(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1989 - 2010. All rights reserved. IBM BookManager Index Utility for Windows ** Version 2.2 Corrective Service Fix (WINXP_Update.Zip) Product Number: 5639-I14 Product Installation Instruction & Release Notes This README file contains information you need for installation of the corrective service fix. This README file is divided into the following categories: - Updates In This Fix - Fix Prerequisites - Installation Updates In This Fix --------------------- This fix is not a full product replacement. The following files are included in this fix: bmu.dll, index32.exe and WINXP_Udate.TXT This resolves the problem running the Index Utility on Microsoft Windows XP Service Pak 2 or later. Fix Prerequisites --------------------- Before installing this corrective service fix the following must already be installed:  BookManager Index Utility for Windows V2.2 Installing Corrective Service Fix for BookManager Index Utility for Windows V2.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Before proceeding backup the original versions of these files from where you installed the index utility: bmu.dll, index32.exe. Following the steps below will overwrite these files, it is recommended you back them up first. 2. Download the Windows XP Update (WINXP_Update.Zip) to a temporary directory. You can download the fix from: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27018857 3. Stop BookManager Index Utility if it is currently running. 4. Unzip the Windows XP Update (WINXP_Update.Zip) and copy the files to your BookManager Index Utility for Windows V2.2 installation directory. Default location is: C:\Program Files\IBM\IBM BookManager Index Utility Support e-mail -------------- bookmgr@us.ibm.com. TRADEMARKS ---------- ** Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.