RS/6000 MCA Systems with CPU Cards

This list is neither complete or totally correct. The P/N are from the 2004 version of RSinfo. The 7012-Gxx units are confusing, as are the 7015-Rxx units. I have two sources, and they don't always match when they identify planar-mount or CPU board...

I would not assume CPU cards with the same CPU are identical, unless P/Ns match.

Model ID CPU P/N
7009-C10 48 80 PPC 40H5691, 65G8331, 65G7916
7009-C20 90 120 PPC 040H5693, 65G8126
7012-320 31 20 Pwr 91F1009, 81F7889, 53F3352, 53F3206
7012-32H 35 25 Pwr 81F8232
7012-32E 35 25 Pwr 81F8232
7012-340 37 33 Pwr 52G4190, 51G9539, 51G8771, 00G3149, 81F7952
7012-34H 77 41 Pwr 51G9433, 51G8989
7012-350 38 41 Pwr 52G4007, 51G8770, 00G1998
7012-355 77 41 Pwr 51G9433, 51G8989
7012-360 76 50 Pwr 51G9437, 51G9074, 51G8823, 10G8819
7012-36T 76 50 Pwr 51G9437, 51G9074, 51G8823, 10G8819
7012-365 76 50 Pwr 51G9437, 51G9074, 51G8823, 10G8819
7012-370 75 62 Pwr 51G9441, 52G3908, 43G0914
7012-37T 75 62 Pwr 51G9441, 52G3908, 43G0914
7012-375 75 62 Pwr 51G9441, 52G3908, 43G0914
7012-380 58 59 Pwr2 93H5028, 40H6723, 40H2706, 11H3465, 52G4475
7012-390 57 67 Pwr2 93H4897, 40H6717, 40H2837, 88G4006, 11H3462, 52G4691
7012-39H 59 67 Pwr2 93H4924, 40H2800, 88G3536
7012-G30 E1D 35H8750, 35H8711, 19H0229
7012-G40 ???
7013-55L 77 51G9433, 51G8989.
7015-970 63 50 Pwr 52G6076, 65G3448, 52G5729, 52G1072, 81F9067
7015-97B 63 50 Pwr 52G6076, 65G3448, 52G5729, 52G1072, 81F9067
7015-980 64 62.5 Pwr 52G6085, 65G6896, 52G5669, 43G2188
7015-98B 64 62.5 Pwr 52G6085, 65G6896, 52G5669, 43G2188
7015-990 80 93H4848, 11H3357, 52G6128, 88G0262, 52G5755
7015-R10 67 50 Pwr 8184780, 65G7623 * Note 1 –Rxx CPU Cards
7015-R20 67 93H4039, 8184612
7015-R21 79 39H9200
7015-R24 82 71.5 P2SC 10J2962, 40H0863, 11H7417, 88G0007
7015-R30 C1D 75 601 35H8748, 35H8710, 19H0247 * Dual CPU
7015-R3U C1D 75 601 35H8748, 35H8710, 19H0247 * Dual CPU
7015-R40 C4D 112 604 09J4712, 19H0317 * Dual CPU
7015-R4U C4D 112 604 09J4712, 19H0317 * Dual CPU
7015-R50 X4D 200 604e Note 2
7015-R5U X4D 200 604e Note 2
7030-3AT 58 59 Pwr2 93H5028, 40H6723, 40H2706, 11H3465
7030-3BT 57 67 Pwr2 93H4897, 40H6717, 40H2837, 88G4006, 11H3462, 52G4691
7030-3CT 59 67 Pwr2 93H4924, 40H2800, 88G3536

Note 1: 7015-Rxx CPUs:

E1D PowerPC 601 75
C1D PowerPC 601 75
C4D PowerPC 604 112
E4D PowerPC 604 112
X4D PowerPC 604e 200

Note 2: 7015-R50 X4D 200 604e FRU / P/N

41L6222 <- 41L6221
41L5020 <- 41L5019
94H1087 <- 08L0375
08L0784 <- 08L0783
08L0373 <- 08L0372
07L8979 <- 07L8978
07L9397 <- 07L9398
94H0389 <- 93H9536
94H0389 <- 93H9535
94H0389 <- 93H9534
94H0389 <- 93H7201

The IBM RISC System/6000 processor: Hardware Overview
   by H. B. Bakoglu, G. F. Grohoski, R. K. Montoye

Machine Organization of the IBM RISC System/6000 Processor
   by G. F. Grohoski

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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