
8086 Planar
Display Board
Hardware Configuration


The inside is divided into three portions, the substrate, the drive, and the slot.

Photo of the internals HERE.

8086 Planar P/N 6342394, EC 865251-4 [P]

5551G06 Planar

1 Memory MN416P-15 x 36
2 intel D8284A
3 intel 8087 socket
4 MN2364SPM PN6239163
5 intel D8086-2
6 MN2364SPN PN6239162
7 D7264D BIOS?
8 TEST switch and LED
9 MN50015SPE IBM6343868
10 MN50015SPH IBM6343871
11 D8039LC (8513B7)
12 MN50015SPC IBM6343866
13 MN50015SPD IBM6343867
14 intel P8237A-5
15 D765AC (8512KD)
16 TD308C/TD1100C 16 MHz
17 HM6116LP-2 (8513)
18 Parallel port (36-pins)
19 D7261AD (8443E9)
20 D8259AC-2 (8506K3)
21 D8253C-2 (8514E7)
22 SED9420C
23 Keyboard connector

Uses Panasonic MN50000 Series gate arrays.

Many LSI tips have appeared in the huge substrate.
A memory is 256KB in total in 64Kbit LSI tip x32 piece.
Although CPU is usually called 8086, since it is 8MHz, it is 8086-2 correctly.
The TEST switch and LED for a system test are attached.
Although there is a parallel port, but there is no serial port.
Since a planer is inserted in the slot of a case, there is no connector of a power supply.

Monochrome Display Board P/N 6342396, EC 865251-3 [P]

5551G06 D/A

1 CX0-043C 40.0000 MHz
2 MN50015SPG IBM6343870
3 HM6116P-2
4 HM6116P-2
5 HD46505SP-2 HD68B45SP
6 MN50007SPF IBM6343869
7 Monochrome display connector

Uses Panasonic MN50000 Series gate arrays.

It is the personal computer of IBM too that the display board is another.
Although the difference between a color model and a monochrome model is based on this display board, it is needed.

Hardware Configuration (Mr. Tahara's machine)

CPU i8086 8MHz
Memory 640KB
(probably -- Planer 256KB+128KB adapter+256KB adapter)
Hard Disk 10MB
Diskette Drive 5.25-inch 2DD 1Drive
Expansion Slot 6slots (Adapters is 5 slot used.)
Adapters Kanji Font Adapter
128KB Adapter
256KB Adapter
5250 Workstation Adapter (Old model which 2 slot is used)
Display 5555-B01 (15inch monochrome)
Keyboard 5556004 (Katakana key arrangement, use for 5250 emulation)

Hard Disk Partitions

Partition1 JWP Bunsyo Program
Partition2 JPC Kanji DOS

"Bunsyo Program" which is the word processor started by the original system is installed into the partition of exclusive use.


OS Partition1 Bunsyo Program
Partition2 KDOS
Kana Kanji conversion Partition1 Bunsyo Program Clause conversion
Partition2 MKK (Clause conversion)
Application Partition1 Bunsyo Program
Partition2 Kanji Data Box
Emulator Partition2 5250 Japanese Personal Computer

Mr. Tahara's Machine

The 2nd set of Multistation, 5551-G06 came to hand on 2003.5.1.

I received the computer of having been due to discard from a certain man. There were no less than 5577 printers with sheet feeder in fact. However, since there was no place to set, it was not able to obtain. Although starting from a hard disk is possible, a data error occurs, and even if it is going to read from a diskette drive, can generate an error and it cannot be read. It may become a huge ornament immediately...

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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