSI adapter.   There  is  a  new revision  of  the  Future Domain adapter, FRU number 71G0707, customer part number 70G8496.  The old Future Domain adapter was  withdrawn  on  3/31/94; the  FRU number on the old Future Domain adapter was 92F0330, customer part  number 32G4088.  AIX will not install on FRU number 71G0707.   It can  fail with the following error messages:
           900-606 panic - can't add paging device

Note: With either revision of the Future Domain adapter, it is necessary to always boot from the floppy boot diskettes until this PTF is applied.

IX45823  Support  has  been  added for the Token-Ring 16/4 II adapter, also known as the 16-bit ISA bus master token ring adapter.

IX45090 Support added for NEC CDROM.

IX46218 Implement AIX PS/2 Print Screen functionality.


IX36893 A new install option has been added to install over a network.

                              NETWORK INSTALL

         2 Boot diskettes (Generic as supplied from 1.3, the Non-SCSI
           boot diskettes will not function properly.)
         1 Installation Diskette
         1 Network Installation Option Diskette

    Information: You will need to have the following  information  to  complete the network installation.

           Remote host name and Remote net address:
               Network address and name of the server that contains the AIX 1.3 image.

           Local host name and Local net address
               Network address and name of the machine you are installing.

               A bitmask that will subdivide your network into smaller subnets.
               If you do not know this value, see your system administrator.

           Network Device
               The supported types of networks are Token Ring and Ethernet.
               For Token Ring enter tk0 (default), For Ungerman Bass Ethernet enter net0.

           Route Thru and Route Machine Address
               Use  this  if  you  need  to use a gateway to get to your server machine.
               Network address and name of the machine you are routing through.

           Remote filesystem
               Mountable file system of the server.

           Image path and name
               AIX 1.3 base image name.

           The following are the questions that you will be asked during the network installation. The parenthesized items are the defaults and will be selected if you just press enter at an item without entering any information.

              Remote host name (servergate)
              Remote net address (
              Local host name (Your_machine_name)
              Local net address (Your_machine_network_addr)
              Netmask (0xfffff000)
              Network Device (tk0)
              Route thru (NONE)
              Route machine address()
              Remote filesystem (/images/130)
              Image path and name (images/opsys)

               Normal AIX 1.3 installation is done in two phases.

               Phase I:
                    Install as normal, using the installation diskette.

               Phase II:
                    1) Choose "Boot from Diskette"
                    2) Set the "Run system from hard disk" option to yes.
                    3) Choose "Network Install"

               You will be prompted to insert the Network Installation Option diskette.
               Insert it and press enter.

               Answer the questions using the information you gathered earlier.

Note: When installing an ISA bus machine over token ring, make sure the adapter attached to the net you wish to use has the factory default settings for a primary token ring  adapter.  Once  this is done, netinstall will proceed exactly as on a Microchannel machine.

    Procedure for setting up a server for the purpose  of  using  the  "Network    Install" option, when installing AIX.

    1) Find out exactly how much space you will need on the install  server.  The amount of space needed depends upon what you are planning to install.  Information about how much space is needed can be found on page 2-7 and 2-8 of the "Installing and Customizing the Operating System" manual. (The operating system takes roughly 22 megabytes.)

    2) Run the 'minidisks' command and create a partition at least twice the size of the image to be made.  Therefore, you should have a partition of approximately 44 megabytes to create an image for the operating system.  Name the partition /images and create it to be automatically mounted and read/write.

    3) Change directories to /images as follows:

           cd /images

    4) Restore the operating system into the directory that is mounted on the minidisk with the command:

         restore -xvf /dev/fd0

    5) AIX will prompt you to mount volume 1 on /dev/fd0 and will continue asking for the diskettes until you have restored the entire operating system.  (There are 15 operating system diskettes.)

    6) When completed with the restore, create a backup file of the contents of the directory that was just created:

         find . -print | backup -ivf /images/opsys

    7) The file /images/opsys will become your network install image for the operating system.  You can follow the same pattern as above to create network install images for the other Licensed Program Products, replacing the space requirements, disks to be used, and the name of the network install image appropriately.

IX36894 Support for serial port mouse has been added.

Serial Mouse Driver for AIX 1.3

    This update provides support for a serial mouse, i.e., a mouse connected to he  system  via  a  serial port as opposed to a mouse port (which uses the keyboard controller).  Several limitations exist in this support:

     1. Only one serial mouse is supported.

     2.  For machines which have both a mouse port and serial ports,  the  user should  use the mouse port.  Do not add a serial port mouse if a mouse port mouse is connected to the system.

     3.  The serial port mouse must be added via devices (a mouse port mouse is NOT added via devices).  To add the serial mouse with devices, choose mouse from  the  device  classes menu and then choose smouse from the device type menu.  You will need a free serial port (one that has not been added  as  a tty  or  printer  port) on your system.  If you have added a tty (or serial printer) that you now wish to use as the mouse serial port, you  will  have to use devices and delete that tty before adding the mouse.

     4.   If you use the mouse under DOS Merge, you will need to attach the tty port to merge, e.g. DOS+acom1=/dev/tty0 and ensure that the DOS mouse driver  looks  for  the
    mouse on the serial port rather than the mouse port.

     5.    The  OEM  mouse  that  will be attached to the serial port must send sequences that are compatible with the IBM mouse or Microsoft mouse.

     6.  Depending on the mouse used and  user  preference,  you  may  want  to change  mouse  acceleration and threshold.  For X-Windows, this may be done with the -a and -t options from the command line that starts the X  Server. These values may also be changed from applications.  A sample program to do this is distributed with the X11   Samples   LPP   from   IBM (usr/lpp/X11/samples/clients/xset).

IX36895 Support has been added for 8mm Tape Cartridge drive.

     IBM 8505 8mm Tape Cartridge Drive (P/Ns 21F8650, 21F8652 and 46G2224)

    Being a SCSI device, there are no new requirements to support this  device. However the following should be noted:

     This tape drive supports 3 formats:

     2.3 GigaByte
     5.0 GigaByte
     5.0 GigaByte with Data Compression.

     The drive will read all formats by default.
     For writing, the drive will default to 5.0 GB compressed format.


                   Notes for IBM AT Fast SCSI Card

    Support  for the IBM 16-Bit AT Fast SCSI Adapter has been added for ISA bus machines. The default jumper settings described in the user's manual should be used for the first card installed unless there are conflicts with  other adapters  in  the system.  Subsequent SCSI cards will need to be configured to not conflict with previous SCSI cards.   We  support  all  SCSI  devices mentioned in the Programming Announcement for AIX PS/2 Version 1.30.

    When  the machine is first installed from the golden image, the kernel will not recognize the SCSI adapter. This will  only  be  relevant  if  you  are attempting to install onto SCSI disks. In order to install onto SCSI disks, you  must continue to boot from diskette until this update has been applied and a new kernel built. The following is an outline of the steps  you  will need to perform to freshly install a SCSI disk system:

     1) Boot from diskette and perform first stage installation
     2)  Boot  from  diskette,  run  from  hard  disk  to  perform second stage  installation.
     3) Boot from diskette, run from hard disk and apply the update.  Make sure
    to update /etc/master from /etc/master.new.oskern per the instructions from the update.
     4) Run "devices" and add the SCSI adapter.  "add  scsi  scsi".    Set  the
    "iobase" to match the jumper setting on the adapter (default is 0x140).
     5) When you exit devices, a new kernel will be built.
     6) Reboot the system.

    If  your  machine  does  not use any SCSI disks, you may boot from the hard drive in step (3) above.

IX36900 Support has been added for Thinkpad models. AIX  130  now  supports  the  following  Micro  Channel  Bus   Architecture notebooks:

                       N51 SX
                       N51 SLC
                       CL57 SX


    The  N51 SX, N51 SLC and CL57 SX will last about fifteen minutes on battery power.  The 700 and 700C will last about two hours on battery power. If the battery fails or is drained  while  AIX  is  running  AIX  will  not shutdown gracefully.

IX36903 Support has been added for the 4mm DDS Tape Cartridge drive.

IBM 35480A 4mm DDS Tape Cartridge Drive
                            2 GByte + Data Compression
                                 (IBM P/N 55F9274) (FRU P/N 55F9306)

    Being  a SCSI device, there are no new requirements to support this device. However the following should be noted: The Drive will read standard (non-compressed format) and compressed  format tapes.

    For  writing,  the  DDS  drive defaults to 2.0 GB (2,000,000,000 bytes, not 2*1024*1024*1024 bytes), uncompressed format.  If compression is turned  on with  the  tctl  command, 2.0 to 4.0 GB of data can be written to the tape, depending on the data content.

    For  writing,  the DDS-2 drive defaults to 4.0 GB (4,000,000,000 bytes, not  4*1024*1024*1024 bytes), uncompressed format.  If compression is turned  on with  the  tctl command, 4.0 to 10.0 GB of data can be written to the tape, depending on the data content.

IX36904 Support has been added for the SCSI QIC-1000 Tape Drive. 5.25" QIC-1000 1/4" Tape Cartridge Drive (P/N 21F8719)

    Being a SCSI device, there are no new requirements to support this  device. However the following should be noted: The QIC-1000 can hold up to 1 GigaByte of data.

IX36906 This update adds support for the IBM 8595.

IX36908  Lvl  is  an  administrative  program  which will show what level a system is at.  It also will compare all history files to make sure  that  a system is in a workable state.

IX36909 SCSI tape support has been added to the ez utilities.

IX36910  An  option  has  been  added  to  the  AIX install to delete other operating systems from the hard disk.

IX36916 AIX driver support for AT Bus ITBU (IRWIN-compatible with  Micro Channel ITBU).

Internal Tape Backup System

    Support  added  for the internal tape backup unit on ISA/EISA systems.  The IRWIN Internal Tape Backup System tape drive is compatible with IBM's  ITBU tapes  and  format. All  the  archive  commands that currently work with existing micro-channel ITBU will work with the ISA/EISA Tape Drive.

    The drive has a three position jumper switch that is set according  to  the number  of  drives  on  the floppy controller and also the floppy connector type.

    Capacity : 120MB

     The configurations available:

     Jumper        Floppy              Number of floppy
     position      Connector           drives connected
     DS2      default             one
     ALT      third floppy cable  two

     Model : A250 Internal Tape Backup System (accuTRAK standard) P/N 73-0-61007001

IX36944 Support for ISA Bus added.

            ISA/EISA systems
            IBM ValuePoint : Model 6382
            IBM ValuePoint : Model 6384
            AST Bravo 486/25
            AST Bravo 486/33
            DELL 386
            Dell : Model 4/33M
            Compaq : Model Prolinea
            Compaq : Deskpro 386/33L (EISA)
            Compaq : Deskpro 486/33L (EISA)
            Gateway2000 : Model TOWER
            Gateway2000 : Model DESKTOP
            IBM ValuePoint : Model 6381
            IBM ValuePoint : Model 6387

Note: The adapters that are factory installed (packaged with the system) may not be supported. For the peripherals and adapters supported on ISA/EISA machines please consult the list of "small programming enhancements" in this document.

            To install on these machines, you will need to use the new boot and install disks provided in this update.


IX35631  If  the  NLLANG  variable  is set in the /etc/environment file, tn causes two login prompts to be generated.

IX37278  The  ezinstall  installation  fails  with  "first_mini  mkdir   /u failure".   If an AIX system is configured and installed setting /u=0, then a new filesystem is made (hd7 by default)  connected  to  /u  (for  example /u/oracle),   then   "ezcustom"   is   executed  selecting  "build  BOOT  & INSTALLATION diskettes" (/u/oracle is mounted), finally executing "ezbackup -s | /etc/backup -iqvf /dev/rst0" to make a system image, you will  not  be able to install AIX again through the Mass Installation process.

IX37526  dosdir  and dosread not usable with hard drive and subdirectories. Unable to get the dosdir and dosread commands  to  recognize  a  hard  disk filesystem  and  subdirectories  under  it.    Floppy  works correctly with  subdirectories.

IX37527 Only one OEM serial printer can be configured on  AIX  PS/2  1.3.0.
   Problem:  Customer  is trying to configure all its OEM serial printers, but after choosing the first one (osp1) there is no way  to  add  another  one.
    Solution: The file /etc/predefined has a "noduplicate = true" option in the "osp1:"  stanza,  which  is  inconsistent  with the /etc/ddi/osprinter file contents. Problem can be bypassed by setting "noduplicate = false".

IX37531 Cannot install from tape on PS/Valuepoint with  Irwin  tape  drive. AIX  PS/2 install from ITBU fails with a tape read error when attempting to install on PS/ValuePoint with an IRWIN internal tape drive.

IX37935 If a user telnets into AIX PS/2, his login  shell  has  a  filesize limit  of  524280  blocks  regardless  of the systemwide default set in the sysparms section of /etc/system.   The only exception to  this  is  if  the filesize  limit  for  the  userid  used  is  set in the gcos section of the /etc/passwd file.  This problem also exists if rlogin,  rexec,  or  rsh  is used.   This problem does not exist if the user logs in from a regular tty or from the console.

IX37973 select() with timeout returns without a message received when using two named pipes.

    Using two named pipes as input to server from client1  and  client2  and  a named  pipe  as  output  from  server  to client1; while client2 is sending messages every 5 seconds, client1 will respond to  a  message  from  server after  2 seconds.  Server is waiting for this message doing a select() with a 60 seconds timeout on the named pipe of client1.  This testcase will  run for  a  while as designed.   Highly intermittent select() returns without a message received from client1 and before the 60 seconds timeout is elapsed, this will happen just in that time when a message was sent by client2.

IX41975 Creating 2000 kernel buffers causes the  system  to  panic  because there is not enough room in the dynamic kernel space for that many buffers.

IX41996 FTP fails when transferring files larger than 4096 bytes over X.25.

IX43181  AIX  not  responding  to ARP requests with largest frame bits 111. Single-route broadcasts issued by the Macintosh to either AIX PS/2  1.3  or AIX RS/6000 3.1.x are unanswered.

IX44806  IRWIN  ITBU  drive  A250  has  problems with the floppy controller 82077SL on ValuePoint Models 6382 and 6384.

IX44810 The vi editor replace character function fails  on  an  empty  file when  LANG=En_US.   If the LANG environment variable is not 'C' or default, the vi editor enters into an infinite loop when performing a replace command (i.e., 'r') on an empty line.

IX44812 Netmagic needs to reset mtab and hosts. There was a problem where if the power was lost during the Phase II part of the network installation, Phase I needed to be rerun.
  The netmagic scripts were changed to delete the directory entry for the NFS mount if it was still in /etc/mtab, and then mount the filesystem.

IX44817  Incorrect  plurality  for  'line' and 'character' when opening vi. When Lang=En_US and file is greater than 1 line, vi prints the word  "line" instead  of  the  word "lines" and if there is more than 1 character in the file, it prints the word "character" instead of the word "characters".

IX44823 Add command lsdisp to list displays supported by ix44820.   IX44820 added  support  for multiple heads (adapters and displays) for X11r5 on AIX PS/2.  Command lsdisp was added to list available displays on the system.

IX44835 Serial device driver hogs IRQ 3 even when not  used.    The  serial device  driver  attaches  IRQ  3  during initialization even when it is not going to being used thus tying up already scarce IRQs.

IX44839 X11 8514a with back level model 80 80386 processor.    X11r5  fails with  80386  b1 step chip.   Changed code to check for a 80386 b1 step chip and output error message.  Solution is to specify the -T  option  when  the X-server is linked to force loading at a higher address.

IX44840  The  current  tty driver only supports up to 19200 baud rate.  The reference manual for the model 77 says that the serial ports support up  to 345,000 bps.

    It  is possible to configure a baud rate of 38400 on models that support up to 345,000 bps, but the devices command does not support this value.  After configuring the port and exiting "devices", modify the /etc/ports file  and set "speed=38400" in the stanza for the tty that is being used.

IX45060  The  0013 release contained a new option that allowed the deleting of non-AIX partitions.   Although  the  new  option  for  deleting  non-AIX partitions worked for deleting DOS partitions, it did not work for deleting AIX and OS/2 partitions.

IX45063  SCSI  does not recognize all disk drives.  The SCSI subsystem does not recognize all the hard drives connected to a machine unless they are in consecutive order.  In other words the following:

          hdisk0     SCSI id 6 recognized
          hdisk1     SCSI id 5 recognized
          hdisk2     SCSI id 2 not recognized

IX45087 ThinkPad 750 requires  "Set  Date  and  Time"  on  reboot.    After installation  of  AIX,  system  complains (during post) about error 163 and 173. The reason is AIX rewrites  the  existing  NVRAM  Dynamic  Data  Areas because it cannot compute the checksum correctly. The new PS/2 systems have 8K NVRAM and the max limit for NVRAM in the existing code is 2K.

IX45091  Change  the  system file to include "athd" stanza for MCA systems.  The  file  "/etc/system"  and  the  file  used  to  build  boot   diskettes "system.ps2"  have  to  be changed to include the stanza "athd" for the IDE drives.

IX45525 Maximum ulimit value is  incorrect.    When  attempting  to  change ulimit  in  super  user  mode,  only values up to 524280 are accepted.  The limit for filesizes should be 4184303.

IX45638 Macintosh MBR causes SCSI lock record to be written.  The Macintosh operating  system writes the same MBR identification bytes out to removable hard drives that AIX uses to determine if the MBR is present on its hard drives. This dupes the SCSI driver into thinking that the hard drive has an AIX partition on it which then causes it to write out a SCSI lock record on sector 1. This in turn corrupts the data on the Macintosh file system.

IX45716 The parallel printer port hangs on a  model  6384-F30  Value  Point machine.

IX45816  The serial device driver is not waiting for the initial CTS before transmission.  This will occur even if the minor device number is  properly set for flow control.  (ie. decimal 32 for flow control enable on tty0).

IX45822  The  parallel  driver  for  ISA machines hogs both interrupt 7 and interrupt 5 when it should at most reserve interrupt 5.

IX45986 Backup and restore will not work on 3450 tape drive.

IX46126 ValuePoints and other ISA machines cannot use the parallel port.

IX46222 Need to merge multi-block strategy support, etc. into SCSI  driver. Merge  in  new  SCSI  code  which  fixes  some  problems in the multi-block strategy support as well as some other fixes for the SCSI driver.

IX46225 Scan codes from 3151 are not correct.  A change for a previous APAR broke the scan code mapping.

IX46226 AIX writes data to sector 2 on non-AIX removable SCSI DASD.    This effectively corrupts the data on non-AIX disks.

IX46411  The  submodel  bytes  (0x44  and 0x47) for the server 95 processor complexes needs to be added to machdep.c.  Mantaray DMA needs to be  turned on also.

IX46491 Installing AIX/PS2 on a PS/2 model 9577 has the following error:
            910-091 dmasetup:DMA SCB access register is broken

IX45765  Whenever  customer tries to back up to IBM 1295 Rewritable Optical Cartridge, part number 645-0162, using backup or CPIO;  if  the  amount  of data  to  be backed up takes more than 1 128 MB cartridge, the machine will panic.

IX45721 The minor numbers for SCSI tape are incorrect.   The minor  numbers should  be  0,  16,  32,  48,  64, etc. for rtape0, rtape1, rtape2, rtape3, rtape4, etc.

IX46229 Boot disks built using custboot get an NMI error on P5 machines.

IX46634 Install breaks on newly formatted hard disk. When installing AIX on a hard  disk that has just been formatted, the maint program gets a segmentation violation and goes to single user mode.

    The  changes  made  by  previous  defects  to  allow  the  deletion  of DOS partitions did not include a case for newly formatted disks which will have a value of FF written in all sectors  including  the  master  boot  record. That  problem  was  corrected by changing the code to not modify the master boot record if it is a newly formatted hard drive.

IX47069 Backup and restore in standalone mode fail to backup and restore filesystems.

IX47958 Config: ThinkPAD 750 Reported: AIX/PS2 r130 with APAR ix45371

    Problem:   After installing AIX on a ThinkPAD 750 and rebooting, errors 173 and 163 are reported.  The system requires that the date and time  be  set. When  the  date  and  time are set, this corrupts NVRAM so the language and time zone information have to be entered again, which corrupts the date and time.........

IX47959 Diagnostic data is being displayed to the console when a tape  unit is accessed because a debug flag was left on.

IX47961  Support was added for the 2.88 Mb floppy drive and was released in the 0013 update to AIX PS/2 1.3.0.    The  devices  that  were  created  to support  the 2.88 Mb floppy; fd0e, fd1e, fd2e, rfd0e, rfd1e, and rfd2e were given the incorrect permissions.


IX27779 RTIC card hangs process, and/or hangs the system.

IX29685 On a model 90 with model k processor (p/n 64f0198 33mhz/486),  ITBU access fails with the following error:

  Backup medium i/o error: write: input/output error use a
  new tape and rerun the backup
  uprf(cmd: backup): 911-161 Internal tape: fatal write on close

  The following error is also seen in osm:
    Internal Tape: Fatal DMA overrun error (trk=15, cyl=124, sec=1)
    Internal Tape: Fatal write error on close

IX29972  grep  -v  on an empty file gives a carriage return, but should not return anything.  The following is an example:
         grep -v empty > outfile
  After the above command is run, the file outfile contains one line.

IX30077  With  a PS/2 80-A31 with OEM EPL plasma monitor, during boot up of AIX PS/2, the text is not  easily  visible.    Code  was  changed  to  make default_fg_color and default_bg_color patchable parameters.

IX30193  When  the  small  kernel boot diskettes are used to install AIX an error about no usable ports is given when trying to add the 16/4 token ring card.

IX31349 When devices is used to add a  CDROM  on  a  57slc  (with  a  CDROM drive), the following message is given:
         "There are no usable ports for this device."

    When  the node is made for the CDROM and the stanza is added in /etc/system for the CDROM, then the CDROM can be successfully added and used.

IX31645 When the devices command displays serial ports associated with dual async and internal modem cards, it show the ports to be on the planar board rather than on backplane cards.

IX31684 When minidisks is run on a model 56SX,  the  following  message  is displayed:
        det_upper_disk_bound: ioctl /dev/hd00 failed.
     After this message minidisks seems to run fine.

IX32329 The backup command allows the user to use conflicting flags without giving usage error.  e.g.:
         find /filesystem -print | backup -i -0
     gives a backup by file name instead of the level 0 incremental backup that the user intended.  The backup command should give a usage error.

IX32938 The ITBU tape drive hangs during CPIO on a 25Mhz 486SX.

IX33112  Install  on  model  80  with 1 ESDI drive, 2 SCSI drives, fails to  recognize ESDI drive if SCSI boot diskettes are used.

IX34244 The ITBU tape drive tries to write to the tape header on read  only accesses.

IX36506 The first time the installation disk is inserted (where there are 2 floppy drives configured in the system) the following message appears:
         "uprf(cmd:maint) fdopen: No diskette present"

IX36509 When using "reboot" to bring the system down the message " ...... cannot turn accounting off ......" is  displayed.    This  error  occurs  if  administrative  services is not installed.

IX36511 When using the ESC-K functionality in a aixterm, the ksh mixes your last history line with the users prompt.   If you type  CNTL-L,  all  works fine.

IX36514  If the window size of an aixterm is changed while running, the ksh will still think that it is running with the previous window  size.  I.E. columns and rows stay the same size.

IX36517  When attempting to add pty's via devices the following error message is displayed:
       040-039 There is a problem in the file "/SYSTEMNAME/system".
       Either a stanza is too large or there are too many stanzas.
       The last stanza read from this file was "sysparms:".

    This is because there is a limited amount of  buffer  space  for  a  single stanza,  and  the comments in this stanza cause this buffer to be exceeded. A simple workaround for this problem  is  to  move  the  sysparms: entry further down in the comments. This causes the comments above sysparms: to be associated with the previous stanza and not the sysparms stanza.

IX36519 If an installt tape is used to install one lpp and then it is asked to install it again, it will do so.

IX36520 The ITBU driver updates the header on tapes even  if  only  reading the  tape.   If the tape has the write protect tab on, on close, the driver displays an error writing the header.

IX36527 When chparm nodename= <name>  is used to change the  machine  name, the  program  will  fix up many things, but it does not fix the sendmail.cf file.

IX36528 The ksh 'set' command hangs when piped to pg or more.

IX36538 In /etc/ezcustom the change  defaults  screen  has  the  option  to change  the source nvramcfg.info file.  This option does not accept the new path.

IX36565 Write-protected diskettes are not detected when tar, dd, or  backup are  requested to write to a diskette.  The tar command functions as though it wrote to the diskette (but did not).  The backup command also  functions as  though  it  wrote to the diskette, but hangs.  The dd command hangs and continually accesses the diskette drive.

IX36582 When devices is used to add a SCSI tape device, it  shows  that  an 8mm  tape  drive is being added.  This should say any SCSI tape drive; 8mm, 1/4", data tech. etc...

IX36595 If a program is created that includes mbcs.h, cflow will coredump.

IX36597 In vi, screen updates are garbled when tabstops are set  to  4  and inserts are performed on a line.

IX36598  Minidisks  fails on second drive added after installation on an AT bus system.  Should be checked out on both IDE and ESDI drives.

IX36599 IDE driver will not work with other disk drivers.    The  IDE  disk driver  for  ISA  bus machines does not maintain certain tables which allow multiple types of disk adapters to be active in the   system  at  the  same time.

IX36601 The devices utility will not allow addition on second non-DASD SCSI device.    When attempting to add a second non-DASD SCSI device to the same SCSI card, devices decides that the port is already in use, and cannot have any more devices attached to it.

IX36603 The header file pos.h incorrectly includes machinfo.h.

IX36604 When the floppy drive is accessed simultaneously by an AIX user and a DOS user (under DOS merge) the system hangs.

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
Last update: 12 Feb 2025 - Changelog | About | Legal & Contact