IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletins

1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995

This is a list of PS/2 and Micro Channel related Technical Disclosure Bulletins. Please note that this collection is not complete by any means. If you find any other relevant bulletins please Let Us Know.

Please keep in mind that the primary purpose of these articles is not to describe the discussed topics with absolute accuracy, but rather to act as a defensive publication - in other words, to prevent IBM's competition from obtaining patents on the discussed "inventions". Therefore, some technical details may differ from the actual implementation! Some of the provided information is also covered by the official technical references, patents, and other documents.

The "Prior Art" service provides free search functions and document previews but you have to pay a fee to view the full document(s)!

Copies of technical disclosures published in the IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin prior to February 1998 are also available for a fee through the following organizations (updated contact info, original here):

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The bulletins are also kept on file with Patent & Trademark Offices and U.S. Government Depository Libraries. Searching/copying services are NOT provided by any PTO or Government office.

See (*) & (*) for archived Delphion TDB pages (complete text, but many articles are missing unfortunately).

List compiled by Tomáš Slavotínek. Last update: 15 Apr 2023.


IP.comTitleDateSubject, Notes
000039453LOOP Power-On-Self-Test DiagnosticsJun 1987
000039773Personal Computer With Dual System BusAug 1987
000040102Interrupt Arbitration in Personal Computer SystemsSep 1987
000040167Interrupt Arbitration to Prevent Data OverrunOct 1987
000040174Diagnostic Status for Non-Maskable Interrupt ArbitrationOct 1987
000040220Dynamic Relocation of Memory (For Error Recovery)Oct 1987POS
000040475Input/Output Address Space Sharing for Personal ComputersNov 1987
000040768Bus Data Transfer Controls for Personal ComputersDec 1987
000041210A Summing Circuit Bus for Attaching Audio Devices to Personal ComputersDec 1987


IP.comTitleDateSubject, Notes
000056649Auxiliary Video ConnectorJan 1988
000057295Level-Sensitive Interrupt for a Parallel Printer Interface Using Data and Status I/O for ResetApr 1988
000057298Watch Dog Timer InterfaceApr 1988
000059019ROM Activated Zero Wait States for Computer Memory Address RangesApr 1988
000059020Row Address Select Multiplexing of Computer MemoryApr 1988
000057499Memory Image Mapping for Personal Computer SystemsMay 1988
000057566Synchronization Control Block Posting MechanismMay 1988SCB
000057586Automatic Direct Memory Access Buffering in a Mixed-Width/Dual-Memory System ArchitectureJun 1988
000057732Channel Check Protocol-Error Detection/Correction ProtocolJun 1988
000057936Spurious Error Prevention Due to Power InterruptionsJul 1988
000057946Dynamic Arbitration Level Assignment for a Direct Memory Access SubsystemAug 1988
000058227Command Dependent Column Address Select SwitchingSep 1988
000058287Input/Output Exerciser Test Package for Personal SystemsSep 1988
000058314Sub-Addressing Extension to Programmable Option SelectOct 1988


IP.comTitleDateSubject, Notes
000034224Logging and Retrieving of Error Codes During Power-On Self Test Using BIOS Function CallsJan 1989
000034447Microprocessor Bus State Monitor SystemFeb 1989
000034529Slot Windows for Circuit Edge ConnectorsMar 1989
000034747Determination of Latest Read-Only Memory on Identical Adapters in IBM Ps/2 ComputersApr 1989
000034799Direct Memory Access for Multiple Requesting Computer DevicesApr 1989
000034828ROM Scan Extension for Video As a Special Case for Expanded ROM Scan [!]Apr 1989
000034869Manufacturing Test Mode for a Personal ComputerMay 1989
000034939Adding and Deleting Loadable Power on Self Tests Configuration FilesMay 1989AIX
000034966Loadable Power on Self Test Adapter Setup TableMay 1989
000034970Keyboard-Less Personal SystemMay 1989
000035015Hardware Adapter ConfigurationMay 1989
000035026Software Controlled Watchdog and Reboot Circuit Device for Personal SystemsMay 1989
000035274Non-Volatile Ram Protection CircuitJun 1989NVRAM
000035371Integrated Input/Output Support Circuitry for Use With 80286/80386 Microprocessors [!]Jul 1989
000035941Planar/Processor Interface for Personal SystemsAug 1989
000036308Automatic Configuration of a Personal Computer SystemSep 1989ADF
000036313Preventing Unauthorized Access on a Personal Computer SystemSep 1989
000036482Support Circuit for Intel 80386/82385 System With Optional Intel 80387Oct 1989
000036497Intel 82385 Snoop Diagnostic Circuit to Test Dma/Bus Master Snoop CyclesOct 1989
000036524Expandability of Tcw/Tag MemoryOct 1989
000036625Multiple Digital Signal Processor Circuit Cards for Tool Control ApplicationsOct 19897552
000036633"Next Byte Zero" Method for Data SteeringOct 1989
000036858CHANNEL Check Implementation for the MICRO CHANNELNov 1989
000036913Bus-Locking Mechanism in an Intel 82385 Cache Controller SubsystemNov 1989
000036919Diskette Verify Mode Operation Without DMA Controller SupportNov 198995 XP DU1?
000036923Adapter Description Program Interface to Configure Adapters on Personal Computer Systems That Store Their Configuration Information in Non-Volatile RAM [!]Nov 1989ADP
000037206Remote Ipl Support Via Personal System/2 Parallel Port [!]Nov 1989
000037212High-Speed Memory Test for Personal System/2 Power on Self Test [!]Nov 1989POST
000037214Method of Executing Manufacturing ROM Code Without Removing System RomsNov 1989
000037355Decrease the Time to Test RAM Array Logic by Using the ECC Design Logic to Find ErrorsDec 1989ECC, POST
000038160Special Planar Manufacturing Tests in Ros [!]Dec 1989POST
000038316Dual Function ROM that Controls the Initial Program Load (IPL)Dec 1989


IP.comTitleDateSubject, Notes
000099176Multiple Processor Across the MICRO CHANNELJan 1990
000099205Programmable Connector Selector for the Keyboard and Mouse PortsJan 1990
000099221Method of Expanding the Hardware of a Personal Computer With Minimal Impact to Software DriversJan 1990
000099245Data Transfer for PIO To/From System Non-PreemptableJan 1990
000099248Bus Timeout Implementation Using CountersJan 1990
000099250Programmable Arbitration TimeJan 1990
000099252Mechanism to Capture Read DataJan 1990
000099254Data Transfer for PIO To/From System Using Streaming DataJan 1990
000099358Frame Grabber CardJan 1990
000099367Dynamic Bus Transfer AlgorithmJan 1990
000099405Single Module Personal ComputerJan 1990
000099446System Bus Tag RamJan 1990
000099551Keyboard Set-In Mechanism for Transportable ComputerFeb 1990P70
000099585Pre-Flll/Pre-Empty Thresholds Improve Bus EfficiencyFeb 1990
000099596Bus Prototype Circuit Card for Personal ComputersFeb 1990
000099633First Party Streaming Data Slaves Excluding 1, 2 Byte MastersFeb 1990
000099635Streaming Data Slave Control Directly From the Micro Channel BusFeb 1990
000099660Dynamic Clock Frequency Changing for a Memory ControllerFeb 1990
000099666Diagnostic Register-read in LSSDFeb 1990
000099682Initialization Code Executed After Post And Before the Operating System Gets ControlFeb 1990
000099743Micro Channel File MultiplexerFeb 1990DBA
000099841Foolproof Parallel Port StrobeFeb 1990
000099960POS Register Definition Architected for Up to 8 SimmsMar 1990POS
000099975Bus Efficiency Improvement Via Timed PREEMPTMar 1990
000099993System Control Block Get Configuration CommandMar 1990SCB
000100027Hardware Verification Scheme Detects All Types of Diskette Data Recovery ErrorsMar 1990
000100033Power-On Self-Test Extension Providing Remote Program Load Capability For Communication Cards [!]Mar 1990RPL, POST
000100037Functional Testing Option Cards Without Powering-Off HostMar 1990
000100220Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory Update Condition AvoidanceMar 1990flash update
000100392Display SubsystemApr 1990
000100403Interfacing Processor-based Devices to Personal Computing SystemsApr 1990
000100442POS Register Extension With Multiple Chips, Each With Single Set of POS RegistersApr 1990POS
000100450NVRAM Dynamic Data AreaApr 1990NVRAM
000100564Method of Implementing "Fairness" Arbitration in Accessing a Computer System BusMay 1990
000100585Simple Compatible System ROM Area ExpansionMay 1990
000100771PS/2 Card Extender Rigid Support MechanismJun 1990
000100801Diagnostic Address Compare for Unauthorized Access to Shared MemoryJun 1990
000100868Interrupt Service Allocation Technique for the Micro Channel BusJun 1990
000100870Dual-Function Memory Control SignalJun 1990
000100886In-Line High Density ConnectorsJun 1990
000100895Diagnostic Interrupt Force Mechanism for a Level Sensitive Interrupt StructureJun 1990
000101013Method of Providing Metastable-Free Interrupt Asynchronous Computer Interface OperationJun 1990
000101049Micro Channel Slave Interface Chip Burst Termination MethodJun 1990
000101131Early Decoding Method for Intel 82385 Cache Controller-Based SystemsJul 1990
000101140Method for Using a Thirty-Two Bit Slave in a Sixteen-Bit Micro Channel Architecture SystemJul 1990
000101266Active Restore Circuit for Open Collector SignalsJul 1990
000101297Generation of Bus Signals -Preempt And Arb(0-3) for Micro Channel ArchitectureJul 1990
000101429Micro Channel Bus Latch CardAug 1990POST CP
000101437External Burst-Mode FIFO for Non-Burst Diskette ControllerAug 1990
000101496Information Panel [!]Aug 1990Op Panel
000101599Modified Cache Update Cycle for Intel 82385 Based SystemsAug 1990
000101619Extending Available System Memory by User-Selectable Rom-to-Ram Configuration RemapAug 1990
000101915Processor Platform Fixture for Processor Card Self-Test CapabilitySep 1990
000101916Architecture to Facilitate Card Interconnect Self-TestSep 1990
000101936Looping Scatter/Gather Bus Master to Coprocessor Data Transfer MechanismSep 1990
000102002Diagnostic Interrupt Logic TestingOct 1990
000102015Intelligent Bus Controller - DMA Slave CommunicationOct 1990
000102101System/9370 I/O Bus to Micro Channel AttachmentOct 1990
000102265Self-Configuring Lookup-Table-Controlled DRAM Memory ControllerNov 1990
000102395Improvements to Display IdentificationNov 1990
000102431Interleaved Second-Level Cache Structure that Can Use Slow Static RamsNov 1990
000102579Fast Algorithm for Most Efficient Bit-SteeringDec 1990ECC
000102589System Debug Facility - A System Testing Computer Architecture for High-Speed Processing SystemsDec 1990
000102654Servicing of Incorrect Load Source Disk Data LevelDec 1990
000102667Method for Downloading Firmware to RamDec 1990
000102681Program Controlled Micro Channel Bus Cycle ExtensionDec 1990


IP.comTitleDateSubject, Notes
000119252Terminal Control Unit Adapter for Migration to Co-operative ProcessingJan 1991S/370
000119282Sixty-Four-Byte Latency Dynamic Dma TransfersJan 1991
000119712Programmable Cache DecoderFeb 1991
000119714Multi-feature Card Guide StructureFeb 1991Model 90
000119725Transient Program CodeFeb 1991
000119887Memory Chip Failure-Detection MechanismMar 1991ECC
000119986Improved Connector for Ps/2 Micro Channel Adapter CardsMar 1991
000120078Method of Using Scatter/Gather Indirect List in Micro Channel Computer SystemsMar 1991
000120080Method for Providing Status Information in Micro Channel Computer SystemsMar 1991
000120210Programmable Burst Control for Load/Store OperationsApr 1991
000120212Micro Channel Streaming Data Burst Protocol for DMA SlavesApr 1991
000120320Dynamic Remapping of Bad Memory Segments During Power-On Self-Test in a PS/2 SystemApr 1991
000120331Bypass Bus Mechanism for Direct Memory Access ControllersApr 1991
000120336High-Speed Micro Channel Arbitration Via Selection of Arbitration LevelsApr 1991
000120400Use of Standard ACMOS L1/L2 Latches to Provide Testable Asynchronous, Edge-Triggered And Set/Reset LatchesApr 1991
000120518Field Replaceable Unit Isolation in a Dual-Bus SystemMay 1991
000120528Sub 100H Bus Architecture [!]May 1991
000120590Overriding a Bad Battery Indicator If Configuration Information is CorrectMay 1991Gearbox
000120630Algorithm for Data Alignment On the Micro ChannelMay 1991
000120631Low-Cost Accurate Chassis AssemblyMay 1991Model 90
000120633Master Streaming Data Register File AccessMay 1991
000120636Providing Memory Refresh During a COP Halt CommandMay 1991
000120637Master Streaming Data Boundary Optimizations On the Micro ChannelMay 1991
000120641Fast Addressing Logic to Improve Read Access Time From a Register FileMay 1991
000120648iAPX 80386 Erratum WorkaroundMay 1991
000120651Architected Pseudo Slots for Additional Planar Functions On Micro Channel SystemsMay 1991
000120654Micro Channel Slave Providing Central Translate And Steering LogicMay 1991
000120663Programmable Single Bit Error Counter for Computer Error Checking And Correction FacilitiesMay 1991ECC
000120664Chained Subsystem Control Block Architecture for Personal SystemsMay 1991SCB
000120668Disk Cache Read Prefetch Command Function for Personal SystemsMay 1991
000120820Circuit for Ensuring a Valid Programmable Option Select Identification For Personal Systems AdaptersJun 1991POS
000120822Programmable Memory Address Decoder for Personal Computer SystemsJun 1991
000120824DMA Command Chaining to Support Bus Master Interleaved Memory And I/O Transfers On a Micro ChannelJun 1991
000120873Diagnostics Which Check Hardware ECC Correction/DetectionJun 1991EOS
000120989Ps/2 Card ExtenderJul 1991complex (?)
000121039MICRO Channel I/O Adapter Bus Signal SwitchingJul 1991
000121045Rear Panel Design for Personal Computer SystemsJul 1991Model 90
000121113Control of Initial Program Load From DisketteJul 1991
000121294Autoreference Function [!]Aug 1991
000121305Microcode POS Register ImplementationAug 1991POS
000121307Micro Channel Stress CardAug 1991
000121323Termination Status Blocks as Defined in the Subsystem Control Block for Micro ChannelAug 1991SCB
000121330Test Case Portability Method for Micro Channel Personal ComputersAug 1991
000121331Test Case Compatibility Method for Micro Channel Personal ComputersAug 1991
000121346Micro Channel Planar to Adapter Card Interrupt RedirectionAug 1991
000121366Extendable Alert RegisterAug 1991
000121513Personal Computer System Adapter Post Error Reporting by Inaccessible RomSep 1991
000121517Address Error Detection for MICRO Channel Bus Extensions Far From the Host (> 2 Meters)Sep 1991
000121549Programmable Bus Interface Unit for Personal Computers [!]Sep 1991
000121584Subsystem Control Block Immediate Commands for the Micro ChannelSep 1991SCB
000121609Multiple Bus Masters with Arbitration and Preempt Capability For Personal ComputersSep 1991
000121749IBM PC Interface Integrated CircuitSep 1991
000121785CPU Bus Bandwidth Pacing in a Dual Bus SystemSep 1991
000121880Data Exchange Adapter for Micro Channel/370Oct 1991
000122044Adaptive Mailbox TimerOct 1991
000122128MICRO Channel Common Communications AdapterNov 1991
000122185Micro Channel I/O Buffer CardNov 1991
000122247Micro Channel Emulation Tester for Busmaster Adapter CardsNov 1991
000122455Printer Port Check Point CardDec 1991
000122461High-Speed Serial Interface Micro Channel AdapterDec 1991
000122557Hardware Implemented Control Store Bug InjectorDec 1991


IP.comTitleDateSubject, Notes
000106925Ten Bit Refresh Address Generation in Personal Computer SystemsJan 1992
000106941Daughter Card Shipping RestraintJan 1992
000106950Personal Computer Systems Information Code ExtensionJan 1992POST
000106954Subsystem Control Block Immediate Commands for the Micro ChannelJan 1992SCB
000106955Bus Architecture with Each Slot Capable of Multi-function IDsJan 1992
000107156Subsystem Control Block Managed Streaming Mode BufferJan 1992
000107363Programmable Micro Channel I/O Slave Address Assignment Using Programmable Option SelectFeb 1992POS
000107515MICRO CHANNEL Preempt Signal Transceiver ControlMar 1992
000107537Programmable Support for Controlling Memory Subsystem Configurations in Personal ComputersMar 1992
000107562Mounting PC Style Cards in Mid-Range Computer PackagingMar 1992
000107628Method of Sharing Address Space in Testing Personal Computer Systems' MemoryMar 1992
000107630Dynamic Extended BIOS Data Area Allocation and Expansion for Personal Computer SystemsMar 1992
000107718Compatible Clocking Circuit for Different Microprocessors used in Personal Computer SystemsMar 1992
000107738Update Mechanism for Personal Computer System Resident Firmware [!]Mar 1992flash
000107751Multifunction I/O CardsMar 1992
000107757Selectable Bus Parity for Microcomputer Channel BusMar 1992
000107788Multiconnector PS/2 MICRO Channel Adapter BracketMar 1992
000107794Support of Memory above the 16-Megabyte Address Limit in OS/2Mar 1992
000107866Software Recovery of Page Faults on Microprocessors with Integrated Memory Management UnitsMar 1992
000107999Method of Increasing Personal System Performance by Reducing Bus Cache OverheadApr 1992
000108289High Density Feature and Memory Card PackagingMay 1992
000108295Alternate Method to Burning EPROMsMay 1992
000108338DMA Slave Data SecurityMay 1992
000108354LSSD Asynchronous, Edge Sensitive Design Use in a Micro Channel Streaming SlaveMay 1992
000108463Method of Improving Parallel Port Interrupts in Personal ComputersJun 1992
000108470Fast Micro Channel Cache Control LookupJun 1992
000108477Algorithm to Provide Imaginary Linear Addressing to Standard BuffersJun 1992
000108480Micro Channel Streaming Data Acknowledgment Terms for SlavesJun 1992
000108494Use of Dirty, Buffered, and Invalidate Bits for Cache OperationsJun 1992
000108511PS/2 5-1/4" 360KB/1.2MB External Diskette DriveJun 1992
000108568High-Speed Intel 80486 External Cache Bus StructureJun 1992
000108584Dual-Bus Arbitration for Personal Computer SystemsJun 1992
000108596Cache Coherency Cache Directory TableJun 1992
000108603Interrupt Status Port Extension to the Subsystem Control Block ArchitectureJun 1992SCB
000108635Timing Verification Model for Personal Computer SystemsJun 1992
000108636Micro Channel Streaming Data Request ControlJun 1992
000108637Internal Arbiter Enables/DisablesJun 1992
000108640Byte Count Algorithm for Bus-to-Bus DMA Slave TransfersJun 1992
000108681Vibration Attenuator for MICRO Channel CardsJun 1992Model 95
000108804MICRO Channel Slave Ready Generation During Bus Master DMA TransfersJun 1992
000108806MICRO Channel Slave Streaming Data Request GenerationJun 1992
000108985Data Parity PlatformJul 1992
000109006I/O Address Protection ImplementationJul 1992
000109353Dual Processor Boot Procedure for LAN ServicesAug 1992MicroMASTER
000109362Ensuring a Proper and Complete Processor ResetAug 1992
000109365128-Bit Streaming Data Procedure for the Micro ChannelAug 1992MCA 128-bit streaming
000109375Write Lockout Mechanism to Provide Testability in a Free Running Counter ApplicationAug 1992
000109584Auxiliary Processor for Personal Computer SystemsSep 1992
000109599Realtime Field Replaceable Unit Isolation for Parity ErrorsSep 1992
000109713Read Data Sensor for Micro Channel Personal ComputersSep 1992
000109906User Data Area ProtectionSep 1992sys. partition
000109959Extended Micro Channel for Realtime Multimedia ApplicationsOct 1992
000109967High Performance Error Correction Code Implementation for MicroprocessorsOct 1992ECC
00011003832-Bit (ECC) Partial Write Data Conversion with a Cache Memory SystemOct 1992ECC
000110082Method for Extending Advanced BIOS Feature ROM Services from the System Planar Advanced BIOS ModulesOct 1992
000110084Programmable Arbitration Level for Floppy Disk ControllersOct 1992
000110191Setup Method for a Second Serial PortOct 1992POS
000110248Computer State Machine Implementation of Subsystem Control Block Move Mode Logic Pseudo CodeNov 1992SCB
000110292Processor Option Cooling Kit for Personal ComputersNov 1992Type 3 complex, Model 90
000110305Software Interface for Non-aligned TransfersNov 1992
000110371Parallel Port Addressing for Personal ComputersNov 1992
000110373Mechanism for Reducing Component Module Pin Count in Personal ComputersNov 1992
000110375Burst Enable Bit for Floppy Disk Controllers [!]Nov 1992
000110377Programmable Fairness Level for Floppy Disk ControllersNov 1992
000110384Asynchronous Generation of DRAM Controls from Micro Channel SignalsNov 1992
000110413Fixed Disk Sharing via Small Computer System Interface Device Emulation through Compatibility BIOSNov 1992
000110570Multiple Micro ChannelsDec 1992
000110574Remote Program Load of a Diskless Initial Microcode Load Computer SystemDec 1992RPL
000110610Processor Detection CircuitDec 1992
000110617Modular System PartitionDec 1992IML
000110626Task Switching between Processes using the SequencerDec 1992
000110637Enhanced Memory FIFO BufferDec 1992
000110640Programmable Identification Scheme [!]Dec 1992POS
000110644Means for Providing Video Set-up OptionsDec 1992POS


IP.comTitleDateSubject, Notes
000103605Automated Microcode Sequence ChecksJan 1993
000103616Programmable Arbitration Interface Permits to Configure Pins Two WaysJan 1993
000103703Diskette Operational Selection Methods for Personal ComputersJan 1993
000103705Enhanced Arbitration Method for Personal ComputersJan 1993
000103741Self Prioritizing Multi-dropped Interrupt Acknowledge MechanismJan 1993
000103750Video Controller Enable Registers in a Programmable SystemJan 1993POS
000103954Method for Setting C2 Security BitFeb 1993C2
000104235Memory Expansion Card Parity with an Error Correction Code Switch [!]Mar 1993ECC
000104304Flexible Multiple Touch Screen InterfaceApr 1993
000104432Buffer Notification Mechanism for Personal ComputersApr 1993
000104456Supervisor Password Access to System Partition on Initial Microprogram Load MachinesApr 1993IML
000104467Non-Processor Based Zero Waitstate MICRO CHANNEL Bus Master State MachineApr 1993
000104539Latch-Up Protection Method for MicroChannel Docking StationMay 1993
000104598Arbitration Level Program for Personal ComputersMay 1993
000104607Gated ClockMay 1993
000104636Expansion Unit Setup for MICRO CHANNEL/EISA SystemMay 1993
000104685Readable Address Location in Real Time Clock to Lock Security System Flags for Personal Computers [!]May 1993C2
000104739Diagnostic Capability for Tag RAMSMay 1993
000104740Digitally Controlled Signal LoadingMay 1993
000104869Interrupt Mechanism for Optimizing Data and Control Data TransfersJun 1993
000104907Micro-Channel Shorts DetectorJun 1993
000104966Across-the-Bus Testing of Adapter Functions during Intitial Program LoadJun 1993
000105022Smart Burst - Dual Bus Control for Improved Personal Computer PerformanceJun 1993
000105069Micro Channel Buffer Card TesterJun 1993
000105103Auto-Bios Image Configurator [!]Jun 1993
000105133Micro Channel Adapter Daughter Card Location DetectionJun 1993
000105160Micro Channel Buffer CardJun 1993
000105386Power on Self Test Display CardJul 1993
000105432Provision for an Abortee Micro Channel CycleAug 1993
000105531Parity Error Address Display CardAug 1993
000105536Dynamic Reconfiguring of Personal Computer Systems After Accidental Exchange of Adapter Position in the Micro ChannelAug 1993POS
000105547Enhanced Reference Diskette for Personal Computers [!]Aug 1993
000105577Processor Synchronization Circuitry for Computer SystemsAug 1993
000105615Interleaved Memory Dual Bus Data Selector [!]Aug 1993
000105628Local Transfer Bus Architecture for Personal Computer Control AdaptersAug 1993LTB, SCSI
000105687Error Correction Circuitry for Dynamic Random Access MemoriesAug 1993ECC
000105690Overwrite Protection Method for FLASH MemorySep 1993flash
000105752Concurrent Operation of Local and Micro Channel BussesSep 1993
000105763Controlling Computer Processor InitializationSep 1993
000105764Generation of Extended Processor Identification Bits [!]Sep 1993
000105770Dual-Speed Memory ControllerSep 1993
000105782Memory Configuration Table [!]Sep 1993
000105851Overlapped Extended Graphic Adapter Block Transfer for Personal ComputersSep 1993
000105871Method for Storing and Updating Power on Self Test and Basic Input/Output CodeSep 1993
000105908Advanced Setup Procedure [!]Sep 1993
000105947BIOS Function Call to Set Model ByteSep 1993
000105965Cache Tag RAM Diagnostic ModeSep 1993
000106028Adapter Card Operating Mode is Dependent on Bus Master IdentificationSep 1993
000106102Initial Machine Load Process for Personal Computer Network SystemsSep 1993IML
000106124Enhancements for Adapter Description File LanguageSep 1993ADF
000106136Model Byte Change by Means of the Setup Utility ProgramSep 1993
000106882Integrated Controller with Fine-Tuned Memory TimingsSep 1993
000106147Programmable Driver Current Interface for Personal Computer Systems [!]Oct 1993
000106157Support of Multiple initial Microcode Load Images on Personal Computer Reference DiskettesOct 1993IML
000106160Reference Partition Location and Manipulation UtilityOct 1993IML
000106206MICRO CHANNEL Data Streaming and Input/Output Snooping Facility for Personal Computer SystemsOct 1993
000106219Staggered Refresh Memory for Personal Computer SystemsOct 1993
000106235Method of Providing a Memory-to-Memory Transfer Burst Control for Personal ComputersOct 1993
000106241Bus Allocation Algorithm for Personal ComputersOct 1993
000106244Error Reporting for Potentially Used Functions of a Multi-Function Chip [!]Oct 1993
000106253Memory Presence Circuit for a Processor Complex [!]Oct 1993
000106261Prefetching Cache in a Parallel Cache ArchitectureOct 1993
000106329Method Of Providing A Programmable Arbitration Level Per Memory Channel For Personal ComputersOct 1993
000106354Method of Providing Soft Request Arbitration for Personal ComputersOct 1993
000106365Dynamic Clock Phase Shifter for Logic Delay TrackingOct 1993
000106371Method of Providing Local Arbitration Control for Personal ComputersOct 1993
000106509Error Correction Circuit with Fast Pass through in Parity ModeNov 1993ECC
00010651432-Bit Free Running Diagnostic TimerNov 1993
000106528Initial Program Load from a Generic Device for Personal Computer SystemsNov 1993IPL, IML
000106532Diagnostic Port for Computer Feature Cards [!]Nov 1993
000106563Message Passing Protocol for Personal Computer SystemsNov 1993
000106659Enhanced Streaming Data Procedure for the MICRO CHANNELDec 1993MCA 160 MB/s streaming
000106696MICRO CHANNEL Verification Laboratory ToolDec 1993
000106841Method of Accessing Uniquely Identically Addressed Input/Output PortsDec 1993POS
000106842Low Cost Electro Magnetic Interference Interface Shield for Low Production ComputersDec 1993


IP.comTitleDateSubject, Notes
000110827Selectable Capacitor Circuitry for Personal ComputersJan 1994
000110854High-Speed Data Streaming for Existing Personal ComputersJan 1994
000110860Switchable Mapping of I/O Card Registers into I/O or Memory SpaceJan 1994
000110882Source Identification Register for Personal ComputersJan 1994SCB
000110890Micro Channel Programmable Option to Improve Channel BandwidthJan 1994
000110911Storage of Vital Product Data in Non-Volatile Random Access MemoryJan 1994VPD
000110953Two-Stage Microcode Support using Flash EEPROMS [!]Jan 1994flash
000111041Parity Checking of Synchronous Bus Control SignalsFeb 1994
000111273Read-Only Memory Recovery in a System with Initial Microcode Load [!]Feb 1994IML, flash?
000111281Using Dual and Mappable Spare BusFeb 1994
000111338Secondary Cache Daughterboard Assembly for 486/386-Based Personal ComputersFeb 1994
000111360Power On Self Test Error Filter for High-Availability Servers [!]Feb 1994POST
000111406SCSI Device Auto-Sensing for On-Board SCSI Interface Sub-SystemFeb 1994
000111424Cache Memory Data Bus to System Bus Interface [!]Feb 1994
000111464PS/2 Option Card TestingFeb 1994
000111757Power-On Self-Test Memory Configuration Algorithm for Invalid CMOS/ NVRAMMar 1994POST
000111779Fast, Expandable Multi-Word, Multi-Bit Magnitude ComparatorMar 1994
000111811Conversion Connector for the IBM Personal ComputerApr 1994floppy
000111840Automatic Circular Remote Initial Program Load through Multiple Token Ring Adapter CardsApr 1994
000111930Printed Circuit Board Bracket for PS/2 Adapter CardsApr 1994
000111955Method for Accessing Non-Bursting Regions in Local Bus Address Space without Pre-FetchingApr 1994
000112026Interleaved Dual-Port VRAM for High-Speed CommunicationApr 1994
000112057Graphical Indicators of Power-on Self-Test ProgressionApr 1994POST
000112150High Speed Arbitration for Multi-Drop, DOT-OR NetworksApr 1994
000112155Extended Stream Data Procedure for the MICRO CHANNELApr 1994MCA 320 MB/s streaming
000112170System Independent Method for Updating System CodeApr 1994IML, flash upd., Int 15 D7h
000112219Selectively Execute RAMPOST during Initial-Power-LoadApr 1994
000112243Resetting the Micro Channel Architecture Arbitration Time Dynamically using LookaheadApr 1994
000112315128 Bit Streaming Data Procedure for the Micro ChannelApr 1994
000112355Dram Page-Mode to Perform Read-Modify-WriteMay 1994ECC
000112369Connector with Alternate Staggered Contacts for Hot PluggabilityMay 1994
000112416Mechanism for Communication between an Exerciser and Adapter MicrocodeMay 1994MWAVE
000112467Improvement of a Frame Ground Contact Between a System and Micro Channel Architecture AdapterMay 1994
000112482Multi-Task Approach to Downloading Microcode ModulesMay 1994
000112533Comprehensive Data Parity Protection for Personal ComputersMay 1994
000112534Identification of Failing Bus MasterMay 1994SCB
000112650Method for Driving Excessively Loaded Master/Slave-Type BussesJun 1994
000112809Method to Allow the Sharing of I/O Port Addresses between a Floppy Disk Controller and an IDE Hardfile Controller within an IBM PS/2 Micro Channel SystemJun 1994
000112822Loosely Coupled Multi-Processing Method for Personal ComputersJun 1994MicroMASTER
000112826Enhanced Method for Determining Personal Computer System ConfigurationJun 1994BIOS, VPD
000112836Microcode Image Name Specification [!]Jun 1994IML, flash
000112839Dynamic Update Capability Determining Planar Board Features [!]Jun 1994POS
000112864Error Detection and Correction on the Micro Channel BusJun 1994
000112885Micro Channel Signal Drivers Isolation in Personal ComputersJun 1994
000112891Device ID Extensions in Post Error Logging [!]Jun 1994
000112930Controlling Jitter Of Multimedia Data through Hardware ThreshholdingJun 1994
000112934Scheme to Interface Various Vendor External Microwire Compatible EEPROMs to a C2 Security ControllerJun 1994C2
000112972Information Display for Personal Computer System MessagesJun 1994PC Server Op Panel
000112975Micro Channel Enhancements for Personal ComputersJun 1994
000112993Basic Input/Output Services (BIOS) Generic Call for Personal Computers [!]Jun 1994BIOS Int 15 3Dh
000113010Method for Interrupt Sharing with IDE Hard Files in IBM PS/2 SystemsJun 1994
000113023Personal Computer Processor Upgrading [!]Jul 1994C5/C8, Type 4 complex
000113024Automatic IPL Drive Switch [!]Jul 1994PS/55 & FIS-90
000113026Initialization Data Feedback Method for Personal ComputersJul 1994initprogs
000113027Partial Memory Bank Usage for Personal ComputersJul 1994
000113034Configuring Personal Computers for Medialess OperationJul 1994IML
000113037Software Simulation of the Asynchronous Communications PortJul 1994
000113056Clock Mode for Reading MemoryJul 1994
000113060Method of Testing Personal Computer Using a Static Random Access MemoryJul 1994POST, CAR
000113065Displaying Planar-Defined Messages on Personal ComputersJul 1994ADP
000113091Asynchronous Low-Level Management FunctionsJul 1994
000113108RAM Filter to Avoid Interrupt Chaining through ROMJul 1994
000113115Method for Adding an External Real Time Clock to a System Having an Internal Real Time ClockJul 1994
000113174Common BIOS Services for Vital Product Data in Personal SystemsJul 1994VPD, BIOS Int 15 D2h
000113217Using Split Memory to Back-Up System MemoryJul 1994
000113220Multiple Memory Refresh Operation for Personal ComputersJul 1994
000113249Post Support for Manufacturing Medialess MachinesJul 1994POST
000113253Protecting CMOS Circuits in a 3- and 5-Volt Mixed Signal EnvironmentJul 1994
000113273Method of Sharing Interrupt Bus in Personal ComputersAug 1994
000113279Restoration of Micro Channel Control Signals during ArbitrationAug 1994
000113281Personal Computer Comprehensive Testing for FastInitial Program LoadAug 1994
000113298Cache Line Operations Overlapped with Micro Channel ArbitrationAug 1994
000113320Micro Channel Point of Sale Bit Capture with Programmable Array Logic and LatchAug 1994POS (not Point of Sale)
000113351Functional Test Executing Actual Microprocessor Code [!]Aug 1994
000113360Power-On Oscillator Control Circuit [!]Aug 1994P24 (486DX2)
000113369Method to Extend Personal Computer System Memory [!]Aug 1994Type 4 complex
000113407Uninterrupted Multiple Bus Cycle Transfer Mechanism for Computer SystemsAug 1994
000113417Selectable Power-On Self-Test ModesAug 1994POST, SurePath
000113421Interface for Writing Subaddressing Data to Non-Volatile Random Access Memory through SetupAug 1994
000113422Method to Improve Initial Microcode Loading for Personal ComputersAug 1994IML
000113449Circuit for Programmable Option Select Register that Configures Chip I/O PinsAug 1994POS
000113482Direct Access Storage Device/Small Computer Systems Interface Device Support for OS/2Aug 1994
000113503Error Correction Code Detection with All Memory Outputs Stuck High or LowAug 1994ECC
000113509Remote Operation of Power-On Self Test and the Reference PartitionAug 1994POST
000113560Enhanced Memory Error Handling Method for Personal ComputersSep 1994POST
000113587Locate Mode Device Driver Interface Structure for Micro Channel Based Personal ComputersSep 1994SCB
000113591Operational Surveillance FunctionSep 1994
000113609Flexible Password Protection Scheme for a C2 Security/Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory Controller [!]Sep 1994C2
000113612Determination of Excessive Single-Bit ErrorsSep 1994
000113625Interconnect Verification Method for Boards [!]Sep 1994Processor Complex
000113633Automatic Auto-Configuration Enable/Disable for Personal ComputersSep 1994
000113638Software for Exercising and Analyzing XGA Video CircuitsSep 1994
000113671Peripheral Component Interconnect Daughter Card ConfigurationSep 1994
000113683Full Duplex Ethernet AdapterSep 1994EtherStreamer
000113723Swapping Failing Bits in 40-Pin Error Correcting SIMMSSep 1994ECC
000113743Method for Increasing the Number of Micro Channel Arbitration LevelsSep 1994
000113759Method Allowing Small Computer System Interface Adapters to Coexist with Other Hardfile Adapters [!]Sep 1994POST, SCSI
000113762Initial Microcode Load Overlay Execution for Personal ComputersOct 1994IML
000113828Adapter Microcode Protection during DownloadOct 1994
000113862Bypassing Acknowledgement of Post ErrorOct 1994
000113870Diagnostic Cache Scratchpad Mode for Testing Personal ComputersOct 1994
000113876Search Initial Microcode Load Execution during PS/2 PostOct 1994IML
000113899Method and Interface to Return from any Default Interrupt for Personal SystemsOct 1994BIOS Int 15 FDh
000113900Adapter Developer Diskette with Selective File Copying FeatureOct 1994
000113924Monitoring Method for Micro Channel Personal ComputersOct 1994
000113942Information Log Display Utility for Personal Computers [!]Oct 1994
000113962Combined Status and Message-In Function for Small Computer System InterfaceOct 1994
000114012Permanent Error Log in an Adapter CardOct 1994
000114027Memory Remap Determination Method for Personal ComputersOct 1994ADP
000114082Serial Diagnostic Link for PS/2 Model 95 Processor CardsNov 1994
000114124Improved Cache Performance for Personal ComputersNov 1994
000114133Card Feedback Select Mechanism for Personal ComputersNov 1994
000114153Micro Channel Master State Machine Employing an Unknown ClockNov 1994
000114207Display Mode Detect and Setting for Flat Panel ControllerNov 1994
000114240Microprocessor Dual Usage Socket [!]Nov 1994
000114254Address Space Visibility for a Multiple Bank Firmware Computer SystemNov 1994
000114299Concurrent/Real Time Arbitration Utilization CircuitDec 1994
000114302Detection Mechanism between 386 or 486 Upgrade Processor UnitDec 1994
000114328Method to Achieve Software-Transparency of PC-Bus Expansion Link during the PC Power-on-Self-Test SequenceDec 1994
000114371Performance Tuning for the Power-On Self TestDec 1994single-stage POST
000114423Memory Adapter Improvements for Personal ComputersDec 1994
000114462486 L2 Write-through Cache Support in a Local Bus Multiprocessor SystemDec 1994
000114465Error Correcting Code Buffer for Single Chip Processor Store-in CacheDec 1994ECC


IP.comTitleDateSubject, Notes
000114641Automatic Loading of User Selected Fonts During Power On Self Test [!]Jan 1995POST
000114677Power-On Self-Test and Diagnostics Functions for Sixteen Bit Wide Small Computer System Interface Personal ComputersJan 1995
000114692Support in POST and SETUP for Automatically Setting Extra Video MemoryJan 1995POST
000114798Dynamically Loadable Basic Input Output SystemFeb 1995
000114848Support Assembly for Riser Card and Adapter CardsFeb 1995
000114886Data Structures for Storing Subaddress InformationFeb 1995POS
000114952Power Management SolutionFeb 1995
000115013Video Electronics Standards Association Display Data Channel-1 Capability on XGA-2 Sub-SystemsMar 1995XGA-2, DDC
000115080Liquid Crystal Display Support Bus for XGA AdaptersMar 1995
000115085Storing and Displaying Text Messages during Power-on Self Test [!]Mar 1995POST
000115190Diagnostic Method for a Buffered Remote InterfaceMar 1995
000115203Bus Arbitration on the Integrated Command Data Bus for an Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adapter AdapterMar 1995ICD bus, Streamers
000115238Dual Bidirectional InterposerApr 1995ICD bus, Streamers
000115391Micro Channel Architecture for Real-Time MultimediaApr 1995
000115416Card Edge Connector Card RetainerApr 1995
000115523Method for Determining Available Free MemoryMay 1995BIOS Int 15 C7h
000115848Optimization of Logical Drive Parameters based on Drive SizeJun 1995
000115969Local Video Memory Access InterfaceJul 1995Lacuna?
000116057Recovery Method for Damaged FirmwareJul 1995flash
000116098Input/Output Test CircuitAug 1995
000116111Method for Switching between Power-On and Standby ModesAug 1995
000116258Method for Enabling Video Monitor Operation at International Standards Organization-Compliant Refresh RatesAug 1995
000116437Selectable Processor Voltage FeatureSep 1995
000116526Method for Providing Digital to Analog Converter Shadowing on Micro Channel SystemsSep 1995
000116530Packetized Peer-to-Peer Bus TransferSep 1995
000116702Programmable Memory Fault Injection [!]Oct 1995
000116731Resource Management for Non-Micro Channel DMA MastersOct 1995
000116741Custom Device InstallationOct 1995AIX
000116804Auto Media Sense [?]Nov 1995

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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