Miami Component Specification

Version 1.0.3

September, 1996

Table of Contents




List of Abbreviations

1.0 Introduction

  • 1.1 General
  • 1.2 Performance
  • 1.3 RAS Highlights
  • 1.4 Reference Documents
  • 2.0 Miami Chip Description

  • 2.1 Miami Block Description
  • 2.2 Miami Signal Description
  • 2.3 Miami Register Description
  • 2.4 Local Bus Addressable Registers
  • 2.4.1 POS Setup Register 1 (POS_SETUP1)
  • 2.4.2 POS Setup Register 2 (POS_SETUP2)
  • 2.4.3 Gate Array Identification (GAID)
  • 2.4.4 Card Identification (CRDID)
  • 2.4.5 Processor Configuration Register (PROC_CFG)
  • 2.4.6 Reset Status Register (RSR)
  • 2.4.7 Extended POS Base Address Register (XPOS)
  • 2.4.8 Non-Maskable Interrupt Register (NMI)
  • 2.4.9 Local Bus Parity/Exception Register (LBPE)
  • 2.4.10 Local Bus Base Address Register (LBBAR)
  • 2.4.11 Command Port (COMMAND)
  • 2.4.12 Attention Port (ATTN)
  • 2.4.13 Subsystem Control Port (SCP)
  • 2.4.14 Interrupt Status Port (ISP)
  • 2.4.15 Command Busy Status Port (CBSP)
  • 2.4.16 Source Identification Register (SIR)
  • 2.4.17 Bus Master Channel Descriptor Block (BMCDB)
  • 2.4.18 Bus Master Status Register (BMSTAT1 (2))
  • 2.4.19 Bus Master Command Register (BMCMD1 (2))
  • 2.5 Micro Channel Addressable Registers
  • 2.5.1 Host-Slave Base Address Register (HSBR)
  • 2.5.2 Memory Data Register (MDATA)
  • 2.5.3 Configuration Register 1 (CONF1)
  • 2.5.4 Configuration Register 2 (CONF2)
  • 2.5.5 Configuration Register 3 (CONF3)
  • 2.6 POS Registers
  • 3.0 Miami Functional Description

  • 3.1 Local Bus Functional Description
  • 3.1.1 Shared Memory
  • 3.1.2 Local Bus Arbitration
  • 3.1.3 Local Bus Parity
  • 3.1.4 Local Bus Exceptions
  • 3.1.5 Local Bus Interrupts
  • 3.1.6 Local Bus Exception Handling
  • 3.2 Bus Master Channel Functional Description
  • 3.2.1 General Operation
  • 3.2.2 Bus Operation
  • 3.2.3 Appended I/O Operations
  • 3.2.4 Posted Status Operations
  • 3.2.5 Linked List Chaining
  • 3.2.6 Modes of Operation
  • 3.2.7 Stopping the Channel
  • 3.3 Micro Channel Functional Description
  • 3.3.1 Initialization and POS Subaddressing
  • 3.3.2 Subsystem Control Block (SCB) Support
  • 3.3.3 -CHCK Reporting and Parity Function
  • 3.3.4 Asynchronous Data Parity Check Description
  • Appendix A. Miami Pinout

  • A.0.1 Miami Pinout by Pin Number
  • A.0.2 Miami Pinout by Pin Name
  • A.0.3 Circuit Type
  • A.0.4 Electrical Characteristics
  • A.0.5 Pin Diagram
  • Appendix B. Miami Registers

    Appendix C. Miami Timing

  • C.0.1 Miami CFE Local Bus Timings
  • C.0.2 Miami Micro Channel Timings
  • C.0.3 Miami Reset Timing
  • Appendix D. Test Support

  • D.0.1 Miami In-Circuit Test
  • D.0.2 LSSD Clocks and Scan Chains
  • D.0.3 Other Test Modes
  • Appendix E. Miami Errata and Pass 2 Changes

  • E.0.1 Pass 1 vs. Pass 2
  • E.0.2 Pass 2 Errata
  • E.0.3 Pass 1 Only Errata
  • Appendix F. Miami Mechanicals


    This document describes the function and implementation of the Miami Micro Channel Interface Controller


    1. Functional Block Diagram
    2. Miami Hookup Diagram
    3. 16/32 Bit Detect Hookup Diagram (Note LM323 should be LM393)
    4. Shared Memory Windows
    5. Intermediate Buffering
    6. Linked List Chaining
    7. Miami Input and Output Timing Reference
    8. Miami Slave Write Timing
    9. Miami Slave Read Timing
    10. Single Transfer to Zero-Wait-State Slave
    11. Miami Master Write
    12. -CMDRSTOUT Timing
    13. Test Input Vectors and Associated Output Vectors
    14. Miami component detail
    15. Miami component footprint


    1. Miami Bus Master Performance (in MBytes/sec)
    2. Miami Pin Description--Micro Channel Signals (Alphabetical Order)
    3. Miami Pin Description--Local Bus Signals
    4. Miami Pin Description--Clocks and Miscellaneous
    5. Local Bus Addressable Registers
    6. Attention Codes
    7. Interrupt Identifier Codes
    8. BMCDB Local Bus Register Map
    9. Micro Channel Addressable Registers
    10. Burst/Non-Burst Address Map
    11. Local Bus Ownership Termination (number of transfers)
    12. External Exceptions
    13. Local Bus Interrupt Sources
    14. Local Bus Exception Handling Summary
    15. POS Subaddress Map
    16. SCB Register Access Summary
    17. Miami I/O by Pin Number
    18. Miami I/O by Pin Name
    19. Pin Definitions
    20. Electrical characteristics with Compensation Resistor = 909 Ohms
    21. Electrical characteristics with Compensation Resistor = 909 Ohms
    22. Miami Registers - Alphabetical Order
    23. Miami CFE local bus timings, outputs
    24. Miami CFE local bus timings, inputs
    25. Micro Channel Timings
    26. Input Vector Pin Ordering
    27. Output Vector Pin Ordering
    28. LSSD Scan Chains in Miami

    List of Abbreviations

    AIB   application interface bus
    ADL   address decode latch
    APIO  appended i/o
    BCR   byte count register
    BMAR  bus master address register
    BMCDB bus master channel descriptor block
    BMCMD bus master command register
    CAR   card address register
    CBSP  command busy status port
    CCR   channel control register
    CDB   channel descriptor block
    CFE   Common Front End
    CIO   common input/output
    COR   clear on read
    DCR   design change request
    DMA   direct memory access
    DPR   dual ported RAM
    DRAM  dynamic RAM
    ECC   error correction code
    EI    interrupt enable
    EOT   end of transmission
    G     giga- (1X10E_7)
    GAID  gate array identification
    HSBR  host-slave base address register
    ICT   in-circuit test
    IDD   I[dd], or Source Current
    IRQ   interrupt request
    ISP   interrupt status port
    IV    interrupt vector
    L_AD  local address bus
    LBBAR local bus base address register
    LBPE  local bus parity/exception register
    LAP   list address pointer
    LBI   local bus interface
    LLC   linked list chaining
    LSB   least significant bit
    LSSD  level sensitive scan design
    M     mega- (1X10E+6)
    MCA   Micro Channel Architecture
    MCI   Micro Channel interface
    MSB   most significant bit
    MSDR  multiplexed streaming data request
    NMI   nonmaskable interrupt
    NOP   no operation
    POS   programmable option select
    PMI   processor memory interface
    PS    post status
    PTR   problem tracking report
    RAM   random access memory
    ROM   read only memory
    RSR   reset status register
    SAR   system address register
    SBHE  system byte high enable
    SCB   storage control block
    SCP   subsystem control port
    SDR   streaming data request
    SIMM  single in-line memory module
    SIR   source identification register
    SRAM  static RAM
    VPD   vital product data
    XPOS  extended POS address register

    1.0 Introduction

    The sections that follow give a general overview of Miami and its features.

    1.1 General

    The major functions of the Miami chip are highlighted below. The Miami chip provides a Micro Channel slave interface, supporting 100 ns streaming data through posted memory writes and prefetched memory reads. Micro Channel Bus Masters access slave resident memory on the Local Bus through a Micro Channel shared memory window.

    The Micro Channel host accesses the Local Bus through the shared memory window or through a Micro Channel I/O location.

    The Micro Channel Bus Master interface consists of two Bus Master channels addressable from the Local Bus. Each channel utilizes a 128-byte intermediate buffer between resident memory and the Micro Channel. Buffering of data allows the Bus Master channel to sustain 100-ns streaming data on the Micro Channel.

    1.2 Performance

    The Miami chip interfaces a high-speed, 80 MByte/sec Micro Channel interface to a high-speed Local Bus. This Local Bus is based on a 25 MHz 80960 processor bus, and has a maximum theoretical bandwidth of 100 MBytes. Data rates achieved by Miami on the Local Bus are dependent on size of the transfer and speed of the Local Bus slave. Assuming a 64-byte burst to a zero wait state slave, the data rate is 84 MBytes/sec. For memory or slaves requiring wait states, the data rate may be much lower.

    The data rate sustained on the Micro Channel is also dependent on the speed of the Local Bus slave. With the intermediate data buffering provided internal to Miami, 80 MBytes/sec can be sustained for an absolute minimum of 128 bytes.

    The following table shows the maximum throughput between the Local Bus and the Micro Channel for Bus Master accesses, assuming 40 or 80 Mbyte/sec streaming data on the Micro Channel, and 50 Mbyte/sec (1 wait state) or 100 Mbyte/sec (0 wait state) Local Bus accesses. Table 1

    Table 1. Miami Bus Master Performance (in MBytes/sec)

    | Micro Channel Speed       | Local Bus Speed           | Throughput     |
    | 40                        | 50                        | 32             |
    | 80                        | 50                        | 41             |
    | 40                        | 100                       | 40             |
    | 80                        | 100                       | 55             |

    1.3 RAS Highlights

    Miami provides the following RAS support:

    Note that Miami does not generate and check parity internally, only at the chip boundaries.

    1.4 Reference Documents

    The following documents provide supporting documentation to the Miami Component Description:

    2.0 Miami Chip Description

    The following sections provide a description of the Miami chip:

    2.1 Miami Block Description

    Miami functions as an interface between two buses: the Micro Channel and a Local Bus. Miami acts both as a slave and as a master on each bus, transferring data in both directions between the two buses.

    All data transactions between the two buses are subject to intermediate buffering within Miami Intermediate buffering of the data improves the efficiency of transfers on both buses. The master and slave functions for each bus, as well as the interface to intermediate buffering from either bus, are located in separate interfaces: the Micro Channel Interface and the Local Bus Interface. These interfaces and their relationship to intermediate buffering is shown in Figure 1

    Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram

                           |          +---------+          |
                           |          |         |          |
                           |          |         |          |
        +-------------+    |          | CH1     |          |
        | +---------+ |    |   +----->| BUFFER  |<------+  |
        | |         | |    |   |      |         |       |  |
        | | MICRO   | |    |   |      |         |       |  |
     <--->| CHANNEL |<---------+      +---------+       |  |
        | | BUS     | |    |   |                        |  |
        | | MASTER  | |    |   |      +---------+       |  |
        | |         | |    |   |      |         |       |  |
      M | +---------+ |    |   |      |         |       |  |
      I |             |    |   |      | CH2     |       |  |
      C |             |    |   +----->| BUFFER  |<------+  |
      R |             |    |          |         |       |  |
      O |             |    |          |         |       |  |
        |  MICRO      |    |          +---------+       |  |
      C |  CHANNEL    |    |                            |  |
      H |  INTERFACE  |    |          +---------+       |  |   +--------------+
      A |  (MCI)      |    |          |         |-+     |  |   |  +--------+  |
      N |             |    |          | SLAVE   | |-+   |  |   |  |        |  |
      N |             |    |          | WRITE   | | |   +-------->| LOCAL  |  |
      E |             |    |   +----->| BUFFER  +---------------->| BUS    |<---->
      L |             |    |   |      | 0, 1, 2 | | |   +---------+ MASTER |  | L
        | +---------+ |    |   |      |         | | |   |  |   |  |        |  | O
        | |         | |    |   |      +---------+ | |   |  |   |  +--------+  | C
        | | MICRO   | |    |   |        +---------+ |   |  |   |              | A
     <--->| CHANNEL +----------+          +---------+   |  |   |  LOCAL       | L
        | | SLAVE   | |    |                            |  |   |  BUS         |
        | | INTFC   |<---------+      +---------+       |  |   |  INTERFACE   | B
        | |         | |    |   |      |         |-+     |  |   |  (LIB)       | U
        | +---------+ |    |   |      | SLAVE   | |-+   |  |   |              | S
        +-------------+    |   |      | READ    | | |-+ |  |   +--------------+
                           |   +------+ BUFFER  | | | | |  |
                           |          | 0-3     |<------+  |
                           |          |         | | | |    |
                           |          +---------+ | | |    |
                           |            +---------+ | |    |
                           |              +---------+ |    |
                           |                +---------+    |
                           |          INTERNAL BUFFERS     |
                           |                               |

    A brief description of each fundamental block in Miami is given below:

    2.2 Miami Signal Description

    The following tables present a description of each signal in the Miami chip. Pinout and driver type for each signal are specified in Appendix A. "Miami Pinout"

    Table 2. Miami Pin Description--Micro Channel Signals (Alphabetical Order)

    | Name         |  Type   | Description                                       |
    | A31-A0       |  I/O    | Address bits 31-0 are used by the Bus Master to   |
    |              |         | address memory and I/O slaves. These signals are  |
    |              |         | also used to select the Miami chip for slave      |
    |              |         | operations.                                       |
    | -ADL         |  I/O    | -Address Decode Latch is used by the slave        |
    |              |         | interface to latch the Micro Channel address      |
    |              |         | during a Micro Channel transfer. This signal is   |
    |              |         | driven by the Bus Master interface as an address  |
    |              |         | latching signal for a Micro Channel slave.        |
    | APAR3-APAR0  |  I/O    | Address Parity Bits 3-0 are used by the Bus       |
    |              |         | Master to generate address parity on the Micro    |
    |              |         | Channel. They are used by the slave interface to  |
    |              |         | check address parity on the Micro Channel.        |
    | -APAREN      |  I/O    | -Address Parity Enable is used by the slave       |
    |              |         | interface to detect the presence of valid address |
    |              |         | parity on the Micro Channel. This signal is       |
    |              |         | driven by the Bus Master interface to indicate    |
    |              |         | the presence of valid address parity on the Micro |
    |              |         | Channel.                                          |
    | ARB3-ARB0    |  I/O    | Arbitration Bus is used by the Bus Master         |
    |              |         | interface during arbitration to present its       |
    |              |         | arbitration level to the Micro Channel.           |
    | ARB/-GNT     |   I     | Arbitrate/-Grant is used by the Bus Master        |
    |              |         | interface to determine if the Micro Channel is in |
    |              |         | an arbitration state or if the bus has been       |
    |              |         | granted.                                          |
    | -BE3 - -BE0  |  I/O    | -Byte Enables 3-0 are used by the slave interface |
    |              |         | to detect which bytes are valid in the 32-bit     |
    |              |         | Micro Channel data bus. This signal is driven by  |
    |              |         | the Bus Master interface to indicate which bytes  |
    |              |         | are valid on the 32-bit Micro Channel data bus.   |
    | -BURST       |  I/O    | -Burst is driven by the Bus Master interface to   |
    |              |         | indicate to the bus that the master will perform  |
    |              |         | one or more consecutive data transfer cycles.     |
    | CD CHRDY     |   O     | Channel Ready is driven inactive by the slave     |
    |              |         | interface to allow additional time to complete    |
    |              |         | the current data transfer.                        |
    | -CD DS 16    |   O     | -Card Data Size 16 is driven by the slave         |
    |              |         | interface together with -CD DS 32 to indicate a   |
    |              |         | 16-bit or 32-bit data port.                       |
    | -CD DS 32    |   O     | -Card Data Size 32 is driven by the slave         |
    |              |         | interface together with -CD DS 16 to indicate a   |
    |              |         | 32-bit data port.                                 |
    | -CD SETUP    |   I     | -Card Setup is used together with A2-A0 to select |
    |              |         | the POS registers.                                |
    | -CD SFDBK    |   O     | -Card Selected Feedback is driven by the slave    |
    |              |         | interface to acknowledge that it has received a   |
    |              |         | valid address decode.                             |
    | -CHCK        |  I/O    | -Channel Check is used by the slave interface to  |
    |              |         | notify the current Micro Channel Bus Master that  |
    |              |         | an exception condition has occurred during the    |
    |              |         | current transfer. This signal is used by the Bus  |
    |              |         | Master interface to detect an exception condition |
    |              |         | on the Micro Channel.                             |
    | CHRDYRTN     |   I     | Channel Ready Return is received by the Bus       |
    |              |         | Master interface to detect the need for           |
    |              |         | additional time to complete the current data      |
    |              |         | transfer.                                         |
    | CHRESET      |   I     | Channel Reset is used to reset Miami from the     |
    |              |         | Micro Channel.                                    |
    | -CMD         |  I/O    | -Command is used by the Bus Master interface to   |
    |              |         | define when data is valid on the Micro Channel    |
    |              |         | for a basic transfer cycle. This signal indicates |
    |              |         | to the slave interface how long data is valid.    |
    | D31-D0       |  I/O    | Data bits 31-0 are used to transfer data between  |
    |              |         | Miami and the Micro Channel.                      |
    | DPAR3-DPAR0  |  I/O    | Data Parity Bits 3-0 are used by both the slave   |
    |              |         | and Bus Master interface to generate and check    |
    |              |         | data parity on the Micro Channel.                 |
    | -DPAREN      |  I/O    | -Data Parity Enable is used by the transmitting   |
    |              |         | interface (master or slave) to indicate the       |
    |              |         | presence of valid data parity on the Micro        |
    |              |         | Channel. This signal is used by the receiving     |
    |              |         | interface (master or slave) to detect the         |
    |              |         | presence of valid data parity on the Micro        |
    |              |         | Channel.                                          |
    | -DS 16 RTN   |   I     | -Data Size 16 Return is received by the Bus       |
    |              |         | Master interface to detect that a 16-bit data     |
    |              |         | port has been selected.                           |
    | -DS 32 RTN   |   I     | -Data Size 32 Return is received by the bus       |
    |              |         | master interface to detect that a 32-bit data     |
    |              |         | port has been selected.                           |
    | -IRQ A,B,C,D |   O     | -Interrupt Requests a,b,c,d One of these signals  |
    |              |         | is used by Miami to interrupt the Micro Channel.  |
    |              |         | The Interrupt Request signal is selected in POS.  |
    | MADE 24      |  I/O    | Memory Address Enable 24 is used by the slave     |
    |              |         | interface to distinguish a Micro Channel address  |
    |              |         | below 16 Mbytes. This signal is driven by the Bus |
    |              |         | Master interface to indicate that the current     |
    |              |         | Micro Channel address is below 16 Mbytes.         |
    | M/-IO        |  I/O    | Memory/-Input Output is used by both the slave    |
    |              |         | and Bus Master interfaces to distinguish memory   |
    |              |         | or I/O cycles on the Micro Channel.               |
    | -MSDR        |  I/O    | -Multiplexed Streaming Data Request is driven by  |
    |              |         | the slave interface to indicate the ability to do |
    |              |         | 64-bit streaming data. This signal is received by |
    |              |         | the Bus Master interface to detect the ability to |
    |              |         | do 64-bit streaming data.                         |
    | -PREEMPT     |  I/O    | -Preempt is used by the Bus Master interface to   |
    |              |         | request an arbitration cycle on the Micro         |
    |              |         | Channel.                                          |
    | -REFRESH     |   I     | -Refresh is used to indicate that a memory        |
    |              |         | refresh operation is in progress on the Micro     |
    |              |         | Channel.                                          |
    | -S0,-S1      |  I/O    | -Status is used by the Bus Master interface to    |
    |              |         | indicate a Bus Master read or write on the Micro  |
    |              |         | Channel. Status is used by the slave interface to |
    |              |         | determine whether a read or write cycle is taking |
    |              |         | place on the Micro Channel.                       |
    | -SBHE        |  I/O    | -System Byte High Enable is used by the Bus       |
    |              |         | Master interface to indicate and enable transfers |
    |              |         | on D8-D15 of the Micro Channel. This signal is    |
    |              |         | used by the slave interface to determine whether  |
    |              |         | data is enabled on D8-D15 of the Micro Channel.   |
    | -SDR(1,0)    |  I/O    | -Streaming Data Requests 1,0 are used by the      |
    |              |         | slave interface to request a streaming data       |
    |              |         | transfer. These signals are received by the Bus   |
    |              |         | Master interface to detect a request for          |
    |              |         | streaming data.                                   |
    | -SD STROBE   |  I/O    | -Streaming Data Strobe is received by the slave   |
    |              |         | interface to clock data on and off the data bus   |
    |              |         | during streaming data transfers. This signal is   |
    |              |         | driven by the Bus Master interface.               |
    | -SFDBKRTN    |   I     | -Selected Feedback Return is received by the Bus  |
    |              |         | Master interface to detect that a slave device    |
    |              |         | has been selected.                                |
    | TR 32        |   O     | Translate 32 is driven inactive by the Bus Master |
    |              |         | interface to indicate that the Bus Master         |
    |              |         | interface is performing data steering.            |
    Table 3. Miami Pin Description--Local Bus Signals
    | Name         |  Type   | Description                                       |
    | L_AD31:0     |  I/O    | Local Bus Address/Data bits 31-0 are used for     |
    |              |         | both address generation and data transfer on the  |
    |              |         | Local Bus. The address is driven by Miami when it |
    |              |         | owns the Local Bus, and by the resident processor |
    |              |         | when the processor owns the Local Bus. Data is    |
    |              |         | driven by the device providing the data.          |
    | -L_ADS       |  I/O    | -Address Strobe indicates valid address and the   |
    |              |         | start of a new bus access. This signal is driven  |
    |              |         | by Miami as a master and received by Miami as a   |
    |              |         | slave.                                            |
    | L_ADP3:0     |  I/O    | Local Bus Parity Bits 3-0 are used to generate    |
    |              |         | and check address and data parity on the Local    |
    |              |         | Bus.                                              |
    | -L_BE3:0     |  I/O    | -Local Bus Byte Enables select which of the four  |
    |              |         | bytes addressed are active during an access.      |
    |              |         | These signals are driven by Miami as a master and |
    |              |         | received by Miami as a slave.                     |
    | L_W/-R       |  I/O    | Write/-Read is used for Local Bus transfers to    |
    |              |         | establish the direction of data flow. This signal |
    |              |         | is driven by the current local Bus Master.        |
    | -L_READY     |  I/O    | -L_READY indicates that data on the AD lines can  |
    |              |         | be sampled or removed. If this signal is not      |
    |              |         | asserted during the data cycle of a transfer, the |
    |              |         | data cycle is extended to the next cycle by       |
    |              |         | inserting a wait state. This signal is driven by  |
    |              |         | Miami as a slave and received by Miami as a       |
    |              |         | master.                                           |
    | -L_BLAST     |  I/O    | -Burst Last is driven by Miami as a master to     |
    |              |         | indicate the last transfer of a burst access.     |
    |              |         | This signal is received by Miami as a slave.      |
    |              |         | Miami does not support burst transfers as a       |
    |              |         | slave.                                            |
    | -MSTRREQ     |   O     | -Master Request is driven by Miami to request use |
    |              |         | of the Local Bus for transfers to and from Bus    |
    |              |         | Master Channels, 1 and 2.                         |
    | -SLVEREQ     |   O     | -Slave Request is driven by Miami to request use  |
    |              |         | of the Local Bus for transfers to and from the    |
    |              |         | Micro Channel slave buffers.                      |
    | -MSTRACK     |   I     | -Master Acknowledge is received by Miami to       |
    |              |         | detect that a Master Request has been granted.    |
    | -SLVEACK     |   I     | -Slave Acknowledge is received by Miami to detect |
    |              |         | that a Slave Request has been granted.            |
    | INT(3-0)     |   O     | Interrupt lines 3-0 are driven by Miami to form   |
    |              |         | an encoded interrupt to the Local Bus.            |
    | -L_EXCPT     |  I/O    | -L_EXCPT signal is received by Miami when it is   |
    |              |         | the Local Bus Master to detect Local Bus          |
    |              |         | exceptions (e.g. ECC or Local Bus data parity     |
    |              |         | error). This signal is driven by Miami as a local |
    |              |         | bus slave when a data parity error is detected.   |
    | -WDOG        |   I     | -Watchdog Timeout signal is received by Miami     |
    |              |         | asynchronously to detect watchdog timeout         |
    |              |         | exceptions.                                       |
    Table 4. Miami Pin Description--Clocks and Miscellaneous
    | Name         |  Type   | Description                                       |
    | -16/32       |   I     | -16/32-Bit Detect is received by Miami to         |
    | DETECT(1)    |         | determine whether it is operating in a 16- or     |
    |              |         | 32-bit Micro Channel slot.                        |
    | 25 MHz OSC   |   I     | 25 MHZ Oscillator provides a 25 MHz clock to      |
    |              |         | Miami                                             |
    | 40 MHz OSC   |   I     | 40 MHZ Oscillator provides a 40 MHz clock to      |
    |              |         | Miami                                             |
    | +BMSTREN     |   O     | +Bus Master Enable is used by the Bus Master      |
    |              |         | interface to turn around transceivers external to |
    |              |         | Miami during a Bus Master cycle.                  |
    | -CMD CLK(1)  |   I     | -Cmd Clock is a clock signal used in latching     |
    |              |         | data on basic transfer cycles. This pin is tied   |
    |              |         | directly to -CMD on the Miami side of the         |
    |              |         | external control transceiver.                     |
    | -CMDRSTOUT   |   O     | -Command Reset Out is driven low by Miami to      |
    |              |         | indicate that a reset is being performed. this    |
    |              |         | signal is driven synchronous to the CFE clock.    |
    | COMP1,2      |   I     | Compensation Resistors 1 and 2 are used to        |
    |              |         | compensate for process variance in the off-chip   |
    |              |         | drivers. COMP1 compensates for the Micro Channel  |
    |              |         | drivers; COMP2 for the Local Bus. These inputs    |
    |              |         | should each be pulled up with a 909 ohm resistor  |
    |              |         | (1% tolerance).                                   |
    | -ICT         |   I     | -In-Circuit Test places the chip in I/O Mapping   |
    |              |         | Mode for in-circuit testing. This pin should be   |
    |              |         | pulled to Vcc (inactive) with a 1k ohm resistor.  |
    | +RAMTSTCLK(1)|   I     | +RAM Test Clock is used for testing internal RAM  |
    |              |         | Macros. For normal operation, this pin should be  |
    |              |         | pulled to GND (inactive) through an inverter with |
    |              |         | input pulled to Vcc.                              |
    | -SDSTRCLK(1) |   I     | -Streaming Data Strobe Clock is a clock signal    |
    |              |         | used in latching data on streaming data transfer  |
    |              |         | cycles. This pin is tied directly to -SD STROBE   |
    |              |         | on the Miami side of the external control         |
    |              |         | transceiver.                                      |
    | TEST_A,B,C(1)|   I     | LSSD Test Clocks A,B,C are used by Miami to       |
    |              |         | generate LSSD test clocks. These pins should be   |
    |              |         | pulled to V[cc] (inactive) through 1K ohm         |
    |              |         | resistors.                                        |
    | -TEST MODE(2)|   I     | Test Mode is used together with -MSTRACK AND      |
    |              |         | -SLVEACK to put the chip in test mode. This mode  |
    |              |         | is used for three mutually exclusive purposes:    |
    |              |         | Static IDD testing, tristating the drivers, and   |
    |              |         | RAM macro isolation. This pin should be pulled to |
    |              |         | Vcc through a 1K ohm resistor for normal          |
    |              |         | operation.                                        |
    | Notes:                                                                     |
    |                                                                            |
    | See Figure 2 and Figure 3                                                  |
    | See Appendix D, "Other Test Modes"                                         |
    |                                                                            |
    Figure 2. Miami Hookup Diagram
    +---------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------+
    |          LOCAL BUS SIGNALS            | |              MICRO CHANNEL SIGNALS            |
    |                    +------------------|-|------------------+                            |
    | +-+                |                  | | +==============+ |                      +---+ |
    | | |                |                  | | |     ARB/-GNT | |                      |   | |
    | |A|                | +==============+ | | |    -CD_SETUP | |                      |   | |
    | |R|<-----------------+ -MSTRREQ     | | | |     CHRDYRTN | |                      |   | |
    | |B|                | | -SLVEREQ     | | | |      CHRESET | |                      |   | |
    | |I|                | +==============+ | | |   -DS 16 RTN |<-----------------------+   | |
    | |T|                | +==============+ | | |   -DS 32 RTN | |                      |   | |
    | |E|----------------->| -MSTRACK     | | | |     -REFRESH | |                      |   | |
    | |R|                | | -SLVEACK     | | | |    -SFDBKRTN | |                      |   | |
    | | |                | +==============+ | | +==============+ |                      |   | |
    | +-+     10Kohms    |                  | | |       A31-A0 | |                      |   | |
    |    +5V +-/\/\/--+  | +==============+ | | |      APAR3-0 | |                      | M | |
    | +-+   (optional)|  | | L_AD31:0     | | | |      -APAREN | |                      | I | |
    | | |<------------+--->| L_ADP3:0     | | | |    ARB3-ARB0 | |                      | C | |
    | | |                | | -L_BE3:0     | | | |     -BE3-BE0 | |                      | R | |
    | | |                | | -L_W/-R      | | | |       -BURST | |                      | O | |
    | | |                | +==============+ | | |        -CHCK | |                      |   | |
    | | |                |                  | | |        D31-0 | |                      | C | |
    | | |+5V +-/\/\/--+  |                  | | |      DPAR3-0 |<---------------------->| H | |
    | | |      5Kohms |  | +==============+ | | |      -DPAREN | |                      | A | |
    | |L|             |  | | -L_BLAST     | | | |      MADE 24 | |                      | N | |
    | |O|<------------+--->| -L_EXCPT     | | | |        M/-IO | |                      | N | |
    | |C|             |  | | -L_ADS       | | | |        -MSDR | |                      | E | |
    | |A|     10Kohms |  | | -L_READY     | | | |     -PREEMPT | |                      | L | |
    | |L|GND <-/\/\/--+  | +==============+ | | |        -SBHE | |  +--/\/\/-----+ +5V  |   | |
    | | |                |                  | | |    -SDR(1,0) | |  | 20Kohms           |   | |
    | |B|                |                  | | +==============+ |  |                   |   | |
    | |U|                |                  | | |        -MSDR |<---+------------------>|   | |
    | |S|                |                  | | |        -SDR1 | |                      |   | |
    | | |                | +==============+ | | |        -SDR2 | |                      |   | |
    | | |                | | INT(3)       | | | +==============+ |  +--/\/\/-----+ +5V  |   | |
    | | |<-----------------+ INT(2)       | | | |     CD CHRDY | |  | 10Kohms           |   | |
    | | |                | | INT(1)       | | | |    -CD DS 16 | |  |                   |   | |
    | | |                | | INT(0)       | | | |    -CD DS 32 +----+------------------>|   | |
    | | |<------------+  | +==============+ | | |    -CD SFDBK | |                      +---+ |
    | | |             |  |                  | | | -IRQ A,B,C,D | |  +--/\/\/-----+ +5V        |
    | +-+             |  |                  | | |        TR 32 | |  | 10Kohms         +-----+ |
    |                 |  |                  | | +==============+ |  +----------+      |     | |
    | +------------+  |  |                  | | |         -ADL |<--------------+----->|     | |
    | |            |  |  | +==============+ | | |        -S1-0 | |             |      |     | |
    | | INTERRUPT  |--|--->| -WDOG        | | | |   -SD STROBE | |  +--/\/\/---|-+ +5V|  7  | |
    | | CONTROLLER |  |  | +==============+ | | +==============+ |  | 10Kohms  |      |  4  | |
    | |            |  |  |                  | | |         -CMD |<---+----------|----->|  A  | |
    | +------------+  |  |                  | | +==============+ |  |          |      |  L  | |
    +-----------------|--|------------------+ +------------------|--|----------|------|  S  |-+
                      |  |                                       |  |          |      |  2  |
    +-----------------|--|---------------------------------------|--|----------|------|  4  |-+
    |                 |  | +==============+     +==============+ |  |          |      |  5  | |
    | OSCILLATORS     +----+ -CMDRSTOUT   |     |     -CMD CLK +----+          |      |     | |
    | +--------+         | +==============+     +==============+ |             |      |     | |
    | | 25 MHz +--/\/\/----+ 25 MHz OSC   |     |    -SDSTRCLK +---------------+      |     | |
    | +--------+         | +==============+     +==============+ |                    |     | |
    | | 40 MHz +--/\/\/----+ 40 MHz OSC   |     |      BMSTREN +--------------------->| DIR | |
    | +--------+         | +==============+     +==============+ |                    +-----+ |
    |                    |                      | 16/32 DETECT |<-----See Figure 3, 16/32     |
    |                    |                      +==============+ |    Bit Detect Diagram      |
    |        1Kohms      | +==============+                      |                            |
    | +5V +--/\/\/---------+ TEST_A       |                      |                            |
    |        1Kohms      | +==============+                      |                            |
    | +5V +--/\/\/---------+ TEST_B       |                      |                            |
    |        1Kohms      | +==============+                      |                            |
    | +5V +--/\/\/---------+ TEST_C       |                      |                            |
    |        1Kohms |\   | +==============+     +==============+ |    909ohms                 |
    | +5V +--/\/\/--+ >o---+ +RAMTSTCLK   |     |        COMP1 +-------/\/\/--+ +5V           |
    |        1Kohms |/   | +==============+     +==============+ |    909ohms                 |
    | +5V +--/\/\/---------+ -TESTMODE    |     |        COMP2 +-------/\/\/--+ +5V           |
    |        1Kohms      | +==============+     +==============+ |                            |
    | +5v +--/\/\/---------+ -ICT         |                      |                            |
    |                    | +==============+                      |                            |
    |                    +---------------------------------------+                            |
    |                         CLOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS SIGNALS                                 |
    Figure 3. 16/32 Bit Detect Hookup Diagram
         +12V DETECT
           PIN A77)
             |                            +12V
             |                              A
             +----+            LM393        |           10K
        10K  |    |       +-------------+   |           OHMS
        OHMS |    |       |             |   |       +---/\/\/---> +5V
     +-/\/\/-+    |       |   +        8+---+       |
     |            |       |   |\        |           |
     V            |      3|   | \       |           |
                  +-----------|+ \ 1    |           |  -16/32 DETECT
                         2|   |   >-----------------+----------->
    +5V           +-----------|- /      |              (See Figure 2, MIAMI
     A            |       |   | /       |                 Hookup Diagram)
     |  3.3K      |       |   |/        |
     |  OHMS      |       |   +        4+---+
     +-/\/\/-+    |       |             |   |
             |    |       +-------------+   |
             |    |                         |
             +----+                         V
             |                             GND
        10K  |
        OHMS |

    2.3 Miami Register Description

    The following sections provide a description of each register in the Miami chip. A complete listing of Miami registers is available in Appendix B. "Miami Registers"

    There are two different reset modes that affect the Miami registers.

    1. Micro Channel Reset is a system-initiated reset that pulses a specific Micro Channel signal. This reset disables the adapter on the Micro Channel and resets all registers to their power up state. This reset is asserted on the Micro Channel for both power-up and soft resets of the system.

    2. Command Reset is a Micro Channel generated command initiated under program control, usually by the device driver software. This reset performs a restart of the local processor as well as setting all registers indicated in the following sections into a predefined state. Some register bits affected by Power Up Reset--particularly the POS registers-- are unaffected by Command Reset. These bits are detailed in the following sections.
    Both Power Up Reset values and Command Reset values are shown in the Reset Condition section for each register. For these sections 'u' = undefined, and 'S' = same bit value as prior to the issued reset.

    2.4 Local Bus Addressable Registers

    The I/O map of the Local Bus addressable registers is shown in Table 5

    Table 5. Local Bus Addressable Registers

    | Name       | Section  | Micro   | Width | R/W | Local Bus   | Data  | R/W |
    |            |          | Channel |       |     | AddressBus  | Field |     |
    |            |          | Address |       |     |             | Size  |     |
    | POS_SETUP1 | 2.4.1    | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA0000    |  32   |  R  |
    | POS_SETUP2 | 2.4.2    | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA0004    |  32   |  R  |
    | GAID       | 2.4.3    | 0A      |  8    |  R  | 1FFA0008    |  8    |  R  |
    | CRDID      | 2.4.4    | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA000C    |  16   | R/W |
    | PROC_CFG   | 2.4.5    | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA0010    |  14   | R/W |
    | RSR        | 2.4.6    | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA0014    |  1    |  R  |
    | XPOS       | 2.4.7    | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA0018    |  16   | R/W |
    | NMI        | 2.4.8    | 0B      |  8    | R/W | 1FFA001C    |  1    |  R  |
    | LBPE       | 2.4.9    | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA0020    |  3    |  R  |
    | LBBAR      | 2.4.10   | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA0024    |  12   | R/W |
    | COMMAND    | 2.4.11   | 00-03   |  32   | R/W | 1FFA2000    |  32   |  R  |
    | ATTN       | 2.4.12   | 04      |  8    | R/W | 1FFA2004    |  8    |  R  |
    | SCP        | 2.4.13   | 05      |  8    | R/W | 1FFA2008    |  8    |  R  |
    | ISP        | 2.4.14   | 06      |  8    |  R  | 1FFA200C    |  8    | R/W |
    | CBSP       | 2.4.15   | 07      |  8    |  R  | 1FFA2010    |  8    | R/W |
    | SIR        | 2.4.16   | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA2014    |  16   | R/W |
    | BMCDB1     | 2.4.17   | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA3000-14 |  32   | R/W |
    | CAR1       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA3000    |  32   | R/W |
    | SAR1       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA3004    |  32   | R/W |
    | BCR1       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA3008    |  20   | R/W |
    | CCR1       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA300C    |  11   | R/W |
    | BMAR1      | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA3010    |  16   | R/W |
    | LAP1       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA3014    |  32   | R/W |
    | BMSTAT1    | 2.4.18   | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA3018    |  10   |  R  |
    | BMCMD1     | 2.4.19   | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA301C    |  2    | R/W |
    | BMCDB2     | 2.4.17   | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA4000-14 |  32   | R/W |
    | CAR2       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA4000    |  32   | R/W |
    | SAR2       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA4004    |  32   | R/W |
    | BCR2       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA4008    |  20   | R/W |
    | CCR2       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA400C    |  11   | R/W |
    | BMAR2      | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA4010    |  16   | R/W |
    | LAP2       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA4014    |  32   | R/W |
    | BMSTAT2    | 2.4.18   | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA4018    |  10   |  R  |
    | BMCMD2     | 2.4.19   | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA401C    |   2   | R/W |

    1. Registers are listed in order of Local Bus address. Micro Channel addressable registers are listed in Table 9

    2. Registers are referenced by abbreviated names. Numbers associated with CDB register names refer to Bus Master Channels, 1 and 2.

    3. Detailed information for each register is provided in the section indicated.

    4. Data widths for each register are specified for both Micro Channel and Local Bus access. All Local Bus accesses are 32-bit accesses; the bus width specified for Local Bus accesses refers to the width of the data fields within the register. Bits not specified in the register definition are reserved and read back zero. Leaving these additional bits out of the register definition eliminates confusion in defining registers accessible from both the Micro Channel and the Local Bus.

    5. Micro Channel addresses refer to offsets from a base address set in POS.

    6. All unused Local Bus addresses are reserved.

    2.4.1 POS Setup Register 1 (POS_SETUP1)

    POS_SETUP Register 1 is read accessible by the resident processor and read/write accessible by the Micro Channel as POS. The register is a direct mapping of the POS registers 2-5. POS registers 2 and 3 are also mapped to Configuration Register 2, read only accessible from the Micro Channel. POS registers 4 and 5 are mapped to Configuration Register 3. More information on the Configuration registers is available in 2.5.4 , "Configuration Register 2 (CONF2)" and 2.5.5 , "Configuration Register 3 (CONF3)" Normal operation is for POS to configure the register.

    Register Format
    (Local Bus Address =  1FFA0000 h)          32-bit rd only
    (POS Addresses = 2-5)                      8-bit rd/wr
                                 POS 2
                 (7)7                           (0)0
                    | L1| L0| R3| R2| R1| R0| W1| CE|
                                 POS 3
                (15)7                           (8)0
                    | SE| SF| PE| AS| B3| B2| B1| B0|
                                 POS 4
                (23)7                          (16)0
                                 POS 5
                (31)7                          (24)0
                    | CK| CS|I15|I14|I13|MW2|MW1|MW0|
    Bit Descriptions

    POS 2

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 0001 0010

    Command Reset: SSSS SSSS

    POS 3

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 0001 1100

    Command Reset: SSSS SSSS

    POS 4

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: uuuu uuu0

    Command Reset: SSSS SSSS

    POS 5
    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 11uu uuuu

    Command Reset: SSSS SSSS

    2.4.2 POS Setup Register 2 (POS_SETUP2)

    POS_SETUP Register 2 is read accessible by the resident processor and read/write accessible by the Micro Channel as POS. The register is a direct mapping of the POS registers 3A and 3B (accessible through POS subaddressing), as well as POS registers 6 and 7. POS registers 3A and 3B are also mapped to Configuration Register 1, read accessible from the Micro Channel. More information on this register is available in Section 2.5.3 , "Configuration Register 1 (CONF1)" POS registers 6 and 7 are mapped to Configuration Register 3. More information on this register is available in Section 2.5.5 , "Configuration Register 3 (CONF3)" More information on the POS subaddressing feature is available in Sections 2.4.7 , "Extended POS Base Address Register (XPOS)" and 3.3.1 , "Initialization and POS Subaddressing" POS_SETUP2 is normally configured through the POS setup routine.

    POS 6 register also provides status for channel check conditions. This status is reset by writing this register to '00' hex. This resetting of the register can only be done through POS access.

    Register Format
    (Local Bus Address =  1FFA0004 h)             32-bit rd only
    (POS Addresses = Subaddr 100,101 h; POS 6,7)  8-bit rd/wr
                                 POS 3A
                 (7)7                           (0)0
                                 POS 3B
                (15)7                           (8)0
                    |RSV|RSV|ADP|AL3|AL2|AL1|AL0| EN|
                                 POS 6
                (23)7                          (16)0
                    | S7| S6| S5| S4| S3| S2| S1| S0|
                                 POS 7
                (31)7                          (24)0
                    |S15|S14|S13|S12|S11|S10| S9| S8|
    Status Format
                                 POS 6
                (23)7                          (16)0
    Bit Descriptions

    POS 3A

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 1110 0000

    Command Reset: SSSS SSSS

    POS 3B

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 000u uuu0

    Command Reset: 00SS SSSS

    POS 6

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: uuuu uuuu

    Command Reset: SSSS SSSS

    POS 6 (Status)

    POS 7

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: uuuu uuuu

    Command Reset: SSSS SSSS

    2.4.3 Gate Array Identification (GAID)

    The Gate Array Identification register allows either the Micro Channel or the resident processor to determine the revision level of Miami The GAID is a read-only register.

    Register Format
    (Local Bus Address = 1FFA0008 h)         32-bit rd only
    (Micro Channel Address = Base + 0A h)     8-bit rd only
               31                     8 7                      0
               |         RSVD          |    GATE ARRAY ID      |
    Bit Descriptions

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 0000 0010

    Command Reset: 0000 0010

    2.4.4 Card Identification (CRDID)

    The Card Identification Register stores the 16-bit adapter ID readable from POS register 0 and 1. The low order byte of this register will be mapped into POS 0, while the high order byte of this register will be mapped into POS 1. The CRDID is a 16-bit read/write register accessible from the Local Bus. This register is also mapped to Configuration Register 2, read accessible from the Micro Channel. More information on this register is available in Section 2.5.4 , "Configuration Register 2 (CONF2)"

    Register Format
    (Local Bus Address = 1FFA000C h)          32-bit rd/wr
               31                    16 15                     0
               |         RSVD          |  CARD IDENTIFICATION  |
    Bit Descriptions

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 0000 0000 0000 0000

    Command Reset: SSSS SSSS SSSS SSSS

    2.4.5 Processor Configuration Register (PROC_CFG)

    The PROC_CFG register is initialized by the POST code to configure some of the hardware features of the Miami chip. The contents of this register are also mapped to Bits 31-16 of Configuration Register 1, read-accessible from the Micro Channel. More information on this register is available in Section 2.5.3 , "Configuration Register 1 (CONF1)"

    Register Format
    (Local Bus Address = 1FFA0010 h)        32-bit rd/wr (bit 8 rd only)
            15  14  13                   8 7         5                    0
            |RSVD | PT| CT|MSD| IE|LBP| 32|   RSVD    |MW2|MW1|MW0|EMW|E8K|
    Bit Descriptions

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 0000 0000 000u uu00

    Command Reset: 0000 0000 000S SS00

    2.4.6 Reset Status Register (RSR)

    The Reset Status Register supplies status for a reset of the Miami chip. A Command Reset sets a bit in this register. This bit is reset by a Power Up Reset. The intent of the Reset Status Register is to provide a means in software of distinguishing between Power Up or Micro Channel Resets and Command Resets.

    Register Format
    (Local Bus Address = 1FFA0014 h)          32-bit rd only
               31                                          1    0
               |              RESERVED                      | RS|
    Bit Descriptions

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 0000 0000

    Command Reset: 0000 0001

    2.4.7 Extended POS Base Address Register (XPOS)

    The Extended POS Base Address Register supplies the base address in Local Bus address space for the POS subaddress extension. This 16-bit value represents the upper 16-bits of the Local Bus address, defining a 64 KByte region for POS subaddressing. Addressing within this 64 KByte region is provided by POS 6 and POS 7. This register must be initialized before writing the CRDID register. More information on subaddressing can be found in Section 3.3.1 , "Initialization and POS Subaddressing"

    Register Format
    (Local Bus Address = 1FFA0018 h)          32-bit rd/wr
               31                    16 15                     0
               | POS EXTENDED ADDR     |         RSVD          |
    Bit Descriptions

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu 0000 0000 0000 0000

    Command Reset: SSSS SSSS SSSS SSSS 0000 0000 0000 0000

    2.4.8 Non-Maskable Interrupt Register (NMI)

    The Non-Maskable Interrupt Register is used for presenting a Non-Maskable Interrupt from the Micro Channel to the resident processor. Writing the register from the Micro Channel with any non-zero data value creates an interrupt of value 0 hex on the encoded interrupt lines, INT 3-0, as well as setting a status bit in Bit 0 of the register. Reading the register clears this status. The intent of the register is to provide a high priority interrupt separate from the Attention and SIR interrupts. Any priority could be assigned this interrupt, however, depending on the implementation of the interrupt controller. More information on Local Bus interrupts is available in Section 3.1.5 , "Local Bus Interrupts"

    Register Format
    (Local Bus Address = 1FFA001C h)         32-bit rd only
    (Micro Channel Address = Base + 0B h)     8-bit rd/wr
               31                                          1    0
               |              RESERVED                      |NMI|
    Bit Descriptions

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

    Command Reset: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

    2.4.9 Local Bus Parity/Exception Register (LBPE)

    The Local Bus Parity/Exception Register supplies status for Local Bus data parity or exception errors during a non-Bus Master channel access of the Local Bus. Reading this register clears the status. More information on Local Bus interrupts is available in Section 3.1.5 , "Local Bus Interrupts"

    Register Format
    (Local Bus Address = 1FFA0020 h)         32-bit rd only
               31                                        2  1  0
               |              RESERVED                |MC|EX|LP|
    Bit Descriptions

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

    Command Reset: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

    2.4.10 Local Bus Base Address Register (LBBAR)

    The Local Bus Base Address Register supplies the base address in Local Bus address space for the Micro Channel shared memory window options. This register provides the address bits A31-A20, placing the full memory window on any 1M byte boundary. This register must be initialized before enabling either the full memory or the 8 Kbyte BIOS window in PROC_CFG. More information on shared memory options can be found in 3.1.1 , "Shared Memory"

    Register Format
    (Local Bus Address = 1FFA0024 h)          32-bit rd/wr
               31                    20 19                     0
               |   MEMORY ADDRESS      |       RESERVED        |
    Bit Descriptions
    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: uuuu uuuu uuuu 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

    Command Reset: SSSS SSSS SSSS 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

    2.4.11 Command Port (COMMAND)

    The Command Port is used to deliver a 32-bit immediate command or the physical address of a control block to a feature adapter on the Micro Channel. The Command Port is protected by both the Reject Bit (Bit 4) and the Busy Bit (Bit 0) in the Command Busy Status Port. If either of these two bits are set, the Command Port write will be ignored. More information on control block architecture can be found in Section 3.3.2 , "Subsystem Control Block (SCB) Support"

    Register Format
    (Local Bus Address = 1FFA2000 h)          32-bit rd only
    (Micro Channel Address = Base + 00 h)     32-bit rd/wr
               31                                               0
               |               SCB COMMAND                      |
    Bit Descriptions

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu


    2.4.12 Attention Port (ATTN)

    The Attention Port is used by the Micro Channel to signal, or request the attention of the resident processor. A Micro Channel write to the Attention Port causes data to be latched in the Attention Port and an attention interrupt to be posted to the resident processor. More information on attention interrupts is available in Section 3.1.5 , "Local Bus Interrupts" The Attention Port is protected by both the Reject Bit (Bit 4) and the Busy Bit (Bit 0) in the Command Busy Status Port. If either of these two bits are set, the Attention Port write will be ignored.

    Attention Code 'D'.
    The operation of attention code 'D' is different from all other attention codes. This attention code is used in Move Mode to set individual bits in the Source Identification Register (SIR). Either a General Interrupt or an End-of-Data-Transfer Interrupt is issued in place of the Attention Interrupt. The setting of bits in the SIR with this attention code is not blocked by the Reject or Busy bits. More information on the setting of these bits and the subsequent interrupts is available in Sections 2.4.16 , "Source Identification Register (SIR)" and 3.3.2 , "Subsystem Control Block (SCB) Support"

    Attention Code 'E'.
    Attention Code 'E' is used to clear the IV bit in the Command Busy Status Port (CBSP) and its Micro Channel interrupt. The operation of the attention code is controlled by the Clear on Read Bit (Bit 6) in the Subsystem Control Port (SCP). Note that this interrupt also generates an attention interrupt to the resident processor and sets the Busy Bit. More information on the Command Busy Status Port is available in Section 2.4.15 , "Command Busy Status Port (CBSP)" General information on the Subsystem Control Block (SCB) architecture is available in Section 3.3.2 , "Subsystem Control Block (SCB) Support"

    Register Format
    (Local Bus Address = 1FFA2004 h)         32-bit rd only
                                             8-bit field defined
                                             by SCB architecture
    (Micro Channel Address = Base + 04 h)     8-bit rd/wr
                    7              4 3             0
                    |   ATTN CODE   | DEVICE NUMBER |
    Bit Descriptions

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: uuuu uuuu

    Command Reset: SSSS SSSS

    2.4.13 Subsystem Control Port (SCP)

    The Subsystem Control Port is used to support several hardware commands from the Micro Channel. General information on the Subsystem Control Block (SCB) architecture is available in Section 3.3.2 , "Subsystem Control Block (SCB) Support"

    Register Format
    (Local Bus Address = 1FFA2008 h)         32-bit rd only
                                             8-bit field defined
                                             by SCB architecture
    (Micro Channel Address = Base + 05 h)     8-bit rd/wr
                    7                              0
                    |RST|COR| RR|RSV| SD| SD|DMA| EI|
    Bit Descriptions

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 0000 0000

    Command Reset: 1000 0000

    2.4.14 Interrupt Status Port (ISP)

    The Interrupt Status Port is used to present interrupt data to the Micro Channel. General information on the Subsystem Control Block (SCB) architecture and interrupt handling is available in Section 3.3.2 , "Subsystem Control Block (SCB) Support"

    Register Format
    (Local Bus Address = 1FFA200C h)         32-bit rd/wr
                                             8-bit field defined
                                             by SCB architecture
    (Micro Channel Address = Base + 06 h)     8-bit rd only
                    7              4 3             0
                    |    INT ID     | DEVICE NUMBER |
    Bit Descriptions

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: uuuu uuuu

    Command Reset: SSSS SSSS

    2.4.15 Command Busy Status Port (CBSP)

    The Command Busy Status Port has two functions:

    1. The Port is read by the Micro Channel after an immediate command or Control Block address is written to the Command Port to determine the status of the command.

    2. The Port indicates that an interrupt to the Micro Channel is pending.
    General information on the Subsystem Control Block (SCB) architecture and interrupt handling is available in Section 3.3.2 , "Subsystem Control Block (SCB) Support"

    Register Format
    (Local Bus Address = 1FFA2010 h)         32-bit rd/wr
                                             8-bit field defined
                                             by SCB architecture
    (Micro Channel Address = Base + 07 h)     8-bit rd only
                    7                              0
                    | ST| ST| ST|REJ| DD| DD| IV|  B|
    Bit Descriptions

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 0000 0001

    Command Reset: SSS0 SS01

    2.4.16 Source Identification Register (SIR)

    The Source Identification Register is used in Move Mode only. The register is directly accessible from the Local Bus only. Bits in the SIR are set indirectly through the Attention Port on the Micro Channel. Specifically, a write to the Attention Port of attention code 'D' hex indicates the setting of a bit in the SIR. The device number passed in the Attention Port indicates the bit to be set in the SIR. The bits in the SIR are identified as bits from the least significant bit to the most significant bit as 0-F hex. Thus a write to the Attention Port of 'DA' hex would set bit 10 in the SIR.

    By Local Bus definition, and independent of SCB architecture, the Source Identification Register is used to issue both general interrupts and end-of-transfer interrupts from the Micro Channel to the resident processor, saving status for these interrupts.

    Bits in the SIR can only be set from the Micro Channel. Each bit is set through the Attention Port. Interrupts are generated by the logical OR of the bits in the SIR. A General Interrupt is generated by the logical OR of the lowest 8 bits in the register; an End-of-Data-Transfer Interrupt for the upper 8 bits in the register.

    Bits in the SIR can only be reset from the Local Bus. Each bit is reset by writing a logical '0' to the corresponding bit location. Writes of '1' from the Local Bus to the SIR are ignored.

    This manner of resetting bits allows the Micro Channel to generate interrupts to the resident processor through the SIR without losing interrupt status. More information on Local Bus interrupts is available in Section 3.1.5 , "Local Bus Interrupts" More information on the Subsystem Control Block (SCB) architecture is available in Section 3.3.2 , "Subsystem Control Block (SCB) Support"

    Register Format
    (Local Bus Address = 1FFA2014 h)         32-bit rd/wr
                                             16-bit field defined
                                             by SCB architecture
    (Micro Channel Address = Indirect Access through ATTN)
               15                                              0
    Bit Descriptions

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 0000 0000 0000 0000

    Command Reset: 0000 0000 0000 0000

    2.4.17 Bus Master Channel Descriptor Block (BMCDB)

    Each channel has a six-word channel descriptor block (CDB). This CDB is loadable from the Local Bus. The CDB register map is described in Table 8

    Table 8. BMCDB Local Bus Register Map

    | CDB Register         | Channel 1  | Channel 2  |
    | Card Addr Register   | 1FFA3000   | 1FFA4000   |
    | 31-0                 |            |            |
    | System Addr Register | 1FFA3004   | 1FFA4004   |
    | 31-0                 |            |            |
    | Byte Count Register  | 1FFA3008   | 1FFA4008   |
    | Channel Control      | 1FFA300C   | 1FFA400C   |
    | Register             |            |            |
    | Bus Master Addr      | 1FFA3010   | 1FFA4010   |
    | Register 31-0        |            |            |
    | List Addr Pointer    | 1FFA3014   | 1FFA4014   |
    | 31-0                 |            |            |
    Register descriptions within the CDB are given in the following sections. All channel addresses are Local Bus addresses.

    Card Address Register (CAR)

    The card address register (CAR) is a 32-bit register that contains the Local Bus address of the next data word in resident memory to be transferred. Depending on the byte count, the last access to resident memory may be one, two, three, or four bytes. This value is initially loaded by a write from the resident processor. Subsequent loading is either by additional writes, or if list chaining is enabled, by hardware accesses to a list in resident memory.

    Register Format
    (Channel 1 Address = 1FFA3000 h)          32-bit rd/wr
    (Channel 2 Address = 1FFA4000 h)          32-bit rd/wr
               31                                               0
               |                CARD ADDRESS                    |
    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu


    System Address Register (SAR)

    The System Address Register (SAR) is a 32-bit register that contains the physical Micro Channel address of the next data word to be transferred. This value is initially loaded by a write from the resident processor. Subsequent loading of this value is either by additional writes, or if list chaining is enabled, by hardware accesses to a list in resident memory.

    The contents of this register is altered after an Appended I/O operation to the Micro Channel, and is, therefore, not available for diagnostic purposes after this transfer.

    Register Format
    (Channel 1 Address = 1FFA3004 h)          32-bit rd/wr
    (Channel 2 Address = 1FFA4004 h)          32-bit rd/wr
               31                                               0
               |               SYSTEM ADDRESS                   |
    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu


    Byte Count Register (BCR)

    This register contains a 20-bit value that signifies the number of bytes that will be transferred before a terminal count is reached.

    Register Format
    (Channel 1 Address = 1FFA3008 h)          32-bit rd/wr
    (Channel 2 Address = 1FFA4008 h)          32-bit rd/wr
               31        20 19                                 0
               |   RSVD    |            BYTE COUNT             |
    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 0000 0000 uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu

    Command Reset: 0000 0000 SSSS SSSS SSSS SSSS SSSS SSSS

    Channel Control Register (CCR)

    The Channel Control Register (CCR) is the control and command area for a channel. It is initially loaded by a write from the resident processor, and is subsequently reloaded either by additional writes, or if linked list chaining is enabled, it is loaded by the hardware during memory list accesses. In this way, dynamic control of the channel is possible.

    Register Format
    (Channel 1 Address = 1FFA300C h)          32-bit rd/wr
    (Channel 2 Address = 1FFA400C h)          32-bit rd/wr
               31                    11 10     8 7                      0
               |       RSVD            |CA|A2|PS|AP|MI|SA|SC|LE|TC|DR|SS|
    Bit Descriptions

    This register stores the control/status information for Bus Master Channel 1.

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuu0


    Bus Master Address Register (BMAR)

    The Bus Master Address Register stores a 32-Bit value for support of appended transfers. An appended transfer is an additional transfer appended at the end of a normal data transfer. There are two types of appended transfers: Posting Status to the Local Bus and Appended I/O transfers to the Micro Channel. Appended transfers are selected in the Channel Command Register (CCR).

    For Posting Status, the value in the BMAR represents a location in Local Bus address space. The contents of the BMSTAT register for the given channel is written to this location as a 32-bit transfer. Therefore, the address should be four-byte aligned. Note that the posting of status does not reset the value of the BMSTAT register. This register must still be read upon termination to clear its contents. When list chaining, the contents of this register are cleared at the beginning of the next list chain operation to reset status for the next data transfer.

    For Appended I/O transfers, the lower address word in the BMAR represents a location in Micro Channel I/O address space of a Micro Channel slave. The contents of the register are used by the Bus Master channel to locate the I/O address area of a slave device to access its SIR on appended I/O transfers. The lower eight bits of the upper word, that is, Bits 23-16, store the eight-bit data value for the Appended I/O transfer. Note that only eight-bit I/O transfers are supported. More information on Appended I/O transfers can be found in Section 3.2.3 , "Appended I/O Operations"

    Register Format
    (Channel 1 Address = 1FFA3010 h)          16-bit rd/wr
    (Channel 2 Address = 1FFA4010 h)          16-bit rd/wr
               31                    16 15                     0
               |   UPPER ADDR WORD *   |   LOWER ADDR WORD     |
               * Bits 23-16 of Upper Address used for data in Appended
                 I/O operations.
    Bit Descriptions

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu


    List Address Pointer (LAP)

    The List Address Pointer (LAP) is a 32-bit register which contains the address of a resident memory location where a list of CDB information exists. The register is initially loaded by a resident processor write instruction. After initialization, the register can be reloaded by write instruction, or if list chaining is enabled, the register is automatically initialized by hardware from a list table entry in resident memory. The register is always incremented by six transfers, or 24 bits during the movement of one of the list table entries into the Channel Descriptor Block (CDB), but will reflect the value of the new LAP after the list chain is complete. The values written to the register should be four byte aligned, i.e. Bits 1 and 0, (L1,L0) are forced to zero. More information on list chaining can be found in Section 3.2.5 , "Linked List Chaining"

    Register Format
    (Channel 1 Address = 1FFA3014 h)          32-bit rd/wr
    (Channel 2 Address = 1FFA4014 h)          32-bit rd/wr
               31                                           1  0
               |            LIST ADDRESS POINTER         |L1|L0|
    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu


    2.4.18 Bus Master Status Register (BMSTAT1 (2))

    This register provides the termination status for each Bus Master channel. The contents of this register are cleared by a read access. More information on Local Bus interrupts is available in Section 3.1.5 , "Local Bus Interrupts"

    Register Format
    (Channel 1 Address = 1FFA3018 h)          32-bit rd only
    (Channel 2 Address = 1FFA4018 h)          32-bit rd only
               31              10 9     7                      0
               |    RESERVED     |PX|LX|EX|LP|LC|IC|SI|CK|PE|NT|

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

    Command Reset: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

    2.4.19 Bus Master Command Register (BMCMD1 (2))

    This register is used to start the Bus Master channel or to reset internal Bus Master registers and control logic to a known state. During normal operation it is not necessary to use this register.

    Register Format
    (Channel 1 Address = 1FFA301C H)          32-bit rd/wr
    (Channel 2 Address = 1FFA401C H)          32-bit rd/wr
               31                                       2  1  0
               |             RESERVED                    |RS|SS|
    Bit Descriptions

    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

    Command Reset: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

    2.5 Micro Channel Addressable Registers

    The I/O map of the Micro Channel addressable registers is shown in Table 9

    Table 9. Micro Channel Addressable Registers

    | Name    | Section | Micro   | Width | R/W | Local    | Data  | R/W |
    |         |         | Channel |  h    |     | Bus      | Field |     |
    |         |         | Address l       |     | Address  |       |     |
    | COMMAND | 2.4.11  | 00-03   |  32   | R/W | 1FFA2000 |  32   |  R  |
    | ATTN    | 2.4.12  | 04      |  8    | R/W | 1FFA2004 |  8    |  R  |
    | SCP     | 2.4.13  | 05      |  8    | R/W | 1FFA2008 |  8    |  R  |
    | ISP     | 2.4.14  | 06      |  8    |  R  | 1FFA200C |  8    | R/W |
    | CBSP    | 2.4.15  | 07      |  8    |  R  | 1FFA2010 |  8    | R/W |
    | SIR     | 2.4.16  | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA2014 |  16   | R/W |
    | GAID    | 2.4.3   | 0A      |  8    |  R  | 1FFA0008 |  8    |  R  |
    | NMI     | 2.4.8   | 0B      |  8    | R/W | 1FFA001C |  1    |  R  |
    | HSBR    | 2.5.1   | 0C-0F   |  32   | R/W | -        |  -    |  -  |
    | MDATA   | 2.5.2   | 10-13   |  32   | R/W | -        |  -    |  -  |
    | CONF1   | 2.5.3   | 14-17   |  32   |  R  | -        |  -    |  -  |
    | CONF2   | 2.5.4   | 18-1B   |  32   |  R  | -        |  -    |  -  |
    | CONF3   | 2.5.5   | 1C-1F   |  32   |  R  | -        |  -    |  -  |

    1. Registers are listed in order of Micro Channel address. Local Bus addressable registers are listed in Table 5

    2. Registers are referenced by abbreviated names. Numbers associated with CDB register names refer to Bus Master Channels, 1 and 2.

    3. Detailed information for each register is provided in the section indicated.

    4. Data widths for each register are specified for both Micro Channel and Local Bus access. All Local Bus accesses are 32-bit accesses; the bus width specified for Local Bus accesses refers to the width of the data fields within the register. Unspecified bits in the register definition are reserved and read back zero. Leaving these additional bits out of the register definition eliminates confusion in defining registers accessible from both the Micro Channel and the Local Bus.

    5. All unused addresses are reserved.

    2.5.1 Host-Slave Base Address Register (HSBR)

    The Host-Slave Base Address register stores the physical base address in slave resident memory accessed by the host. The host initializes this register before accessing the Memory Data Register (MDATA) for memory transfers. Continuous accesses from MDATA transfer data to or from subsequent memory locations based on the value in this register. The value in the HSBR is auto-incremented by the number of bytes transferred. The MDATA register supports Micro Channel basic transfers only, i.e. streaming data is not supported. More information on the Memory Data register is available in Section 2.5.2 , "Memory Data Register (MDATA)"

    Design Note: Reading and Writing Registers

    Note that it is possible to read and write Miami's internal registers using this mechanism. These accesses must be 32-bit accesses.

    Register Format
    (Micro Channel Address = Base + 0C-0F h)    32-bit rd/wr
               31                                               0
               |           HOST-SLAVE BASE ADDRESS              |
    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu

    Command Reset: SSSS SSSS SSSS SSSS

    2.5.2 Memory Data Register (MDATA)

    The Memory Data Register is used in conjunction with the Host-Slave Base Address Register (HSBR), for Micro Channel accesses between the Micro Channel host and resident memory. When the Memory Data register is accessed, depending on the direction of transfer, data is written to or read from the location in resident memory stored in the HSBR. For host transfers, subsequent accesses to MDATA after initialization of the HSBR are made to subsequent locations in memory, i.e. the HSBR is auto-incremented after every transfer.

    The intended use of the HSBR and the MDATA register is for small transfers between the host system and the Local Bus. As a result, data steering to the MDATA register is limited. Although the Host Slave Base Address register (HSBR) is used for addressing the Local Bus, the MDATA register does not provide data steering based on the value stored in this register. Rather, the MDATA register passes data to the Local Bus as it is steered on the Micro Channel--based on the Micro Channel address used to access this register.

    The MDATA register can be accessed on the Micro Channel as a single 32-bit register, two 16-bit registers, or four 8-bit registers. Therefore, to access individual bytes on various address boundaries, the address used to access the MDATA register must match the alignment of the value stored in the HSBR. That is, the two least significant bits of the MDATA I/O address must match the least significant bits of the HSBR. For example, to access an odd word in Local Bus address space, i.e. an address located on an odd word boundary, the HSBR is first loaded with this odd word address. To access the odd word, the MDATA register is subsequently accessed as a word register at Micro Channel location 0012 hex. To access a byte at this Local Bus location, the MDATA register is accessed as a byte register at location 0012 hex.

    As a result of this limited data steering, the following limitations are placed on MDATA access:

    1. Streaming Data accesses - Accessing the MDATA register does not result in a Micro Channel streaming data request.

    2. Word and byte burst accesses - Micro Channel burst access is supported for word and byte access, but the bursting device must be able to alternately access the MDATA register at word or byte locations to support data steering. For example, to burst word transfers starting on a four-byte boundary, the bursting master must first address the register as a word at location 0010 hex and subsequently at location 0012 hex. The value in the HSBR will be auto-incremented.

    3. Word and byte string instructions - Related to streaming data and burst access, string instructions such as string OUTs and INs to I/O locations are not supported. These instructions support multiple accesses to a single I/O location, and therefore, cannot support the address changes necessary for data steering.

    Note that read accesses through MDATA to the nonbursting area in Local Bus address space limits the prefetch buffer to single transfers. That is, only single transfers will occur on the Local Bus, and -CDCHRDY will be asserted on the Micro Channel for each slave access. More information on the nonbursting address space can be found in Section 3.1.1 , "Shared Memory"

    Register Format
    (Micro Channel Address = Base + 10 h)          32-bit rd/wr
    (Micro Channel Address = Base + 10,12 h)       16-bit rd/wr
    (Micro Channel Address = Base + 10,11,12,13 h)  8-bit rd/wr
               31                                               0
               |               MEMORY DATA                      |
    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu

    Command Reset: SSSS SSSS SSSS SSSS

    2.5.3 Configuration Register 1 (CONF1)

    Configuration Register 1 is read accessible from the Micro Channel. Bits 0-15 of CONF1 are a direct mapping of POS registers 3A and 3B. Bits 16-31 are a direct mapping of the PROC_CFG register. POS registers 3A and 3B are also mapped to POS_SETUP2 More information on the contents of these registers is available in Section 2.4.2 , "POS Setup Register 2 (POS_SETUP2)" More information on Bits 16-31 is available in Section 2.4.5 , "Processor Configuration Register (PROC_CFG)" Normal operation is for POS to alter the contents of POS registers 3A and 3B, and the resident processor to alter the contents of the PROC_CFG register.

    Register Format
    (Micro Channel Address =  Base + 14h)        32-bit rd only
    (POS 3A,3B Addresses = Subaddress 100,101)      8-bit rd/wr
        31                                                          0
        |  PROC_CFG H  |  PROC_CFG L  |     POS3B    |     POS3A    |
    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 0000 0000 000u uu00 000u uuu0 1110 0000

    Command Reset: 0000 0000 000S SS00 00SS SSSS SSSS SSSS

    2.5.4 Configuration Register 2 (CONF2)

    Configuration Register 2 is read accessible from the Micro Channel. The register is read/write accessible from the Micro Channel as four POS registers. The register is a direct mapping of the POS registers 0-3. POS registers 0 and 1 are also mapped to the CRDID register. More information on the contents of these registers is available in Section 2.4.4 , "Card Identification (CRDID)" POS registers 2 and 3 are also mapped to POS_SETUP1. More information on the contents of these registers is available in Section 2.4.1 , "POS Setup Register 1 (POS_SETUP1)" Normal operation is for POS to alter the contents of Configuration Register 2.

    Register Format
    (Micro Channel Address =  Base + 18h)        32-bit rd only
    (POS Addresses = 0-3)                      8-bit rd/wr
        31                                                          0
        |     POS3     |     POS2     |     POS1     |     POS0     |
    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: 0001 1100 0001 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000


    2.5.5 Configuration Register 3 (CONF3)

    Configuration Register 3 is read accessible from the Micro Channel. The register is also read/write accessible from the Micro Channel as POS. The register is a direct mapping of the POS registers 4-7. POS registers 4 and 5 are also mapped to POS_SETUP1. More information on the contents of these registers is available in Section 2.4.1 , "POS Setup Register 1 (POS_SETUP1)" POS registers 6 and 7 are mapped to POS_SETUP2. More information on the contents of these registers is available in Section 2.4.2 , "POS Setup Register 2 (POS_SETUP2)" Normal operation is for POS to alter the contents of Configuration Register 3.

    Register Format
    (Micro Channel Address =  Base + 1Ch)        32-bit rd only
    (POS Addresses = 4-7)                      8-bit rd/wr
        31                                                          0
        |     POS7     |     POS6     |     POS5     |     POS4     |
    Reset Conditions

    Power Up Reset: uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu 11uu uuuu uuuu uuu0


    2.6 POS Registers

    Miami implements eight POS registers and two POS subaddress registers to support automatic configuration. POS0-1 directly map to the CRDID. POS2-5 directly map to the POS_SETUP1 Register. POS3A and 3B map to the POS_SETUP2 register.

    Register Format
          POS0  POS1  POS2  POS3  POS4  POS5  POS6       POS7  POS3A POS3B
                       CE    B0   CKE   MW0   SA8 (IBE)  SA0    A24   EN
           C     C     W1    B1   A20   MW1   SA9 (CTO)  SA1    A25   AL0
           A     A     R0    B2   A21   MW2   SA10(XST)  SA2    A26   AL1
           R     R     R1    B3   A22   I13   SA11(SDP)  SA3    A27   AL2
           D     D     R2    AS   A23   I14   SA12(BDP)  SA4    A28   AL3
                       R3    PE   A29   I15   SA13       SA5    I10   ADP
           I     I     L0    SF   A30    CS   SA14       SA6    I11   RSV
           D     D     L1    SE   A31    CK   SA15       SA7    I12   RSV

    3.0 Miami Functional Description

    3.1 Local Bus Functional Description

    The Local Bus is based on the Intel 80960 Processor Bus. The Local Bus contains a 32-bit multiplexed address/data bus, operating at 25 MHz. A description of the Local Bus signals is available in Table 3. Local Bus Timings are available in Appendix C. "Miami Timing".

    The following sections describe operation on the Local Bus of the Miami chip.

    3.1.1 Shared Memory

    Access to Local Bus address space (and to memory resident on the Local Bus) is available from the Micro Channel memory space. There are two independent windows into resident memory from the Micro Channel memory map. These windows are configured in POS and separately enabled by the resident processor in the PROC_CFG register.

    ROM/RAM Area:
    The first window is available in the ROM/RAM area. The intent of this window is use by applications requiring BIOS extensions in this area of the Micro Channel address space. The window is configured in POS Register 2, bits 2-5. These bits allow the window to be placed on any 8 KByte boundary within the ROM/RAM area. In addition, the size of the window can be selected between 8 KByte and 16 KBytes. Independent of the size, the first location in this window points to the first location in packet memory, located at the Local Bus address programmed in the Local Bus Base Address Register (LBBAR).

    Note. 16 KByte windows must be on 16 KByte boundaries.

    Full Memory Window:
    The second window maps up to a 64 MByte window in Local Bus address space above the 1 MByte boundary in Micro Channel address space. Address bits A31-A29, A23-A20, are configurable in POS to locate the window on various 1 MByte boundaries above and below the 16MByte boundary. The size of the full memory window is set by the Memory Window Size bits (MW2-0) in the PROC_CFG register. Independent of the size, the first location in this window points to the Local Bus address programmed in the Local Bus Base Address Register (LBBAR).

    Note. The memory window must be placed on a boundary equal to the size of the available memory as set in the PROC_CFG. For example, for 8 MBytes of memory (MW2-0 = 100), A22-A20 must equal zero.

    A28-A24 are configurable in the POS subaddress register 3A, allowing additional options for window placement. These bits are set to zero on a Power Up Reset, allowing systems that do not support subaddressing to configure Miami through POS 4 only.

    A memory map showing the relationship between the Micro Channel memory windows and Local Bus address space is given in Figure 4.

    Figure 4. Shared Memory Windows

        MICRO CHANNEL                                              LOCAL BUS
        ADDRESS SPACE                                              ADDRESS SPACE
             FFFFFFFF                                              FFFFFFFF
                     |            |                  |            |
           _________ |____________|                  |            |
            A        |            |\                 |            |
            |        |            | \                |            |
          SECOND     |            |  \               |            |
          WINDOW     |            |   \              |            |
            |        |            |    \             |            |
           _V_______ |____________|     \            |            |
                     |            |\     \           |            |
                     |            | \     \          |            |
                     |            |  \     \         |            |
                     |            |   \     \        |            |
                     |            |    \     \       |            |
                     |            |     \     \      |            |
                     |            |      \     \     |            |
                     |            |       \     \    |            |
                     |            |        \     \   |            |
                     |            |         \     \  |            |
                     |            |          \     \ |            |      TOP OF
          _ _00100000|_ _ _ _ _ _ |           \     \|____________| /___ RESIDENT
                     |            |            \     |            | \    MEMORY
          _ _000DFFFF|_ _ _ _ _ _ |             \    |            |
                     |            |              \   |            |
      ROM/RAM        |____________|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\__|____________|
       AREA          |            | 8K OR 16K      \ |            |
                     |____________|_ WINDOW_ _ _ _ _\|____________| BASE ADDR
                     |            |                  |            | (LBBAR)
          _ _000C0000|_ _ _ _ _ _ |                  |            |
                     |            |                  |            |
                     |            |                  |            |
             00000000|            |                  |            |00000000
    Bursting/Non-Bursting Local Bus Addresses:
    Transfers on the Local Bus are generally burst accesses. That is, multiple data transfers occur for one initial address cycle with termination of the transfer indicated by the Local Bus master's assertion of the Burst Last (-L_BLAST) signal. To allow interfacing to devices that do not support this bursting capability, Miami provides an area in the Local Bus address space that is reserved for nonburst access. Mapping of separate regions for Bursting and Non-Bursting access is similar to the configuration of the Intel 80960 Bus Controller access into separate 256 M address regions. This Burst/Non-Burst Local Bus mapping is summarized in Table 10.

    Table 10. Burst/Non-Burst Address Map

    | Local Bus Address        | Access               |
    | 0000 0000 - 1FFF FFFF    | Non-Burst            |
    | 2000 0000 - FFFF FFFF    | Burst                |
    This nonbursting area can be accessed through the two shared memory windows, by the DMA channels, through the MDATA register and through POS subaddress space. In addition, for Micro Channel slave read access to this area through the MDATA register, the prefetch buffer associated with Micro Channel slave read accesses is filled by single transfers, i.e. the prefetch mechanism is disabled. This nonbursting, nonprefetching mechanism provides the ability to access Local Bus address areas that are affected by the prefetch mechanism. One example of this type of address area is self-clearing registers that may be corrupted by a prefetch read during an access to a contiguous address. Another example is a protected memory containing boundaries that may be crossed during a prefetch associated with a read from a contiguous location.

    Note that all POS subaddress access are both nonbursting and nonprefetching.

    Design Note on Non-Bursting Area:
    When reading Local Bus addresses in the non-burst region through the MDATA port, Local Bus exceptions and read data parity errors are not reported with -CHCK. If the CD CHRDY Timeout Disable is disabled, a timeout error can occur on the Micro Channel when one of these exceptions occurs.

    3.1.2 Local Bus Arbitration

    Miami arbitrates for the Local Bus by asserting one of two bus request signals: -SLVEREQ or -MSTRREQ. These signals are asserted dependent on the source of the bus request. That is, requests from the Micro Channel slave interface are asserted by -SLVEREQ and requests from the Bus Master Channels, 1 and 2, are asserted by -MSTRREQ. Each request has an individual acknowledge signal: -SLVEACK and -MSTRACK, respectively. Providing separate requests for master and slave activity allows separate arbitration by a Local Bus arbiter based on the activity requested. Arbtration between the two Bus Master channels, and their priority is discussed in Section 3.2 , "Bus Master Channel Functional Description".

    In handling the arbitration of -SLVEREQ and -MSTRREQ external to Miami, consideration must be given to the 3.4 microsecond timeout of -CDCHRDY, based on pending slave requests. This is the only restriction placed on the priority of Local Bus access.

    Preemption and Termination of Bus Ownership.

    Miami ownership of the Local Bus can be preempted by removing the active acknowledge from the Local Bus. Miami will detect the removal of acknowledge, and remove the associated request with the assertion of -L_BLAST, signalling the termination of its ownership. Ownership is then relinquished when the slave asserts -L_READY. The general timing for initiating and relinquishing Local Bus ownership is available in Section C.0.1 , "Miami CFE Local Bus Timings".

    The time from recognizing the removal of acknowledge to the removal of request with -L_BLAST is variable, dependent upon 1) which request is active, 2) the type of transfer, and 3) how many transfers have already occurred on the Local Bus. The number of transfers is a factor in termination because Miami guarantees a minimum number of transfers for each bus ownership. This number is 16 for -SLVEREQ accesses and four for -MSTRREQ. The time to relinquish ownership of the bus, in number of transfers is given in Table 11.

    Table 11. Local Bus Ownership Termination (number of transfers)

    | Request Active   | Type of Access   | Xfers Performed  | Xfers Before     |
    |                  |                  | (XP) prior to    | Termination      |
    |                  |                  | Ack              |                  |
    | -MSTRREQ         | Read or Write    | 1 to 3           | 4-XP             |
    | -MSTRREQ         | Read or Write    | >= 4             | 1                |
    | -SLVEREQ         | Read             | 1-15             | 16-XP            |
    | -SLVEREQ         | Read             | >16              | 1                |
    | -SLVEREQ         | Write            | 1-15             | 16-XP            |

    3.1.3 Local Bus Parity

    Miami supports the generation and checking of data and address parity on the Local Bus. Address and Data Parity are always generated for the Local Bus. The checking of address and data parity is enabled by setting Bit 9 in PROC_CFG. The detection of a Local Bus address parity error by Miami as a slave blocks the current transfer with no interrupt or status provided. Note that the -L_EXCPT signal is not asserted, therefore, a Local Bus timeout mechanism must be implemented to detect this error. If a Local Bus data parity error is detected by Miami as a Local Bus slave, the -L_EXCPT signal is asserted synchronous to the transfer.

    If Local Bus Parity is detected on a Bus Master channel access of the Local Bus, the Bus Master access is terminated and the Local Bus Parity Bit is set in the Bus Master Status Register. The Bus Master termination interrupt for that channel is also asserted.

    The detection of Local Bus data parity on a Micro Channel read forces a Local Bus Parity/Exception interrupt to the Local Bus and the setting of Bit 0 in the Local Bus Parity/Exception Register. This bit, as well as the interrupt, is cleared by reading the Local Bus Parity/Exception Register. Data for the failing transfer is not passed to the Micro Channel. If currently streaming, streaming data is terminated on the transfer prior to the failing transfer in the prefetch buffer. If the Micro Channel master subsequently reaccesses Miami at the failing address, -CDCHRDY will be asserted. After a timeout of 3.4 microseconds, -CHCK will be asserted by Miami on the Micro Channel to signal the failing transfer. The assertion of -CHCK on erroneous data transfers is handled in this way to prevent the assertion of -CHCK for prefetched transfers not requested by the Micro Channel master.


    If the CD CHRDY Timeout Disable (Bit 21, PROC_CFG) is set to disable, the -CHCK will not occur. This can result in timeout errors on the Micro Channel during exception conditions.

    More information about the CD CHRDY Timeout Disable is provided in Section 2.4.5 , "Processor Configuration Register (PROC_CFG)".

    3.1.4 Local Bus Exceptions

    Miami receives notification from two sources of Local Bus exceptions occurring remotely. These sources interrupt the Miami chip by two separate exception lines:

    These two exceptions are summarized in Table 12.

    Table 12. External Exceptions

    | Source               | Signal               |
    | Watchdog             | -WATCHDOG            |
    | Local Bus Transfer   | -L_EXCPT             |
    These exceptions create different responses by Miami:

    3.1.5 Local Bus Interrupts

    The Miami chip interrupts the Local Bus under seven conditions. Miami presents each of these seven interrupt sources as encoded interrupts on the Local Bus interrupt lines, INT(3-0). These encoded interrupt lines can be used by external hardware to generate interrupts and vectors to the resident processor. The lines do not represent a valid vector for any particular resident processor.

    Each source of interrupt and its corresponding interrupt code is present in Table 13. Note that although the Inactive State for the encoded interrupt signals is 1111, implying that the signals are active low, the signals have been given active high signal designations (INT(0-3)). The values in this table represent the actual state of the interrupt signals (0 = Low, 1 = High).

    Table 13. Local Bus Interrupt Sources

    | Interrupt Source     | Encoded              |
    |                      | Interrupt--INT(3-0)  |
    | Non-Maskable         | 0000                 |
    | Interrupt (NMI)      |                      |
    | Local Bus            | 0001                 |
    | Parity/Exception     |                      |
    | SCB Attention Port   | 0010                 |
    | End-Of-Data-Transfer | 0011                 |
    | General Interrupt    | 0100                 |
    | Bus Master Channel 2 | 0101                 |
    | Bus Master Channel 1 | 0110                 |
    | Reserved             | 0111-1110            |
    | Inactive State       | 1111                 |
    Each encoded interrupt is held active on the interrupt lines until the clearing procedure for that interrupt is performed. Until the current interrupt is cleared, all other interrupts asserted internally are held pending. After an interrupt is cleared, all pending interrupts are latched, and the highest priority pending interrupt is asserted on the encoded interrupt lines. After this interrupt is cleared, the next priority interrupt is serviced. This operation continues until all interrupts previously pending are serviced in order of priority. When the last interrupt is cleared, all new interrupts that were asserted internally while the current interrupts were serviced are latched, and the highest priority interrupt is asserted first. Interrupts for conditions occurring simultaneously are presented in the order of their encoded value. For example, if a General Interrupt occurs simultaneous to a Bus Master Channel interrupt, the General Interrupt would be presented first. he only exception to this procedure is the NMI command. This interrupt is always presented as the next available interrupt, regardless of the order of occurrence.

    The clearing procedure varies with the source of the interrupt:

    3.1.6 Local Bus Exception Handling

    The handling of Local Bus exception conditions discussed in the previous sections, Local Bus Parity and the -L_EXCPT signal are summarized in Table 14.

    Table 14. Local Bus Exception Handling Summary

    | Miami Function          | Local Bus Parity        | -L_EXCPT                |
    | Micro Channel Slave     | Not Applicable          | o Sets Status in LBPE   |
    | Write                   |                         | o Asserts Local Bus     |
    |                         |                         | o Parity/Exception      |
    |                         |                         |   Interrupt             |
    | Micro Channel Slave     | o Sets Status in LBPE   | o Sets Status in LBPE   |
    | Read                    | o Asserts Local Bus     | o Asserts Local Bus     |
    |                         |   Parity/Exception      |   Parity/Exception      |
    |                         |   Interrupt             |   Interrupt             |
    |                         | o Asserts -CHCK on      | o Asserts -CHCK on      |
    |                         |   Micro Channel         |   Micro Channel         |
    | Bus Master Channel Read | o Stops Channel         | o Stops Channel         |
    |                         | o Sets Status in BMSTAT | o Sets Status in BMSTAT |
    |                         | o Asserts Bus Master    | o Asserts Bus Master    |
    |                         |   Termination Interrupt |   Termination Interrupt |
    | Bus Master Channel      | Not Applicable          | o Stops Channel         |
    | Write                   |                         | o Sets Status in BMSTAT |
    |                         |                         | o Asserts Bus Master    |
    |                         |                         |   Termination Interrupt |
    | Local Bus Slave Access  | Assert -L_EXCPT         | Not Applicable          |
    More information on the handling of the Watchdog interrupt can be found in Section 2.4.15 , "Command Busy Status Port (CBSP)".

    3.2 Bus Master Channel Functional Description

    The following sections describe the operation of the Bus Master Channels, 1 and 2.

    3.2.1 General Operation

    As stated in Section 2.1 , "Miami Block Description", all data transactions, including Bus Master transfers, are subject to intermediate buffering. A diagram of this intermediate buffering is repeated from Section 2.1 , "Miami Block Description" in Figure 5.

    Figure 5. Intermediate Buffering

                           |          +---------+          |
                           |          |         |          |
                           |          |         |          |
        +-------------+    |          | CH1     |          |
        | +---------+ |    |   +----->| BUFFER  |<------+  |
        | |         | |    |   |      |         |       |  |
        | | MICRO   | |    |   |      |         |       |  |
     <--->| CHANNEL |<---------+      +---------+       |  |
        | | BUS     | |    |   |                        |  |
        | | MASTER  | |    |   |      +---------+       |  |
        | |         | |    |   |      |         |       |  |
      M | +---------+ |    |   |      |         |       |  |
      I |             |    |   |      | CH2     |       |  |
      C |             |    |   +----->| BUFFER  |<------+  |
      R |             |    |          |         |       |  |
      O |             |    |          |         |       |  |
        |  MICRO      |    |          +---------+       |  |
      C |  CHANNEL    |    |                            |  |
      H |  INTERFACE  |    |          +---------+       |  |   +--------------+
      A |  (MCI)      |    |          |         |-+     |  |   |  +--------+  |
      N |             |    |          | SLAVE   | |-+   |  |   |  |        |  |
      N |             |    |          | WRITE   | | |   +-------->| LOCAL  |  |
      E |             |    |   +----->| BUFFER  +---------------->| BUS    |<---->
      L |             |    |   |      | 0, 1, 2 | | |   +---------+ MASTER |  | L
        | +---------+ |    |   |      |         | | |   |  |   |  |        |  | O
        | |         | |    |   |      +---------+ | |   |  |   |  +--------+  | C
        | | MICRO   | |    |   |        +---------+ |   |  |   |              | A
     <--->| CHANNEL +----------+          +---------+   |  |   |  LOCAL       | L
        | | SLAVE   | |    |                            |  |   |  BUS         |
        | | INTFC   |<---------+      +---------+       |  |   |  INTERFACE   | B
        | |         | |    |   |      |         |-+     |  |   |  (LIB)       | U
        | +---------+ |    |   |      | SLAVE   | |-+   |  |   |              | S
        +-------------+    |   |      | READ    | | |-+ |  |   +--------------+
                           |   +------+ BUFFER  | | | | |  |
                           |          | 0-3     |<------+  |
                           |          |         | | | |    |
                           |          +---------+ | | |    |
                           |            +---------+ | |    |
                           |              +---------+ |    |
                           |                +---------+    |
                           |          INTERNAL BUFFERS     |
                           |                               |
    Each Bus Master channel manages data movement through 128 bytes of intermediate buffering. This intermediate buffering is organized as two independent 64-byte ping-pong buffers. The Bus Master channel alternately uses these two buffers for accesses on the Local Bus and Micro Channel interfaces, optimizing the total throughput of its data transfers.

    The following discussion pertains to the operation of a single Bus Master channel. Throughout this discussion, the term "buffer" refers to one of the 64-byte ping-pong buffers for that channel, and the term "intermediate buffering" refers to the entire 128 bytes of buffering available for that channel. The term "bus" refers generically to either the Micro Channel or the Local Bus.

    As stated above, the general operation of a Bus Master channel for large transfers is to fill and flush data to and from its two buffers in a ping-pong fashion. That is, depending on the direction of transfer, if the data in a buffer is flushed to one bus, the buffer is immediately available to be filled on the other bus. At any given time, data can be flushed from one buffer on one bus, and filled into the other buffer from the other bus, approximating a constant throughput between the two buses. When the channel is active, if a buffer is available for data transfers on one bus and there is no data transfers currently taking place on that bus, the channel will immediately arbitrate for control of the bus. If a buffer becomes available for a bus and data transfers are taking place on that bus, transfers to the free buffer will take place in zero wait states after completion of transfers to the buffer currently being accessed. Therefore, in general, arbitration to a bus from an inactive state can occur when 64 bytes are available in the buffer, and can be sustained as long as buffers become available.

    Micro Channel

    To provide better utilization of the Micro Channel, the Bus Master channel makes all 128 bytes of its intermediate buffering available for its initial access of the Micro Channel. An initial access is the first arbitration of the Micro Channel after the start/stop bit is set or after a list chain operation has initiated a new data transfer. This 128-byte initial access is easily accomplished for reads from the Micro Channel, since the full intermediate buffering is empty at the start of a cycle. For writes to the Micro Channel, both buffers must be completely full, or the byte count must equal zero, for this initial access to take place. As described above, the channel will continue to access the Micro Channel as long as buffers are available. After the Bus Master channel relinquishes control of the Micro Channel, it will rearbitrate for subsequent accesses after 64-bytes, or one buffer, is available.

    Local Bus

    Initial accesses on the Local Bus occur when 64-bytes, or one buffer is available.

    Multiple Channels

    Additional bandwidth is gained on the Micro Channel by sharing the Micro Channel grant period for Miami between the two Bus Master channels. That is, if Bus Master Channel 1 has run out of buffer space, and there is additional time on the Micro Channel, Bus Master Channel 2, will perform accesses to its 128-byte buffer. This sharing of the Micro Channel between channels is only possible when the arbitration levels for the channels are the same, i.e. the A2 option in the CCR of each channel is set to the same state.

    Flow of Operation

    Each Bus Master channel is configured from the Local Bus by programming a Channel Descriptor Block (CDB) resident in the Miami chip. A description of the CDBs for each Channel is given in Section 2.4.17 , "Bus Master Channel Descriptor Block (BMCDB)".

    Each Bus Master channel is controlled through a Channel Control Register (CCR) located in each CDB. A channel is enabled by setting the Start/Stop Bit (Bit 0) in the CCR. The direction of the data transfer is set by the Direction Bit (Bit 1) in the CCR. Description of the CCR for each channel is given in Section "Channel Control Register (CCR)".

    When the Start/Stop Bit is set in the Bus Master channel, operation begins in one of two ways, depending on the state of the Direction Bit. If the direction is set to read from the Micro Channel (writing to the Local Bus), the Bus Master channel will immediately arbitrate for the Micro Channel. When granted the Micro Channel, the Bus Master channel will fill its buffer by reading from the address specified in the System Address Register (SAR), located in the CDB. The channel will continue to fill its buffer until 128-bytes are read, or until the Byte Count in the Byte Count Register (BCR) equals zero. Concurrently, once the first 64-byte buffer is full, data is transferred from the buffer into memory resident on the Local Bus at the location specified in the Card Address Register (CAR). In the general case, the channel will read 128-bytes from the Micro Channel before data is completely flushed to resident memory. At this point, the channel will release its control of the Micro Channel. After the buffered data is flushed to resident memory, the channel rearbitrates for the Micro Channel. The channel continues this arbitrate/release/flush sequence until the Byte Count equals zero.

    If the direction is set to write to the Micro Channel (reading from the Local Bus), the channel fills the buffer from memory resident on the Local Bus from the location loaded in the CAR. The channel continues to fill the buffer until 128-bytes are transferred or the Byte Count equals zero. After 128 bytes are loaded, the channel arbitrates for the Micro Channel. When granted, the channel flushes the buffered data to the Micro Channel at the location loaded in the SAR. Concurrently, after the first 64-byte buffer is completely flushed on the Micro Channel, additional data is loaded in the buffer from the Local Bus. In the general case, the Micro Channel will continue to flush the additional data until the buffer is empty. When there is no more data to be transferred the channel releases its control of the Micro Channel. The channel continues to fill from the Local Bus until the buffer is full or the Byte Count equals zero. The channel will then rearbitrate for the Micro Channel. The channel continues this fill/arbitrate/flush sequence until the Byte Count equals zero.

    Channel Priority on the Local Bus

    The two Bus Master channels have equal priority under normal operation, that is, they alternate ownership of the Local Bus equally. If one channel owns the Local Bus and the other channel has a Local Bus access pending, Miami will reissue its request for the Local Bus after the current owner relinquishes ownership. When Miami receives its -MSTRACK a second time, ownership of the Local Bus will pass to the pending channel.

    If channel requests are asserted at the same time, Channel 1 is granted priority.

    If the Local Bus is very fast relative to the activity on the Micro Channel, a channel could maintain ownership over the Local Bus and lock out the opposite channel for long periods.

    3.2.2 Bus Operation

    Miami is capable of performing transfers with any address alignment combination, as a Micro Channel Bus Master, and as a Micro Channel slave through the shared memory window. The number of bytes transferred on either the Micro Channel or the Local Bus is controlled by the respective byte enable signals for that bus.

    On the Micro Channel, the number of bytes transferred during a cycle is determined by the total number of bytes to be transferred, the Micro Channel address, and the width of both the master and the slave. As a Micro Channel Bus Master, in all cases, the maximum number of bytes are transferred. Therefore, for a transfer between a 32-bit master and a 32-bit slave at an address on an odd byte boundary, i.e. an address with the least significant nibble equal to '1'h, Miami transfers three bytes.

    Streaming data transfers, by Micro Channel definition, must be aligned to the width of the transfer. Miami, as a Micro Channel Bus Master, does this alignment, if starting on an odd boundary, in a minimum number of cycles. Therefore, in the above example, if the slave has multiplexed streaming data capability, Miami transfers three bytes, then performs a four-byte transfer before initiating a streaming cycle.

    As a Local Bus Master, Miami also transfers the maximum number of bytes per transfer. When writing a slave on an odd byte boundary, Miami transfers three bytes . In this case, the upper three byte enables (BE3-1), are asserted. When reading a slave on any boundary, the entire 32-bit word associated with that address is read, i.e. all four byte enables are asserted and the two least significant bits of the Local Bus address are zero.

    3.2.3 Appended I/O Operations

    Each channel has the ability to append an I/O write to the Micro Channel upon reaching a terminal count. The intent of this I/O is to create an efficient method for interrupting the Source Identification Register (SIR) through the Attention Port of a slave adapter after a data transfer is complete. The function of the SIR is discussed in Section 2.4.16 , "Source Identification Register (SIR)".

    The address and data for an Appended I/O operation are both stored in the Bus Master Address Register (BMAR). When an appended I/O operation is enabled, the channel writes to the Micro Channel I/O address stored in the lowest 16-bits of the BMAR, in the CDB. In general, this function is used to write an eight-bit value to the Attention Port of the Micro Channel slave's Subsystem Control Block (SCB) register map. When a terminal count is reached, the channel appends the I/O write to this address, using the data stored in Bits 16-23 of the BMAR. That is, if the direction of transfer is from the Local Bus to the Micro Channel, the I/O is appended after the last transfer to the Micro Channel. If the direction of transfer is from the Micro Channel to the Local Bus, the I/O is appended after the last transfer to the Local Bus. The BMAR register for each channel is discussed in Section "Bus Master Address Register (BMAR)".

    The channel controls appended I/O operations through its CCR. The Appended I/O (AP) Bit, Bit 7, sets the channel for an Appended I/O operation. The setting and resetting of bits in the slave SIR is discussed in Section 2.4.16 , "Source Identification Register (SIR)".

    Setting both the AP and the PS bits in the CCR is an invalid combination. Using this invalid combination will not interfere with the data transfer. A normal termination will occur, but no I/O write will be appended.

    3.2.4 Posted Status Operations

    Each channel has the ability to perform a posted status operation to a location in Local Bus address space. The intent of this operation is to provide an alternate method of signalling the normal termination of a data transfer, in addition to the terminal count interrupt. Posting status has two applications in conjunction with list chained data transfer elements:

    1. Normal termination status for each element can be posted in a table in Local Bus address space. A terminal count interrupt can be asserted on the last element in the list chain. The table can be used for identifying a failing element during error recovery.

    2. The posted write itself can be made to a device or single address location to positively acknowledge completion of a list chain element. This is especially useful for interfacing to an intelligent device other than the resident processor controlling the enqueuing and dequeuing of elements in the list chain or pipe.

    The 32-bit address for this operation is stored in the Bus Master Address Register (BMAR). The appended operation is a 32-bit write to this location of the contents of the Bus Master Status Register (BMSTAT). When a terminal count is reached, the channel posts status to the Local Bus, i.e. if the direction of transfer is from the Local Bus to the Micro Channel, status is posted after the last transfer to the Micro Channel. If the direction of transfer is from the Micro Channel to the Local Bus, status is posted after the last transfer to the Local Bus.

    The channel controls Posted Status operations through its CCR. The Posted Status Bit, Bit 8, sets the channel for Posted Status operation.


    Note that only normal termination status is posted. Status is not posted for exception conditions, but rather the channel is stopped and an interrupt is posted.

    3.2.5 Linked List Chaining

    Both Bus Master channels support Linked List Chaining (LLC), or scatter/gather DMA. Linked List Chaining provides the ability for each channel to auto-initialize its Channel Descriptor Block (CDB) from a predefined list in memory. Each element in this list consists of a set of new register values. An element is loaded into the CDB when the channel reaches a terminal count for the current data transfer. Since each element represents a separate data transfer, Linked List Chaining allows the channel to interleave the scattering and the gathering of data from different buffer locations in memory, with minimum intervention from the resident processor. In addition, control information in the CCR can also be updated, allowing dynamic changing of DMA parameters.

    Within the CDB a 32-bit address pointer to the list in memory is maintained. At the time of terminal count, if list chaining is enabled, the hardware will fetch six 32-bit words starting at this memory address and reload the CDB at hardware speeds. List chaining provides a mechanism to off-load the resident processor from register initialization after every terminal count. Based on the value programmed in the CCR, the channel can optionally interrupt the resident processor, in addition to List Chaining, on a terminal count. This list of buffers can occupy any area in free memory. The list chaining function is shown in Figure 6.

    Figure 6. Linked List Chaining

          CDB                 MEMORY              ADDRESS
                     31                        0
                      | CARD ADDRESS 31-0      |  LAP
       LIST --------> +------------------------+
       ADDRESS        | SYSTEM ADDRESS 31-0    |  LAP + 4
       POINTER        +------------------------+
                      | BYTE COUNT             |  LAP + B
                      | CHANNEL CONTROL        |  LAP + C
                      | BUS MASTER ADDRESS     |  LAP + 10
                      | LIST ADDRESS           |  LAP + 14
    At the end of this operation, the CDB contains a new pointer to a new list located anywhere else in memory.

    List Chaining from Stop.
    List Chaining can also be initiated without a data transfer. If the Start/Stop Bit (Bit 0, CCR) and the List Chain Enable Bit (Bit 3, CCR) are set and the byte count is zero (BCR = 0), a list chain operation will start. This list chain operation from a Channel stopped state is a special case of List Chaining Zero Byte Elements, described in Section 3.2.6 , "Modes of Operation".

    3.2.6 Modes of Operation

    There are several special modes of operation for termination of the Bus Master channels and interrupting the Local Bus. These different modes involve several bits in the CCR.

    It is easiest to think of transfers as broken into three steps: a data transfer, an optional appended I/O and a list chain operation to bring in a new list chain element. A list chain element is a six-word entry in Local Bus address space containing the values for initializing the Channel Descriptor Block (CDB) for a data transfer. It is important to note that the termination interrupt enabled by the Terminal Count Interrupt Enable (Bit 2) in the CCR, represents the normal termination of a data transfer, or of a data transfer plus appended I/O when an appended I/O is enabled, and does not necessarily represent termination or disabling of Bus Master operation.

    The beginning of a list chain operation is considered the start of a new data transfer.

    1. Termination Interrupts on the Fly. Termination interrupts can be enabled for any element in a list chain, not just the last element, associated with the stopping of the channel. Since Normal Termination interrupts are associated with the normal termination of a data transfer or of a data transfer with optional Appended I/O, an interrupt can be asserted after any data transfer or after its Appended I/O, if enabled, by enabling the Terminal Count Interrupt Enable Bit (CCR, Bit 2) for that element in the list chain.

      Although it is possible to take interrupts on the fly, normal operation is to take a single termination interrupt at the end of the entire list chain. A single termination interrupt is desirable for the following two reasons:

      1. For list chains involving small transfers, it is difficult to take interrupts for each element, thus some interrupts could be lost without stopping the channel.

      2. Since a new list chain element and a new transfer are immediately list chained after the interrupt, there is no status available in the BMSTAT register representing the termination interrupt. (List Chaining represents the start of a new transfer, therefore status is cleared).

    2. List Chaining Zero Byte Elements. If a channel is active with list chaining is enabled, and there are currently no transfers to take place, list chain elements containing a byte count of zero can be appended to the list chain. As long as the List Chaining Enable bit (CCR, Bit 3) is enabled in the appended elements, list chaining will continue without data transfers.

    3. Stopping Channel after List Chaining Bit. The Bus Master Channel can be stopped after the current list chain element is read from memory and prior to performing the data transfer. Upon stopping, the channel can be re-enabled and operation will continue with the current data transfer.

      This mode of operation is especially useful in conjunction with the List Chaining Zero Byte Elements option. In the case where there are currently no transfers to take place, an element of zero byte count can be appended with the Stop Channel after List Chaining Bit (CCR, Bit 4) set in the CCR. As long as the List Chain Enable Bit is also set in this element, operation will continue upon re-enabling the channel, with a list chain operation taking place to the address pointed to by the current list address pointer. Thus, the Stop Channel after List Chaining can be used as a true NOP or Pause function for a given list chain or pipe.

      Note.Since this option terminates after a list chain, and not after a data transfer or appended I/O operation, there is no normal termination interrupt associated with stopping the channel in this mode. The start/stop bit must be polled to determine when the channel is stopped.

    4. Resetting the Start/Stop Bit. The Bus Master Channel can be stopped noncatastrophically by simply resetting the start/stop bit. There is some latency between the resetting of the bit and the stopping of the channel. During this period the start/stop bit will not read back zero. The start/stop bit will read back zero when the channel is stopped, and thus, functions as termination status for this mode of operation. Operation will resume with the pending data cycles for both the Local Bus and the Micro Channel, upon re-setting the start/stop bit.

      Note: Like the 'Stopping the Channel after List Chaining' option, this operation is not associated with normal termination of data transfers or Appended I/O, and thus, after the start/stop bit is reset, there is no termination interrupt associated with this mode of operation. Note also that this function is not supported with List Chaining enabled.

    5. Resetting the Bus Master Channel. Like Resetting the Start/Stop Bit, the channel can be stopped noncatastrophically by setting the channel reset in the BMCMD register. This operation functions exactly like resetting the Start/Stop Bit--the Start/Stop Bit functions as status, and no termination interrupt is generated. The Bus Master channel, however, is reset after the operation and not available to complete the current transfer. Note that this function is not supported with List Chaining enabled.

    6. Watchdog Input. The Watchdog input is an asynchronous input that also forces both channels to terminate noncatastrophically. Although this input is an exception condition, the exception is reported separately to the resident processor, and may be unrelated to the operation of either Bus Master channel. As a result, both channels will terminate without interrupt or status. The Bus Master channels are reset on this error and are not available to complete their current transfers.

    3.2.7 Stopping the Channel

    The following is a summary of conditions which stop the Bus Master channel with termination interrupt and status:

    1. Micro Channel Data Parity Error
    2. -CHCK Detected on Micro Channel
    3. No Select Feedback Return
    4. Invalid Combination (-DS16RTN,-DS32RTN)
    5. Loss of Micro Channel (ARB/-GNT raised by host)
    6. Resetting of Card Enable (POS 2, bit 0)
    7. Resetting of DMA Enable (SCP, bit 1)
    8. Local Bus Parity Error
    9. -L_EXCPT Detected on the Local Bus

    The following conditions stop the Bus Master channel without termination interrupt and status:

    1. Bus Master Channel Reset
    2. All Resets (Power Up, Command, Micro Channel)
    3. Termination using the Stop on List Chain Command
    4. Resetting the Start/Stop Bit in the CCR
    5. -WATCHDOG Detected on the Local Bus

    Note that all terminations are noncatastrophic, i.e. termination of the channel is nondisruptive to either the Micro Channel or the Local Bus.

    In all cases, with the exception of resetting the Start/Stop bit, the channel is completely reset on termination. When resetting the Start/Stop bit, the channel terminates with the internal state machines intact, providing the option to restart the channel and complete the current transfer.

    3.3 Micro Channel Functional Description

    The following sections describe additional operations of the Miami chip on the Micro Channel.

    3.3.1 Initialization and POS Subaddressing

    The Miami chip is initialized on the Micro Channel through POS registers. The POS registers are read/write accessible through POS addresses defined for the Micro Channel. In addition, the POS registers are mapped to both the Local Bus address space and the Micro Channel I/O space. These mappings allow access to POS information for the resident processor and the Micro Channel device driver. A listing of the POS registers and their bit maps is available in Section 2.6 , "POS Registers". Discussion of the function of each bit in the POS registers is available in Section 2.4.1 , "POS Setup Register 1 (POS_SETUP1)" and Section 2.4.2 , "POS Setup Register 2 (POS_SETUP2)".

    In addition, POS subaddressing allows access to additional configuration data. Subaddressing creates a window to additional POS locations through POS register 3. Locations within this window are indexed from a base address stored in the Extended POS Base Address Register (XPOS). This register stores a 16-bit value representing the upper 16-bits of a Local Bus base address. This base address defines a 64 KByte area on the Local Bus. Locations within this 64 KByte area are addressed by a nonzero value stored in POS registers 6 and 7.

    The subaddress locations 0100 h and 0101 h, in POS 6 and 7, address two registers internally: POS 3A and 3B. POS 6 contains the least signficant byte, and POS 7, the most significant byte of the subaddress. These two registers are used for extended functions on the Micro Channel. Accesses to subaddress locations from 0001-00FF h in POS 6 and 7 generate Local Bus cycles with the Extended POS address. This subaddress area is available for Vital Product Data (VPD) or configuration data, depending on implementation. Subaddress locations above 0101 h are out of normal VPD range, but are available as additional subaddress space. Accesses to these subaddresses will generate cycles to the Local Bus. This subaddress mapping is summarized in Table 15.

    Table 15. POS Subaddress Map

    | POS 7      | POS 6      | Function             |
    | 00         | 01-FF      | Vital Product Data   |
    |            |            | (VPD)                |
    | 01         | 00         | POS 3A               |
    | 01         | 01         | POS 3B               |
    | 01-FF      | 02-FF      | Add. Subaddress      |
    |            |            | Space (0102-FFFF)    |
    Note that subaddressing presents a nonbursting interface to the Local Bus, and that prefetching on reads is limited to single transfers. That is, reading subaddress space through POS 3 forces only single transfers.

    Design Note: Data Steering of Subaddress Cycles to the Local Bus

    Local Bus accesses resulting from subaddress cycles assume, by CFE definition, a 32-bit bus width. Therefore, subaddress interfaces to the CFE bus must provide data on all four bytes of the Local Bus although POS accesses, by Micro Channel definition, are eight-bit accesses. Miami provides an eight-bit interface to the Micro Channel, i.e. all odd-subaddress accesses are steered to the least significant byte of the Micro Channel.

    Subaddress reads are performed as a 32-bit read on a four-byte boundary. Odd subaddress reads, therefore, are 32-bit accesses, and the correct byte is selected from the four-byte access and presented to the Micro Channel.

    Subaddressing on the Local Bus is implemented as a 32-bit access because all devices on the CFE Local Bus are, by definition, 32-bit devices. Since all subaddress accesses are, by Micro Channel definition, eight-bit accesses, an eight-bit device can be interfaced for purposes of subaddressing, if the read address can be properly incremented, and the data properly steered for odd addressing. The easiest implementation, however, is to provide a 32-bit interface. For example, a 32-bit DRAM or SRAM can be used. POS Setup can be delayed until subaddress data is provided to this memory area by delaying the setting of the CRDID register until the data transfer to memory is complete. Micro Channel hosts will not perform POS Setup prior to reading a valid POS ID in POS registers 0 and 1.

    3.3.2 Subsystem Control Block (SCB) Support

    Miami supports both Locate Mode and Move Mode of the Subsystem Control Block (SCB) architecture. The SCB registers and their access for each mode is shown in Table 16.

    Table 16. SCB Register Access Summary

    |                    |          Normal Access within Operating Modes       |
    |  SCB Register      |        Locate Mode       |         Move Mode        |
    |                    | System |  Peer   | Local | System |  Peer   | Local |
    |                    | Master | Adapter |  Bus  | Master | Adapter |  Bus  |
    | COMMAND            | W      | None    | R     | W *    | None    | R *   |
    | ATTN               | W      | None    | R     | W      | W       | R     |
    | SCP                | W      | None    | R     | W      | None    | R     |
    | ISP                | R      | None    | W     | R **   | None    | W **  |
    | CBSP               | R      | None    | W     | R      | None    | W     |
    | *  Under consideration for Move Mode - not approved                      |
    | ** Currently no function defined for Move Mode                           |
    The overall objective of the SCB architecture is to provide a programming model for the Micro Channel, by defining the logical protocols for transferring commands, data and status between entities on the Micro Channel.

    Locate Mode.
    In general, Locate Mode is used by the host to pass either an immediate command or the address of a command to Miami. After a command is passed by a Micro Channel write to the Command Port. The Attention Port is used to signal an interrupt to the Local Bus. In addition, the Busy Bit of the Command Busy Status Port is set in Miami. The setting of this bit blocks further requests to the Command and Attention Ports. The Command and Attention Ports are serviced by the resident processor and the command is accessed. If the command is valid, the Busy Bit is reset by a write from the Local Bus. If the command is rejected, the Reject Bit is set in the Command Busy Status Port.

    The Subsystem Control Port is accessed by the Micro Channel, and is used to enable various functions of the Miami chip. This register is used to enable Micro Channel interrupts, to enable DMA operation, to perform a Command Reset of Miami, and to reset the Reject state of the Command Busy Status Port.

    In addition to these registers, the ISP and SIR support Micro Channel and additional Local Bus interrupts.

    Move Mode.
    Move Mode is used for peer-to-peer operation across the Micro Channel. In general, commands are not passed through the Command Port, but rather to a predefined location in a shared memory area. The Attention Port is used to signal an interrupt to the Local Bus. An attention code of 'D' hex is used to identify the transfer as a Move Mode operation. A bit in the SIR is set corresponding to the device number passed with this Move Mode attention code. A full description of the operation of the SIR is available in Section 2.4.16 , "Source Identification Register (SIR)".

    Micro Channel interrupts, i.e interrupts presented to the Micro Channel from Miami, are asserted by setting the IV in the CBSP from the Local Bus. For signalling interrupts, status is provided by the resident processor in the Interrupt Status Port (ISP). This status is provided prior to setting the Interrupt Valid bit. For exception conditions, the Reject Bit in the CBSP is set along with the IV bit, and status for the exception is provided in the Status Bits (Bits 5-7) of the CBSP. Separation of exception and signalling conditions are thus obtained from one read of the CBSP from the Micro Channel.

    Micro Channel interrupts are cleared in two different ways dependent on the state of the Clear on Read Bit (COR, Bit 6) in the SCP. When this bit is reset, Micro Channel interrupts are cleared in hardware by writing the End of Interrupt command (E0 hex) to the Attention Port. This attention code/device number resets the interrupt in hardware, as well as the IV bit in the CBSP. When the COR is set, Micro Channel interrupts are cleared by reading the Command Busy Status Port from the Micro Channel. When read, the Interrupt Valid bit is reset, as well as the pending interrupt.

    Exceptions are reported by setting the Reject Bit together with the Status Bits in the CBSP, from the Local Bus. There is only one Status code for hardware defined exceptions,'001'b. This exception is asserted for Watchdog Timeout errors, i.e. when the Watchdog Timeout signal is detected asserted by Miami. For this exception, the Reject and Interrupt Valid bits, as well as Status are are set in hardware, and an interrupt is asserted to the Micro Channel.

    3.3.3 -CHCK Reporting and Parity Function

    With the -CHCK enable bit set in POS, -CHCK is asserted under the following conditions:

    1. An exception condition is detected on the Local Bus during a slave read from the Micro Channel. This function is only supported with the CD CHRDY Timeout Disable (Bit 12, PROC_CFG) set with Timeout enabled.

    2. Local Bus parity is detected during a slave read from the Micro Channel. This function is only supported with the CD CHRDY Timeout Disable (Bit 12, PROC_CFG) set with Timeout enabled.

    3. A data parity error is detected on the Micro Channel during a slave write from the Micro Channel.

    4. An address parity error is detected on the Micro Channel.

    5. Miami asserts CD CHRDY as a Micro Channel slave for longer than three microseconds.

    6. An invalid byte enable combination is detect on the Micro Channel during an access of Miami as a slave.

    7. An extra streaming data strobe is received after Miami indicates streaming termination as a slave.

    Miami detects -CHCK only when operating as a Bus Master. Additionally, the Bus Master can only detect those channel checks which occur while it has control of the Micro Channel. Detection of an -CHCK stops the Bus Master channel and forces a termination interrupt to the resident processor.

    Micro Channel data parity detection is also supported when operating as a Bus Master. The detection of parity forces a termination interrupt to the resident processor and stops the Bus Master channel, but does not assert -CHCK.

    Micro Channel parity is controlled in POS by the Parity Enable bit. For Micro Channel parity to be supported during peer-to-peer transfers, parity must be enabled on both the master and the slave.

    3.3.4 Asynchronous Data Parity Check Description

    A special parity condition exists for non-streaming accesses to the Miami chip. By Micro Channel definition, data written to Miami as a slave is setup and held relative to the -CMD signal (Pin 171). If a Bus Master changes data while -CMD is active, resulting in a parity error, this error is normally reported as an asynchronous -CHCK. Since some systems cannot handle aynchronous -CHCKs, a bit is provided in POS 3B, Bit 5 to disable this -CHCK reporting, and alternately report this error through LBPE, and its associated interrupt. The default operation is for asynchronous -CHCK reporting for this special error. More information on the disable bit and alternate reporting mechanism is provided in Sections 2.4.2 , "POS Setup Register 2 (POS_SETUP2)" and 2.4.9 , "Local Bus Parity/Exception Register (LBPE)".

    Appendix A. Miami Pinout

    The following sections provide the pinout of the Miami chip.

    A.0.1 Miami Pinout by Pin Number

    In the following table, 'MC' denotes Micro Channel, and 'LB' denotes Local (CFE) Bus. Circuit type descriptions are given in Table 19

    Note that the IRQx, -SLVEREQ, and -MSTRREQ require CIOs in support of ICT, although they have no functional input.

    Note to Miami chip designers - Although all external bus signal names are given in vendor notation (Bit 0 = LSB), the Local Bus is given in IBM notation (Bit 0 = MSB) for all internal logics.

    Table 17. Miami I/O by Pin Number

    | PIN #   | PIN NAME       | I/O     | CIRCUIT TYPE   | SIGNAL NAME           |
    | 001     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 002     | -TESTMODE      | INP     | IND            | -TEST MODE            |
    | 003     | A5             | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 5      |
    | 004     | A18            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 18     |
    | 005     | CD CHRDY       | DRV     | DNG            | CD CHRDY              |
    | 006     | A19            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 19     |
    | 007     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 008     | A6             | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 6      |
    | 009     | -CD SFDBK      | DRV     | DNG            | CARD SEL FEEDBACK     |
    | 010     | VDD            | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | 011     | A20            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 20     |
    | 012     | A7             | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 7      |
    | 013     | ARB/-GNT       | INP     | INU            | ARB/-GNT              |
    | 014     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 015     | APAR0          | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS PARITY 0   |
    | 016     | A8             | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 8      |
    | 017     | -DS 32 RTN     | INP     | INU            | -DATA SIZE 32 RETURN  |
    | 018     | GND            | PWR     | GND            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 019     | A21            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 21     |
    | 020     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 021     | -CD DS 32      | DRV     | DNG            | -CARD DATA SIZE 32    |
    | 022     | A22            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 22     |
    | 023     | A9             | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 9      |
    | 024     | A23            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 23     |
    | 025     | -16/32 DETECT  | INP     | INU            | -16/32 BIT DETECT     |
    | 026     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 027     | APAR2          | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS PARITY 2   |
    | 028     | A10            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 10     |
    | 029     | -MSTRACK       | INP     | IND            | -MASTER ACKNWLDGE     |
    | 030     | VDD            | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | 031     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 032     | A11            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 11     |
    | 033     | MADE 24        | CIO     | ENR            | MEMORY ADDR DEC 24    |
    | 034     | INT3           | DRV     | DNB            | INTERRUPT BIT 3       |
    | 035     | -CD SETUP      | INP     | INU            | -CARD SETUP           |
    | 036     | INT2           | DRV     | DNB            | INTERRUPT BIT 2       |
    | 037     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 038     | INT1           | DRV     | DNB            | INTERRUPT BIT 1       |
    | 039     | -SLVEACK       | INP     | IND            | -SLAVE ACKNOWLEDGE    |
    | 040     | -L_ADS         | CIO     | ENB            | -ADDR DATA STROBE     |
    | 041     | GNR            | PWR     | GNR            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 042     | 25MHZ OSC      | INP     | INU            | +25 MHZ OSCILLATOR    |
    | 043     | GND            | PWR     | GND            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 044     | INT0           | DRV     | DNB            | INTERRUPT BIT 0       |
    | 045     | -WDOG          | INP     | INU            | -WATCHDOG             |
    | 046     | -CMDRSTOUT     | DRV     | DNB            | -COMMAND RESET OUT    |
    | 047     | -L_EXCPT       | CIO     | ENB            | -L_EXCPT              |
    | 048     | -SLVEREQ       | CIO     | ENG            | -SLAVE REQUEST        |
    | 049     | -L_BLAST       | CIO     | ENB            | -BURST LAST           |
    | 050     | -MSTRREQ       | CIO     | ENG            | -MASTER REQUEST       |
    | 051     | L_W/-R         | CIO     | ENB            | WRITE/-READ           |
    | 052     | -L_READY       | CIO     | ENB            | -L_READY              |
    | 053     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 054     | L_AD31         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 31   |
    | 055     | L_AD30         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 30   |
    | 056     | L_AD29         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 29   |
    | 057     | L_AD28         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 28   |
    | 058     | L_AD27         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 27   |
    | 059     | L_AD26         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 26   |
    | 060     | VDD            | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | 061     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 062     | COMP2          | INP     | ----           | COMP.RESISTOR 2       |
    | 063     | L_AD25         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 25   |
    | 064     | L_AD24         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 24   |
    | 065     | L_AD23         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 23   |
    | 066     | L_AD22         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 22   |
    | 067     | L_AD21         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 21   |
    | 068     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 069     | L_AD20         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 20   |
    | 070     | L_AD19         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 19   |
    | 071     | VDD            | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | 072     | GND            | PWR     | GND            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 073     | L_AD18         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 18   |
    | 074     | L_AD17         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 17   |
    | 075     | L_AD16         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 16   |
    | 076     | L_AD15         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 15   |
    | 077     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 078     | L_AD14         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 14   |
    | 079     | L_AD13         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 13   |
    | 080     | VDD            | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | 081     | L_AD12         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 12   |
    | 082     | L_AD11         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 11   |
    | 083     | L_AD10         | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 10   |
    | 084     | L_AD9          | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 9    |
    | 085     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 086     | L_AD8          | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 8    |
    | 087     | L_AD7          | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 7    |
    | 088     | L_AD6          | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 6    |
    | 089     | L_AD5          | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 5    |
    | 090     | VDD            | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | 091     | GNR            | PWR     | GNR            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 092     | L_AD4          | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 4    |
    | 093     | L_AD3          | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 3    |
    | 094     | L_AD2          | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 2    |
    | 095     | L_AD1          | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 1    |
    | 096     | L_AD0          | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 0    |
    | 097     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 098     | L_ADP0         | CIO     | ENB            | LB PARITY BIT 0       |
    | 099     | L_ADP1         | CIO     | ENB            | LB PARITY BIT 1       |
    | 100     | L_ADP2         | CIO     | ENB            | LB PARITY BIT 2       |
    | 101     | GND            | PWR     | GND            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 102     | L_ADP3         | CIO     | ENB            | LB PARITY BIT 3       |
    | 103     | -L_BE0         | CIO     | ENB            | LB BYTE ENABLE 0      |
    | 104     | -L_BE1         | CIO     | ENB            | LB BYTE ENABLE 1      |
    | 105     | -L_BE2         | CIO     | ENB            | LB BYTE ENABLE 2      |
    | 106     | TEST_C         | INP     | INU            | TEST C CLOCK          |
    | 107     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 108     | TEST_B         | INP     | INU            | TEST B CLOCK          |
    | 109     | -L_BE3         | CIO     | ENB            | LB BYTE ENABLE 3      |
    | 110     | VDD            | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | 111     | APAR3          | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDR PARITY 3      |
    | 112     | -APAREN        | CIO     | ENR            | -ADDR PARITY ENABLE   |
    | 113     | A31            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 31     |
    | 114     | A30            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 30     |
    | 115     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 116     | A29            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 29     |
    | 117     | A28            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 28     |
    | 118     | A27            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 27     |
    | 119     | TEST_A         | INP     | INU            | TEST A CLOCK          |
    | 120     | VDD            | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | 121     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 122     | +RAMTSTCLK     | INP     | INU            | +RAM TEST CLOCK       |
    | 123     | A26            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 26     |
    | 124     | A25            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 25     |
    | 125     | A24            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 24     |
    | 126     | TR 32          | CIO     | ENR            | TRANSLATE 32          |
    | 127     | DPAR3          | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA PARITY 3      |
    | 128     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 129     | D31            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 31        |
    | 130     | D30            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 30        |
    | 131     | D29            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 29        |
    | 132     | D28            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 28        |
    | 133     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 134     | 40MHZ OSC      | INP     | INU            | 40 MHZ OSCILLATOR     |
    | 135     | GNR            | PWR     | GNR            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 136     | D27            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 27        |
    | 137     | D26            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 26        |
    | 138     | D25            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 25        |
    | 139     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 140     | VDD            | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | 141     | D24            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 24        |
    | 142     | DPAR2          | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA PARITY 2      |
    | 143     | D23            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 23        |
    | 144     | D22            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 22        |
    | 145     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 146     | D21            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 21        |
    | 147     | D20            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 20        |
    | 148     | D19            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 19        |
    | 149     | D18            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 18        |
    | 150     | VDD            | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | 151     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 152     | D17            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 17        |
    | 153     | D16            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 16        |
    | 154     | -SFDBKRTN      | INP     | INU            | SEL.FEEDBACK RTN      |
    | 155     | -MSDR          | CIO     | ENT            | MUX'D STR DATA REQ    |
    | 156     | -SDR1          | CIO     | ENT            | STREAM.DATA REQ 1     |
    | 157     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 158     | -SDR0          | CIO     | ENT            | STREAM.DATA REQ 0     |
    | 159     | -REFRESH       | INP     | INU            | -REFRESH              |
    | 160     | -IRQ A         | CIO     | ENR            | -INTERRUPT REQ A      |
    | 161     | -S1            | CIO     | ENG            | -STATUS 1             |
    | 162     | -IRQ B         | CIO     | ENR            | -INTERRUPT REQ B      |
    | 163     | -CMD CLK       | INP     | INU            | -COMMAND CLOCK        |
    | 164     | GND            | PWR     | GND            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 165     | -SD STROBE     | CIO     | ENG            | -STR DATA STROBE      |
    | 166     | -S0            | CIO     | ENG            | -STATUS 0             |
    | 167     | DPAR1          | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA PARITY 1      |
    | 168     | -ADL           | CIO     | ENG            | -ADDR DATA LATCH      |
    | 169     | -SDSTRCLK      | INP     | INU            | -STR DATA STR CLK     |
    | 170     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 171     | -CMD           | CIO     | ENG            | -COMMAND              |
    | 172     | -BE3           | CIO     | ENR            | -BYTE ENABLE 3        |
    | 173     | -BE2           | CIO     | ENR            | -BYTE ENABLE 2        |
    | 174     | -BE1           | CIO     | ENR            | -BYTE ENABLE 1        |
    | 175     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 176     | -BE0           | CIO     | ENR            | -BYTE ENABLE 0        |
    | 177     | -SBHE          | CIO     | ENR            | -SYS BYTE HIGH EN     |
    | 178     | D15            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 15        |
    | 179     | -ICT           | INP     | INU            | -IN-CIRCUIT TEST PIN  |
    | 180     | VDD            | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | 181     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 182     | +BMSTREN       | DRV     | DNB            | +BUSMASTER ENABLE     |
    | 183     | D14            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 14        |
    | 184     | D13            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 13        |
    | 185     | D12            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 12        |
    | 186     | D11            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 11        |
    | 187     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 188     | D10            | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 10        |
    | 189     | D9             | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 9         |
    | 190     | VDD            | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | 191     | D8             | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 8         |
    | 192     | -DS 16 RTN     | INP     | INU            | -DATA SIZE 16 RTN     |
    | 193     | CHRESET        | INP     | INU            | CHANNEL RESET         |
    | 194     | D7             | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 7         |
    | 195     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 196     | D6             | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 6         |
    | 197     | D5             | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 5         |
    | 198     | D4             | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 4         |
    | 199     | D3             | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 3         |
    | 200     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 201     | D2             | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 2         |
    | 202     | D1             | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 1         |
    | 203     | D0             | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 0         |
    | 204     | CHRDYRTN       | INP     | INU            | CHANNEL READY RTN     |
    | 205     | M/-IO          | CIO     | ENR            | MEMORY/-IO            |
    | 206     | GNR            | PWR     | GNR            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 207     | -CHCK          | CIO     | ENR            | -CHANNEL CHECK        |
    | 208     | DPAR0          | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA PARITY 0      |
    | 209     | -DPAREN        | CIO     | ENR            | -DATA PARITY EN       |
    | 210     | VDD            | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | 211     | GND            | PWR     | GND            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 212     | ARB3           | CIO     | ENR            | ARBITRATION BIT 3     |
    | 213     | -IRQ D         | CIO     | ENR            | -INTERRUPT REQ D      |
    | 214     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 215     | ARB2           | CIO     | ENR            | ARBITRATION BIT 2     |
    | 216     | ARB1           | CIO     | ENR            | ARBITRATION BIT 1     |
    | 217     | ARB0           | CIO     | ENR            | ARBITRATION BIT 0     |
    | 218     | -IRQ C         | CIO     | ENR            | -INTERRUPT REQ C      |
    | 219     | -BURST         | CIO     | ENR            | -BURST                |
    | 220     | VDD            | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | 221     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 222     | -PREEMPT       | CIO     | ENR            | -PREEMPT              |
    | 223     | A12            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 12     |
    | 224     | A13            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 13     |
    | 225     | A14            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 14     |
    | 226     | A0             | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 0      |
    | 227     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 228     | A1             | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 1      |
    | 229     | A2             | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 2      |
    | 230     | A15            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 15     |
    | 231     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 232     | APAR1          | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS PARITY 1   |
    | 233     | A16            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 16     |
    | 234     | A17            | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 17     |
    | 235     | VSS            | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | 236     | -CD DS 16      | DRV     | DNG            | -CARD DATA SIZE 16    |
    | 237     | A3             | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 3      |
    | 238     | A4             | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 4      |
    | 239     | COMP1          | INP     | ----           | COMP.RESISTOR 1       |
    | 240     | VDD            | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |

    A.0.2 Miami Pinout by Pin Name

    In the following table, 'MC' denotes Micro Channel, and 'LB' denotes Local (CFE) Bus. Circuit type descriptions are given in Table 19

    Note that the IRQx, -SLVEREQ, and -MSTRREQ require CIOs in support of ICT, although they have no functional input.

    Note to Miami chip designers - Although all external bus signal names are given in vendor notation (Bit 0 = LSB), the Local Bus is given in IBM notation (Bit 0 = MSB) for all internal logics.

    Table 18. Miami I/O by Pin Name

    | PIN NAME       | PIN #   | I/O     | CIRCUIT TYPE   | SIGNAL NAME           |
    | -16/32 DETECT  | 025     | INP     | INU            | -16/32 BIT DETECT     |
    | 25MHZ OSC      | 042     | INP     | INU            | +25 MHZ OSCILLATOR    |
    | 40MHZ OSC      | 134     | INP     | INU            | 40 MHZ OSCILLATOR     |
    | A0             | 226     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 0      |
    | A1             | 228     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 1      |
    | A2             | 229     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 2      |
    | A3             | 237     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 3      |
    | A4             | 238     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 4      |
    | A5             | 003     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 5      |
    | A6             | 008     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 6      |
    | A7             | 012     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 7      |
    | A8             | 016     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 8      |
    | A9             | 023     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 9      |
    | A10            | 028     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 10     |
    | A11            | 032     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 11     |
    | A12            | 223     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 12     |
    | A13            | 224     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 13     |
    | A14            | 225     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 14     |
    | A15            | 230     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 15     |
    | A16            | 233     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 16     |
    | A17            | 234     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 17     |
    | A18            | 004     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 18     |
    | A19            | 006     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 19     |
    | A20            | 011     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 20     |
    | A21            | 019     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 21     |
    | A22            | 022     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 22     |
    | A23            | 024     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 23     |
    | A24            | 125     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 24     |
    | A25            | 124     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 25     |
    | A26            | 123     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 26     |
    | A27            | 118     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 27     |
    | A28            | 117     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 28     |
    | A29            | 116     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 29     |
    | A30            | 114     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 30     |
    | A31            | 113     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS BIT 31     |
    | -ADL           | 168     | CIO     | ENG            | -ADDR DATA LATCH      |
    | APAR0          | 015     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS PARITY 0   |
    | APAR1          | 232     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS PARITY 1   |
    | APAR2          | 027     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS PARITY 2   |
    | APAR3          | 111     | CIO     | ENR            | MC ADDRESS PARITY 3   |
    | -APAREN        | 112     | CIO     | ENR            | -ADDR PARITY ENABLE   |
    | ARB0           | 217     | CIO     | ENR            | ARBITRATION BIT 0     |
    | ARB1           | 216     | CIO     | ENR            | ARBITRATION BIT 1     |
    | ARB2           | 215     | CIO     | ENR            | ARBITRATION BIT 2     |
    | ARB3           | 212     | CIO     | ENR            | ARBITRATION BIT 3     |
    | ARB/-GNT       | 013     | INP     | INU            | ARB/-GNT              |
    | -BE0           | 176     | CIO     | ENR            | -BYTE ENABLE 0        |
    | -BE1           | 174     | CIO     | ENR            | -BYTE ENABLE 1        |
    | -BE2           | 173     | CIO     | ENR            | -BYTE ENABLE 2        |
    | -BE3           | 172     | CIO     | ENR            | -BYTE ENABLE 3        |
    | +BMSTREN       | 182     | DRV     | DNB            | +BUSMASTER ENABLE     |
    | -BURST         | 219     | CIO     | ENR            | -BURST                |
    | CD CHRDY       | 005     | DRV     | DNG            | CD CHRDY              |
    | -CD DS 16      | 236     | DRV     | DNG            | -CARD DATA SIZE 16    |
    | -CD DS 32      | 021     | DRV     | DNG            | -CARD DATA SIZE 32    |
    | -CD SETUP      | 035     | INP     | INU            | -CARD SETUP           |
    | -CD SFDBK      | 009     | DRV     | DNG            | CARD SEL FEEDBACK     |
    | -CHCK          | 207     | CIO     | ENR            | -CHANNEL CHECK        |
    | CHRDYRTN       | 204     | INP     | INU            | CHANNEL READY RTN     |
    | CHRESET        | 193     | INP     | INU            | CHANNEL RESET         |
    | -CMD           | 171     | CIO     | ENG            | -COMMAND              |
    | -CMD CLK       | 163     | INP     | INU            | -COMMAND CLOCK        |
    | -CMDRSTOUT     | 046     | DRV     | DNB            | -COMMAND RESET OUT    |
    | COMP1          | 239     | INP     | ----           | COMP.RESISTOR 1       |
    | COMP2          | 062     | INP     | ----           | COMP.RESISTOR 2       |
    | D0             | 203     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 0         |
    | D1             | 202     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 1         |
    | D2             | 201     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 2         |
    | D3             | 199     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 3         |
    | D4             | 198     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 4         |
    | D5             | 197     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 5         |
    | D6             | 196     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 6         |
    | D7             | 194     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 7         |
    | D8             | 191     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 8         |
    | D9             | 189     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 9         |
    | D10            | 188     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 10        |
    | D11            | 186     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 11        |
    | D12            | 185     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 12        |
    | D13            | 184     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 13        |
    | D14            | 183     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 14        |
    | D15            | 178     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 15        |
    | D16            | 153     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 16        |
    | D17            | 152     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 17        |
    | D18            | 149     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 18        |
    | D19            | 148     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 19        |
    | D20            | 147     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 20        |
    | D21            | 146     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 21        |
    | D22            | 144     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 22        |
    | D23            | 143     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 23        |
    | D24            | 141     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 24        |
    | D25            | 138     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 25        |
    | D26            | 137     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 26        |
    | D27            | 136     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 27        |
    | D28            | 132     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 28        |
    | D29            | 131     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 29        |
    | D30            | 130     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 30        |
    | D31            | 129     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA BIT 31        |
    | DPAR0          | 208     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA PARITY 0      |
    | DPAR1          | 167     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA PARITY 1      |
    | DPAR2          | 142     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA PARITY 2      |
    | DPAR3          | 127     | CIO     | ENR            | MC DATA PARITY 3      |
    | -DPAREN        | 209     | CIO     | ENR            | -DATA PARITY EN       |
    | -DS 16 RTN     | 192     | INP     | INU            | -DATA SIZE 16 RTN     |
    | -DS 32 RTN     | 017     | INP     | INU            | -DATA SIZE 32 RTN     |
    | GND            | 018     | PWR     | GND            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | GND            | 043     | PWR     | GND            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | GND            | 072     | PWR     | GND            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | GND            | 101     | PWR     | GND            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | GND            | 164     | PWR     | GND            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | GND            | 211     | PWR     | GND            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | GNR            | 041     | PWR     | GNR            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | GNR            | 091     | PWR     | GNR            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | GNR            | 135     | PWR     | GNR            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | GNR            | 206     | PWR     | GNR            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | -ICT           | 179     | INP     | INU            | -IN CIRCUIT TEST PIN  |
    | INT0           | 044     | DRV     | DNB            | INTERRUPT BIT 0       |
    | INT1           | 038     | DRV     | DNB            | INTERRUPT BIT 1       |
    | INT2           | 036     | DRV     | DNB            | INTERRUPT BIT 2       |
    | INT3           | 034     | DRV     | DNB            | INTERRUPT BIT 3       |
    | -IRQ A         | 160     | CIO     | ENR            | -INTERRUPT REQ 0      |
    | -IRQ B         | 162     | CIO     | ENR            | -INTERRUPT REQ 1      |
    | -IRQ C         | 218     | CIO     | ENR            | -INTERRUPT REQ 2      |
    | -IRQ D         | 213     | CIO     | ENR            | -INTERRUPT REQ 3      |
    | L_AD0          | 096     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 0    |
    | L_AD1          | 095     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 1    |
    | L_AD2          | 094     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 2    |
    | L_AD3          | 093     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 3    |
    | L_AD4          | 092     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 4    |
    | L_AD5          | 089     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 5    |
    | L_AD6          | 088     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 6    |
    | L_AD7          | 087     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 7    |
    | L_AD8          | 086     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 8    |
    | L_AD9          | 084     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 9    |
    | L_AD10         | 083     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 10   |
    | L_AD11         | 082     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 11   |
    | L_AD12         | 081     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 12   |
    | L_AD13         | 079     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 13   |
    | L_AD14         | 078     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 14   |
    | L_AD15         | 076     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 15   |
    | L_AD16         | 075     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 16   |
    | L_AD17         | 074     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 17   |
    | L_AD18         | 073     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 18   |
    | L_AD19         | 070     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 19   |
    | L_AD20         | 069     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 20   |
    | L_AD21         | 067     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 21   |
    | L_AD22         | 066     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 22   |
    | L_AD23         | 065     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 23   |
    | L_AD24         | 064     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 24   |
    | L_AD25         | 063     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 25   |
    | L_AD26         | 059     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 26   |
    | L_AD27         | 058     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 27   |
    | L_AD28         | 057     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 28   |
    | L_AD29         | 056     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 29   |
    | L_AD30         | 055     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 30   |
    | L_AD31         | 054     | CIO     | ENB            | LB ADDR/DATA BIT 31   |
    | L_ADP0         | 098     | CIO     | ENB            | LB PARITY BIT 0       |
    | L_ADP1         | 099     | CIO     | ENB            | LB PARITY BIT 1       |
    | L_ADP2         | 100     | CIO     | ENB            | LB PARITY BIT 2       |
    | L_ADP3         | 102     | CIO     | ENB            | LB PARITY BIT 3       |
    | -L_ADS         | 040     | CIO     | ENB            | -ADDR DATA STROBE     |
    | -L_BE0         | 103     | CIO     | ENB            | LB BYTE ENABLE 0      |
    | -L_BE1         | 104     | CIO     | ENB            | LB BYTE ENABLE 1      |
    | -L_BE2         | 105     | CIO     | ENB            | LB BYTE ENABLE 2      |
    | -L_BE3         | 109     | CIO     | ENB            | LB BYTE ENABLE 3      |
    | -L_BLAST       | 049     | CIO     | ENB            | -BURST LAST           |
    | -L_EXCPT       | 047     | CIO     | ENB            | -L_EXCPT              |
    | -L_READY       | 052     | CIO     | ENB            | -L_READY              |
    | L_W/-R         | 051     | CIO     | ENB            | WRITE/-READ           |
    | MADE 24        | 033     | CIO     | ENR            | MEMORY ADDR DEC 24    |
    | M/-IO          | 205     | CIO     | ENR            | MEMORY/-IO            |
    | -MSDR          | 155     | CIO     | ENT            | MUX'D STR DATA REQ    |
    | -MSTRACK       | 029     | INP     | IND            | -MASTER ACKNWLDGE     |
    | -MSTRREQ       | 050     | CIO     | ENG            | -MASTER REQUEST       |
    | -PREEMPT       | 222     | CIO     | ENR            | -PREEMPT              |
    | +RAMTSTCLK     | 122     | INP     | INU            | +RAM TEST CLOCK       |
    | -REFRESH       | 159     | INP     | INU            | -REFRESH              |
    | -S0            | 166     | CIO     | ENG            | -STATUS 0             |
    | -S1            | 161     | CIO     | ENG            | -STATUS 1             |
    | -SBHE          | 177     | CIO     | ENR            | -SYS BYTE HIGH EN     |
    | -SDR0          | 158     | CIO     | ENT            | STREAM.DATA REQ 0     |
    | -SDR1          | 156     | CIO     | ENT            | STREAM.DATA REQ 1     |
    | -SDSTRCLK      | 169     | INP     | INU            | -STR DATA STR CLK     |
    | -SD STROBE     | 165     | CIO     | ENG            | -STR DATA STROBE      |
    | -SFDBKRTN      | 154     | INP     | INU            | SEL.FEEDBACK RTN      |
    | -SLVEACK       | 039     | INP     | IND            | -SLAVE ACKNOWLEDGE    |
    | -SLVEREQ       | 048     | CIO     | ENG            | -SLAVE REQUEST        |
    | TEST_A         | 119     | INP     | INU            | TEST A CLOCK          |
    | TEST_B         | 108     | INP     | INU            | TEST B CLOCK          |
    | TEST_C         | 106     | INP     | INU            | TEST C CLOCK          |
    | -TESTMODE      | 002     | INP     | IND            | -TEST MODE            |
    | TR 32          | 126     | CIO     | ENR            | TRANSLATE 32          |
    | VDD            | 010     | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | VDD            | 030     | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | VDD            | 060     | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | VDD            | 071     | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | VDD            | 080     | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | VDD            | 090     | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | VDD            | 110     | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | VDD            | 120     | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | VDD            | 140     | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | VDD            | 150     | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | VDD            | 180     | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | VDD            | 190     | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | VDD            | 210     | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | VDD            | 220     | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | VDD            | 240     | PWR     | VDD            | +5 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 001     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 007     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 014     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 020     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 026     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 031     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 037     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 053     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 061     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 068     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 077     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 085     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 097     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 107     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 115     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 121     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 128     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 133     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 139     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 145     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 151     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 157     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 170     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 175     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 181     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 187     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 195     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 200     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 214     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 221     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 227     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 231     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | VSS            | 235     | PWR     | VSS            | +0 VOLTS              |
    | -WDOG          | 045     | INP     | INU            | -WATCHDOG             |

    A.0.3 Circuit Type

    The following table gives the circuit definitions for all circuit types listed in the pinout tables.

    Table 19. Pin Definitions

    | CIRCUIT TYPE   | DESCRIPTIONS                                             |
    | IND            | Noninverting receiver w/pull down (17.5k - 55k)          |
    | INU            | Noninverting receiver w/pull up (65k - 204k)             |
    | DNB            | Noninverting, 5 mA, 3V tri-state driver                  |
    | DNG            | Noninverting, 8 mA, 3V tri-state driver                  |
    | ENB            | Noninverting, 5 mA, 3V tri-state driver and inverting    |
    |                | receiver w/pulldown (15.7k - 55k)                        |
    | ENG            | Noninverting, 8 mA, 3V tri-state driver and inverting    |
    |                | receiver w/pulldown (15.7k - 55k)                        |
    | ENR            | Noninverting, 24 mA, 3V tri-state driver and inverting   |
    |                | receiver w/pullup (65k - 204k)                           |
    | ENT            | Noninverting, 24 mA, 5V tri-state driver and inverting   |
    |                | receiver w/pullup (65k - 204k)                           |
    | VDD            | +5 Volts                                                 |
    | VSS            | +0 Volts (Driver Ground)                                 |
    | GND            | +0 Volts (Internal Ground)                               |
    | GNR            | +0 Volts (Receiver Ground)                               |
    | COMP           | Compensation Resistor input (Pulled to +5V through 909   |
    |                | ohms, 1% tol.)                                           |

    A.0.4 Electrical Characteristics

    Total Power Dissipation

    The total power dissipation for Miami varies with the Local Bus speed. Operating at 25 MHz and clocking the Local Bus continually at one wait state, the power dissipation is is estimated to be 800 mW. For zero wait state operation at 25 MHz, the power dissipation is estimated to be 1 W.

    Drivers and Receivers

    Electrical characteristics with a 909 Ohm compensation resistor are shown in Tables Table 20 and Table 21

    The CFE driver/receiver pins are TTL compatible and have the following pin capacitances:

    Table 20. Electrical characteristics with Compensation Resistor = 909 Ohms
    |PARAMETER |TEST        |DNB        |DNG        |INU        |IND         |UNITS|
    |          |CONDITION   +--+---+----+--+---+----+--+---+----+--+---+-----+     |
    |          |            |WC|NOM| BC |WC|NOM| BC |WC|NOM| BC |WC|NOM| BC  |     |
    | VIH High |            |           |           | 2         | 2          |  V  |
    | Level    |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Input    |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Voltage  |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | VIL Low  |            |           |           |       0.8 |       0.8  |  V  |
    | Level    |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Input    |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Voltage  |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | IOH High | VDD = 4.5V |       1.85|       4.00|           |            | mA  |
    | Level    | VOH = 2.4V |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Output   |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Current  |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | IOL Low  | VDD = 4.5V |       4.50|       8.50|           |            | mA  |
    | Level    | VOL = 0.4V |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Output   |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Current  |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | IIL Low  | VDD = 4.5V |           |           |       64.0|       45.00| uA  |
    | Level    | VIL = 0.4V |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Input    |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Current  |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | IIH High | VDD = 4.5V |           |           |       68.0|       198.0| uA  |
    | Level    | VIL = 2.0V |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Input    |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Current  |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | # of     | GND bounce |       5.0 |       3.0 |           |            |     |
    | Drivers  |  = 0.8V    |           |           |           |            |     |
    | per GND  |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | pin      |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    Table 21. Electrical characteristics with Compensation Resistor = 909 Ohms
    |PARAMETER |TEST        |ENB        |ENG        |ENR        |ENT         |UNITS|
    |          |CONDITION   +--+---+----+--+---+----+--+---+----+--+---+-----+     |
    |          |            |WC|NOM| BC |WC|NOM| BC |WC|NOM| BC |WC|NOM| BC  |     |
    | VIH High |            | 2         | 2         | 2         | 2          |  V  |
    | Level    |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Input    |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Voltage  |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | VIL Low  |            |       0.8 |       0.8 |       0.8 |       0.8  |  V  |
    | Level    |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Input    |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Voltage  |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | IOH High | VDD = 4.5V |       1.85|       4.00|       0.60|       30.0 | mA  |
    | Level    | VOH = 2.4V |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Output   |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Current  |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | IOL Low  | VDD = 4.5V |       4.50|       8.50|       27.0|       28.0 | mA  |
    | Level    | VOL = 0.4V |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Output   |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Current  |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | IIL Low  | VDD = 4.5V |       64.0|       64.0|       64.0|       45.00| uA  |
    | Level    | VIL = 0.4V |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Input    |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Current  |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | IIH High | VDD = 4.5V |       68.0|       68.0|       68.0|       198.0| uA  |
    | Level    | VIL = 2.0V |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Input    |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | Current  |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | # of     | GND bounce |       5.0 |       3.0 |       3.0 |         0.5|     |
    | Drivers  |  = 0.8V    |           |           |           |            |     |
    | per GND  |            |           |           |           |            |     |
    | pin      |            |           |           |           |            |     |

    A.0.5 Pin Diagram

                VDD     VSS     VSS     VDD     VDD     GNR     VSS
                 |  VSS  |  GND  |  VSS  |  VSS  |  VSS  |  VSS  |  VSS
                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
              | |
              | .                                                    .  |
        VSS --+ 181                                                120  +-- VDD
              | .                                                    .  |
        VSS --+ 187                                                110  +-- VDD
              | .                                                    .  |
        VDD --+ 190                                                107  +-- VSS
              | .                                                    .  |
        VSS --+ 195                                                101  +-- GND
              | .                                                    .  |
        VSS --+ 200                                                 97  +-- VSS
              | .                                                    .  |
        GNR --+ 206                                                 91  +-- GNR
        VDD --+ 210                                                  .  |
        GND --+ 211                                                 90  +-- VDD
              | .                                                    .  |
        VSS --+ 214                                                 85  +-- VSS
              | .                                                    .  |
        VDD --+ 220                                                 80  +-- VDD
              | .                                                    .  |
        VSS --+ 221                                                 77  +-- VSS
              | .                                                    .  |
        VSS --+ 227                                                 72  +-- GND
              | .                                                    .  |
        VSS --+ 231                                                 71  +-- VDD
              | .                                                    .  |
        VSS --+ 235                                                 68  +-- VSS
              | .                                                    .  |
    RES(COMP1)+ 239                                                 62  +-- RES (COMP 2)
        VDD --+ 240                                               . 61  +-- VSS
              | *1..7...10..14..18..20..26..30..31..37..41..43..53..60  |
                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
                 |  VSS  |  VSS  |  VSS  |  VDD  |  VSS  |  GND  |  VDD
                VSS     VDD     GND     VSS     VSS     GNR     VSS
    VDD = Power (+ 5 Volts)
    VSS  = Driver Ground
    GNR = Receiver Ground
    GND = Internal Ground
    RES  = Resistor Pin

    Appendix B. Miami Registers

    Miami registers are listed in alphabetical order in Table 22

    Table 22. Miami Registers - Alphabetical Order

    | Name       | Section  | Micro   | Width | R/W | Local       | Data  | R/W |
    |            |          | Channel |       |     | Bus         | Field |     |
    |            |          | Address |       |     | Address     | Size  |     |
    | ATTN       | 2.4.12   | 04      |  8    | R/W | 1FFA2004    |  8    |  R  |
    | BCR1       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA3008    |  20   | R/W |
    | BCR2       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA4008    |  20   | R/W |
    | BMAR1      | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA3010    |  16   | R/W |
    | BMAR2      | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA4010    |  16   | R/W |
    | BMCDB1     | 2.4.17   | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA3000-14 |  32   | R/W |
    | BMCDB2     | 2.4.17   | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA4000-14 |  32   | R/W |
    | BMCMD1     | 2.4.19   | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA301C    |  2    | R/W |
    | BMCMD2     | 2.4.19   | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA401C    |  2    | R/W |
    | BMSTAT1    | 2.4.18   | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA3018    |  10   |  R  |
    | BMSTAT2    | 2.4.18   | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA4018    |  10   |  R  |
    | CAR1       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA3000    |  32   | R/W |
    | CAR2       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA4000    |  32   | R/W |
    | CBSP       | 2.4.15   | 07      |  8    |  R  | 1FFA2010    |  8    | R/W |
    | CCR1       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA300C    |  11   | R/W |
    | CCR2       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA400C    |  11   | R/W |
    | COMMAND    | 2.4.11   | 00-03   |  32   | R/W | 1FFA2000    |  32   |  R  |
    | CONF1      | 2.5.3    | 14-17   |  32   |  R  | -           |  -    |  -  |
    | CONF2      | 2.5.4    | 18-1B   |  32   |  R  | -           |  -    |  -  |
    | CONF3      | 2.5.5    | 1C-1F   |  32   |  R  | -           |  -    |  -  |
    | GAID       | 2.4.3    | 0A      |  8    |  R  | 1FFA0008    |  8    |  R  |
    | HSBR       | 2.5.1    | 0C-0F   |  8    | R/W | -           |  -    |  -  |
    | ISP        | 2.4.14   | 06      |  8    |  R  | 1FFA200C    |  8    | R/W |
    | LAP1       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA3014    |  32   | R/W |
    | LAP2       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA4014    |  32   | R/W |
    | LBBAR      | 2.4.10   | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA0024    |  12   | R/W |
    | LBPE       | 2.4.9    | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA0020    |  3    |  R  |
    | MDATA      | 2.5.2    | 10-13   |  8    | R/W | -           |  -    |  -  |
    | NMI        | 2.4.8    | 0B      |  8    | R/W | 1FFA001C    |  1    |  R  |
    | POS_SETUP1 | 2.4.1    | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA0000    |  32   |  R  |
    | POS_SETUP2 | 2.4.2    | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA0004    |  32   |  R  |
    | PROC_CFG   | 2.4.5    | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA0010    |  14   | R/W |
    | RSR        | 2.4.6    | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA0014    |  1    |  R  |
    | SAR1       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA3004    |  32   | R/W |
    | SAR2       | | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA4004    |  32   | R/W |
    | SCP        | 2.4.13   | 05      |  8    | R/W | 1FFA2008    |  8    |  R  |
    | SIR        | 2.4.16   | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA2014    |  16   | R/W |
    | XPOS       | 2.4.7    | -       |  -    |  -  | 1FFA0018    |  16   | R/W |

    Appendix C. Miami Timing

    The following sections provide the timing specifications for the Miami chip.

    C.0.1 Miami CFE Local Bus Timings

    This section documents the CFE local bus timings. All local bus signal timings (outputs) are based on a capacitance of 55pf except -MSTRREQ and -SLVEREQ (20 pf). The MAX timings can be approximated for lower capacitanaces (down to 30pf) by subtracting 0.25ns per pf. (e.g. at 35pf subtract (55pf-35pf)*.25ns/pf = 5ns from max timing.) All timings are referenced to the rising edge of the PCLK.

    Table 23. Miami CFE local bus timings, outputs

    | Symbol   | Description                                  | Max  | Min  | Notes|
    |          |                                              | Tov  | Toh  |      |
    |          |                                              | (ns) | (ns) |      |
    | Tov, Toh | -L_ADS                                       |  29  |  4   |      |
    | Tov, Toh | L_AD, L_ADP (address)                        |  26  |  4   |      |
    | Tov, Toh | -L_BLAST                                     |  29  |  4   |      |
    | Tov, Toh | -L_BE, L_W/-R                                |  29  |  4   |   1  |
    | Tov, Toh | L_AD, L_ADP (data)                           |  32  |  4   |      |
    | Tov, Toh | -L_EXCPT                                     |  29  |  4   |      |
    | Tov, Toh | -L_READY                                     |  29  |  4   |      |
    | Tov, Toh | -L_GNT                                       |  29  |  4   |      |
    | Tov, Toh | -MSTRREQ, -SLVEREQ                           |  31  |  4   |   2  |
    | NOTE:                                                                        |
    |                                                                              |
    | 1. The CFE specification shows these signals valid only during the address   |
    |    state, however, Miami, as a master, holds these signals until the         |
    |    assertion of -L_BLAST. Designing to the CFE definition is recommended.    |
    | 2. This timing does not meet the CFE specification. Designing to the Miami   |
    |    timing is recommended.                                                    |
    Table 24. Miami CFE local bus timings, inputs
    | Symbol   | Description                                  | Min  | Min  | Notes|
    |          |                                              | Tis  | Tih  |      |
    |          |                                              | (ns) | (ns) |      |
    | Tis, Tih | -L_ADS, -L_BLAST, -L_BE, L_W/-R, -L_READY,   |  7   |  6   |   1  |
    |          | -L_EXCPT, -MSTRACK, -SLVEACK                 |      |      |      |
    | Tis, Tih | L_AD, L_ADP (address)                        |  10  |  6   |   1  |
    | Tis, Tih | L_AD, L_ADP (data)                           |  4   |  6   |   1  |
    | NOTE:                                                                        |
    |                                                                              |
    | 1. This timing does not meet the CFE specification. Designing to the Miami   |
    |    timing is recommended.                                                    |
    Figure 7. Miami Input and Output Timing Reference
             +----+    +--- /    +----+
    25MHz    |    |    |    \    |    |
    CLOCK    +    +----+    / ---+    +----
                       |    \    |
             ++++---------- / ------+++++++
    OUTPUTS  ++++      |    \    |  +++++++
             ++++---------- / ------+++++++
            >|  |<-Tov      \   >|  |<-Toh
                       |    /    |
                       |    \    |
             ++++---------- / ------+++++++
    INPUTS   ++++      |    \    |  +++++++
             ++++---------- / ------+++++++
               >|      |<-Tis   >|  |<-Tih

    Miami Slave Write

    A write operation to Miami as a CFE slave is shown in Figure 8 Miami paces the master for one additional wait state during slave accesses. The basic slave transfer is, therefore, a two wait-state cycle consisting of an address state, two wait states, a data state, and a recovery state. Since the CFE Master must provide data immediately after the first wait state, Miami uses the second wait state to verify data parity and to latch data. Using the additional wait state to check parity allows Miami to assert the -L_EXCPT signal during the data state in the case of a data parity error. This early assertion simplifies the Miami design but is not required. By CFE definition, the L_EXCPT signal can be asserted during the Recovery state. Note that the L_EXCPT signal must be asserted for two clocks.

    Figure 8. Miami Slave Write Timing

                  A         W         W         D         R
             +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+
    25MHz    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
    CLOCK    +    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +--
             |         |         |         |         |         |
             ---+      |  +--------------------------------------------
    -LADS    |  |      |  |      |         |         |         |
             |  +---------+      |         |         |         |
             |         |         |         |         |         |
    L_AD     ++++      |  +++++++++++      |         |  +++++++++++++++
    L_ADP    ++++---------+++++++++++-------------------+++++++++++++++
             |         |         |         |         |         |
    L_W/-R   ++++      |  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
             ++++      |  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
             |         |         |         |         |         |
             ++++      |  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    -L_BE    ++++      |  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
             |         |         |         |         |         |
             ---------------------------------+      |  +--------------
    -L_READY |         |         |         |  |      |  |      |
             |         |         |         |  +---------+      |
             |         |         |         |         |         |
             -----------------------+      |         |  +--------------
    -L_BLAST |         |         |  |      |         |  |      |
             |         |         |  +-------------------+      |
             |         |         |         |         |         |
             ---------------------------------+      |         |  +----
    -L_EXCPT |         |         |         |  |      |         |  |
             |         |         |         |  +-------------------+

    Miami Slave Read

    A read operation to Miami as a CFE slave is shown in Figure 9 As in the slave write timing example, Miami paces the CFE master by an additional wait state. Read data is setup to the data state. Note that there are no conditions for asserting -L_EXCPT on a Slave Read from Miami

    Figure 9. Miami Slave Read Timing

                  A         W         W         D         R
             +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+
    25MHz    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
    CLOCK    +    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +--
             |         |         |         |         |         |
             ---+      |  +--------------------------------------------
    -L_ADS   |  |      |  |      |         |         |         |
             |  +---------+      |         |         |         |
             |         |         |         |         |         |
    L_AD     ++++      |  +++++++++++++++++++++      |  +++++++++++++++
    L_ADP    ++++---------+++++++++++++++++++++---------+++++++++++++++
             |         |         |         |         |         |
             ++++      |  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    L_W/-R   ++++      |  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    -L_BE    ++++---------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
             |         |         |         |         |         |
             ----------------------------------+     |  +-------------
    -L_READY |         |         |         |   |     |  |      |
             |         |         |         |   +--------+      |
             |         |         |         |         |         |
             -----------------------+      |         |  +-------------
    -L_BLAST |         |         |  |      |         |  |      |
             |         |         |  +-------------------+      |

    Miami Master Cycle

    A Miami CFE Master operation is shown in Figure 10 The primary purpose of this example is to demonstrate the Miami bus operation after receiving an acknowledge, and the release of the CFE at the completion of a transfer. Miami requires four cycles after the receipt of acknowledge, before the assertion of -L_ADS. These four cycles are required to 1) Bring acknowledge on chip, 2) complete internal arbitration, and 3) access the correct address source and issue the address state. This four cycle overhead is present for both -MSTRACK_ and -SLVEACK_. The four cycle overhead is specific to the Miami implementation of the CFE Local Bus. By CFE definition, the arbitrating master MUST take a minimum of one state to assert -L_ADS after receiving acknowledge.

    Miami completes the transfer by asserting -BLAST. By CFE definition, -BLAST is asserted during the state immediately preceeding the last data state, to identify this state as the last of the burst transfer. For a single transfer, -BLAST must be asserted immediately following the first wait state.

    When relinquishing ownership of the CFE, Miami releases -MSTRREQ (-SLVEREQ) with -BLAST. Releasing request with -BLAST is specific to the Miami implementation, and is not required by the CFE architecture. The CFE architecture allows an arbitrating master to remove request at any time after -L_ADS when relinquishing the bus. After -L_ADS, ownership of the Local Bus is relinquished by a bus master when both 1) the request is released and 2) -BLAST and -L_READY are asserted. (-L_EXCPT is used in place of -BLAST and -L_READY during an exception condition). It is the responsibility of the CFE arbitration to detect the loss of request and the assertion of -BLAST and -L_READY (L_EXCPT) regardless of the order of the two conditions.

    Figure 10. Single Transfer to Zero-Wait-State Slave

                           1         2         3         4         A         W         D         R
            +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +--
    25MHz   |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
    CLOCK   +    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+
            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
            ---+      |         |         |         |         |         |         |  +-------------------
    -MSTRREQ|  |      |         |         |         |         |         |         |  |      |
            |  +---------------------------------------------------------------------+      |
            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
            -------------+      |         |         |         |         |         |         |  +---------
    -MSTRACK|         |  |      |         |         |         |         |         |         |  |
            |         |  ---------------------------------------------------------------------+
            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
            -----------------------------------------------------+      |  +-----------------------------
    -L_ADS  |         |         |         |         |         |  |      |  |      |         |
            |         |         |         |         |         |  +---------+      |         |
            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
            -------------------------------------------------------------------------+      |  +---------
    -L_BLAST|         |         |         |         |         |         |         |  |      |  |
            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |  +---------+
            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
            -------------------------------------------------------------------------+      |  +---------
    -L_READY|         |         |         |         |         |         |         |  |      |  |
            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |  +---------+

    Miami Master Write.

    A Miami CFE Master operation is shown in Figure 11 Miami asserts L_BEs and L_W/-R during the address state, and holds these signals until -BLAST is asserted, or until the final data state. Holding these signals beyond the address state is specific to the Miami implementation and is not required by the CFE architecture. A CFE slave should latch the L_BEs and L_W/-R during the address state, and not rely on their value in subsequent states.

    Figure 11. Miami Master Write

                           A         W         D         D         D         D         R
        +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +--
    25MHz   |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
    CLOCK   +    ----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+
            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
            ---+      |  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    -L_ADS  |  |      |  |      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
            |  +---------+      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    L_AD    ++++  ADDR   +++++++++++  DATA   |  DATA   |  DATA   |  DATA   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
            ++++      |         |         |         |         |  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    -L_BE   ++++      |         |         |         |         |  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    L_W/-R  ++++      |         |         |         |         |  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
            ++++      |         |         |         |         |  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
            -----------------------------------------------------+      |  +-----------------------------
    -L_BLAST|         |         |         |         |         |  |      |  |      |         |         |
            |         |         |         |         |         |  +---------+      |         |         |
            |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
            -----------------------+      |         |         |         |  +-----------------------------
    -L_READY|         |         |  |      |         |         |         |  |      |         |         |
            |         |         |  +---------------------------------------+      |         |         |
    Four-byte burst to zero-wait-state slave

    Byte Enables

    Miami asserts only L_BEs for valid bytes during the address state. When Miami must change the byte enables, another address state must be issued to change their values. Therefore, if a large transfer starts on an odd byte boundary, the transfer is broken into a single transfer of an odd number of bytes followed by a new address state to change the byte enables for a word transfer. Likewise, if a large transfer ends in an odd number of bytes, a final single transfer cycle will occur with the byte enables for the odd number of bytes.

    An example of this would be a tranfer of 16 bytes to the CFE starting at an address of xxxx xxx1. Miami would first perform a single transfer of three bytes with -L_BE3,2, and 1, asserted. This transfer would be followed by a new address state with all four byte enables asserted, creating a burst transfer of three cycles, or twelve bytes. Finally, a single transfer cycle with L_BE0 asserted would transfer the final byte.

    C.0.2 Miami Micro Channel Timings

    The following chart lists the Micro Channel timings verified during Engineering Verification of the Miami chip. These timings are nominal timings, provided primarily to demonstrate Miami's ability to meet the Micro Channel specification. These timings do not represent absolute worst/best case timings. The Tx numbers reference the Micro Channel Architecture Technical Reference, listed in Section 1.4 , "Reference Documents"

    Table 25. Micro Channel Timings

    | TMG    | Description                            | MIN  | MAX  | ACTUAL  |
    | T1     | Status active from valid address       |  10  |  -   |   16    |
    | T2     | -CMD active from status active         |  55  |  -   |   76    |
    | T3     | -ADL active from valid address         |  45  |  -   |   45    |
    | T4     | -ADL active to -CMD active             |  40  |  -   |   48    |
    | T5     | -ADL active from status active         |  12  |  -   |   24    |
    | T6     | -ADL pulse width                       |  40  |  -   |   46    |
    | T7     | Status hold from -ADL inactive         |  25  |  -   |   48    |
    | T8     | Address valid hold from -ADL inactive  |  25  |  -   |   96    |
    | T9     | Address valid hold from -CMD active    |  30  |  -   |   92    |
    | T10    | Status hold from -CMD active           |  30  |  -   |   48    |
    | T11    | SBHE setup to -ADL inactive            |  40  |  -   |   118   |
    | T12    | -SBHE setup to -CMD active             |  40  |  -   |   122   |
    | T13    | -CD DS 16/32 active from valid address |  -   |  55  |   23    |
    | T14    | -CD SFDBK active from valid address    |  -   |  60  |   21    |
    | T15    | CMD active from Address valid          |  85  |  -   |   92    |
    | T16    | -CMD pulse width                       |  90  |  -   |   94    |
    | T16A   | -CMD pulse width                       | 190  |  -   |   196   |
    | T17    | Write data setup to -CMD active        |  0   |  -   |   >0    |
    | T18    | Write data hold from -CMD inactive     |  30  |  -   |   >31   |
    | T20    | Read data valid from -CMD active       |  0   |  60  |   26    |
    | T22    | Data bus tri-state from -CMD inactive  |  -   |  40  |   35    |
    | T22B   | Read data tri-state from -CMD inactive |  7   |  40  |   35    |
    | T23    | -CMD active to next -CMD active        | 190  |  -   |   198   |
    | T23A   | -CMD inactive to next -CMD active      |  80  |  -   |   104   |
    | T23B   | -CMD inactive to next -ADL active      |  40  |  -   |   52    |
    | T24    | Next status active from status inactive|  30  |  -   |   52    |
    | T27    | CD CHRDY inactive from status valid    |  0   |  30  |   20    |
    | T29A   | -CMD inactive from CHRDYRTN active     |  60  |  -   |   76    |
    | T29M   | Read data valid to master from CHRDYRTN|  -   |  60  |  <60    |
    | T31    | -BE(0-3) valid to CMD active and to ADL|  40  |  -   |   100   |
    |        |   inactive                             |      |      |         |
    | T33A   | -BE(0-3) hold from -CMD inactive       |  10  |  -   |   168   |
    | T35    | CD CHRDY active from CD CHRDY inactive |  0   | 3500 |   (1)   |
    | T42    | -PREEMPT inactive from ARB/-GNT in -GNT|  0   | 120  |   50    |
    |        |   state +70 dly                        |      |      |         |
    | T42A   | -PREEMPT inactive to status inactive   |  20  |  -   |   286   |
    | T43    | -BURST active from ARB/-GNT in -GNT    |  -   |  50  |   33    |
    |        |   state                                |      |      |         |
    | T43B   | -CMD active from ARB/-GNT in the -GNT  | 115  |  -   |   160   |
    |        |   state                                |      |      |         |
    | T43D   | Status inactive from ARB/-GNT in the   | 145  |  -   |   330   |
    |        |   -GNT state                           |      |      |         |
    | T70    | -SDR(0,1) & -MSDR valid from -ADL      |  0   |  40  |   24    |
    |        |   active (slave only)                  |      |      |         |
    | T70A   | -SDR(0,1) & -MSDR valid from -ADL      |  0   | 115  |   18    |
    |        |   active (master only)                 |      |      |         |
    | T71    | -SDR(0,1) & -MSDR inactive from last   |  0   |  40  |   20    |
    |        |   -SD STROBE fall                      |      |      |         |
    | T71A   | -S0,-S1 inactive from -SD STROBE fall  |  -   |  10  |   -10   |
    |        |   (master term)                        |      |      |         |
    | T71B   | -SDR(0,1) & -MSDR inactive from -S0,S1 |  0   |  40  |   15    |
    |        |   inactive                             |      |      |         |
    | T73    | -SD STROBE active to -CMD active       |  -   |  10  |  <10    |
    | T73A   | -SD STROBE active from CHRDYRTN active |  0   |  -   |   >0    |
    | T74    | -SD STROBE period (100 ns streaming)   | 100  |  -   |   100   |
    | T74A   | -CMD inactive from last -SD STROBE     | 100  |  -   |   98    |
    |        |   fall (100 ns stream)                 |      |      |   (2)   |
    | T75    | -SD STROBE active (100 ns streaming)   |  35  |  -   |   46    |
    | T75A   | -SD STROBE inactive (100 ns streaming) |  35  |  -   |   50    |
    | T75B   | -SD STROBE inactive to -CMD inactive   |  35  |  -   |   50    |
    |        |   (100 ns streaming)                   |      |      |         |
    | T76    | Send data valid from -SD STROBE fall   |  -   |  75  |   38    |
    |        |   (100 ns streaming)                   |      |      |         |
    | T77    | Send data hold from -SD STROBE fall    |  10  |  -   |   18    |
    | T77A   | Write data hold from -CMD inactive     |  11  |  -   |   >30   |
    |        |   (100 ns streaming)                   |      |      |         |
    | T77B   | Read data hold from -CMD inactive      |  7   |  -   |   >30   |
    | T78    | Receive data valid before -SD STROBE   |  25  |  -   |   62    |
    |        |   fall (100 ns)                        |      |      |         |
    | T78A   | Receive data valid before -CMD inactive|  25  |  -   |   60    |
    |        |   (100 ns)                             |      |      |         |
    | T79    | Status inactive from -CMD active       |  -   | 7800 |  <7800  |
    |        |   inactive                             |      |      |         |
    | T83    | -BE(0-3) inactive from A(0:31)         |  0   |  -   |   -10   |
    |        |   tristated                            |      |      |   (3)   |
    | T83A   | -BE(0-3) inactive from -SD STROBE      |  20  |  -   |   26    |
    |        |   active                               |      |      |         |
    | T84    | A(0-31) valid from -BE(0-3) inact. and |  0   |  60  |   30    |
    |        |   -SD STROBE active                    |      |      |         |
    | T88    | - SD STROBE inactive from -BE(0-3)     |  40  |  -   |   40    |
    |        |   inactive                             |      |      |         |
    | T89    | Valid address hold from -SDR(1,0)      |  0   |  -   |   >0    |
    |        |   inactive                             |      |      |         |
    | T90    | -DPAREN active from -CMD active for    |  0   |  60  |   20    |
    |        |   default cycle                        |      |      |         |
    | T91    | -DPAREN inactive from -CMD inactive    |  0   |  40  | 50/27(4)|
    | T94    | -DPAREN active from -CMD active        |  -   |  20  |    8    |
    | T96    | -CMD active from write data setup      |  15  |  -   |   18    |
    | T97    | -DPAREN hold from -CMD inactive        |  40  |  -   |   56    |
    | T102   | -CHCK active from CD CHRDY active      |  -   |  50  |   10    |
    | T106   | -DPAREN inactive from -CMD inactive    |  20  |  -   |   26    |
    | NOTE:                                                                   |
    |                                                                         |
    |  (1) For Microchannel reads, the timing of CHRDY is determined by the   |
    |      time it takes the local bus to respond with enough data to release |
    |      CHRDY.  It is possible, when the CHRDY timer is disabled, that the |
    |      local bus response is such that CHRDY is held longer than 3.5 usec.|
    |                                                                         |
    |  (2) Both CMD inactive and STROBE active are clocked by Miami at        |
    |      exactly 100ns. Because of the 2ns skew in the ALS245 transceiver   |
    |      for signals rising (CMD) and signals falling (STROBE), this timing |
    |      is only 98ns.                                                      |
    |                                                                         |
    |  (3) Address and BE are released on the same clock internal to Miami.   |
    |      Because of system dependent loading, a skew of 10ns has been       |
    |      observed.                                                          |
    |                                                                         |
    |  (4) 27ns for Streaming, and 50ns for basic transfer cycles.            |

    C.0.3 Miami Reset Timing

    The -CMDRSTOUT signal is synchronous to the CFE bus clock. This signal is driven when a Micro Channel reset occurs, or under program control via the Command Reset bit in the SCP. Both the 40Mhz OSC. and the CFE bus clock must be active for the -CMDRSTOUT signal to function properly.

    The -CMDRSTOUT signal can be used to reset any devices residing on the CFE Local Bus.

    Figure 12. -CMDRSTOUT Timing

                                 +-+ +-+ +-+     +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+
    40Mhz CLK  ------------------+ +-+ +-+ +{..}-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-
    MC Reset   --------------+                           +---------------
                                     +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+     +-+ +-+ +-+
    CFE CLK    ----------------------+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +{..}-+ +-+ +-+ +-
               ----------------------------------+                    +---------
    -CMDRSTOUT                                   +--------------------+
       ** NOTE: The number of clocks that occur before the -CMDRSTOUT signal is
                driven for a MC RESET may be different than shown.

    Appendix D. Test Support

    D.0.1 Miami In-Circuit Test

    The Miami chip has a special In-Circuit-Test (ICT) mode. This mode is activated by driving the ICT pin to 0 volts (this pin should be pulled up through a resistor to VCC for normal chip operation). The ICT mode implements an i/o mapping scheme that maps the chip inputs to the chip outputs. Bi-directional signals (signal pins which have transceivers internal to the chip) are treated as inputs when Miami is in ICT mode. The intent of the ICT test feature is to create a quick, simple method for verifying that the Miami chip has been properly soldered to the card with no shorts or opens at the pins. Only 170 input vectors are required to test the Miami chip. The input vector has 169 bits (one bit for each chip input pin). The input vector IV is assigned to the chip pins in the following order (IV(0)=msb):

    Note to Miami chip designers - Internal signal names are provided to aid any changes to the ICT logic. Although all external bus signal names are given in vendor notation (Bit 0 = LSB), the Local Bus is given in IBM notation (Bit 0 = MSB) for all internal logics.

    Table 26. Input Vector Pin Ordering

    |    INPUT    | PIN NAME               | INTERNAL SIGNAL NAME   |    PIN #    |
    |   VECTOR    |                        |                        |             |
    |    IV(0)    | A25                    | MC_ADDR(25)            |     124     |
    |    IV(1)    | A24                    | MC_ADDR(24)            |     125     |
    |    IV(2)    | TR 32                  | MC_TR32                |     126     |
    |    IV(3)    | DPAR3                  | MC_DATAP(3)            |     127     |
    |    IV(4)    | D31                    | MC_DATA(31)            |     129     |
    |    IV(5)    | D30                    | MC_DATA(30)            |     130     |
    |    IV(6)    | D29                    | MC_DATA(29)            |     131     |
    |    IV(7)    | D28                    | MC_DATA(28)            |     132     |
    |    IV(8)    | 40MHZ OSC              | OSC_40MHZ              |     134     |
    |    IV(9)    | D27                    | MC_DATA(27)            |     136     |
    |   IV(10)    | D26                    | MC_DATA(26)            |     137     |
    |   IV(11)    | D25                    | MC_DATA(25)            |     138     |
    |   IV(12)    | D24                    | MC_DATA(24)            |     141     |
    |   IV(13)    | DPAR2                  | MC_DATAP(2)            |     142     |
    |   IV(14)    | D23                    | MC_DATA(23)            |     143     |
    |   IV(15)    | D22                    | MC_DATA(22)            |     144     |
    |   IV(16)    | D21                    | MC_DATA(21)            |     146     |
    |   IV(17)    | D20                    | MC_DATA(20)            |     147     |
    |   IV(18)    | D19                    | MC_DATA(19)            |     148     |
    |   IV(19)    | D18                    | MC_DATA(18)            |     149     |
    |   IV(20)    | D17                    | MC_DATA(17)            |     152     |
    |   IV(21)    | D16                    | MC_DATA(16)            |     153     |
    |   IV(22)    | -SFDBKRTN              | MC_SFDBK_RTN           |     154     |
    |   IV(23)    | -MSDR                  | MC_MSDR                |     155     |
    |   IV(24)    | -SDR(1)                | MC_SDR01(1)            |     156     |
    |   IV(25)    | -SDR(0)                | MC_SDR01(0)            |     158     |
    |   IV(26)    | -REFRESH               | MC_REFRESH             |     159     |
    |   IV(27)    | -IRQ A                 | MC_IRQ(0)              |     160     |
    |   IV(28)    | -S1                    | MC_S1                  |     161     |
    |   IV(29)    | -IRQ B                 | MC_IRQ(1)              |     162     |
    |   IV(30)    | -CMD CLK               | MC_CMD_CLK_            |     163     |
    |   IV(31)    | -SD STROBE             | MC_SDSTRB              |     165     |
    |   IV(32)    | -S0                    | MC_S0                  |     166     |
    |   IV(33)    | DPAR1                  | MC_DATAP(1)            |     167     |
    |   IV(34)    | -ADL                   | MC_ADL                 |     168     |
    |   IV(35)    | -SDSTRCLK              | MC_STRB_CLK_           |     169     |
    |   IV(36)    | -CMD                   | MC_CMD                 |     171     |
    |   IV(37)    | -BE3                   | MC_BE(3)               |     172     |
    |   IV(38)    | -BE2                   | MC_BE(2)               |     173     |
    |   IV(39)    | -BE1                   | MC_BE(1)               |     174     |
    |   IV(40)    | -BE0                   | MC_BE(0)               |     176     |
    |   IV(41)    | -SBHE                  | MC_SBHE                |     177     |
    |   IV(42)    | D15                    | MC_DATA(15)            |     178     |
    |   IV(43)    | D14                    | MC_DATA(14)            |     183     |
    |   IV(44)    | D13                    | MC_DATA(13)            |     184     |
    |   IV(45)    | D12                    | MC_DATA(12)            |     185     |
    |   IV(46)    | D11                    | MC_DATA(11)            |     186     |
    |   IV(47)    | D10                    | MC_DATA(10)            |     188     |
    |   IV(48)    | D9                     | MC_DATA(9)             |     189     |
    |   IV(49)    | D8                     | MC_DATA(8)             |     191     |
    |   IV(50)    | -DS 16 RTN             | MC_DS16_RTN            |     192     |
    |   IV(51)    | CHRESET                | MC_RESET               |     193     |
    |   IV(52)    | D7                     | MC_DATA(7)             |     194     |
    |   IV(53)    | D6                     | MC_DATA(6)             |     196     |
    |   IV(54)    | D5                     | MC_DATA(5)             |     197     |
    |   IV(55)    | D4                     | MC_DATA(4)             |     198     |
    |   IV(56)    | D3                     | MC_DATA(3)             |     199     |
    |   IV(57)    | D2                     | MC_DATA(2)             |     201     |
    |   IV(58)    | D1                     | MC_DATA(1)             |     202     |
    |   IV(59)    | D0                     | MC_DATA(0)             |     203     |
    |   IV(60)    | CHRDYRTN               | MC_CHRDY_RTN           |     204     |
    |   IV(61)    | M/-IO                  | MC_MIO                 |     205     |
    |   IV(62)    | -CHCK                  | MC_CHCK                |     207     |
    |   IV(63)    | DPAR0                  | MC_DATAP(0)            |     208     |
    |   IV(64)    | -DPAREN                | MC_DPAREN              |     209     |
    |   IV(65)    | ARB3                   | MC_ARB(3)              |     212     |
    |   IV(66)    | -IRQ D                 | MC_IRQ(3)              |     213     |
    |   IV(67)    | ARB2                   | MC_ARB(2)              |     215     |
    |   IV(68)    | ARB1                   | MC_ARB(1)              |     216     |
    |   IV(69)    | ARB0                   | MC_ARB(0)              |     217     |
    |   IV(70)    | -IRQ C                 | MC_IRQ(2)              |     218     |
    |   IV(71)    | -BURST                 | MC_BURST               |     219     |
    |   IV(72)    | -PREEMPT               | MC_PREEMPT             |     222     |
    |   IV(73)    | A12                    | MC_ADDR(12)            |     223     |
    |   IV(74)    | A13                    | MC_ADDR(13)            |     224     |
    |   IV(75)    | A14                    | MC_ADDR(14)            |     225     |
    |   IV(76)    | A0                     | MC_ADDR(0)             |     226     |
    |   IV(77)    | A1                     | MC_ADDR(1)             |     228     |
    |   IV(78)    | A2                     | MC_ADDR(2)             |     229     |
    |   IV(79)    | A15                    | MC_ADDR(15)            |     230     |
    |   IV(80)    | APAR1                  | MC_APAR(1)             |     232     |
    |   IV(81)    | A16                    | MC_ADDR(16)            |     233     |
    |   IV(82)    | A17                    | MC_ADDR(17)            |     234     |
    |   IV(83)    | A3                     | MC_ADDR(3)             |     237     |
    |   IV(84)    | A4                     | MC_ADDR(4)             |     238     |
    |   IV(85)    | -TESTMODE              | TEST_RAM_EN            |     002     |
    |   IV(86)    | A5                     | MC_ADDR(5)             |     003     |
    |   IV(87)    | A18                    | MC_ADDR(18)            |     004     |
    |   IV(88)    | A19                    | MC_ADDR(19)            |     006     |
    |   IV(89)    | A6                     | MC_ADDR(6)             |     008     |
    |   IV(90)    | A20                    | MC_ADDR(20)            |     011     |
    |   IV(91)    | A7                     | MC_ADDR(7)             |     012     |
    |   IV(92)    | ARB/-GNT               | MC_ARB_GNT             |     013     |
    |   IV(93)    | APAR0                  | MC_APAR(0)             |     015     |
    |   IV(94)    | A8                     | MC_ADDR(8)             |     016     |
    |   IV(95)    | -DS 32 RTN             | MC_DS32_RTN            |     017     |
    |   IV(96)    | A21                    | MC_ADDR(21)            |     019     |
    |   IV(97)    | A22                    | MC_ADDR(22)            |     022     |
    |   IV(98)    | A9                     | MC_ADDR(9)             |     023     |
    |   IV(99)    | A23                    | MC_ADDR(23)            |     024     |
    |   IV(100)   | -16/32 DETECT          | MC_CD_SIZE_16          |     025     |
    |   IV(101)   | APAR2                  | MC_APAR(2)             |     027     |
    |   IV(102)   | A10                    | MC_ADDR(10)            |     028     |
    |   IV(103)   | -MSTRACK               | LMSTRACK_              |     029     |
    |   IV(104)   | A11                    | MC_ADDR(11)            |     032     |
    |   IV(105)   | MADE 24                | MC_MADE24              |     033     |
    |   IV(106)   | -CD SETUP              | MC_CD_SETUP            |     035     |
    |   IV(107)   | L_ADS                  | LADS_                  |     040     |
    |   IV(108)   | 25MHZ OSC              | LOSC                   |     042     |
    |   IV(109)   | -SLVEACK               | LSLVEACK_              |     039     |
    |   IV(110)   | -WDOG                  | WDOG_                  |     045     |
    |   IV(111)   | -L_EXCPT               | LEXCPT_                |     047     |
    |   IV(112)   | -SLVEREQ               | LSLVEREQ_              |     048     |
    |   IV(113)   | -L_BLAST               | LBLAST_                |     049     |
    |   IV(114)   | -MSTRREQ               | LMSTRREQ_              |     050     |
    |   IV(115)   | -L_W/-R                | LW_R_                  |     051     |
    |   IV(116)   | -W_READY               | LREADY_                |     052     |
    |   IV(117)   | L_AD31                 | L_AD0                  |     054     |
    |   IV(118)   | L_AD30                 | L_AD1                  |     055     |
    |   IV(119)   | L_AD29                 | L_AD2                  |     056     |
    |   IV(120)   | L_AD28                 | L_AD3                  |     057     |
    |   IV(121)   | L_AD27                 | L_AD4                  |     058     |
    |   IV(122)   | L_AD26                 | L_AD5                  |     059     |
    |   IV(123)   | L_AD25                 | L_AD6                  |     063     |
    |   IV(124)   | L_AD24                 | L_AD7                  |     064     |
    |   IV(125)   | L_AD23                 | L_AD8                  |     065     |
    |   IV(126)   | L_AD22                 | L_AD9                  |     066     |
    |   IV(127)   | L_AD21                 | L_AD10                 |     067     |
    |   IV(128)   | L_AD20                 | L_AD11                 |     069     |
    |   IV(129)   | L_AD19                 | L_AD12                 |     070     |
    |   IV(130)   | L_AD18                 | L_AD13                 |     073     |
    |   IV(131)   | L_AD17                 | L_AD14                 |     074     |
    |   IV(132)   | L_AD16                 | L_AD15                 |     075     |
    |   IV(133)   | L_AD15                 | L_AD16                 |     076     |
    |   IV(134)   | L_AD14                 | L_AD17                 |     078     |
    |   IV(135)   | L_AD13                 | L_AD18                 |     079     |
    |   IV(136)   | L_AD12                 | L_AD19                 |     081     |
    |   IV(137)   | L_AD11                 | L_AD20                 |     082     |
    |   IV(138)   | L_AD10                 | L_AD21                 |     083     |
    |   IV(139)   | L_AD9                  | L_AD22                 |     084     |
    |   IV(140)   | L_AD8                  | L_AD23                 |     086     |
    |   IV(141)   | L_AD7                  | L_AD24                 |     087     |
    |   IV(142)   | L_AD6                  | L_AD25                 |     088     |
    |   IV(143)   | L_AD5                  | L_AD26                 |     089     |
    |   IV(144)   | L_AD4                  | L_AD27                 |     092     |
    |   IV(145)   | L_AD3                  | L_AD28                 |     093     |
    |   IV(146)   | L_AD2                  | L_AD29                 |     094     |
    |   IV(147)   | L_AD1                  | L_AD30                 |     095     |
    |   IV(148)   | L_AD0                  | L_AD31                 |     096     |
    |   IV(149)   | LBPAR0                 | LADP0                  |     098     |
    |   IV(150)   | LBPAR1                 | LADP1                  |     099     |
    |   IV(151)   | LBPAR2                 | LADP2                  |     100     |
    |   IV(152)   | LBPAR3                 | LADP3                  |     102     |
    |   IV(153)   | -L_BE0                 | LBE0_                  |     103     |
    |   IV(154)   | -L_BE1                 | LBE1_                  |     104     |
    |   IV(155)   | -L_BE2                 | LBE2_                  |     105     |
    |   IV(156)   | -L_BE3                 | LBE3_                  |     109     |
    |   IV(157)   | APAR3                  | MC_APAR(3)             |     111     |
    |   IV(158)   | -APAREN                | MC_APAREN              |     112     |
    |   IV(159)   | A31                    | MC_ADDR(31)            |     113     |
    |   IV(160)   | A30                    | MC_ADDR(30)            |     114     |
    |   IV(161)   | A29                    | MC_ADDR(29)            |     116     |
    |   IV(162)   | A28                    | MC_ADDR(28)            |     117     |
    |   IV(163)   | A27                    | MC_ADDR(27)            |     118     |
    |   IV(164)   | A26                    | MC_ADDR(26)            |     123     |
    |   IV(165)   | +RAMTSTCLK             | TEST_RAM_CLOCK         |     122     |
    |   IV(166)   | TEST_A                 | TEST_A                 |     119     |
    |   IV(167)   | TEST_B                 | TEST_B                 |     108     |
    |   IV(168)   | TEST_C                 | TEST_C                 |     106     |
    The output vector is detected on the following output pins:

    Table 27. Output Vector Pin Ordering

    |   OUTPUT    | PIN NAME               | INTERNAL SIGNAL NAME   |    Pin #    |
    |   VECTOR    |                        |                        |             |
    |    OV(0)    | +BMSTREN               | BMSTREN                |     182     |
    |    OV(1)    | -CDSFDBK               | MC_CD_SFDBK            |     009     |
    |    OV(2)    | -CD DS 32              | MC_CD_DS32             |     021     |
    |    OV(3)    | -CD DS 16              | MC_CD_DS16             |     236     |
    |    OV(4)    | INT(0)                 | LINT(0)                |     044     |
    |    OV(5)    | INT(1)                 | LINT(1)                |     038     |
    |    OV(6)    | INT(2)                 | LINT(2)                |     036     |
    |    OV(7)    | INT(3)                 | LINT(3)                |     034     |
    |    OV(8)    | CMDRSTOUT              | LRESET_                |     046     |
    When an input vector is applied to the chip's input pins, all pins associated with the output value switch to either a '0' or a '1'. The input vector is generated by shifting 1's to the right starting with the most significant bit IV(0). Changing the input vector one bit at a time allows isolation down to single pin resolution. All Miami pins are tested except for MC_CHRDY signal pin. The Input Vector versus Output Vector values are shown below.

    Figure 13. Test Input Vectors and Associated Output Vectors

    IV(0.168) = 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00h || 0b
    OV(0.8)   = 000000000b
    IV(0.168) = 80000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00h || 0b
    OV(0.8)   = 111111111b
    IV(0.168) = C0000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00h || 0b
    OV(0.8)   = 000000000b
    IV(0.168) = E0000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00h || 0b
    OV(0.8)   = 111111111b
    IV(0.168) = F0000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00h || 0b
    OV(0.8)   = 000000000b
    IV(0.168) = F8000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00h || 0b
    OV(0.8)   = 111111111b
    OV(0.8)   = 111111111b
    OV(0.8)   = 000000000b
    OV(0.8)   = 111111111b
    OV(0.8)   = 000000000b
    OV(0.8)   = 111111111b

    D.0.2 LSSD Clocks and Scan Chains

    Miami uses the Level Sensitive Scan Design (LSSD) methodology, which employs a double-latching scheme with nonoverlapping internal clocks to provide latch isolation for scanning test patterns through the chip during chip test. These patterns are used to test sequential logic as combinational logic.

    There are five scan chains defined for Miami, as listed in Table 28 On the chip tester, these five chains are used to scan the patterns through the chip.

    Table 28. LSSD Scan Chains in Miami

    | SCAN IN    | SCAN OUT PIN# | # OF LATCHES IN      |
    | PIN#       |               | CHAIN                |
    | 045        | 005           | 762                  |
    | 013        | 021           | 648                  |
    | 025        | 236           | 635                  |
    | 017        | 009           | 649                  |
    | 159        | 046           | 448                  |

    LSSD Clock pins

    The A_CLOCK is on pin 119. A_CLOCK will be OFF when this pin is HIGH.

    The B_CLOCK is on pin 108. B_CLOCK will be OFF when this pin is LOW.

    For B_CLOCK to be ON:

    The C_CLOCK is on pin 106. C_CLOCK will be OFF when this pin is LOW.

    For C_CLOCK to be ON:

    D.0.3 Other Test Modes

    Static IDD

    The Static IDD mode is used for chip manufacturing test only. This mode disables the power to all off-chip drivers and receivers, allowing current measurements for logic only. This mode is invoked by asserting the -TEST MODE pin low and applying an encoded value to the -MSTRACK and -SLVEACK inputs. This mode is not used for on-card testing.

    To place the chip in Static IDD Test Mode:

    Tri-Stating Drivers

    The Tri-Stating Drivers mode is used on the chip tester to disable all the off-chip drivers, including the Common I/O. This mode is invoked by asserting the -TEST MODE pin low and applying an encoded value to the -MSTRACK and -SLVEACK inputs. This mode is not used for on-card testing.

    To tri-state all drivers (including CIO):

    Appendix E. Miami Errata and Pass 2 Changes

    The following appendix provides the major additions to Miami's function in Pass 2, as well as the errata for Miami Passes 1 and 2. The additions to Miami's function are program and pin compatible to Miami Pass 1.

    Part Numbers:
    The following part numbers are used for Miami Pass 1 and Pass 2. These part numbers are printed on the Miami package.

    The Gate Array ID changed from Pass 1 to Pass 2. This ID is read only from the GAID register (Local Bus = 1FFA0008h, Micro Channel = Base + 0A h).

    E.0.1 Pass 1 vs. Pass 2

    The following is a brief description of the functional changes from Miami Pass 1 to Miami Pass 2.

    Performance Timer:
    A performance timer was added from Miami Pass 1 to Pass 2. This timer improves Miami's throughput by extending its ownership on the Micro Channel. If Miami completes a buffer on the Micro Channel (i.e. the internal buffer is empty during a write to the Micro Channel as a master, or the internal buffer is full on a read from the Micro Channel as a master), Miami will extend of its ownership of the Micro Channel for an additional 500ns, or until an internal buffer becomes available for accessing the Micro Channel. This allows Miami, in some cases, to sustain a higher overall throughput on the Micro Channel.

    Reference: No reference

    Two bits were added to the PROC_CFG, from Miami Pass 1 to Pass 2: Bits 12 and 13:

    These bits were Reserved for Miami Pass 1, reading back as zero. Their new functions are active high for Pass 1 compatibility.

    Reference: DCR 42

    For Miami Pass 1, the reporting as a Micro Channel bus master of the absence of -SFDBKRTN was disableable by POS 3 Bit 6. This implementation violated the Micro Channel architecture. The architecture states:

    NOTE: Masters must record the state of -SFDBKRTN when a channel check is detected regardless of the state of the Select Feedback Return Exception Enable field.

    -(Micro Channel TRM, Sep 1991 pg.129)

    Miami Pass 2 updates BMSTAT1(2) Bit 3 (-SFDBKRTN) in addition to Bit 2 (IOCHCK) when a channel check is detected as a bus master. This operation is independent of the state of POS 3 Bit 6, in conformance with the architecture.

    Reference: DCR 43

    Self-Clearing Reset Reject:
    For Miami Pass 1, the Reset Reject bit in the Subsystem Control Port (SCP) of Miami retains its value when set to a one. As a result, this bit holds the Reject and Busy Bits in the Reset Reject state. The Reset Reject bit is cleared and its function disabled by writing a zero to the bit. For Miami Pass 2, this bit is self-clearing. Although clearing of this bit is not defined for the SCB architecture, this bit is self-clearing in most SCB implementations.

    A write of zero to this bit in Miami Pass 2 will have no effect, so programs written to Miami Pass 1 are code compatible with Miami Pass 2.

    Reference: DCR 44

    One bit was added to POS3B from Miami Pass 1 to Pass 2:

    Reference: DCR 45

    E.0.2 Pass 2 Errata

    Problems Working with Non-Parity devices

    Problem Area - Systems or Bus Masters that do not support parity can force a parity error on Miami if they change data while -CMD is active on the Micro Channel.

    Configuration - Non-Parity master accessing Miami as a Micro Channel slave with parity enabled in Miami POS registers.

    Description - Miami can assert an asynchronous -CHCK when data parity errors occur while -CMD is active. The Micro Channel spec states that data parity is valid before -CMD is active, and is held valid until -CMD is inactive. Some systems, however, disable data transceivers on inactive bytes (e.g. upper bytes of low word transfer), while -CMD is ACTIVE. Both Miami Pass 1 AND 2 assert asynchronous -CHCK for this condition.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 65

    Non-Sequential Microchannel Slave Read Error

    Problem Area - Non sequential addressing of Miami (when -BURST is active) for a Microchannel slave read causes invalid local bus prefetching and eventually a bad word of data during the next read access to Miami.

    Configuration - A bursting Microchannel master reading Miami as a memory or I/O slave.

    Description - When a bursting Microchannel master (-BURST active for 2 or more Microchannel cycles) reads Miami via the shared memory window or the MDATA port, and then on the subsequent cycle accesses (read or write) at an address that is non-sequential from the previous read (ie. a sequential access would be address1=xxx04, address2=xxx08), the subsequent cycle causes prefetching to occur on the local bus and continue until the current master on the Microchannel issues and end of transfer (EOT). If the current master were to come back to Miami, prior to issuing the EOT, for another read while the continuous prefetching is occurring, a bad word of data may be passed onto the Microchannel.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 42

    DMA List Chaining Errors after stopping the DMA channel or Exception

    Problem Area - Stopping the DMA channels by writing the CCR or BMCMD register may cause subsequent list chaining operations to be corrupted. The corrupted list chain operation causes the DMA control registers (CDB registers) to be loaded with incorrect values.

    This same problem can occur if an L_Exception occurs during a list chain operation.

    Configuration - Local Bus masters writing directly to Miami's CCR start/stop bit or the start/stop bit through the BMCMD register can cause list chaining errors.

    Description - If a local bust master writes the start/stop bit of a DMA channel when the Miami LMSTRREQ_ (local bus request signal) is pending but hasn't been acknowledged yet, and the request is for one of Miami's DMA channels to perform a list chaining operation (load the CDB regs), the list chain operation will be initiated on the local bus and terminate prior to loading all 6 CDB registers. This pre-mature termination of the list chaining operation causes the list chain state machine to get out of synchronization with the internal list chain CDB register pointer. When the DMA channel is restarted, the subsequent list chain operation will load the CDB registers in the wrong order. The CDB registers will be loaded starting with the register following the last one loaded during the list chain operation that prematurely terminated.

    The problem is further worsened by the fact that both DMA channels share the same list chaining state machine. When one channels list chaining operation is prematurely terminated, both DMA channels will be out of sync. during all subsequent list chain operations.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 71

    Local Bus Data Parity Error when reading non-existent Miami registers

    Problem Area - A local bus read data parity error occurs when a local bus master reads from the Miami 1ffa xxxxh address region and no valid register exists at the specific address location.

    Configuration - A local bus master reading the local bus region 1ffa0000h - 1ffaffffh where no specific Miami register is located.

    Description - Miami returns local bus Ready (LREADY_) for all local bus accesses in the 1ffa address region. For locations where no Miami register exists, the entire data path internal to Miami (including the parity bits) are forced to zero. Forcing both data and parity to zero causes Miami to drive invalid data parity for these accesses.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 74

    Microchannel Slave Write data error for non-sequential bursted writes.

    Problem Area - When a bursting Microchannel master writes to Miami in the shared memory regions, 1-3 bytes of data in a word can be corrupted when the data is written out on to the local bus.

    Configuration - A bursting (-BURST active) Microchannel master performing basic transfer writes to Miami as a slave on the Microchannel.

    Description - While -BURST is active, if the Micro Channel master accesses Miami as a slave with non-sequential writes, 1-3 data bytes in a word transferred on the local bus get corrupted. This problem occurs when the master writes less than a full word (1-3 bytes) to Miami at one address followed by a write to Miami of a full word (or a different byte enable combination than the previous write) to a non-sequential address (from the previous write). The corruption of data occurs on the second write to Miami. This kind of action occurs when the Micro Channel master is a Miami with both DMA channels active (using the same ARB level) such that both channels can write to the Miami slave under the same Micro Channel bus ownership period. This kind of scenario may also occur in systems that drive -BURST as a master.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 91

    Channel Check not driven for Local Bus exceptions in the NON-Burst region

    Problem Area - Microchannel masters reading Miami as an I/O slave through the HSBR/MDATA port mechanism will not see a Channel Check when an exception occurs on the local bus when the read is accessing the non-burst region on the local bus (0h to 1FFFFFFFh).

    Configuration - Microchannel masters reading non-burst local bus address space through Miami's MDATA port.

    Description - When reading local bus address space in the non-burst region (addresses from 0-1FFFFFFF) through the MDATA port, local bus exceptions and read data parity errors are not reported as a Channel Check on the Micro Channel. Miami holds CHRDY inactive for the 3.4usec timeout period, and then releases ready and passes invalid data onto the Microchannel Bus.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 110

    DMA Write errors with unaligned 64-bit streaming transfers

    Problem Area - 64-bit streaming DMA write transfers to the Microchannel larger than 256 bytes that start with either an unaligned (not 4 byte aligned) card address or an unaligned (not 4 byte aligned) system address may encounter the writing of 2 incorrect words during the write transfer.

    Configuration - When streaming and 64-bit streaming are enabled, and the Miami DMA is performing a Microchannel write with the starting card address and starting system address not 4-byte aligned.

    Description - The problem is only limited to certain alignment and byte count combinations for writes to the Micro Channel of over 256 bytes AND using 64-bit streaming data.

    For these conditions the final, internal data buffer (which is partially filled to complete the transfer) has its first to locations corrupted. This channel is rolling over from the completing the filling of the previous buffer BEFORE the internal buffer used for the final data is available from the Micro Channel.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 83

    Errors running 2 ARB levels, 2 DMA Channels, and Performance Timer

    Problem Area - When running both Miami DMA channels with one channel using the primary bus master arbitration level (ARB lev 1) and the other channel using the secondary ARB level (ARB lev 2), and having the secondary ARB level enabled in POS, severe Microchannel errors occur. These errors are reported as channel check, and/or no SFBKRTN detected in the bus master status register (BMSTAT).

    When the performance timer (bit 13 of the PROC_CFG) is disabled (bit=1), the problem does not occur.

    Configuration - When running both Miami DMA channels with one channel using the primary bus master arbitration level (ARB lev 1) and the other channel using the secondary ARB level (ARB lev 2), and having the secondary ARB level enabled in POS.

    Description - Miami Pass 2 provides a performance timer that extends ownership of the Micro Channel for 500 ns after a Bus Master channel has completed transferring all its available data. This extension is useful in cases where the terminating channel barely misses the time window when another of its internal data buffers becomes available, i.e. a buffer completes flushing on the Local Bus for a Micro Channel read operation, or filling on the Local Bus for writing the Micro Channel.

    The performance timer holds -BURST active and waits for another internal request from EITHER channel. If both channels are programmed to the same ARB level, either internal request is properly serviced. Neither channel will try to cause the assertion of preempt on the Micro Channel, but will resume data operation while continuing to assert -BURST. If the channels are programmed to opposite ARB levels, however, a request from the opposite channel from the terminating channel is intended to force the assertion of preempt on the Micro Channel. This preemption logic is not properly qualified with the performance timer, such that -PREEMPT is asserted with -BURST active, rather than just resuming data operation.

    Work Around - This problem is fixed limiting the enabling of the second ARB level and the performance timer. These two functions cannot be enabled together.

    Reference - PTR 96

    Loss of interrupt to the system when reading the IV bit of CBSP

    Problem Area - Reading the CBSP from the Micro Channel (system unit) at the same time the IV bit is written from the CFE bus may result in the loss of status of the interrupt.

    Configuration - Reading the CBSP from the Micro Channel at the same time the CBSP is written to from the CFE bus. When Micro Channel interrupts are shared, it is common for the device driver to read the CBSP register of all Miami chips to determine which of the Miami chips actually has a pending interrupt. For device drivers that operate in this manner, it is likely that the CBSP register will be read even when Miami does not have an interrupt pending to the system.

    Description - A race condition exists between a read of the CBSP from the Micro Channel which clears the interrupt and the IV bit, and the setting of the IV bit during a CBSP write from the CFE bus. This race condition may result in the Micro Channel reading the IV bit as '0' and clearing the interrupt in Miami. When this occurs, the interrupt is lost.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 262

    Data Corruption when Streaming in an XIO based RS6000 machines

    Problem Area - Data corruption can occur when an XIO based RS6000 system is writing to the Miami chip, and data streaming is enabled.

    Description - Miami may defer the start of a streaming write transfer as a Micro Channel slave by pulling the CD CHRDY signal 'low' (inactive) at the beginning of a write cycle. Miami pulls CD CHRDY low initially on slave writes when there are no free buffer locations within the chip for the write data. As soon as space is available for the write data, Miami drives CD CHRDY 'high' (active) indicating that Miami is now ready to accept the write data. Although Miami's use of the the CD CHRDY signal is valid, XIO based RS6000 systems have specific requirements regarding the release of CD CHRDY on the Micro Channel.

    On XIO systems, the XIO samples this asynchronous event with two discrete flip-flops just prior to the falling edge of CMD. If Miami happens to drive CD CHRDY active near the falling edge of CMD, it is possible for these two flip-flops to latch different values for the state of CD CHRDYRTN causing part of the XIO to begin a streaming write transfer while part of the XIO continues to defer the streaming transfer start. If these two flip-flops latch different values, the incorrect number of streaming data strobes occurs and thereby corrupts the write data.

    Work Around - The following fix holds Miami's CD CHRDY signal inactive beyond the falling edge of CMD, and thereby avoiding the improper sampling of the CD CHRDYRTN signal. This fix has been implemented in a 10ns PAL.

    MC_CHRDY  >> CD CHRDY signal that connects to the Micro Channel
    MIA_CMD   >> CMD signal between Miami and ALS245
    MIA_S0    >> S0 signal between Miami and ALS245
    MIA_S1    >> S1 signal between Miami and ALS245
    MIA_CHRDY >> CD CHRDY signal that connect Miami to the PAL
    MC_CHRDY =
    (  ( Miami_CMD  + CD_SFBK  +  (Miami_S0 * Miami_S1) ) * Miami_CHRDY  )
    Reference - PTR 128/140

    ADP Asynchronous Data Parity error causes CFE read data corruption

    Description - If the Async. Data Parity Error function is disabled (see POS3B register for description of ADP function) and an ADP occurs, bit '2' on all register reads of Miami from the CFE bus reads back as a '1' until the LBPE register is read to clear the ADP interrupt.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR

    Unaligned DMA writes to the Micro Channel result in corrupt write data

    Problem Area - Miami DMA writes to the Micro Channel may result in the corruption of the last one, two, or three bytes written out to the Micro Channel.

    Description - When the DMA channel is programmed to do unaligned DMA write transfers from the CFE bus to the Micro Channel, and the Miami DMA is preempted on the CFE bus at or near the last word read into the chip off the CFE bus, Miami may prematurely write data onto the Micro Channel prior clocking the read data from the CFE bus into the internal RAM. This results in the data that was previously clocked into the RAM being written out on to the Micro Channel bus.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR

    Miami may glitch LSLVEREQ_ which could result in CFE bus hang

    Problem Area - Micro Channel reads to CFE bus addresses through the shared memory window.

    Description - At the end of a Micro Channel slave read to CFE address space, the Miami LSLVEREQ_ signal may go active for 1 to 2 clocks after it has relinquished ownership of the bus for a previous CFE read transfer. When the CFE bus arbiter sees the 1 to 2 clock 'low' pulse on the request signal, it returns LSLVEACK_ active for 1 to 2 clocks. Miami latches and holds this active state of the acknowledge signal internally. Having latched the acknowledge active, Miami will get on the CFE bus the next time the SLVEREQ_ signal goes active regardless of the state of the acknowledge signal on the bus. This action can cause CFE bus conflicts and CFE bus hangs.

         cfe_clk     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
     Mia_blast       ------+           +-------------------------------------------
         rdy         ------------+     +-------------------------------------------
     Mia_lslvereq_         +-----------------+g l i t c h+-----------+
                     ------+                 +-----------+           +-------------
     Mia_lslveack                +-----------------+            +------------------
                     ------------+                 +------------+
     Mia_ads_        ------------------------------------------------------+     +-
    Work Around - The following fix prevents Miami from receiving LSLVEACK_ when the 1 to 2 clock glitch occurs:
     Arbiter_Ack     | |
          ---------+-D |
                   | | Q----+               |---\
                   | | |    +---------------|    \       Mia_Slvacknowledge
       cfe_clk-----+-> |    +---------------|OR3 |-------------
                   | +-+    |    +----------|    /
                   |        |    |          |---/
                   +--------+    |
     Mia_Slvrequest              |
    Reference - PTR 263

    Miami does default cycles when the MC slave request 160 MB streaming

    Description - A Micro Channel slave can indicate the desire to perform 160 MB/s streaming transfers by driving both SDR0_ and SDR1_ active low in response to a valid decode of its memory space. Miami incorrectly interprets the SDR1:0 = '00' combination and performs default (10 MB/s) transfers rather than performing the transfer using 64-bit streaming (80 MB/s) which it is capable of doing.

    Note that only a few RS6000 machines are actually capable of performing 160 MB/s transfers.

    Work Around -

         MIAMI       | SDR1                 "cut"
                     +----------------+------/ /-------<< MC connector
                     |                >
                     |                > r=20K
        -------------+                >
                                +5v   |
    Reference - PTR 302

    System hangs in IBM PCI/MC boxes during streaming MC reads w/list chaining

    Description - The problem occurs during a streaming data read by Miami on the Micro Channel: the Micro Channel status lines -S0 (read) and -S1 (write) switch, causing the slave (Streamline bridge chip) to assert CD CHRDY without recovery, hanging the system. Problem Area - The problem occurs when the system asserts the ARB/GNT signal high on the Micro Channel (indicating an arbitration cycle) after an extended period of time from its detection of an end-of-transfer (EOT) condition on the Micro Channel. Bus masters are required to hold the EOT transfer state until an arbitration cycle occurs. Miami's Micro Channel state machine is held correctly in the EOT state, but in some instances, Miami completes the transfer on the Local Bus and begins a list chain operation while the Micro Channel state machine is still held in this state. This creates a condition whereby the local bus is actually writing data on to the CFE bus before the Micro Channel reads the data into the Miami chip, resulting in corrupt read data. Eventually this action also results Miami switching the status lines in the middle of a Micro Channel transfer causing the system to hang.

    Work Around -

    Micro Channel Fairness not implemented fully

    Description - Miami as a Micro Channel bus master does not fully implement the fairness algorithm. Miami properly enters the inactive state when preempted off the Micro Channel bus and does not participate in the subsequent arbitration cycle. Rather than waiting for preempt to go inactive, Miami sometimes exits the inactive state prematurely. This early exit from the inactive state allows Miami to arbitrate for the Micro Channel bus along with the other bus requestors. As a result of not properly implementing fairness, Miami may take more bus bandwidth intended. Work Around - If other adapters in the system are experiencing problems because of the unfair arbitration that is taking place, move Miami to a lower priority ARB level.

    Clarification of Operation: CFE Data bytes tri-stated


    When Miami is driving data on the CFE bus, it only drives (enables its drivers) for bytes that are considered to be valid for the given transfer as determined by the LBE signals during the address phase. It is important that a CFE device receiving data from Miami only check parity on valid bytes as described in the CFE specification.

    E.0.3 Pass 1 Only Errata

    Slow Rise Time on Streaming Data Request

    Problem Area - Slow rise time on Streaming Data request may cause slave streaming termination error.

    Configuration - Streaming master accessing Miami as Micro Channel streaming slave.

    Description - No known problems result from this error. The streaming data request signals--MSDR and SDR0(SDR1 is not driven)--are not actively restored to an inactive high state before tristating. As a result, they rely on the pullup provided to restore the request to a high state. The rise time, therefore, may be too slow for slave termination of streaming data, and is also dependent on the loading of these signals.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 20

    Micro Channel Bus Master Buffer Overrun

    Problem Area - Overrun of Micro Channel master internal buffer can cause corrupt data to be written to a Micro Channel slave.

    Configuration - Miami writing the Micro Channel as a master.

    Description - When Miami writes to the Micro Channel as a master starting on an odd 32-bit word boundary (i.e. SAR bit 2=1), the chip fails to increment its internal buffer counter correctly. As a result, the chip does not terminate its write on the Micro Channel correctly, but accesses over an internal buffer boundary. This problem can occur for transfers greater than 124 bytes.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 24

    Corruption of Data by Appended I/O Transfers

    Problem Area - Appended I/O transfers cause corrupt data on next data transfer.

    Configuration - Miami performing Appended I/O operation to an address xxx7 h or xxxF h, where 'x' is any value.

    Description - When Miami performs an Appended I/O operation to an I/O location ending in 7 or F, i.e. the highest byte of a 32-bit word, the internal buffer counters are corrupted. As a result, the next data transfer list chained or programmed into the channel CDB will execute with data errors.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 29

    Data Hold Time

    Problem Area - Data Hold time on streaming writes causes bit errors on write data to Local Bus.

    Configuration - Micro Channel master writing Miami as Micro Channel streaming slave.

    Description - Bit errors can occur when performing streaming writes to Miami due to hold time problems on streaming data. The bit errors occur only on the next-to-last transfer before a master termination of streaming.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 30

    CD CHRDY Timeout

    Problem Area - CD CHRDY timeout as a Micro Channel slave causes the system to hang with a system NMI.

    Configuration - Micro Channel master accessing Miami as Micro Channel slave causes system NMI or system to hang.

    Description - In some instances when reading or writing Miami as a slave, Miami pull CD CHRDY low, or "not ready", then attempts to release CD CHRDY prior to the 30 ns maximum from status. These instances occur when a write buffer becomes empty at the instant of access by the Micro Channel master, or when the read prefetch buffer is full for a contiguous address during a bursting read from the Micro Channel. Miami releases CD CHRDY internally, but not externally, resulting in a CD CHRDY hang condition on the Micro Channel.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 31

    Local Bus Hangs for Some Micro Channel Slave Accesses

    Problem Area - When a Micro Channel slave read occurs while a Micro Channel posted slave write is active on the Local Bus, the Local Bus can hang. Likewise, when a Micro Channel slave write occurs while a Micro Channel posted slave read is active on the Local Bus, the Local Bus can hang.

    Configuration - Micro Channel master accessing Miami as Micro Channel slave causes Local Bus to hang.

    Description - If the Micro Channel reads Miami a slave while Miami is perform a write to the Local Bus with SLVEREQ active, i.e. flushing a posted write buffer to the Local Bus, the bus can hang.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 32

    Back-to-Back Slave Reads Can Miss CD CHRDY timing

    Problem Area - When Micro Channel slave reads occur back-to-back with a minimum -CMD high time of 120ns, Miami can miss the CD CHRDY timing. The only system known to have this timing is the RS6000.

    Configuration - Micro Channel master accessing Miami as Micro Channel slave with back-to-back reads.

    Description - As a result, of this problem, the system will perform a default cycle. This can result in bad data, since Miami intended to deassert CD CHRDY. In addition, Miami may continue to request the Local Bus after the end-of-transfer (EOT) on the Micro Channel. Miami may block the next slave request to the Local Bus.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 34

    Reset of Bits in SIR

    Problem Area - When resetting a bit in the Source Identification Register (SIR) from the Local Bus using the documented method, other bits can be reset.

    Configuration - Bits in the SIR are reset by writing a zero to the correct bit location, with all other locations set to one to protect from being reset. Using this method some bits may still get reset.

    Description - The timing of transferring write data from an internal holding register to the SIR allows bits rising from zero to one to miss the setup time to the SIR. Therefore, some bits may be reset with a zero that were intended to remain set with a one.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 39

    Invalid Combination Error (-DS16/32RTN)

    Problem Area - When Miami is performing 64-bit streaming DMA cycles on the Micro Channel, the DMA channel may halt with an Invalid Combination error in the BMSTAT register (bit 4 of BMSTAT @1FFAx018 h on CFE).

    Configuration - Miami accessing the Micro Channel as a 64-bit streaming master

    Description - Miami continuously checks the DS16/32RTN signals during a 64-bit streaming cycle. During 64-bit streaming, data is placed on the address bus causing the DS16/32RTN lines to toggle. The Miami chip inadvertently samples DS16RTN inactive and DS32RTN active, causing the DMA channel to halt with bit 4 of the BMSTAT set.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 41

    Problems Working with Non-Parity devices

    Problem Area - Systems or Bus Masters that do not support parity can force a parity error on Miami if they change data while -CMD is active on the Micro Channel.

    Configuration - Non-Parity master accessing Miami as a Micro Channel slave with parity enabled in Miami POS registers.

    Description - Miami can assert an asynchronous -CHCK when data parity errors occur while -CMD is active. The Micro Channel spec states that data parity is valid before -CMD is active, and is held valid until -CMD is inactive. Some systems, however, disable data transceivers on inactive bytes (e.g. upper bytes of low word transfer), while -CMD is ACTIVE. Both Miami Pass 1 AND 2 assert asynchronous -CHCK for this condition.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 65

    Non-Sequential Microchannel Slave Read Error

    Problem Area - Non sequential addressing of Miami (when -BURST is active) for a Microchannel slave read causes invalid local bus prefetching and eventually a bad word of data during the next read access to Miami.

    Configuration - A bursting Microchannel master reading Miami as a memory or I/O slave.

    Description - When a bursting Microchannel master (-BURST active for 2 or more Microchannel cycles) reads Miami via the shared memory window or the MDATA port, and then on the subsequent cycle accesses (read or write) at an address that is non-sequential from the previous read (ie. a sequential access would be address1=xxx04, address2=xxx08), the subsequent cycle causes prefetching to occur on the local bus and continue until the current master on the Microchannel issues and end of transfer (EOT). If the current master were to come back to Miami, prior to issuing the EOT, for another read while the continuous prefetching is occurring, a bad word of data may be passed onto the Microchannel.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 42

    DMA List Chaining Errors after stopping the DMA channel

    Problem Area - Stopping the DMA channels by writing the CCR or BMCMD register may cause subsequent list chaining operations to be corrupted. The corrupted list chain operation causes the DMA control registers (CDB registers) to be loaded with incorrect values.

    Configuration - Local Bus masters writing directly to Miami's CCR start/stop bit or the start/stop bit through the BMCMD register can cause list chaining errors.

    Description - If a local bust master writes the start/stop bit of a DMA channel when the Miami LMSTRREQ_ (local bus request signal) is pending but hasn't been acknowledged yet, and the request is for one of Miami's DMA channels to perform a list chaining operation (load the CDB regs), the list chain operation will be initiated on the local bus and terminate prior to loading all 6 CDB registers. This pre-mature termination of the list chaining operation causes the list chain state machine to get out of synchronization with the internal list chain CDB register pointer. When the DMA channel is restarted, the subsequent list chain operation will load the CDB registers in the wrong order. The CDB registers will be loaded starting with the register following the last one loaded during the list chain operation that prematurely terminated.

    The problem is further worsened by the fact that both DMA channels share the same list chaining state machine. When one channels list chaining operation is prematurely terminated, both DMA channels will be out of sync. during all subsequent list chain operations.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 71

    Local Bus Data Parity Error when reading non-existent Miami registers

    Problem Area - A local bus read data parity error occurs when a local bus master reads from the Miami 1ffa xxxxh address region and no valid register exists at the specific address location.

    Configuration - A local bus master reading the local bus region 1ffa0000h - 1ffaffffh where no specific Miami register is located.

    Description - Miami returns local bus Ready (LREADY_) for all local bus accesses in the 1ffa address region. For locations where no Miami register exists, the entire data path internal to Miami (including the parity bits) are forced to zero. Forcing both data and parity to zero causes Miami to drive invalid data parity for these accesses.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 74

    Microchannel Slave Write data error for non-sequential bursted writes.

    Problem Area - When a bursting Microchannel master writes to Miami in the shared memory regions, 1-3 bytes of data in a word can be corrupted when the data is written out on to the local bus.

    Configuration - A bursting (-BURST active) Microchannel master performing basic transfer writes to Miami as a slave on the Microchannel.

    Description - While -BURST is active, if the Micro Channel master accesses Miami as a slave with non-sequential writes, 1-3 data bytes in a word transferred on the local bus get corrupted. This problem occurs when the master writes less than a full word (1-3 bytes) to Miami at one address followed by a write to Miami of a full word (or a different byte enable combination than the previous write) to a non-sequential address (from the previous write). The corruption of data occurs on the second write to Miami. This kind of action occurs when the Micro Channel master is a Miami with both DMA channels active (using the same ARB level) such that both channels can write to the Miami slave under the same Micro Channel bus ownership period. This kind of scenario may also occur in systems that drive -BURST as a master.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 91

    Channel Check not driven for Local Bus exceptions in the NON-Burst region

    Problem Area - Microchannel masters reading Miami as an I/O slave through the HSBR/MDATA port mechanism will not see a Channel Check when an exception occurs on the local bus when the read is accessing the non-burst region on the local bus (0h to 1FFFFFFFh).

    Configuration - Microchannel masters reading non-burst local bus address space through Miami's MDATA port.

    Description - When reading local bus address space in the non-burst region (addresses from 0-1FFFFFFF) through the MDATA port, local bus exceptions and read data parity errors are not reported as a Channel Check on the Micro Channel. Miami holds CHRDY inactive for the 3.4usec timeout period, and then releases ready and passes invalid data onto the Microchannel Bus.

    Work Around -

    Reference - PTR 110

    Miami Problem with Streaming in the RS6000 XIO Machines

    Problem Area - RS6000 XIO Microchannel master writing Miami as a Memory slave with Streaming enabled may cause write data errors as a result of an extra data strobe.

    Configuration - RS6000 XIO Machines performing Streaming writes to Miami.

    Description - During Streaming Micro Channel slave writes to Miami, Miami may defer the start of the streaming transfer by negating the CD_CHRDY signal, indicating that Miami is NOT ready to accept data (all internal buffers are full). As soon as an internal Miami buffer is available, Miami asserts CD_CHRDY indicating that Miami is ready to accept the write data. Miami fully complies with the negation timings of CD_CHRDY, and by Micro Channel definition, no timings apply to the assertion of CD_CHRDY.

    The negation/assertion of CD_CHRDY on the Micro Channel, however, does not operate correctly with the XIO design. The XIO system master to the Micro Channel, in this case, samples CD_CHRDYRTN with two separate latches, one for SD STROBE, and one for everything else. In cases where the freeing of Miami's buffers coincides with the start of a Micro Channel cycle, the assertion of CD_CHRDY can be sampled high by one latch and low by the other latch in the XIO design. This missampling of CD_CHRDY causes an additional SD STROBE and the subsequent data errors.

    Work Around - As a result of this problem, Miami's CD CHRDY must be held inactive until after CMD becomes active on the Micro Channel. The following workaround will prevent this problem:

    Channel Ready (MC_CHRDY) to the Micro Channel should no longer be driven directly by the Miami (Miami_CHRDY) and should now be driven by the following logic equation ( '+' is a logic 'OR' , '*' is a logic 'AND'):

      MC_CHRDY =
      (  ( Miami_CMD  + CD_SFBK  +  (Miami_S0 * Miami_S1) ) * Miami_CHRDY  )

    Appendix F. Miami Mechanicals

    This appendix consists of the following drawings showing the physical dimensions of the Miami chip:

    Figure 14. Miami component detail

            ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||__________  A
           /                                          \       A   |
         =|                                            |=     |   |
         =|                                            |=     |   |
         =|                                            |=     |   |
         =|                                            |=     |   |
         =|                                            |=     |   |
         =|                                            |=     |   |
         =|                                            |=     |   |
         =|                                            |=     |   |
         =|                                            |=     |   |
         =|                                            |=     +---|--32.00 / 1.362
         =|                                            |=     |   |
         =|                                            |=     |   +--34.60 / 1.260
         =|                                            |=     |   |
         =|                                            |=     |   |
         =|                                            |=     |   |
         =|                                            |=     |   |
         =|                                            |=     |   |
         =|                                            |=     |   |
         =|                                            |=     |   |
         =|                                            |=     |   |
         =|                                            |=     |   |
     240 =|                                            |=     |   |
           \__________________________________________/_______V__ |
                    ||                          A
            1     ->||<---0.50 /.0197           |---> 0.23 / .009
                                                               |  |   |
           ____________________________________________  ______|__V___V_
         _/                                            \_      |
        / \ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| / \  ___V____
      _/    ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||    \_  ____A_____
     A A                                                       A  |   A
     | |                                                       |  |   |
    >| |<--- 0.50 / .020               0.30 / .012  MIN -------+  |   |
                                       3.40 / .134  REF ----------+   |
                                       4.2  / .165 MAX ---------------+
    Figure 15. Miami component footprint
    ________ +-+
     A       |O|                                             O
     |       +-+_||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||_
     |        =|                  A                         |=--------
     |        =|                  |                         |=    A
     |        =|                  +--- 0.2794               |=    |
    35.69     =|                       0.11                 |=    |
    1.405     =|                       (PAD)                |=    |
     |        =|                       (WIDTH)              |=    |
     |        =|                                            |=    |
     |        =|                                            |=    |
     |        =|                                            |=    |
     |        =|                                            |=    |
     |        =|                                            |=  29.78
     | ------ =|-------------------- X                      |=   1.1725
     |  A     =|            A                               |=    |
     |  |     =|            |        |                    | |=    |
     |  |     =|            |        |      14.880        | |=    |
     |  |     =|     14.880 |        |<------------------>| |=    |
     |  |     =|     -------+        |      0.5860        | |=    |
     | 17.59  =|     0.5860 |        |                    | |=    |
     | 0.6928 =|            |        |                    | |=    |
     |  |     =|            |        |                    | |=    |
     |  |     =|            |        |                    | |=    |
     |  | 239 =|            |        |                    | |=    |
     |  | 240 =|____________V____    |                    | |=    V
     |  |      |____________________________________________|=---------
     V  V        |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| +-+
    --------- O  1234                |                      |O|
              |           17.59      | FIDUCIAL-------+  |  +-+  |
              |<-------------------->| CLEAR AREA      \ +---+---+
              |           0.6928     |                  \    |       |
                                     |                   \   V       V
                                                      |   +-----+ ------
                                                    __V___|___  |
                                                          |  O  |
                                                          |     |
                                                    ----- +-----+ ------
                                                      A      A       A
                                               2.032  |      |       |   3.05
                                               -------+      | 1.02  +----------
                                               0.80          +-----      0.120
                                               (PAD)           0.40
                  * SPACING IS TO THE MEAREST 0.013 mm (.OOO5 in)
    | PAD # |    SPACING    | PAD # |    SPACING     | PAD # |     SPACING     |
    |   1   | 0.000 (.0000) |  21   |  9.995 (.3935) |  41   | 20.003 (.7875)  |
    |   2   | 0.495 (.0195) |  22   | 10.503 (.4135) |  42   | 20.498 (.8070)  |
    |   3   | 1.003 (.0395) |  23   | 10.998 (.4330) |  43   | 21.006 (.8270)  |
    |   4   | 1.498 (.0590) |  24   | 11.505 (.4530) |  44   | 21.501 (.8465)  |
    |   5   | 1.994 (.1785) |  25   | 12.002 (.4725) |  45   | 21.996 (.8660)  |
    |   6   | 2.502 (.1985) |  26   | 12.497 (.4920) |  46   | 22.504 (.8860)  |
    |   7   | 2.997 (.1180) |  27   | 13.005 (.5120) |  47   | 23.000 (.9055)  |
    |   8   | 3.505 (.1380) |  28   | 13.500 (.5315) |  48   | 23.495 (.9250)  |
    |   9   | 4.001 (.1575) |  29   | 13.995 (.5510) |  49   | 24.003 (.9450)  |
    |  10   | 4.496 (.1770) |  30   | 14.503 (.5710) |  50   | 24.498 (.9645)  |
    |  11   | 5.004 (.1970) |  31   | 14.999 (.5905) |  51   | 25.006 (.9845)  |
    |  12   | 5.499 (.2165) |  32   | 15.494 (.6100) |  52   | 25.502 (1.0040) |
    |  13   | 5.994 (.2360) |  33   | 16.002 (.6300) |  53   | 25.997 (1.0235) |
    |  14   | 6.502 (.2650) |  34   | 16.497 (.6495) |  54   | 26.505 (1.0435) |
    |  15   | 6.998 (.2755) |  35   | 17.005 (.6695) |  55   | 27.000 (1.0630) |
    |  16   | 7.506 (.2955) |  36   | 17.501 (.6890) |  56   | 27.496 (1.0825) |
    |  17   | 8.001 (.3150) |  37   | 17.996 (.7085) |  57   | 28.004 (1.1025) |
    |  18   | 8.496 (.3345) |  38   | 18.504 (.7285) |  58   | 28.499 (1.1220) |
    |  19   | 9.004 (.3545) |  39   | 18.999 (.7480) |  59   | 28.994 (1.1415) |
    |  20   | 9.450 (.3740) |  40   | 19.495 (.7675) |  60   | 29.502 (1.1615) |


    (1) The Performance Timer extends -BURST for up to 500ns after completion of a Micro Channel transfer, to allow time for more data to become available in the intermediate buffer. Independent of the state of this bit, the timer is not enabled when the byte count has reached zero, after detection of exception conditions, during reset, or when data is available for the other channel.

    (2) The CD CHRDY timeout logic provides a mechanism to recover, with synchronous channel check, if a transfer to Miami as a Micro Channel slave exceeds 3.4 microseconds.  

    Last modified: October 4, 1996