3270 Connection Adapters

@E7FF.ADF The IBM 3270 Connection Version A (Long w/ Toshiba 6320055 PGA)
@E7FF.ADF The IBM 3270 Connection Ver. A (different text)
@E7FF.ADF IBM 3278/79-Adapter A (German version)

@E1FF.ADF The IBM 3270 Connection Version B (Long/Short w/ Toshiba 16F0291 QFP)
@E1FF.ADF The IBM 3270 Connection Ver. B/C (different text)
@E1FF.ADF IBM 3278/79-Adapter B (German version)

187-069 The IBM 3270 Connection

Long 3270 83X9648 (mfd @ 1987)
Long 3270 83X9261 (mfd @ 1988)
Short 3270 26F0189 / 29F0191 (mfd @ mid 1988)
Short 3270 74F5174 (mfd @ mid-late 1991)
Short 3270 33G5395 / 33G5248 (mfd @ 1993)
Short ISA 3270 74F5175 (mfd @ 9216)
Known Problems
   8550Z Hangs on POST with 3270 Adapter (H037659)
   3270 Emulation Adapter ("A" vs. "B") (H055072)
Blown Varistor
ADF Sections

Thanks to David Beem for the photos and verifying the adapter IDs.

Long 3270 83X9648 [ID: E7FF] (mfd @ 1987) [P] [P]

C12 ? disc cap
C18,19 .05M 250 V disc cap
D1,2 Discrete diodes
J1 BNC connector
J2 MCA card edge
L1 inductor
R3-5 0.25 W resistors
T1 PE-61773
U4,12 TC5563APL-12 8Kx8 SRAM
U6 Toshiba 6320055 / T7414
U23 6407289(ESD)
VR1 MOV (disc)
Y1 23.587 MHz osc

The rest of the card is filled with through-hole 74xx logic.

This early sample uses a different part in place of the Toshiba 16F0291 gate array that can be found on all the other MCA and some ISA 3270 adapters.

It also has a different adapter ID (E7FF) compared to the later revisions (E1FF).

Long 3270 83X9261 [ID: E1FF] (mfd @ 1988) [P] [P]

C12 ? disc cap
C18,19 .05M 250 V disc cap
C30 Y5S .0022M 100 V?
D1,2 Discrete diodes
J1 BNC connector
J2 MCA card edge
R3-5 0.25 W resistors
T1 PE-61773-002
U1 Toshiba 16F0291
U2 6407289(ESD)
U10-12 TI TMS4464FML-12 64Kx4 DRAM
VR1 MOV (disc)
Y1 23.587 MHz osc

Short 3270 26F0189 / 29F0191 [ID: E1FF] (mfd @ mid 1988) [P] [P]

C6 Y5S .0022M 100 V
C19,20,24 big SMD caps
C27,29 22 uF / 16 V tantal.
D1,2 Discrete diodes
J1 BNC connector
J2 MCA card edge
R3-5 0.25 W resistors
RP1 767-161R2K
RP2 4816P-002-391 15x 390 Ω (bussed)
RP3 83X9683
T1 PE-61773-002
U1 Fairchild 74F32 SC8812 W
U2 Fairchild 74F08 SC8820 X
U3 Fairchild 74F86 SC8817 Y
U4 Fairchild 74F10 SC8817 X
U5-7 D41464-12
U8 TI 826CS LS125A
U9 6407289(ESD)
U10,11 TI844BF ALS646
U12 Toshiba 16F0291
VR1a pads for through-hole MOV
Y1 23.587 MHz osc

Short 3270 74F5174 [ID: E1FF] (mfd @ mid-late 1991) [P] [P]

C6 Y5S .0022M 100 V?
C19,24 22 uF / 16 V tantal.
D1,2 Discrete diodes
J1 BNC connector
J2A MCA card edge
R3-6 0.25 W resistors
RP1 4816P-002-202 15x 2 KΩ (bussed)
RP2 768161391G 15x 390 Ω (bussed)
RP3 4814P-G13-000 (?)
T1 PE-61773-002
U1 Toshiba 16F0291
U2 TI CF62831APC / 39F9393
U3 Motorola MCM6205BNJ35 32Kx9 SRAM
U5 Motorola 25F8105
VR1A SMD MOV (smaller)
Y1 23.587 MHz osc (metal can or plastic)
? pads for alt. SRAM pkg.?

Short 3270 33G5395 / 33G5248 [ID: E1FF] (mfd @ 1993) [P]

C1,2 22 uF / 16 V tantal.
C3A Y5S .0022M 100 V
D1,2 S 3G G1
J1 BNC connector
J2A MCA card edge
RP1 39F9383
RP2 93F0150
T1 PE-5762M
U1 Toshiba 16F0291
U2 TI CF63363PCM / 92F6454
U3 Toshiba TC55329J-35 32Kx9 SRAM
U5 Motorola 25F8105
VR1A SMD MOV (smaller)
Y1 23.587 MHz osc (metal can or plastic)

Short ISA 3270 74F5175 (mfd @ 9216)

C1,2 22 uF / 16 V tantal.
C3 Y5S .0022M 100 V
D1,2 Discrete diodes
J1 BNC connector
R1-4 Dale 9204J RN60D 2430F
RP1 768201202G
RP2 768161391G
RP3 74F4465
T1 PE-61773-002
U1 Toshiba 16F0291
U2 TI CF62831APC / 39F9393
U5 Motorola 25F8105
VR1B pads for MOV
Y1 23.587 MHz osc (metal can or plastic)

Looks like there should be an earlier ISA variant. This one is closer to 33G5248 with the large TI chip.

Known Problems

PS/2 Adapter Installation Restrictions 3270, Token Ring, Etc. (H005662)

8550Z Hangs on POST with 3270 Adapter (H037659)


8550Z Mod 031 and 061 with 3270 Connection Adapter FRU P/N 74F3458 installed may fail to complete POST with no beep and no error code posted.

Problem Isolation Aids

Should the above condition exist, remove the 3270 adapter card and reconfigure the system. If the 8550 will then complete POST without error, replace the 3270 connection adapter with FRU P/N 74F4459.


Replace with latest level 3270 connection adapter FRU P/N 74F4459.

3270 Emulation Adapter ("A" vs. "B") (H055072)

3270 Connection Type "B" Adapter has replaced the original Type "A" P/N 83X9702. While the card was functionally the same as the Type "A", there was a change made to the diagnostics ADF on its associated diskette. The easiest way to recognize this is when the replacement arrives and it is seen to be a shorter card than the original. In circumstances where the original card fails & the replacement FRU sent is the Type "B" adapter (P/N 39F7597), the original diskette will not configure or run diagnostics to it. This can be solved by either accessing the central HONE Fastpath Library (it may be on your local Country Shadow) to download the new diagnostics remotely, ordering the new Publications, or placing an Emergency Code A order directly on Greenock for the diskette:

   Language   GTO P/N's  Diskette Assy P/N's
   English     70F4036       70F4119
   French      70F4127       70F4128
   German      70F4037       70F4120
   Italian     70F4038       70F4121
   Spanish     70F4039       70F4122 

Blown Varistor

David Beem send in this photo of a blown varistor (MOV):

External surge? User error?

The varistor appears to be wired between a power plane and a ground plane or possibly between two separate ground planes (signal/shell).

AdapterId E1FF The IBM 3270 Connection Version B

Resources Used
   The First, Second, Third and Fourth choices are available to allow up to four adapters in the machine or to resolve conflicts with other adapters. First is the default and matches the original adapter's configuration.
      <"First" (02D0h - 02DFh)>, Second (06D0h - 06DFh), Third (0AD0h - 0ADFh), Fourth (0ED0h - 0EDFh)

Memory Assignments
     CE00 is the default and matches the original adapter's configuration.
         <"CE00" (CE00-CFFF)>, CA00 (CA00-CBFFF), CC00 (CC00- CDFF), D000 (D000-D1FF), D200 (D200-D3FF), D400 (D400-D5FF), D600 (D600-D7FF), D800 (D800-D9FF), DA00 (DA00-DBFF), DC00 (DC00-DDFF), DE00 (DE00-DFFF)

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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