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Based on content by William R. Walsh (original HERE).
Caere Typist Interface

CN1 9-pin round connector
U1 20L8 PAL
U2 C&T P82C611 MCA interface
U14 16R4 PAL
U17 AMD 7202-65PC 1Kx9 FIFO memory
U23 16L8 PAL
CN1 9-pin round connector - looks like an
Apple LocalTalk connector
I'd guess that this adapter plugged into some kind of handheld scanner.
From the looks of things the majority of "intelligence" is either
scanner or software based. There's not much to this adapter except the Chips
P82C611 and AM7202. Judging by the adapter name, this was most likely used with
an OCR package.
From what I've read so far, the scanner is a 300DPI hand scanner.
Caere Today
Caere is long gone. They were bought out by ScanSoft (who has been through
a few different hands). ScanSoft is now a part of a company known as Nuance.
I could find nothing at all on the Nuance site regarding the Typist adapter.