991209 - 6886 (PC750 MCA)
Got a 6886-45H. It was treated as "used computer" but seemed to be new.
- CPU: P-90MHz
- Memory: 16MB (8MB x2)
- HDD: 720 MB (DSSA 3720)
- CD-ROM: ATAPI 2x speed
Got the latest BIOS flash program and reference/diags from IBM FTP site.
Flashed up to N2JT50A (now updated to N2JT52A). 50A is only available at IBM
FTP site) and put a K6-II/300 using PowerLeap PL-Pro/MMX-Plus interposer.
Installed Win95B. Worked fine.
Later on I added Madge Smart 16/4 and S3 Virge DX (now the video has been
changed to Matrox Millennium-II 8MB), 6GB Seagate hard drive then I hooked an
external 36.6K modem. Thus the 6886 became an internet service machine in my
More info about PC750 can be found HERE.