AT-Bus Architecture and System-Specific Updates

Personal Computer Hardware Technical Reference Catalog

This manual contains information that is common to all AT-bus systems. It complements the separately purchased updates for Model 25 SX and Models 35 and 40 (listed below).

  • Personal System/2 Hardware Interface Technical Reference — AT-Bus Systems
    • Part number 85F1646; form number S85F-1646
    • Includes a binder
    • Contains:
      • Microprocessors and Instruction Sets
      • DMA Controller
      • Interrupt Controller
      • System Timers
      • Diskette Drive Controller
      • Parallel Port Controller
      • Serial Port Controller
      • Video Subsystem
      • Keyboards
      • Characters and Keystrokes
      • Compatibility
      • Other interfaces and system-specific sections obsoleted by updates, listed below
  • Update to the Personal System/2 Hardware Interface Technical Reference — AT-Bus Systems
    • Part number 41G5096; form number S41G-5096
    • Does not include a binder
    • Contains:
      • I/O Channel Architecture
      • Keyboard and Auxiliary-Device Controller
  • System-specific updates to the Personal System/2 Hardware Interface Technical Reference — AT-Bus Systems:

    • Model 25 SX
      • Part number 10G6457; form number S10G-6457
      • Does not include a binder
    • Models 35 and 40
      • Part number 41G2950; form number S41G-2950
      • Does not include a binder

View other AT-bus system-specific technical references.

Return to the index of the IBM Personal Computer Hardware Technical Reference Catalog.

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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