Kingston KTM-609/16 Adapters

@70D4.ADF KINGSTON KTM-609/16 Memory Expansion Adapter (Uses C70D4.ADF)
C70D4.ADF Init file for @70D4.ADF
   Note: Files from an Internet Archive capture from Dec 1996. It doesn't seem they were the original setup disk, since one archive mentions NetWare in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
@70D4.ADF - KTM-609/16 Memory Expansion Adapter (No Sysmem or ADP!)
   Note: Read the ADF Versions notes.

609FILES.EXE Install Disk for KTM-609/16
   This has the correct @70D4.ADF / C70D4.ADF files
609OLD.EXE Older version (Version 1.2) of ADF files / Utility diskette
MEMOREX.EXE KTM609/16 when used with Memorex and NCR Micro Channel system
   These two file sets are a horrid mix of mismatched ADFs, SC.EXE, and missing files.
KTCEMM.EXE KTCEMM.SYS with LOTUS 123 (2.3) fix

KTM-609/16 Installation Guide

US5161218A - Memory controller for using reserved DRAM addresses for EMS

3c527.c 3Com Etherlink/MC32 driver for Linux 2.4 and 2.6

KEMM - Kingston's Expanded Memory Device Driver

KTM-609/16 II
KTM-609/16 Plus
KTM-609/16 Plus II
Three KTM-609 Chipsets
KTM-609 ADF Versions
Extended or Expanded Memory?
KTM-609/16II on 32-bit Systems
   KTM-609/16 on 32-bit System, Part 2
Two KTM-609 on 8580

KTM-609/16 [P]

P1-3 72-pin SIMM sockets
U1 Chips P82C631 EMS Mapper
U7 Dallas DS1000N-75 Delay
U8 Kingston 1110085 / HG62F22R77FH
U10 Kingston 1110009 / 4L01F1069
U12-19 HM658512LTT-85 512Kx8 PSRAM
U26 PAL "1180 U26A"?
U28-35 pads for PSRAM

KTM-609/16 II

P1-4 72-pin SIMM sockets
U14,22,31,34 Signetics PLS153AN
U11 Dallas DS1000N Delay
U12 Signetics N82HS195BN
U20 1047U18A
U21 Signetics PLS173F
U25 Chips P82C631 EMS Mapper
U26 1070U26B
U27 Signetics PLS153AN
U32 1070U32A
U33 1070U33B
U37 1070U37B
U38 Signetics PLS153AN

Note: the Signetics PLS chips might be a gate array, no Holy Joy...

To install mixed-size memory, start with the largest SIMM in P1, then the next largest in P2, ditto P3, ditto P4.

KTM-609/16 Plus [P]

P1-4 72-pin SIMM sockets
U11-16 PALs
U17 Dallas DS1000N-75 Delay
U18 Kingston 1110009 / 4L01F1069
U24 Chips P82C631 EMS Mapper

KTM-609/16 Plus II [P]

P1-4 72-pin SIMM sockets
U1 Chips P82C631 EMS Mapper
U7 Dallas DS1000N-75 Delay
U8 Kingston 1110085
U10 Kingston 1110009

Three KTM-609 Chipsets

After WBST pointed out the ADF mis-match, I returned to trying to spiff-up the KTM-609 page. I never collected these, so anyone with good pictures of the KTM-609 variants would be doing all of us a real service by sending them in. We don't have enough of these to pontificate. Currently, it looks like KTM-609 is the entry, "Plus" models later, and "II" versions are the most advanced. I think.

Note: This is a generalization, GALs / PALs are on all versions, but chip count decreases.

KTM-609 KTM-609 Plus KTM-609 "II"
P82C631 P82C631 P82C631
GALs / PALs Kingston 111009 Kingston 111009
GALs / PALs GALs / PALs Kingston 111085

The KTM 609 came out in variations. The original KTM 609 (without "/16" and "Plus II") came with no RAM, took 512K, 1M and 2M modules only and it was pretty bad . Same card-ID and same layout as later cards. Hard to differ, which is which. I *think* they only changed the ADFs a bit. Then they brought the revised KTM 609 /II which worked fine. The 609/Plus came with 2 or 4MB SIMM already - cannot remember exactly.

The KTM-609/16 memory board uses IBM standard 72-pin SIMMs. The SIMM modules are installed in descending order starting with the higher capacity SIMMs first in Slot P1. The first socket is P1, then P2, and so on.

Kingston P/N IBM P/N Size
KTM-1000/M70 6450603 1 MB
KTM-2000/M70 6450604 2 MB
KTM-4000/M70 34F2933 4 MB

IBM Personal System/2 1 MB Memory Module Kit 85 ns (#5212) (6450603)
IBM Personal System/2 2 MB Memory Module Kit 85 ns (#5213) (6450604)
IBM Personal System/2 2 MB Memory Module Kit 80 ns (#5214) (6450608)

IBM 2/4/8-16MB MCA Expansion Board KTM609 (6450609)

I ran some of the Kingston P/N for the KTM-4000/M70, I suspect 85, 80, and 70 ns will work.

KTM4000/M70 (92G7199, 87F9977, 34F2933, 92F3337)

KTM-609 ADF Versions

A working theory from an undisclosed source:
   You need the @70D4.ADF from the "609FILES.EXE", with "sysmem 1024 24". This invokes the C70D4.ADF, but requires either a BOPT103.EXE or XGAOPT.EXE updated RefDisk (SC.EXE V2.04/V2.21, respectively, I believe) from a number of RF*.EXE created RefDisks. The whole 609FILES.EXE construction, INSTALL process and contents are a real mess!

From the "correct" @70D4.ADF file:

NumBytes 4
sysmem 1024 24

SysMem - needed when adapters use an ADP to configure their system memory
1024 - granularity field - smallest block of memory, which can be disabled on the adapter
24 - number of address bits supported by adapter

So, @70DF uses an ADP. It can disable in 1024KB chunks. 24 address bits.

Note: I believe the early KTM-609 cards without Kingston ASICs did not expect an ADP.

Extended or Expanded Memory?

The only thing you can do under Set Configuration is to set the amount of Expanded memory from "Disabled" (all on-board memory is Extended) to the full amount of memory physically installed on the KTM-609. As the system boots, you will see the total amount of memory minus the amount allocated as Expanded displayed on the screen. When the EMS driver initializes, it will display the amount of memory allocated as Expanded memory.

Windows or OS/2

All memory Extended. Windows and OS/2 can address all added memory directly.


Allocate Kingston memory as Extended or Expanded, or any combination of the two.

Use EMM386 for 386SX and up.
KEMM.SYS 286 Expanded Memory Driver (not for 386SX and up!)
   Ed. Tom: Huh? The screen says "KEMM: 80386 Expanded Memory Manager".

Regardless of how much extended memory your computer has, only a maximum 15MB can be allocated as expanded memory. In fact, to preserve your extended memory, you should only allocate the amount of expanded memory necessary to support your particular application.

KTM-609/16II on 32-bit Systems

>This KTM-609/16 gets VERY hot in my mod. 80. Sometimes (after AUTOCONFIG or SAVE CHANGES) the machine does not recognize the cards memory and I have to do a second SAVE CHANGES to find the card. Is it possible that this card CANNOT be used in a mod. 80?

Hmm. Let me say it this way: it *should* not be used in a Mod. 80 ... because of the memory performance degradations - but if the card is technically in good order it will work in there of course. At least on original 16 and 20MHz Mod. 80 (-0xx to -311) ... it may fail on the 25MHz (-Axx) models - but that has the basic reason in the bandwidth of the processor with cache that uses more and faster memory cycles. The 16 and 20MHz systems have no CPU-cache (if they have the 386DX and are not upgraded with e.g. the Kingston 486Now! or the Cyrix / TI 486DLC or Blue Lightning upgrades.

I ran a KTM-609 in my Mod. 80-071 for some time - while I had nothing else to boost up the original 2MB to at least 8MB (back in the good old DOS-with-Win3.1 times). But I replaced the card as soon as possible with an IBM 32-bit 2-8MB card. I *think* I have some of them laying around here ... I'll dig for one and let you know if I succeeded. I think the KTM-609 and the 2-8 use the same memory modules. IIRC I swapped the modules from the Kingston over to the IBM with no problems... but that is long ago and my cheap memory has bit-failures from time to time... ;-)

Using KTM-609/16 on 32-bit System, Part 2

Kurt (and Peter),
This card *will* work fine in a 386 (at least a 386sx, which has 16-bit slots). Here are the things I know about this card that may be relevant:

  1. Do not use KEMM.SYS on a 386 - use the usual EMM386.SYS.
  2. Make sure you have not allocated the memory to expanded memory in setup.
  3. You probably need to run the Kingston install disk, or at least copy their SC.EXE to the reference disk (or maybe some other file - I don't remember, but I think the ADF alone wasn't sufficient).
  4. Don't run automatic configuration. Do go into Set Configuration and use F10 to Save it.
  5. I'm not sure, but it may just ignore SIMMs whose presence detect codes (size and speed) it doesn't recognize. It may also require them to be installed in the SIMMs slots starting with slot 1.

I had the instruction manual for this card at one time but unfortunately didn't save a copy.

Aron Eisenpress, City U of NY / Computing & Information Services

Can I use Two KTM-609 on 8580?

>Is it possible on PS/2 Mod. 80 (386-20) to install TWO Kingston KTM-609/16 RAM Expansion Cards to pass the 16MB limit?AFAIK the cards were made originally for mod. 50, but the first one works without problems in mod. 80.

Nope. They are 286 / 16-bit cards. And 2^24 address lines are exactly 16.0MB. You *could* try setting up a LIM-EMS expanded memory model on these cards - but it will work only with particular software that uses the LIM-EMS standard. Linux, OS/2 and Windows after 3.x will most likely refuse to work with this addressing model. They are designed to operate with a linear (32-bit addressing) model. Particularly the "true 32-bit" operating systems will choke on that.

I know that a single card can be used in a 386 machine with some memory performance degradations - but that's no way to really pass the 24-bit DMA limit, which -in the end- causes the 16MB RAM limit on the Mod. 80. You need either the Acculogic SIMMply RAM 32-bit card or the 32-bit Kingston KTM-64 at least. These cards have own logic to care for the memory and do not rely on the systemboard NMI / Parity error detection logic, which uses the DMA to track / detect errors within the memory.

Hi Ed !

> For the KTM-609 you *need* a 55SX refdisk *and* the KTM-609 option disk, which comes with all the ADFs (2 !!) and a modified SC.EXE and some DGS file(s). WRW - Dim memories of mine suggest that the updated SC.EXE provided with the XGA-2 option diskette will allow the Kingston card to work fine if you have the ADF and initialization program files already.

>What happens if you have two different adapters and they both come with a modified SC.EXE? Are all the versions of this file just chronologically ordered new releases from IBM or is there some more sinister DLL hell going on?

Basically the rule of updating the reference partition is, that the files with a newer release date or version number (which *is* normally a later date) are copied over the existing ones.

I don't know why some board manufacturers choose to replace the SC.EXE - but Kingston is / was one of those. As well as Tecmar and Quadram, where boards failed to work - at least with older reference disks. When I installed massive amounts of KTM-609 board back in 1991 / 92 the 55/65 reference version was 1.03 - I think the 55/65 ended at 1.05. If you have a 1.00 - 1.03 version of the ref-disk and you only copy the ADFs to it... the Kingston will not work.

The 1.05 - don't know. They changed a lot on it AFAIK. The earlier versions are based on DOS 3.3 - I think the 1.04 and 1.05 were at least based on DOS 4.

16MB on 9556
>does anyone know of a card to increase the memory on a 9556, I know its a 386 based machine with a 486 upgrade, Will the 386 memory boards (from Kingston or IBM) work in these machines

Yes. Highly recommended is the Kingston KTM-609 II - since it supports XMS memory - what the IBM 1-2 and the 0-8 XMA don't.

memory upgr prob 55sx
Application Notes Kingston KTM-609/16

Automatic Installation

  1. Before inserting the card into the MCA slot, boot into DOS and run INSTALL.EXE from the Option Diskette. The diskette can be downloaded at 609FILES.EXE. From the installation program menu, choose "Install Configuration Files onto Reference Disk" to update the reference diskette. Then choose "Exit and Back to DOS".
  2. Power off the computer and insert the card into the MCA slot.
  3. Boot the computer with the Reference Diskette in the drive. Do NOT run Automatic Configuration. Choose "Set configuration," then "Change configuration." On the line that reads "KINGSTON KTM-609/16 Memory Expansion Adapter", make sure that Expanded Memory is set to "Disabled." Save configuration with F10, then exit and reboot.
  4. The added memory should now be counted. Do NOT use the KCEMM.SYS memory manager from the Option Diskette. Use the standard EMM386 with option NOEMS.

Manual Installation (edited)

  1. Before inserting the card into the MCA slot, copy @70D4.ADF, C70D4.ADF and SC.EXE into the root directory of the Kingston install disk (or another floppy). Boot with the refdisk, choose Copy an Options Diskette from the main menu of Systems Program. The system will ask for the new files, insert the floppy with the new files, the system should notice the new or updated files and copy them to memory, then it will ask for the refdisk. It will them copy the new files to the refdisk and it's done.
  2. Follow steps 2 through 4 as in "Automatic Installation."

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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