VoiceType / Dictation Adapter

@E401.ADF "IBM VoiceType Dictation Adapter/A"
MLC.DGS VoiceType Dictation Adapter/A Diagnostics

vtdopts1.exe VoiceType Dictation Option Diskette Ver 1.10 No device drivers!

193-341 IBM Personal Dictation Adapters
194-388 Withdrawal: IBM Personal Dictation Adapters
194-394 IBM VoiceType Dictation Adapters and Microphone
195-267 IBM VoiceType Microphone Cancels Ambient Noise
294-700 IBM VoiceType Dictation for OS/2 Version 1.1
294-702 IBM VoiceType Dictation for Windows Version 1.1
295-470 VoiceType Dictation for Windows 1.32 Recognizes Speech Quickly, Accurately
296-202 VoiceType Dictation Version 3.0 for Windows 95

EPRM IBM Voicetype Dictation Adapter

W95 WAVE Driver "Wave-Out", "Wave-In", "Auxiliary" and "Mixer" devices for W95.
   At this point, I don't know if these are stand-alone.
vtd132a.exe Voicetype Dictation upgrade to ver 1.32a
runawayo.exe VoiceType Dictation System Run-Away fix for OS/2
speechdd.exe Revised OS/2 driver for VTD Ver 1.11 ISA Bus!
runawayw.exe VoiceType Dictation System Run-Away fix for Windows
VDATSR.EXE Force IRQs for PCMCIA VoiceType for Windows

Dictation Adapter/A

J Two empty through holes
J3 "L" line input
J2 "M" mic
J4 "O" speaker
J1 "S" not currently used?
R Rework Added identical cap in parallel
U1-5 NEC 424400-60L
U6 AD1848KP SoundPort
U7 61F3516 Blue DSP
U8-U11 Micron 7811
U12 LS04
U13 64G5059 Altera FPGA?
U18 LM324AD
U19 Hitachi HN58C66FP-25T
U23 33072
U24-27 Micron 3427
Y1 25.0000 MHz osc
Y2 16.934 MHz XTAL2
Y3 24.576 MHz XTAL1

Note: The output ports are in order, from top to bottom, J3, J4, J2, J1. Why, I dunno.
Line input is used for amplified audio source, like a wireless mic.

J is marked "Jumper" and has two empty through holes for a 2 pin header. It straddles the split between the Digital Ground Plane (left half) and the Analog Ground Plane (right half) of the AD1848KP.

J4 Output - speaker uses a 3.5 mm jack (monaural or stereo)

J1 Sense Input - Intended for sensing the position of an external switch, for example, a microphone with remote control. May not be supported?

 For information on microphone selection, refer to:
    294-700, dated November 8, 1994 (for OS/2)
    294-702, dated November 8, 1994 (for Windows)

LM324AD Operational Amplifier, Quad AMP, Bipolar Datasheet
HN58C66FP-25T 8Kx8 EEPROM Datasheet
33072 High-Slew-Rate, Single-Supply Operational Amplifier Datasheet
NEC 424400-60L 1Mx4 DRAM Datasheet
HM514400BS6 1Mx4 DRAM
R - SMD capacitor glued to AD1848KP is a polarized 10uF 20v and so is C138.

AD1848KP Parallel-Port 16-Bit SoundPort Stereo Codec Datasheet
AD1848 Preliminary Datasheet

The VoiceType Dictation Adapters are uniquely designed for computational and memory-efficient speech processing that otherwise would be handled by the main processor in the PC. With memory for speech processing, the adapters enable highly accurate, real-time speech recognition to operate on PCs with 486 processors at speeds as slow as 25MHz.

To support the intense, computational aspects of speech recognition, the VoiceType Dictation Adapters incorporate a digital signal processor (DSP). The DSP is rated at 25 MIPs with a 16-bit wide, external memory data path, a 16 x 16 multiplier, and a 32-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU). Data transfers, multiplication, and ALU operations are independent and all can be active during every instruction cycle. In addition to the DSP, special processing hardware is included on the adapter to handle arithmetic intensive operations.

The VoiceType Dictation Adapters also include separate instruction and data memories. The adapters have static RAM and over 1MB of dynamic RAM directly addressed
by the DSP. A parallel interface bus provides the processor with high bandwidth access to memory without affecting DSP computation.

VoiceType Microphone Option
The VoiceType Microphone Option without Battery Box (30H2445) is for sound cards that provide sufficient power to operate microphone. Example is the Sound Blaster** 16 Card.

The VoiceType Microphone Option with Battery Box (30H2343) provides external power to the microphone and should be used with all sound cards that do not have sufficient power to operate the microphone. Part number 30H2343 should also be used in cases where the user is unsure of the sound card's capability to provide the necessary power.

The battery box for 30H2343 requires two user-supplied batteries that are not shipped as part of the product. The expected battery life is 500 plus hours of use.

Andrea Electronics was the manufacturer of the microphones included with the VoiceType adapters. Andrea Electronics website

ANC Whitepaper Andrea Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) Microphone Technology

ANC versus NC Microphone Technology
Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) is better. It is a dual element microphone system that electronically cancels background noise by creating a signal that is 180 degrees out-of-phase to the noise while amplifying the user’s voice signal. A lower-priced alternative to ANC is NC microphone technology, which is based on passive noise cancellation principles in a single microphone element solution.

My monaural headset doesn't seem to fit over my entire head. Is this right?
Andrea monaural headsets were designed so that the ear pad rests on one ear and the temple pad rests on your opposite temple, approximately two inches above the other ear. If this style is not comfortable, consider a stereo design, such as an Andrea NC-65, ANC-550, ANC-650 or ANC-750, which rest comfortably over both ears.

What sound cards require the APS-100, auxiliary power supply?
Sound cards and laptops without sufficient power in the microphone port of the PC sound card will require the APS-100. Simply check the documentation with your sound card to determine if it has the necessary power. ANC microphones require a minimum of 2.25 volts and NC microphones require a minimum of 1.25 volts.

ANC-500 PC Microphone Headset C1-1002700-7
Ultralight, monaural active noise cancellation microphone headset with ON/OFF mic mute switch. Headset folds completely flat for traveling. IBM recommends this microphone for use with IBM VoiceType Products.

NC-50 PC Microphone Headset C1-1002600-2
Monaural, Noise-Canceling PC Headset Ultralight. IBM recommends this microphone for use with IBM VoiceType Products.

APS 100 Auxiliary Power Supply / Battery Power Supply C96-1002000
Some sound cards and laptops without sufficient power in mic port will require a battery power supply.

ISA-Bus Adapter Jumper Settings

  Factory (default) Settings
 |      Address Setting        |      Interrupt Setting      |
 |1st       2nd       3rd       1st       2nd       3rd      |
 |position  position  position  position  position  position |
 | .         .         .         .         .         .       |Top
 | .]        .         .         .         .         .]      |
 | .         .]        .]        .         .         .       |Bottom
        (I/O address h800)                 (IRQ 10)

ISA Address / Interrupt Selection Jumper

Address 1st 2nd 3rd
H280 Bot Top Bot
H300 Bot Top Top
H800 *) Top Bot Bot
H2800 Top Bot Top
H4800 Top Top Bot
H8800 Top Top Top
Interrupt 1st 2nd 3rd
IRQ 10 *)     Top
IRQ 11   Top  
IRQ 15 Top    

IBM Personal Dictation Adapter FRU 71G6641 / PN 70G8976 ISA
IBM Personal Dictation Adapter/A FRU 71G6642 / PN 70G8977 MCA

Replaced by:

IBM VoiceType(TM) Dictation ISA Adapter 89G3000
IBM VoiceType Dictation Micro Channel Adapter 89G3004

VoiceType Dictation PCMCIA Adapter FRU 89G2846 / PN 89G2854
   PCMCIA ext. Jack Box FRU 89G2848
Microphone 61G1268

VoiceType Dictation Version 3.0 for Windows 95
VoiceType Dictation for Windows, Version 1.32 Win3.1x/95
VoiceType Dictation for OS/2(R), Version 1.1

ADF Sections @E401h "IBM VoiceType Dictation Adapter/A"

NumBytes 4
FixedResources     POS[3]=XXXXX000b

Address Selection
   Base address can be at one of 8 locations. Choose one which does not conflict.
     <"000800h - 00083Fh>, "2800 - 283F", "4800 - 483F", "6800 - 683F", "8800 - 883F", "A800 - A83F", "C800 - C83F", "E800 - E83F"

Interrupt Selection
   Minimize amount of interrupt sharing by assigning other  boards to different levels.
   <"Interrupt 10">, 11, 12

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
Last update: 16 Feb 2025 - Changelog | About | Legal & Contact